Maddian fanfiction

By ilovebllockwood

46K 910 598

Hi guys this is my first Maddian FF. This FF is going to continue from the last episode of season 2. Although... More

Maddian fanfiction
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

1K 25 19
By ilovebllockwood

Rhydian's POV

Cool water droplets fell on my face stirring me from my sleep.

Mads:"Rhydian wake up. We can't be late." I woke groggily.

Me:"huh? What time is it?"

Mads:"it's half 5 in the morning. We have to be at school for quarter past 6. Now hurry up. I'm going down to get breakfast. Everything's packed just have a quick shower."

Maddy kissed my head before running out the room. I yawned loudly rubbed sleep out of my eyes then slumped into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth had a quick shower and wrapped my towel around my waist. I walked out of the bathroom and into the walk in closet. I pulled on a new pair of boxers and then my new jeans. I slipped on a white t-shirt and put a checkered shirt on top leaving the buttons open. Looking in the mirror I ran my fingers through my hair before checking for last minute things to pack. I checked my phone which read 5:45. I made the bed and just as I was done Maddy walked in with a plate of bacon sandwiches. My mouth watered as I picked one up and took a bite. Maddy dried her hair and I finished eating. I pulled on a pair of trainers we had a quick glance around the room then I picked up the large suitcase and the trolley before me and mads headed downstairs.

Mia and Brian were waiting for us downstairs. Everyone hugged us a quick goodbye whilst Brian put the luggage on the car. Then we set of for school. Me and Maddy sat in the back with jack and Nicko. Maddy was resting her head on my shoulder and jack and Nicko were practically asleep.

Mads:"can you tell me now where were going."

Me:"no it's a surprise. You'll find out soon enough." She pouts before placing her head back on my shoulder.

Brian pulls into the school parking lot. Our whole class are gathered around the playground sitting on their suitcases looking sleepy. We got out the car and mr Jeffries began to talk to Brian and Mia as me and Maddy walked over to our friends.

Mads:"guys there's no point asking him he won't tell. He's sticking to the surprise." I laugh at them all as they pull faces.

We hang around for 15 minutes before a minibus arrives. Me and Maddy leave our luggage in the car as everyone else piles it in at the bottom of the van. Once were all settled in, the drive to the airport begins but no one else knows that besides me, Mr. Jeffries, Mia and Brian. The bus is buzzing with excitement and it only builds when everyone sees the airport.

We get inside to see it's fully packed. Everyone begins to groan about the waiting but when they get led through a side door and into a private lounge they become intrigued. Mia and Brian go off to get ready and one of the flight managers that I've met a couple of times walks up to me. He's a middle aged man named Clark. He's very polite and I liked him from our first meeting.

Clark:"Rhydian how are you my boy. Long time no see." He says giving me a hug. "And whose this lovely lady. I introduce him to Maddy before introducing him to the rest of my friends. "Should be a good flight. Mia and Brian are flying no doubt?"

Me:"yup. How have you been Clark? No wife and kids yet?"

Clark:"you know me. I love the bachelor life to much." He chuckles deeply. "Anyway I needed to tell you the planes ready to board now so if you lead your class mates through. I know you know the way."

He smiles kindly before giving me one last hug and walking off. I gather the class and lead them towards the plane. When they enter everyone is gobsmackesd. It's a 40 seater plane. Plush leather white seats. Better than business class. I give a quick tour showing the bedroom the bathroom and the little office Rome likes to keep. Everyone settles into a seat. The seats are not in rows. There are two seats together and two sets face each other. Theres a bar and individual TV's come out of the roof. There's plenty of leg room and the seats change into recliner if you wish. The interior is very spacious. Everyone seems awed Mr.  Jeffries goes to sit with Mia and Brian in the cockpit. Once everyone has found their seats Mia's voice rings out through intercom.

Mia:"can you all please wear your seat belts. Take of will commence in 5 minutes. It's a two hour flight to your secret destination."

The flight to Paris was fun. As soon as we took of a flight attendant came around with soft drinks. Maddy hated the take off. She had gripped my hands and closed her eyes tight shut. I held her as close as possible. It was a little hard considering we had seat belts. She calmed down once we were airborne. The attendant bought us snacks and we all watched American pie together. We kept pausing it every time Mr.  Jeffries popped his head around the door. Just as the movie finished Mia's voice came out of the intercom.

Mia:"can you all please take your seats and fasten your seat belts. Were going to land soon."

We hit the ground with a soft thump. The plane skidded to a halt. The flight attendant smiled at us all as she opened the plane door. Me and Maddy were first in line. I placed my hands over her eyes as I led her to the open door. Leaning closer to her and so my lips were against her ear I whispered.

Me:"welcome to Paris."

I kissed her earlobe before pulling my hands away from her eyes. Slowly lifting her lids she gasped as her hands flew to her mouth. Hearing more gasps I turned to see the rest of our class were just as surprised. From where we were all stood we could see the top half of the Eiffel Tower. I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Me. Jeffries stood there smiling. I smiled back before he went and stood in front of us all facing us.

Mr. J:"right I'm going to lead you to the minibus. Your luggage is being placed there now but you might have to wait a little. Once the luggage is in we will first go to the hotel rest up a little and eat then after a register you may all go out and explore."

Cheers erupted as we were lead to the mini bus. Me and mads took the back two seats. Our hotel was 2 hours away as we were staying in Central Paris. I placed my arm around Maddy's shoulders and she placed her head on my chest. I talked to the guys for a while but soon the whole coach settled down. Maddy's soft slow even breathing calmed my own and soon my head was leaning against hers and my eye lids were drooping. My heart beat matched hers as I fell asleep.

Mia:"guys wake up! Were here!"

I awoke. Disorientated for a moment. I looked around forgetting for a minute where I was. Then I remembered. We were in Paris. I looked at Maddy who was already awake and grinning at me.

Mads:"hurry up sleepy head. I want to go exploring." I grinned back and nodded. We all climbed out of the minibus and waited for our trollies to be handed to us. Obviously the 3K's had the most luggage. I took both mine and Maddy's trollies and started walking ahead.

Mia:"Rhydian. Carmella should have opened the door. I called her yesterday. If not use the key to open the door. She may have gone shopping." She shouted.

Mads:"who's carmella?"

Me:"that is mrs Bentley. She's the housekeeper here. This house is ours too. mr and mrs Bentley take care of it and live here because were not always here."

She nods. Our four friends have caught up with us by this time. I enter the code to the gate. Behind the gate lies huge fields surrounded by trees. And there stood in the middle is a magnificent looking house so big it could be mistaken for a palace. The gate opened and I heard everyone following us in. As we reach the house I can see mrs Bentley stood waiting. I smile as I begin to walk faster. I drop the bags at the bottom of the stairs and run up them. She smiles wildly and holds her arms wide open. I run and give her a huge hug.

Me:"mrs Bentley. How are you? And where's mr Bentley?"

Mrs. B:"I'm ok how are you." She pulled away and held my face in her hands. "You've grown so much since the last time I saw you."

Me:"I'm good mrs. B. Where's mr. B?"

Mrs. B:"he has gone grocery shopping." I nod. I turned to see Maddy and the rest of the gang stood behind me. I took mrs. B's hand and led her towards them.

Me:"Mrs. B this is my girlfriend Maddy. And these are my friends. Shannon Tom Harry and Ava." I said pointing to each in turn. She shook all there hands and gave Maddy a hug. Then we all went in.

Once everyone was settled into the living room Mia stood and spoke up.

Mia:"well guys this was all Rhydian's idea. And we hope you all enjoy it here. Some of you may have to share bedrooms. But we will leave you to sort that out between your selves. Mrs Bentley here will cook everyday and if you should need anything you can just ask her. Each bedroom has it's own bathroom. So if you all wanna go freshen up coz lunch is almost ready. Rhydian will show you to the bedrooms."

I led them all upstairs. I showed them to the bedrooms. The 3K's shared one room and Jimi Liam and Sam shared one. There were at least 2 people in one room as friends wanted to share. Once everyone had been appointed a room I took my group to the other side of the house. I lead them to my own room first. I opened the door and stood back for them to all enter. It was a very large room. Black and white. There was a sofa and table on one side and a large king size bed in the middle against the back wall. It had cream coloured covers. Mia had put portraits of me around the room. Opposite the bed in the corner were glass sliding doors. This was my walk in closet. Next to that was another door. This was my on-suite bathroom. Hanging from the roof was a chandelier. The room was simple yet elegant.

Me:"do you guys like it?" I asked but my eyes were only on Maddy. She nodded shyly.

Ava:"Rhydian if you only wanted an answer of Maddy why did you ask us?" She teased. Me and mads blushed.

Shan:"are we all staying in this room?"

Me:"no. I saved your guys room next to ours. They are next door. Come I'll show you."

I lead them out of my room and into the next one. Tom and Ava would be staying here. This room looked similar to mine but it was a lot simpler. And there was no walk in closet only a large wardrobe.

Tom:"where's the TV?"

Me:"it's at the foot of the bed." I picked up a remote from the bed side table. "Just press this button and watch." I showed him. They all turned there heads to see the bed open up a little and a large flat screens tv slide out. "and then you can watch whatever."

Ava:"thanks bro. Now he's gonna be stuck on that darn thing the whole time."

Me:"sorry sis." I say laughing as we leave there room and I show Shan and Harry their room. It was next door to Tom and Ava's. Once we dropped them off me and mads weny back to our own room. "Do you like it mads?"

Mads:"Rhydian I love it." She walked over to me and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I grinned and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close. I closed the space between us by catching her lips into my own. I felt myself stir as her hands traveled into my hair tugging lightly. I was just about to deepen the kiss when there was a knock at the door. I sighed loudly as I let go of Maddy to open the door. Mia was stood there smiling. I moved away and opened the door wider. She stepped inside.

Mia:"just came to see if you liked the room Maddy?"

Mads:"I love it Mia?" Mia grinned happily.

Mia:"right I'll leave you two to freshen up. Don't be too long the foods being put on the table."

I nodded at her as she closed the door behind her and left. Me and mads washed our faces then headed downstairs. We would unpack later.

Downstairs in the dining room lay a huge round table full of food. A few people had already sat down. Tom Ava Shan and Harry followed me and mads in to the room and we all took some seats together. There was a knock at the door. I could see Carmella had her hands full's so I went to answer it instead.

Me:"I'll get it."

Mrs. B:"thanks Rhydian."

I opened the door to see Richard Bentley stood there holding bags of shopping. I greeted him and took the bags of him and bought them into the kitchen. I put the bags on the side and went to take my seat between mads and Shan. Dinner was delightful. The whole class sat around one table eating drinking talking but most of all enjoying. And with mrs. B's cooking I couldn't help eating seconds. Once we were all stuffed we all helped empty the table and once again we were herded into the living room.

Mr. J:"right now you've all been fed you can either rest up or you can go out but curfew is 10. I want you all to change the time on your watches. I know your phones are done automatically. As for me. I'm going to go relax in the sauna." Every one laughed and I turned to mads.

Me:"what do you wanna do mads? Do you wanna get some sleep?"

Mads:"we slept on the coach. I'm not tired. I want to go exploring." I looked at my other friends.

Me:"what about you guys?"

Shan:"me and Harry are going to take a cat nap. We'll join you guys later. Tom and Ava are taking one too. Aren't you guys?"

She said looking at them suggestively. They both nodded and I couldn't help laughing. They were trying to give us some alone time and I totally appreciated that.

Me:"come on then mads." I said taking her hand and pulling her up of the sofa. "I wanna take you somewhere. We'll go sight seeing with the others later and we can go shopping tomorrow."

She pulled me back and I turned and looked at her confused.

Mads:"I didn't know with the surprise trip to Paris I was getting my own private tour guide." She smiled.

I bowed majestically in front of her.

Me:"anything for my girl."

Mads:"I think I forgot to mention just how handsome and polite my tour guide is." I laughed as I pecked her lips. I held her hand and pulled her out of the door.

Me:"come on."

We had been walking for 10 minutes. For the past 5 all Maddy had kept on asking was.

Mads:"where are you taking us?"

Me:"you'll see soon enough."

Mads:"Rhydian you know I don't like surprises!"

Me:"Madeleine I know you'll love this one."

Mads:"Rhydian don't call me that. I hate you calling me Madeleine!"

She pulled her hand out of mine and stood in the middle of the street her arms folded tightly across her chest. Her nostrils were flared and her eyes flashed yellow. She looked so beautiful that for a moment I forgot where we were. I took a step closer to her and placed my hands on her arms. She pulled away and turned her back to me.

Me:"I'm sorry mads." She just stood there. I walked around and stood in front of her again. I held my ears and looked at her intently. "I'm really really sorry mads." She looked up at me I saw a flicker of a smile play at her lips.

Mads:"I'm sorry too."

Me:"shall we go now." She nodded her head.

I smiled at her before taking her hand and walking once more. 5 mins later we were stood outside a cosy looking cafe.

Mads:"a cafe? This is the somewhere you wanted to show me?"

Me:"mads this isn't just any cafe. This cafe has the best hot chocolate, tea, coffee and croissants in the whole of Paris. I thought it's be nice to come here first. Kinda like a date."

I looked at her expectantly. Her smile brought a grin to my face. I pulled out a chair and motioned for her to sit down. Just as I sat an older looking man walked over to our table. I smiled as I saw who it was and I stood once more.

Monsieur Antoine:"Rhydian!" He shouted in a strong French accent. "Bonjour. How are you? And who is this lovely dame?" He asks pointing to Maddy.

Me:"this is Maddy my girlfriend. Maddy this is Monsieur Antoine. He owns this cafe."

MA:"bonjour belle."

Mads:"bonjour Monsieur Antoine."

MA:"would you like the usual my boy?" I nod.


MA:"this genius of a boy here created my best sandwich. Toasted croissants with bacon. He always has the same whenever he comes. The sandwich with some hot chocolate. Would you like the same belle?"

Mads:"yes please." Antoine bows low before disappearing inside. "When was the last time you came here?"

Me:"just before I moved to stoneybridge."

She nodded. We sat in silence for about five minutes, occasionally sneaking glances at each other. Antoine bought our coco and sandwiches. We ate in a comfortable silence. Maddy asked the odd question here and there and I answered happily. I glanced at my watch and realised we had been gone for an hour and a half. We decided to head back home to meet the others. We walked in to see our four friends sat on the sofa watching TV. Shan looked up when she heard us come in.

Shan:"you guys are finally back then? Come on guys. Rhydian I want to see all the sites. Come on hurry up. Can we go to the museum first. Please please please."

Mads:"Shan chill we'll go don't worry."

Shan was adamant to go straight to the museum so we ended up spending the day there. They had a nice little cafe inside so I treated them all to food at some point. Shan just droned on about the history of each piece. She might as well have been an encyclopaedia the amount of information that girl stored in her brain. We walked through the doors at 9:45pm. Whoever had come back had all gone up to bed. Me and mads headed up too. Once in our room, I locked the door and asked mads to quickly change into some warm nightwear.

Mad:"why? What have you planned now?"

Me:"just trust me Maddy. And hurry." She sighed exasperated.

Once we were done I tossed her one of my thick hoodies to put on and put one on myself. I walked over to the window and opened it. I jumped out first landing quietly then waited for Maddy to do the same. 2 seconds later she was stood at my side. Taking her hand into my own I began to sprint super fast. We didn't stop once and thankfully Maddy didn't ask any questions. 5 minutes later we reached our destination.

Mad:"Rhydian. This is the Eiffel Tower why have we come here?"

Me:"I'm not saying much but were gonna climb up. I found this place here and kinda made a den to hangout when I needed to be alone. No one knows about it but I want to share it with you. The sunsets and sunrises are epic from there. I thought we could spend the night here. If you want."

Mads:"Rhydian I'd love too."

She hugged me tightly and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled before beginning the climb. I kept glancing backwards to see if Maddy was following. It took us a couple of minutes to climb as we had to go near the top of the tower. When we got closer to the top I jumped left onto a large platform. I stuck my arm out for Maddy to grab hold of. A normal human couldn't reach here without machines. Mads held onto my hand and jumped over. We both looked around.

It was just as I remembered it better yet just as I had left it. The foam mattress on the floor with a duvet over it. The scorch marks on the floor from burnt out candles. Stubs of left over candles and a fresh cool breeze.

I took of my back pack and rummaged around pulling out a bag of candles. I took the matches and began lighting the candles and spacing them out around the bed. Maddy went and sat down. Once I was done I went and sat besides her. Pulling out another big bag out of my back pack I placed it between us.

Me:"I bought food."

She smiled widely. I placed a tartan blanket on the floor and took out bacon sandwiches soft drinks and some cookie dough ice cream.

Mads:"how much did you bring?"

Me:"I thought we could have a picnic. It's not much." I looked at my watch. "We've got about 25 mins to finish eating."

Mads:"why? What's gonna happen in 25 minutes?"

Me:"you'll see."

We wolfed down the sandwiches then sitting across each other I fed Maddy ice cream as she fed me. Just as we'd finished my phone beeped. I turned of the alarm and pulled Maddy up. I took her to the edge. She stood against the banister and I stood behind her wrapping my arms around her. She placed her arms over mine and leant her head into my chest as I placed my chin on her shoulder. We both looked up into the sky. The sun was setting leaving behind a soft glow. There were inks of different colours spilt in the skyline. Rich purples and pinks oranges and yellow violets and gold. It was an artists dream. A half moon could be seen in the distance and being this high up it looked larger than usual. We stood my front to her back mesmerised by the view in front. We stood there until we saw the first star.

Me:"make a wish Maddy." She looked back at me confused. I pointed to the only star in the sky. "If you see the first star and make a wish it comes true." She smiled as she looked back up at the star.

Me:"star shine, star bright. First star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish might. Have the wish I wish tonight."

We both closed our eyes and thought of our wishes. As we both made them I heard Maddy's voice in my mind saying with me exactly what I was wishing for. In that moment I knew she could hear me too. This was our closest connection. I pulled her closer as we finished making our wish.

Me and mads:"keep our family together happy and safe and let our love grow and never let us part. Always keep us together and happy."

I slowly opened my eyes.

Me:"did you here?" I whispered to her.


I turned her around in my arms and placed my palm on her cheek. Her eyes fluttered close as my hand touched her face. I leant forward and placed a kiss on her forehead then one on each eyelid then each cheek then on her nose and last of all I placed my lips on hers. I felt all the magic once more as passion flowed through me like lava flows out through a volcano.

Down below on the streets of Paris people walked around aimlessly. If anyone had looked up they would have seen the silhouette of a couple joined at the lips beneath the moonlight...



My eyes opened slowly. I looked to see Maddy sprawled half on top of me and half on the mattress. The lower half of her body covered with the duvet. I smiled as I remembered last night. We had kissed then made passionate love before falling asleep in each other's arms. Maddy looked beautiful. Moving slowly I got my phone and took a picture. I wanted to draw this moment in the light of the dusk. I put a strand of her hair behind her ear before getting up and pulling on my clothes. Then I woke her up gently. I didn't want her to miss this last view. She wrapped the duvet around herself and I took her to the edge once more. This time the colours were a lot lighter and instead of a moon a blazing sun could be seen just about ready to rise.

Mads:"Rhydian it's beautiful."

Me:"I thought you've seen the dawn so I'd show you the dusk too."

Mads:"thank you. For this, for sharing your secret place with me, for everything."

Me:"mads I wanna share my whole life with you?" I said in my head. In reality I smiled at her and kissed the side of her head. "Come on let's hurry up and get back before anyone else wakes up." She nodded her head and pulled on her clothes as I held the duvet around her like a make do changing room.

After that we headed back home. We climbed in through the window and snuggled up in bed to catch a few more hours sleep before everyone woke up. That day we all went sight seeing. We went to the Eiffel Tower. Here mads and I shared a knowing smile and a whispered I love you. I bought Maddy a light up Eiffel Tower and an Eiffel Tower key ring. I got Ava a Eiffel Tower hat and Shan a book on the history of the tower. I got Tom a hat too and Harry a guitar pic with a picture of the tower on it. Tom treated us all to ice cream and Shan got croissants. We went to the river that ran below the tower and went on a couples boat ride. It was one couple per boat that you had to peddle yourself. It was hilarious as Kara had managed to get Jimi onto one Katrina got Liam and Kay got stuck with Sam. They were the only two that looked miserable but by the end of it they looked a lot closer than usual and happier.

The next day we all head into the town to do some shopping. On one side there were all the designer shops and on one side there were little boutiques. I went into Chanel as I wanted to get Emma a new bag. Maddy insisted on leaving it but I was having none of it. Next I went into some designer tools shop. There I got dan a wood carving kit. I normally hated shopping but since me and mads had stuck together it seemed more enjoyable. We went into lots of stores and I bought all my friends and family a gift. I got Maddy some ray ban sunglasses and a pair for the rest of my friends too. The sun was shining brightly and they all needed a pair. After feeling uncomfortable in the designer shops Maddy dragged me into a boutique. She saw a pair of anklets with little bells on and picked them up. I saw a little hearts charm bracelet for her and picked that up too. I touched my pocket and felt the thing that I had been saving for her. I would have to give that to her soon. She looked around for a while and got some more things. She bought them to the till and I pulled out my card. She refused to let me pay but I handed over my card saying whatever was mine was hers so what difference did it make who paid. She walked out of the shop in a strop saying she wasn't married to me. I just though YET. Your not married to me YET. We all had lunch at the cafe I took Maddy to on the first day. Then we went home for dinner and decided to stay in. Everyone put all there purchases away and we all played board games and watched movies until mr Jeffries came in and shouted at us to be quiet and go to bed.

On the fourth day Mia took us all shopping as Brian was going to do a huge BBQ in the backyard with Mr. Bentley. Mrs. Bentley was going to open up the pool too. It was a fun day. The boys played football the girls sunbathed we all went into the pool to cool off and played water basket ball. The BBQ was amazing the food was great and at the end of the day everyone was tired but happy and stuffed.

Morning 5 was spent lazing around and at 5 we all went to a local fair. We went on rides and played the different games. I won a huge cushion Eiffel Tower for Maddy. We ate hot dogs and candy floss. And warm soup in the evening time. We ended up trudging through the door at 11pm and heading straight to bed.

Today was the big day. I was nervous but I was ready. We all woke up around 10 and Carmella had made a magnificent breakfast but I couldn't eat. I had butterflies. Maddy questioned me a few times but I just replied by saying I feel full I'm really not hungry. For today we had planned to go into town as everyone wanted to spend the last bits of the holiday money. We were going to go to a fancy restaurant for lunch and then be home in time for dinner as Carmella was going all out then we would finish any packing as we would be leaving the next morning. Currently we were walking to town. As planned Tom insisted the boys spend some quality time together today before heading back. After pulling a sorry face at Maddy and then a smile me Harry and Tom wandered of on our own to execute the rest of the plan giving a discrete thumbs up to Ava and Shan to execute their half. They returned our gesture with a slight nod. Now it was time for action I had the permission now I just needed the right answer.

Maddy's POV

The boys had just left. Rhydian had slipped some notes into my hand before leaving. He knew I'd not use the card. This sudden amount of wealth made me uncomfortable. I mean I've never been poor but I've never had this much either. But Rhydian insists it's mine as much as it is his and I understand where he's coming from but I still have to get used to it. I'm just glad he doesn't spend spend spend all the time. He thinks about where he spends his money. Shannon insisted we should go for a cold drink someplace so we found a nice little cafe on the corner and we ordered 3 cokes. Half an hour later we were done and Shan had made me buy a new dress and told me to keep it on. She took me to a salon and had my hair loosely curled and light make up put on. Every time I asked why she shut me up saying don't ask questions. Now we were wondering around central square. For some reason there was a large crowd surrounding the beautiful fountain that lay in the middle of the square.

Ava:"let's get a closer look and see what's going on." We all agreed and started to push through the crowds.

As we got closer to the front I heard a familiar tune being played on the piano and then the sound of a guitar could be heard. By then the people parted and let us walk through easily. And that's when I saw him. Sat at a grand piano right next to the fountain in a black and white tux. I felt myself fall in love all over again. Our eyes caught and I fell into his trance. I saw nothing heard nothing felt nothing. All I saw was him. All I heard was his voice. All I felt was his love as he sang his song to me. John legend. All of me.

He got up and walked towards me. I was stood on my own in the middle of a very big crowd. Tom took his place on the piano as Harry carried on playing guitar. When he reached me he took my left hand in his right and put his left hand in his pocket to take something out.

Rhyds:"Maddy. Erm I don't know what to say really. I felt something for you the first time I saw you but I didn't realise until I left you. Then I came back and these feeling grew stronger than ever and we both finally admitted the truth but then you had to leave and I felt my whole world fall apart. I never want to feel like that again. Not ever. I love being with you and I know it's early and were young but I know in my heart and mind that I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I will only ever be yours. So I wanted to ask you if you would do me the honour of becoming my wife?" He got down on one knee and held up a ring to my finger. "Madeleine smith. Will you marry me?"

Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I nodded. He grinned the biggest grin I'd ever seen on his handsome face before he slipped the ring onto my finger and standing up and engulfing me into a hug. A thunderous applaud broke out around us but we were lost in each other. It was only when we felt hands and bodies pressing against us we realised where we were. Breaking apart we looked to see about whole family there. Mam dad Brian Mia Dom Letty Han tej suki roman Leo santos jack Nicko rosa and cerri and Bryn. They all came and gave us hugs and congratulated us. Mum and dad had tears in their eyes. All the girls came over to me to see the ring.

It was a beautiful white gold ring. In the middle sat a sapphire gem surrounded by little diamonds. Then on either side of the gem the gold had been twisted before joining together to create the smooth single band at the bottom of the ring. In each twist were embedded 5 diamonds each. It was beautiful. Mam was gushing. Brian told me to take it off and read the inscription. So I did and it read O'Conner and Torreto. This was a family ring.

Brian:"we sat down and went back up the family tree. At some point an O'Conner and Torreto were married. That ring has been passed down ever since to the man who's getting married. When it's time to pass on the ring the current owner will have a replica made before passing it on. My grandad passed it to my dad who passed it to me and I passed it to Rhydian. You see the little mark that looks like a one? That's how we know that this is the original. Rhydian will probably be the one to give it to Dom."

Me:"does Rhydian know?" I know it was a silly question but I felt like I had to ask it.

Brian:"of course he knows. He really was a part of the family. He know all the family history and everything. He really was everyone's little baby."

He smiles at me warmly before Mia comes over to us. She hugs me tightly and congratulates me. Rhydian comes over and laces his a around my shoulders and places a kiss at my temple. Mia declares that we all should head home as there is a big feast waiting for us. The rest of our class have appeared from god knows where and also congratulated us as we made our way home.

As we walked up the driveway the delicious scent of food made our tummies rumble and our mouths to water. As we entered Mr and Mrs Bentley came and hugged both me and Rhydian. Today the table looked even larger. But instead of being a circle it was a long row and more chairs had been added. I realised now why Rhydian hadn't eaten this morning. Because he had been nervous. The dinner was the best dinner so far. There was something for everyone. For dessert there was homemade hot fudge chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream. After we had finished eating we were all told to go and finish packing and get an early night as we would be leaving after an early breakfast. We all wished each other goodnight before heading to our respective rooms.



Rhyds:"do you wanna spend our last night where we spent our first in Paris?"

Me:"I was just gonna say the same thing." He grinned.

We quickly changed and jumped our the window. We ran together this time. Holding hands. We climbed to the top and jumped onto the platform. When we were all snuggled up under the duvet Rhydian spoke up.

Rhyds:"are you happy Maddy."

Me:"very happy. Why?"

Rhyds:"just asking... You know for a moment I thought you'd say no."

Me:"Rhydian I would never say no to you. I love you. You idiot." He chuckled.

Rhyds:"I know and I love you too."

I looked up at him and he bought his lips down to mine. His hand slipped beneath my shirt as mine slipped under his. He groaned loudly and I heard a moan escape my own lips. Soon our clothes lay scattered around and we were a mass of bodies and tangled bed sheets. But that's how we fell asleep. That's how we felt comfortable.

Aaaaaannnnnnnndddddddd that was the last chapter. I'm really sorry it took so long but I had a lot to deal with and it was hard to update. There will be a small epilogue which will be the prologue to my next story which will continue from this one but there will be more characters and more drama and adventures. There will be new plots and twists and I hope you all hang around with me for that story too and support me just as you supported me in this one. I have started working on it and hopefully you will have it soon. I will post the link and the name when I post the epilogue which should be in the next 2-3 days :) love you all and again a huge thank you xxx

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