The Other Argent ➵ Stiles Sti...

By SpanishCandy

2.6M 73.9K 60.1K

"We all go a little mad sometimes." [#9 IN "TEEN WOLF"] Cover by idkmstiles Itsselenastiles owns Stella Argent More

Holy crap ✔


36.9K 1.1K 252
By SpanishCandy

          STELLA looked up at the night sky to see all the stars shining brightly. She absolutely loved watching the stars and Aiden somehow knew that. Which is why he brought her out to the balcony to comfort her better.

While, Stella was too busy watching the stars from the sky. Aiden was too busy watching the star right next to him.

She seemed to shine brighter than all the other stars from above them.

"Allison and I use to get on the roof and just watch the stars. That was when we were kids of course. Now, we have our Ally and Ella days." Stella spoke up softly although they were still able to hear the loud booming noise behind them.

"Ally and Ella days, huh?" Aiden asked with an amusement look, "That's cute."

"Shut up." She laughed gently and pushed his arm when she noticed the sarcasm in his voice.

"What? I'm just saying that it's cute." He chuckled and leaned onto the solid small wall that was helping them not fall off.

Stella soon stopped laughing and stayed silent. That was something hat Aiden caught. He frowned, not liking that she was upset.

"Stella, maybe you should ask him why he did it. Maybe he has a reason?"

"Shouldn't you be happy?"

"How could I be happy if you're in tears in front of me." He whispers and wiped away a tear that slipped out of her eye, she closed her eyes tightly before exhaling.

"I hate looking weak in front of people."

"You are not weak. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met." He tells her and looked back at the party, looking back down at her, "Come on. Let's go dance."

"Actually, I'm just gonna get some ice." Stella forced a smile on her and walked back inside the part, pushing past people who were too busy dancing to care to make room for her to walk.

She took out her phone from her back pocket and dialed Stiles. No matter how hard she tried to get him off of her mind. She just couldn't seem to be able to. She knew what that meant. That meant that no matter what happens now that she'll be connected with Stiles whether she liked it or not. That's because her heart yearned for him.

"Come on, Stiles. Pick up the phone." She growled angrily, calling him for the 10th time but nothing worked so she just hanged up and shoved her phone back into her pocket.

Stella walked into the closet to get some ice since there wasn't any out at the party. But, she stopped mid way in when she saw her cousin and Isaac being awfully close to each other.

"Seriously, guys?" She sighed and looked over to see Ethan on the ground, shivering.

She ran towards him with the other two teenagers right behind her. Stella placed her hand on top of his forehead causing her to gasp softly.

"What is it?" Isaac asked her.

"He's practically hypothermic." Stella tells them looking up and started to try her best to pull him up, Isaac quickly helped her not wanting to seem like an asshole if he didn't help.

Isaac grabbed onto his left arm and started to grab it with both of his hands. Stella looked at him when It seemed like he was going to hurt him. She didn't want the twins to be hurt, not when they were under her protection.

"What are you doing?" She asked in concern and got closer to Ethan.

"It'll trigger the healing."

"It better just trigger the healing or Isaac David Lahey, I swear I will stab you multiple, multiple of times." Stella growled at him with anger showing in her eyes, the twins were close to her and if anybody were messing with them then she would surely hurt them badly.

Isaac ignored her and broke his arm, causing him to howl in pain. But, once Stella saw that he was healing better she sighed in relief and sat back down onto the floor, nodding at Isaac. Who just shot her a small smile before focusing on the twin.

"It's the same. Exactly the same." Allison muttered when she saw the symbol on the back of Ethan's ear just like the same one that was on the back of Isaac's ear.

"What are you talking about? You guys knew about this?" She asked them angrily not understanding why they didn't tell her or Scott about what was happening to Ethan.

"There's these dark men who wear masks that seem to come out of the dark. Their eyes look like fireflies and they just... they did the same thing to me earlier." Isaac tried to explain it to the brunette who still couldn't believe them.

"You guys should have told us! We could have prepared ourselves for something like this. Now, Ethan is hurt!" Stella yelled in frustration as she tried her best to help Ethan to get up.

He started to wake up but he needed help to stand. So, that's when he had his arm around her shoulder. She was supporting him as the four of them walked out to see that Derek had arrived causing everyone to leave besides the ones who knew him. Stella spotted a whole bunch of guys that Isaac described. Her eyes widened when they staring at the other twin.

"Guys, they're all looking at me. Why are they all looking at me? Guys?" Aiden asked making Stella want to go over to help him but she didn't any of her weapons on her and she was helping his brother.

"Somebody do something!" She yelled loudly and that's when Scott and Derek but ran in there, trying their best to stop them from harming Aiden.

"You're going to be okay, Ethan." She whispered into his ear and started to pray that everything would be okay.

Nobody in the room has seen these kinds of creatures. It was all new to them and Stella was sure as hell scared. She didn't know what to do, she felt useless. The only thing that made her happy was that Stiles wasn't there to be involved with what they're dealing with.

All the werewolves back off when they realized that they wouldn't be able to beat them. The dark creature's grabbed Aiden from the back of his head and then let him go. The dark creatures looked up. Half of them stared at Stella and the other half stared at Scott.

"Grab Ethan, Allison." Stella started to say softly handing the twin over to Allison who only stared at her with wide eyes.

"What are you doing, Stella?" Allison hissed at her cousin but grabbed onto Ethan, not wanting him to fall down to the ground.

Stella stepped forward closer to the dark creatures who just kept staring at her and Scott. Derek ended up pulling her behind him and growled at them. He was protecting her again and that shocked her.

"What are you doing?"

"The question is what the hell were you doing? You don't have your weapons with you." He snapped at her and kept baring his teeth at them. They kept getting closer to them but once the sun got up they all seemed to disappear.

"What the hell were those things?" Scott asked in confusion not aware of what they were or who they were.

"Your dad's 24 hours are up." Isaac tells Allison who just stared up at him.

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