Invisible - l.h

By daywefellinlove

27.3K 859 270

"I'm practically invisible." "No, you're not." "Yes I am." "Well you're not to me." "I was until you saw me o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 9

740 25 9
By daywefellinlove

"So we're friends?"

Luke's P.O.V

All weekend, I thought about how to befriend Ellie. She told me that I can't just become friends with Ellie Walker & I needed to prove to her that I could indeed do that.

I could be friends with Ellie Walker - with the Ellie on stage & with the Ellie at school.

I realized all I had to do was keep trying.

I was willing to keep trying until she finally gives in.

She would have to eventually let me be her friend, right?

On Monday, I saw Ellie walk in, as usual & I walked to catch up with her.

"Good morning, Ellie."

"Luke? What are you doing?"

"What am I doing?" We stopped walking & I turned to smile at her. "I'm becoming friends with Ellie Walker."


"You told me, & I quote, 'You can't just become friends with Ellie Walker' & I am here to prove you wrong. I want to be friends with you, no matter where we're at. Okay?"

"I don't get it."

"Hey, okay so you were right. I have been as bad as everyone else & I am sorry. I have ignored you for years & I promise I never started any rumors about you but I have listened to the others talk about them & I never stopped them. I'm so sorry about that. You can call me out for that shit as often as you want. But I can tell you that I want to be friends with this Ellie Walker." I pointed to her. "So please give me the chance."

Ellie didn't say anything. She continued walking towards her locker again & once she had spun her combination, she turned to look at me. "Luke?"


"Were you serious about that?"

"What I just said? Yea."

"Like you promise? This isn't some sick joke or like a bet to befriend me, right?"

"Oh my god, never. Ellie, I simply want to be friends. I don't care how many or how little friends you have, I don't care what others think, I honestly just want to get to know you, okay?"


"So we're friends?"

"Sure, Luke." She smiled at me as she peeked over from behind her locker door. "We're friends."

"Perfect. I'll see you at lunch."

& then I flashed her a giant smile before I went to find the others & to let them know that I was now friends with Ellie.

Once lunch rolled around, I had convinced Michael & Calum to come sit with me & we went over to Ellie's table.

She was looking down at the table, just doodling or filling out her assignment notebook or something but then when we took a seat, her head popped up.

"Oh, you weren't kidding." She looked at all of us. "You really were going to see me at lunch."

"Yep. That's what friends do, they sit together. I hope you don't mind I brought these lame guys along."

"Nah, there are plenty of seats." She laughed at her empty table. "I don't mind."

"So how has your day been, Ellie?" Michael asked her as he stuffed his face with cold, leftover pizza.

"You know, the usual. Nothing special for a Monday."

"Agreed. I think we should just ban Mondays." He then told her.

"But then we'd start to hate Tuesdays in the same way so that wouldn't work."

"Shit." Michael thought for a second. "You're right. Never mind then."

"Hey, Luke?" Ellie nudged my arm. I was sitting next to her & the others were sitting across from us.


"Everyone is starring at us."


"Look." She pointed to my usual table. "All of your friends are looking at us."

"I don't care."

"I do. It's uncomfortable."

Then Michael looked behind at our table too.

"Oh, don't worry about them." He told her. "They're shit anyways."

"Michael. Those are your friends though, right?"

"I mean yea but it's not like they're my best friends or anything."

"They're my teammates." Calum spoke up. "But yea, I don't think I'll keep in contact with many of them after exams & once we're all off at different schools."

"Won't they ask you at practice why you're sitting with me though? What will you say?"

"Maybe. But I can just say we decided to sit somewhere else, it's honestly fine. Don't worry about this."

"Yea." I jokingly hit her arm. "Don't worry about it."

"Okay." Then Ellie took a bite of her sandwich. "Hey, wanna know something funny?"

"Yea." I looked at her. "What?"

"This is the first time that I ever had lunch with someone else in like four years."

"Awh Elle. Oh my god. That's not funny. That's sad."

"Well that's my life. But thanks for sitting here."

"Anytime.' I smiled at her. "Seriously, anytime."

As we ate, we played tic-tac-toe & we helped Calum finish his maths assignment since they had a match tonight & he didn't have much free time for homework before the bell rang & we all went our own ways.

After school ended, I saw Ellie by her locker so of course I went over because that's what friends do.

"Are you sure this what having friends is like? I feel like you're more of a stalker."

"Oh." I put my hands up in defense. "Should I stop talking to you then?"

"No, it's okay. I'm kidding."

"Well friends usually have each other's phone numbers too so can I have yours?"

"Sure." Ellie took my phone from my hand & she put her name in. "I texted myself so I have yours too now."

"Perfect. I'll continue bothering you later then. See ya, Ellie!"


Luke -

hi :)


hi :-) **** i know you texted yourself to have my number but you used the wrong smiley face & that is not okay with me.


you put noses on yours?


yes & clearly you don't. i'm a little upset about that.


okay, maybe i'll change my ways then.


i'd appreciate that :-)


thanks again for sitting by me today.


it was fine! i like sitting by you better than those lot anyways. they aren't the nicest people.


yea, they aren't my favorite either!!!!!!!!!!!


thanks for agreeing to be my friend too :-)


not a problem. i have a pretty packed social life so give me a heads up if you ever want to hang out & i can pencil you in.


very funny.


i try :-P


sorry i've ignored you for the past three years. #regrets


do you text with hashtags?




okay...jkjk :-) but no problem. everyone ignores me. i guess it's never too late to start being friends though.




your smiley ate too much. he has like thirteen chins.


he just lives his life, you know? he doesn't care about his chin count. he'd rather be happy.


mhmm. i get it. i understand.







can i stop by yours on the way home from our match?


sure. sitting in my room, come on up.


"Hey." Calum came in about twenty minutes later.

"Hey, how was the match?"

"I played shit but we won 3-1."

"Cool. What's up though?"

"So after the game, the team came to talk to me about Ellie. Well, they didn't know her name, they called her the freak."


"But I said that her name was Ellie & they need to call her that from now on."

"Then what happened?"

"They said it was nice charity work that we decided to befriend the freak. They think we did it because of a dare."

"Seriously? Ellie asked me that earlier too she was like oh this isn't a dare or a bet or something?"

"Yea. They think someone dared us to become her friend but more like to fake being her friend. I told them they had it all wrong but since I can't say we met her at a gig, they don't understand how we know or have met her. You know? It's hard. I told them I talked to her in class & we realized we had a lot in common but they aren't buying it. They honestly think it's a joke."

"But it's not."

"I know. But Ellie's right, everyone is starring at her & everyone is wondering who the hell she is & why the hell she's friends with us."

"I don't care though."

"Me either. I'll still sit by her & stuff but I just wanted to let you know that this is what people are saying."

"Okay. Well thanks I guess."

"It's okay, I'm sure it'll pass soon. I think people are just shocked we're sitting by her right now."

"Well why should the be shocked when she's cooler than any of them?"

"It's high school, bro. I gotta get home though."

"Okay. I'll see ya tomorrow."


i'm gonna go to bed but glad we're friends :-)


me too :-))))))))) goodnight Luke.


did he eat a lot of cookies? ^^^ does he just live his life too?


yep, bedtime snack. see you tomorrow!


A/N okay so i think they're pretty awkward yet adorable friends like? it'll get really good now i think :)

so i have my cousin's wedding tomorrow & they're getting married in this like remodeled barn so it's a casual wedding & i have the cutest boots so i'm so excited to wear them & my grandpa is my date & it should be a good time.

also my 21st birthday is in like less than three weeks & i'm so old???

enjoy your day!



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