Battle Of The Spoiled (BoyxBo...

By Insane_MindRL

3.7K 207 101

What happens when two of the richest kids in all of Winhistler want the same thing, or someone to be exact. O... More

But It's Cold Outside
The Battle Begins
Saints and Sinners
Games begin
New found friend(s)
Moves of the century
Sleep Over! (Prt-1)
Sleep Over! (Prt-2)
Shattered Peace
Aftermath Heat
Dinner Plans
Into Us
Understanding Nothing

Food and First Kisses

101 6 10
By Insane_MindRL


This chapter is so cliche that it actually hurts me but I can't think of another way of doing it! Sorry!


Connor reacted first to Finn's sudden shift in personality. Quickly he got off the bed and chased the boy down the hall leaving Jack and Grant alone. Letting out a sigh, Jack ran a hand through his hair, "I should probably go after him shouldn't I?"

"Or you could not" Grant answered pulling out his phone,"but then again I don't care about his feelings so I'm not the best person to ask."

"Well who could blame you" Jack laughed dryly, "I hate him as well, but he's my brother so I need to care about him."

"You are right there."

"I know."

Grant lazily sighed, bored with the situation. "If you want you can go and talk to him, I'm not gonna hold you back."

"But then you'll be here by yourself." Jack pointed out.

Grant squinted, confused, "so? What do you think I'm gonna do? Sniff your underwear? Hang myself? Well, at this point the last one isn't that far away."

"No, no, I meant I didn't want to just ditch you here by yourself" he laughed, "and if you're gonna hang yourself, do it in my bathroom, easier to clean."

Grant squinted his eyes at the boy, "why the hell would there be a mess if I hung myself? Do you think the ropes gonna slit open my throat or something?"

"Well I don't know what rope you have on you!" Standing up he went to the door, "I'll be back in a few minutes okay?"

Grant simply nodded his head and turned back to his phone. He liked his way through his Instagram feed, not bothering to even look or read at what he was liking for the most part. Letting out a content sigh when he reached the last photo he liked, he turned off his phone and tossed it to the ground below, sighing in boredom. Drama here, drama there, drama everywhere! Grant had grown tired of the social stresses of teen life and had, for the most part, given up on it. This would mean that Finn's little show was of no interest to him, not that it would if he was interested in the drama, he did punch him.

"Where did everyone go?"

Finn's recognizable voice snapped Grant out of his trance, "to find you."

"Why?" Taking a bite out of the hamburger on his plate of food, Finn entered the room.

"To find you I guess" he chuckled at the statement, not that it would be for any other reason. "I'll text Connor that your back here." Grant rolled over on the bed so he could reach his phone of the ground.

"Wait, why don't we just hang out and let them find us." Finn suggested, raising an eyebrow, "if your okay with that."

"I'm not." Grant stated bluntly.

Finn seemed taken back from the boys response, "why?"

"Why?" Grant laughed, "your an arrogant asshole who I can't tolerate. All you do is suck off your parents fortune and make other people's lives hell. Ooh and you fucking hit me, several times, in the face for no good reason!"

The larger boy put his plate down and sat next to Grant on the bed. "Umm, I don't think so" in a quick motion Grant pushed him off the bed with his foot, "we aren't sharing this bed."

"But you shared with Jack!" Finn whined, pouting up at the boy from his spot on the floor, "besides that hurt."

"Well in glad to hear that as getting hit in the face did as well! And Jacks not an ass to me, or anyone!"

Finn exhaled heavily, throwing a hand through his hair, "I'm sorry."

"Haven't heard that one before."

"No, no you haven't as I really mean it. I've been an ass to you and you haven't deserved it, well you have in some cases, but still. It's not right of me to treat you, Connor, Jack, or anyone like I do. I just don't know how to act though, like how to be nice. I know it sounds weird to 'not know how to be nice' but I don't. I don't mean holding the door or cleaning up after yourself, I mean being nice like what you have with Connor and Amber or how you treat Jack or how you stood up for that kid today. I just can't do it for some reason, the pressures of being popular and staying this conformed figure that everyone..." Grant sent the boy a warning look at the wording. "Nearly everyone, looks up to and admires. It's scary, it really is."

Grant reached over and stole a chip off Finn's plate, "that doesn't excuse from anything you've done. It makes me feel bad for you, but it doesn't excuse you from what you have done. If you felt that way you could have told someone, Jack, your mom, a teacher, someone and they could have helped you."

"I don't convey my emotions that well."

"Besides anger" Grant snickered, "you've got that one down pat."

"You can take the whole thing if you want" Finn replied, motioning to the plate. "I'm not that hungry."

Grant instantly grabbed the plate and started digging in to the hodgepodge of food that scattered the plate. Finn leaned his head back against the bed, "but I'm sorry. Really sorry. Especially for hitting you, I never wanted to hurt you and after hurting you I know I never want to hurt you again." Sucking in a deep breath he turned to Grant, "I have a crush on you, not because of your messy brown hair, dark brown eyes, or cute smile, but for your witty comebacks, numerous jokes, and carefree attitude. I'm not saying that I don't like you appearance, God I love it, but it's the way you act that gets me. How you treat me like another face in the crowd, not the son of a rich guy. How you couldn't give two shits what the people around you think besides the people you love. How you can always make me laugh an honest laugh, nothing fake. And that's exactly it, your not fake. You don't wear ten pounds of make up, you don't do things you hate, you voice your opinion no matter the person, and most importantly, your just you."

Grant sat there like a deer in headlights, half a hamburger sticking out of his mouth sense Finn had caught him mid bite. The room never felt more awkward as Grants mind raced trying to think of what to do with a mouthful of food and a waiting Finn while Finn waited for a response, bitting at his lip.

"You know what, it's stupid. I shouldn't have said that" Finn shook his head, "I'm stupid."

Using his foot, Grant kicked Finn in the back of his head getting the boys attention. With that he motioned to his mouth showing to him how he was chewing. "Jesus Christ, don't give a guy food then suspect him to answer dire questions when his mouth is full."

"Sorry." Finn mumbled awkwardly, looking down at the ground, "my bad."

"No it's alright, I guess. I mean I didn't die" Grant chuckled, "that was a good hamburger."

"Yeah, we got it catered from one of the local companies, don't ask who as I have no idea. So, sorry to be pushy, but do you want me to give you space on the whole 'crush' thing or..." He trailed on leaving it to Grant to finish.

Damn, Grant thought. His hope was to distract Finn from that subject, "no, well yes. I mean, you are attractive, a complete 10, but you're still a major ass and you literally just beat me up. That's actually the whole reason I'm here, you hit me in the face and your parents didn't want to me to cause trouble."

Finn got up, scratching the back of his head, "okay, I understand. I'll just go I guess. Thanks for telling me your feelings."

Sensing how hurt Finn must have felt at his words, Grant groaned, "Finn, wait."

"What? Want to hurt me some more?" Finn questioned, tears obviously at the edges of his eyes, "do you know how hard it was to open up to you? How hard it is for me to have these feelings in general!"

Grant simply narrowed his eyes at the taller boy, "can you shut up and get off the 'me' train for one minute? If you gave me a chance you would have heard me apologize and explain to you why I said what I said."

Meanwhile, Connor and Jack were searching through the winding halls of the Harries Mansion looking for Finn. "Do you think we will find him, like ever? 'Cause your house seems big enough to loose someone for a long time."

Jack chuckled and shook his head, "yes we will, it seems big, but in reality it's not that big."

"How many rooms?" Connor questioned, crossing his arms.

Stopping, Jack poked the air, eyes trained at the ceiling as he counted. "Shut up, it's big, but it's not complicated."

Smiling in satisfaction Connor continued along, leading the way to God knows where. "Are you okay Connor?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Jack shrugged awkwardly, "cause you and Jack seemed kinda close, almost dating close, and he just said that you guys weren't dating in the most emotionless way possible. I'm not saying that your this attached person that takes the slightest human decency as a sign off love, but I know how something like that can affect a person."

Connors lips curved into a smile, happy to know someone was actually putting thought into him. "Yeah, it's kinda upsetting as we were pretty close, he'll we kissed! But it was a long shot to try and tame the popular guy who gets in whoever's pants he wants."

"That sounds like my brother and he makes sure you know it to" Jack chuckled, "but you gotta love him still, will I do as he's my brother and that's really the only reason I do."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm surprised your not like him."

"What do you mean?"

Connor stopped and sat down on a randomly set couch stationed at the corner of the hall. "Your both twins that grew up filthy rich, had people waiting on you hand and foot, and have the town at their mercy more or less, yet you two ended up as complete opposites. He's more so a product of his environment, a smug, cocky bastard, and you are not like that at all. Instead you are nice, smart, put effort into what you do, and actually try instead of using your status to get what you want."

Jack blushed slightly, he still had a crush on the red haired boy and to hear those things come out of his mouth was nice. "Thanks, I didn't want to be like the people I grew up with, that was always a fear of mine, turning into them."

"Well you should be happy to hear that you didn't" Connor proudly stated and patted the spot next to himself, "it's refreshing."

Jack took the cue and slowly lowered himself down onto the soft couch, "well, thanks. I don't know what else to say to that."

Connor once again shrugged, not knowing what else to do. Silence over lapped the scene as they waited for someone to say something, anything. However, words were not needed once their eyes met. An internal conversation was sung between their dilating pupils before both Jack and Connor closed their eyes and leaned in. When their lips met sparks didn't fly, fire works didn't go off, and the thoughts of the world didn't disappear as this was real life. On the other hand, when their lips meet something inside them connected ever so slightly.

When their eyes opened and lips parted  all gaps had closed. Jack had found his way on to Connor's lap and Connor hands were firmly placed on Jacks hips. "Sorry."

"Sorry?" Connor laughed at Jacks response, "for what?"

"I don't know, for kissing you and then sitting your lap." He blushed furiously as Connor smiled.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, if anything I should be apologizing for more or less instigating it. So, sorry. Actually that's a lie, I'm not really sorry cause that was fun." He winked at Jack, "wanna do it again?"

"Wanna do it until someone stops us?" Jack retorted.

"I like the thought of that."

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