Bohemian ◊ Liam Dunbar

By yellowhoodies

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bohemian: (n.) gypsy. wanderer. a person, musician, artist, or writer who lives a free spirited life and beli... More

Chapter 01|| Deadly Scares and Supernatural Abilities.
Chapter 02|| "That penny-pinching boy just pushed me into a bush!"
Chapter 04|| Awkward Introductions.

Chapter 03|| "Is your job to be annoying today?"

167 10 0
By yellowhoodies

Chapter Three: "Is your job to be annoying today?"

"They laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at them because they're all the same."


"AIDA!" I hear my annoying brother's voice boom from downstairs. I brush him off, placing a pillow over my head. "Aida, I'm serious, don't make me come up there!"

I groan and push the covers off of me. "Alright! Alright! I'm up!"

A yawn crosses through my face as I walk over to my closet and lazily pick an outfit for school. I settle for a blue, red, and white flannel shirt than was loose on my stomach, which I love. I match it with skinny jeans and grey Keds. I put my hair in a high pony tail.

Suddenly, my phone starts blasting I'm Sexy And I Know It by LMFAO, which just happened to be Wren's ringtone. And before you ask, yes, she did set it up herself.

"What's the sitch?" I answer, quoting Kim Possible, which just happened to be my favorite TV show of all time.

My best friend groans through the phone, "You have an addiction, Aida. You need counseling."

I scoff, "I don't need counseling! Shut up!"

"Yeah, great come back, A."

"Well is there a specific reason that you called me or can I hang up now because you're annoying me?"

"Yes, there is a specific reason. And it is the following-what are you doing after school?"

"That's it? You couldn't wait until school to ask me that?" I ask, grabbing my backpack and filling it up with the books placed on my desk that I used for last night's homework.

"Okay, I always forget your crabby in the mornings."

"Keep going on, Wren," I say sarcastically, "You're doing great."

"Sorry! Sorry! Let me start again. After school, you and I are heading for the Beacon Hills Reserve."

"Not that I have anything against that plan but why are we going?" I query as I make my downstairs.

Wren sighs as if it were a pain to explain why we're going, "Isn't it obvious?"

"No, Wren. If you must know, it isn't obvious."

"Shut up. We're going to practice your badass Nymph powers!"

I groan, "Do I really have to?"

"Yes, Aida Miller, you have to." She answers, mimicking me.

"You're rude and I'm hanging up." I tell her before firmly pressing the 'END CALL' button.

I lay my bag on the kitchen floor then make my way to the fridge, grabbing the gallon of milk and placing it on the island. "Morning."

Jonah hands me the Cinnamon Toast Crunch and places a kiss on my cheek. "Good morning!"

"Isn't someone happy this morning?" I laugh as I vert the cereal on the porcelain bowl.

"I am, very very happy," Jonah sings while doing the dishes.

I pour the milk, then place it back inside the fridge. "So, why are you very very happy this morning?"

"No reason." Pipes Jonah, a little too quick for my taste. He's definitely hiding something.

"Oh, no, Jonah Miller, I know you. What are hiding from me?!" I scream on his face.

"Okay! Okay! Her name is Claire."

"I knew it!" I exclaim, making Jonah laugh. "Is she nice?"

"She's the nicest person I've ever met!" He then halts and thinks for a second, "After you, of course."

I laugh, "Thought so. Is she pretty?"

"Insanely pretty."

I smile, honestly I've never, ever seen my brother so happy. Since the moment I walked into the kitchen, I saw a sparkle in his eyes that I'd never seen before. This girl must really make him happy-therefore making me happy. What can I say? I'm a good sister.

"How long have you two been dating?"

Jonah smiled, "We've been on two official dates. I was actually thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend."

"Jonah! That's amazing!" I gush, "When are you asking her?"

"Tomorrow night, I've already asked her to dinner to Le Cuisine.

Le Cuisine is one of the nicest restaurants in all of Beacon Hills, maybe even Beacon County. It's rated with five stars and it's menu was created by a very famous chef-Pierre DeGoutin. I would honestly love to go to dinner there sometime, if I wasn't a vegetarian. Apparently, I've heard that there's only one vegetarian dish. The rest of them either have chicken, meat, pork, or seafood.

Not really my style.

"Well after you ask her you should bring her to dinner," I suggest, "I'd love to meet anyone that makes you that happy."

"That's an amazing idea, Aida. I'll keep that in mind."

"Well, I gotta go. Don't want to be late." I say before kissing his cheek, grabbing my backpack and making my way to the garage-where my bike is.

I'm a big believer in either walking, biking, or car-pooling to school. Honestly, people don't take enough consideration to how much contamination we're producing daily. Not just in the United States, but all around the world! Let's be real, if people paid as much attention to the environment as they did to their soap operas, we never would have been in this mess in the first place!

I grab my bike from the garage and place my backpack on the basket in the front. I really love my bike-it's got one of those oldies vibe. It's painted a light shade of blue with big black wheels that have a white stripe in the center. Jonah got it for me when I turned thirteen-and I've been using it ever since.

As I pull up in Beacon Hills High, Wren's frantic waving catches my eye. I chuckle to myself and park my bicycle in the bike rack. I place the metal chain around the front wheel and meet my crazy best friend in front of the school.

"Hey, girly!" I coo, smiling at her.

Wren rolls her eyes, "You hung up on me!"

"You were being annoying!" I laugh at her, to which she starts laughing too.

We pull up by my locker and I pull out my History book. It's big and heavy and useless. If you didn't already notice, I hate school with every single fiber of my being.

"He's staring at you." Wren whispers in my ear, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I stare at her, dumfounded, "Who is?"

"Werewolf boy." She says, discretely nodding for me to look over her shoulder. And when I do, I see Liam Dunbar placing in his locker combination.

"Are you blind?" I tease, "Because he clearly isn't."

"He is," She sings. "What happened last night anyway? Did you kiss him?"

"Is your job to be annoying today? 'Cause it's working."

"Asshole." She mutters. "You avoided my question, so you clearly kissed him."

"Yes, Wren," I answer sarcastically, "I wasted my first kiss on a deranged, werewolf boy."

"Okay, Sarcastic, tone it down."

"Did you really think I'd waste my first kiss on a boy I barely know?"

Wren shrugs, "I was just teasing."

"Come on," I mutter, "We're late for History."

"School is useless." I mutter as we leave the last period. "Honestly, I know enough to survive."

"But not enough to get into college, dummy." Wren informs me.

"Whatever, I could skip college," I suggest as my best friend and I pull up by the woods, "Take a year to leave this town, travel the world."

"That would be pretty cool," Wren appeases, "If you didn't need a college degree to get a job these days."

"I could make up my own job," I tell her as matter-of-factly, "And I'm pretty sure I don't need a degree to work at a café."

"Really, a café?"

Wren and I don't really see eye to eye when it comes to discussing life after high school. Even though we're only freshman, my best friend already had her entire future planned out. She wants to go to Harvard, get a law degree, become a lawyer, win a lot of money, and live her life on top. I, on the other hand, want to see the world. I want to go to Paris, London, Africa, India, China, Spain, Mexico, Brasil, Singapore, and practically every city in the world. I want to meet new people, see new faces. I don't want to be tied down to one place. I'm sick of Beacon Hills already. And honestly, I wouldn't mind working at a café, or a book shop, or a concession stand-it'd be a totally new experience. Wren on the other hand, wants things completely different. It makes me wonder why we became friends in the first place-don't get me wrong, I love her to death and everything but sometimes I don't agree with her point of view. Sure, I love series like How to Get Away With Murder and everything but I'd never actually want to be a lawyer. Honestly I don't think I'd survive a day in a firm like the one they portray on the show. Like, not even if you paid me. I don't want money, I want adventure.

I shrug, "Or a book shop."

"You're crazy, Aida." Wren states while rolling her eyes.

"Crazy amazing."

She chuckles, "Okay, we're not here to discuss what we're doing when we grow up. We're here to discover your ass-kicking powers."

"Okay," I say nervously, "What should we start with?"

Wren starts to make her way deeper into the woods, making her way closer into the river, "Maybe water? Do you think you could do something like attack someone with it?"

"I don't think I'd feel comfortable attacking someone." I truthfully state, "Maybe more for self defense."

"Okay, do you think you could defend yourself against someone with water?"

"I-I guess."

"Cool." She says, smiling wide, "Let's try it, then."

I watched the river for about five minutes, straight. Not daring to move my eyes so I could memorize every single detail from it. When I was able to control the tree, I had to imagine it perfectly. So, maybe I have to familiarize myself with my surroundings to use my powers. Or maybe that's just how I learn to use them. It really doesn't matter because for the moment-it works.

"You done?" Wren queries, clearly tired of waiting for me finish staring at a body of water.

"Shut up." I order, closing my eyes.

The image of the lake is buried in my mind. I raise my hand and imagine the water moving from side to side, as if it were being moved by the wind. The splashes start to get me wet, I can feel it in my bare feet and my now wet clothes. The wind made by the waves I'm creating blew back my hair. Slowly, I open my eyes and see that the waves are real, and they're not stopping because I opened my eyes.

I turn to see Wren-she's smiling like a goofball. I lower my hand and the waves stop. I get on my knees and place my hand inside the water. "Thanks." I whisper to the lake.

As soon as I said it, the wind started blowing like crazy. I somehow knew that it was meant for me. That it was the Earth's way of saying you're welcome. I smile and turn to face Wren.

"It just keeps getting cooler every time." Wren says in awe.

I smile and giggle, "I know! I still can't believe it!"

Suddenly, my phone started buzzing in my back pocket. It was a call from Stiles.

"Hey!" I chirp, answering the phone, overjoyed with the process I've made.

"Where the hell are you and Wren? We've been calling you for hours!" Stiles screams through the phone.

"You have? I guess I didn't notice." I truthfully answer, "I'm sorry, what's up?"

"You need to come to Scott's right now." Sties says desperately, concern filling his voice. "Something happened."

"Okay, we'll be there." I tell him before hanging up the phone.

Wren runs to me. "What is it?" She queries.

"We need to go to your house." I inform her. "Now."

Wren slams the door open. She runs inside, and I follow suit.

"What happened?" She demands. "We're here!"

"We're upstairs!" Scott's voice booms through the entire McCall house.

I dash up the stairs, my legs burning by the time I reached the top. I really should exercise more.

"What is it?" My best friend inquiers as she and I enter Scott's room. Once inside, we're met by Scott, Stiles, Liam, Kira, Malia, and Lydia.

"Lydia discovered something the night of the party." Stiles said slowly.

I remember the night of the party, it was pretty hectic. First off, there wasn't even supposed to be a party, but Liam texted Mason, and Mason being Mason, invited practically all of Beacon Hills High. I also remember that night because it was the first time I actually used my powers-which was pretty exciting if you asked me. I mean, at first I wasn't all that excited about being a Nymph. I mean, someone did try to murder me. But now, that I more or less know how to use my powers, it's amazing!

"What is it?" I ask, closing the door behind me.

"You know how The Walcott's were murdered? And how The Mute tried to kill you?"

"Vividly." I answer, not joking at all. I still have nightmares.

"Well, Lydia cracked a code to what we think is a dead pool of supernatural creatures." Stiles informs us, taking out a paper out of his pocket and unfolding it. "And, I think you might want to take a look at it."

Slowly, I take the paper from his hand. I feel Wren peer over my shoulder, trying to take a look for herself.
















Word Count: 2470

A U T H O R ' S    N O T E:

I apologize in advance because I already know that this chapter is really short in comparison to the two previous ones. Besides the fact that there's no Liam & Aida moments in this chapter (btw-we really need to make up a ship name for those two. Any ideas? Laida? Lida? Aiam? Idrk) I'd say it was a pretty good one. We have some good Wren & Aida moments there and I have to say that I loved to write that sibling goals moment Aida & Jonah had! Don't worry, you'll meet Claire in no time!

So, I guess that's it for now! Love you all! Please please comment & vote!!

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