Real - An Everlark Fanfiction

By melanieloves

128K 3.8K 1.6K

"It's been a year, Katniss. People actually heal if they understand how lucky they are to be alive." More

Real - An Everlark Fanfiction
Part One
- Chapter One -
- Chapter Two -
- Chapter Three -
- Chapter Four -
- Chapter Five -
- Chapter Six -
- Chapter Seven -
- Chapter Eight -
Part Two
- Chapter Nine -
- Chapter Ten -
- Chapter Eleven -
- Chapter Twelve -
- Chapter Fourteen -
- Chapter Fifteen -
- Chapter Sixteen -
- Chapter Seventeen -
- Chapter Eighteen -
- Chapter Nineteen -
Part Three
- Chapter Twenty -
- Chapter Twenty One -
- Chapter Twenty Two -
- Chapter Twenty Three -
- Chapter Twenty Four -
Radiant - An Everlark Fanfiction

- Chapter Thirteen -

3.4K 116 33
By melanieloves

I stand outside the door for what seems like forever. Haymitch usually takes this long to answer, though, so I'm not worried. I don't know why I came here. I just wanted someone to talk to about the wedding. Someone who isn't overexcited. Someone who really gets me and how I feel about social events. My mentor is the only one who, no matter what I say, will always stay calm. Who will always listen. It hasn't always been like this. I used to dread talking to Haymitch. I used to assume he wasn't paying attention and didn't care. I thought that he was too drunk to comprehend what I was saying. Now I know that he does care. He cared enough to save my life numerous times.

I scan Haymitch's yard and spot a dead garden located to the side of his patio. I've never noticed it before. It looks like he used to grow tomatoes. And pumpkins. It probably wasn't in my lifetime that Haymitch enjoyed farming. I try to picture the drunk man that I've come to know working in the fields in District 11. Gliding through the trees like Rue. The image in my head brings a smile to my face. And soon I'm quietly laughing to myself. Haymitch wouldn't last a day doing what Rue used to do. She was too strong and brave for him. I bet she still is.

I take a closer look at the crops. It seems like Haymitch still tends to them sometimes. They don't look totally deserted. They're still holding on. They still have hope.

I walk over to the garden and pull a few of the stray weeds that are taking over the plants, hiding them from reality. It bothers me how a greater force just takes over private property without permission.

"Sounds familiar," I mumble, pulling out the last of the unwanted plants. I smile at my work, and wipe off the dirt on my hands. The garden already looks ten times better than when I arrived. I walk back to the door and I hear some fumbling from inside.

"Hello, Katniss," Haymitch says, opening the door. I let myself in and shove right past his lazy body. He doesn't seem to care.

The smell of his unclean house is unmistakable, and I almost throw up in my mouth when I take my first steps inside. I wish he'd tidy it up just a little bit. Just enough so I wouldn't need to keep a spare barf bag in my back pocket. I take a seat on his dusty couch and watch as he clumsily sits in his large arm chair next to me.

"Why so quiet, sweetheart?" He asks, leaning back in his seat. I bite the side of my cheek, not knowing how to respond.

"I'm scared," I finally say, looking at my feet, "About the wedding,"

Haymitch lets out a long twisted laugh and almost falls out of his chair. I look up at him and my face turns bright red with anger.

"Katniss Everdeen? Scared?" He asks, teasingly.

"Yes, Haymitch. I'm scared to get married. If I were you I'd shut up. Especially considering you don't know anything about love." I say, and immediately he stops laughing.

"Sweetheart," he says tauntingly, "You don't know a fraction about my life. If I were you, I'd never say those words again. To anyone. Either tell me about your little problem or get out of my house."

For a while no one speaks. We just sit. We're both hurt by each other, as usual. But this is different. This is about love. I look up at him and decide to break the silence.

"I'm just afraid that..." I say, and he shoots his eyes in my direction, "That I haven't done enough for Peeta... Like I'm letting him do all the work."

"You'll never do enough for Peeta," he says. I sigh.

"I know," I mumble. "But I feel so awful. It's his wedding too and I've been acting like its all about me. For my entire life."

"I did play a little part in that myself," he admits. "I didn't give him anything in that arena... I thought he was useless,"

"Well he's not." I grunt, giving him a look.

"You think I don't realize that now, sweetheart? Anyone that can keep you from imploding with rage and hatred is definitely not useless."

I frown at him but brush it off. He's kidding.

"Anyone that would volunteer to give you a bath is definitely not useless," I mock, smirking. "That was braver than when I took my sister's place in a battle to the death."

He smiles, and I do too. He picks up a glass from the coffee table In front of him and takes a long sip.

"Well have you written your wedding vows?" He asks, placing the cup back on the table.

"No," I whisper. And I feel extremely embarrassed. I've been meaning to do that for a while, but words don't come to me as easily as they do to Peeta. I'll never outshine his speech. Not that I'm intending to. It's just so hard to get married to the perfect boy.

"Well do that. You're gonna need them. When is the special day anyway? Soon?" He asks.

"I don't know..." I say, and my face must look like a tomato by now. Peeta never told me the exact date. He hasn't really told me anything about the wedding.

"The location?" He asks, hopefully. I shake my head.

"I know where I want it," I say, "But Effie would never agree." And that's the truth. I do know where I want my wedding to be. And I also know when I want it. In the clearing in the woods. Where Peeta took me on a picnic. The dandelions are already starting to grow, but next month is then they'll be in full bloom. That is when I want my wedding to be. That was one of the most memorable days of my life and I want my most memorable day to take place there too.

"Why did you two want that overdressed parrot to plan your wedding?" He says.

"Peeta requested her. She knows what she's doing," I admit. And he nods.

"May I ask you this?" He says, looking right into my eyes. "Did you get your fiancé a ring?"

I gasp, covering my gaping mouth with my hands. A ring! I completely forgot! I'm so stupid! How could I have skipped over that!

"No." I say. And that's all I say. He sighs and takes another sip of his drink.

"I recommend you buy him one, then," he says. And I will. First thing tomorrow morning. I will walk all the way into town and buy Peeta Mellark a wedding ring.

"Thank you, Haymitch," I say quietly. I would never have gotten as far in life as I am without this disgusting man. Physically and emotionally. He nods and stands up, leading me to his door. There is no more to discuss. Nothing left on my mind.

"Just remember, sweetheart. That Peeta just wants you to have a great day. He's doing this all for you."

"I know," I reply. And I walk down his porch steps.

"Oh and Katniss," he says, and I turn around to look at him. "If you want to you can always come and help out with my garden." And he points to his almost dead tomatoes and pumpkins. "I'm not really into all that anymore."

I'm not either, but I agree. He must have seen me checking out his crops through his window. Darn. If he really wants me to, though, I'll check up on Haymitch's plants every now and then. It's the least I can do.

I wave him goodbye and slowly walk back to my house. I think about Peeta. And what I can do for him. I finally realize that the answer is not much. He has me, and he seems pretty happy with that at the moment. Well, that's what he says to me at least.

I smile when I see him glaring through the window. Like he's been waiting for me. Once he can recognize my face he rushes for the door and meets me outside.

"Katniss!" He says, and he kisses my forehead. I grin from ear to ear. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you all day!"

"With Haymitch." I admit. "We just talked for a little while. I'm okay." Once he realizes that I wasn't in danger he smiles too.

" I love you" he breathes, taking me into his arms. I don't have to reply. He knows he has my unconditional love. And that he always will.


"So when did you want the wedding to be?" I ask Peeta quietly. "And where?"

He smiles, turning my way. He
loves talking about this. "Well. Effie and I were planning on leaving that part up to you."

"Alright. Good. Then I know." I say.

"That was fast." He laughs, offering me a slice of bread. I shake my head no and continue.

"Well I've been thinking about it." I say. "Haven't you?"

"That's all I've been thinking about, Katniss." He says. "I just knew you'd make the better decision."

"You know the clearing where you took me on a picnic?" I ask. He nods, taking my hand. "That's where."

He smiles bigger than I've ever seen him smile before. "And when?" He asks. "Next month. In spring. When the beautiful golden dandelions cover every speck of the grass."

"Perfect!" He says, and he kisses my hand. "Whatever you want."

It's strange to think that in one month, I will get married. In one month, Peeta and I will be husband and wife. No more being single and alone. Like I have always been. In one month, I will be Katniss Mellark.

I hope you enjoyed! Be sure to vote, comment, and follow me! Thank you!

-Melanie 🦁

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