Everything Has Changed

By forever_Jen_

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A/N- I wrote this when I was 11, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! "I wasn't expecting any of this to happen. I thought... More

Chapter 1- Home
Chapter 2- Everythings Changed
Chapter 3- The Fight
Chapter 4 - The Party
Chapter 5- I Hate Guys
Chapter 6- Photographs
Chapter 7- This Shit Just Got Real
Authors Note
Chapter 8-My Life has Turned Into A Horror Movie
Chapter 9- Thats so Cliché
Chapter 10- Prom
Chapter 11- A Past That Will Never Be Forgotten
Chapter 12- Aria Hunter
Chapter 13- I Have a Plan
Chapter 14- He Can Go Back To The Hell Hole He Came From
Chapter 16- Fights, Mishaps, and Broken Hearts
Chapter 17- Then It Went Black
Im back!
Hello Again!

Chapter 15- You knew?!

299 9 0
By forever_Jen_

"Told you I wasn't gonna let anything happen to you"


"Yup that's me, hey babe"

"But.. How... How are you here? I thought you were dead"

" I am, but I wanted to spend more time with you before I can move on" she says while swinging on the park swing

"There's so much I wanted to say that I never got to" I say with a tear escaping my eye

"Okay shoot"

"First off, I love you so much and I don't want you to go. Second, how can you be so stupid! You let yourself die for me and-

"Claire stop it. I did it so you can fofill the life you were meant to have. Sure we can't grow old together but I will always be with you in here" and we will be together again"she says pointing to my heart.



"Claire wake up come on! It's the last day of school!!!!" Kayla says

"No let me sleep" I shout

"Silly, come on we are gonna be late" she says and I immediately jump out of bed and run into the bathroom. I quickly run a brush through my hair and put it into my signature fishtail side braid. Then I brush my teeth and run into my closet and grab the nearest clothes possible which is Kayla's gray 5SOS T-Shirt and a pair of denim shorts and slip on my Jordan's.

Then I run downstairs grab a piece of toast and run out the door. Kayla follows behind me getting into the car laughing

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing" she says while driving

"Tell me!" I say lightly slapping her arm

"Well, we are actually ten minutes early. I just said to you that we were gonna be late as a joke but you just jumped and were like Flash the super hero"

"You bitch! You made me get up early and swallow down breakfast just so we can get here early?!" I say hitting her arm again

"Pretty much, yes. We're here!" She says pulling into the parking lot.

We spot Drew and Brandon shooting hoops and we go over to them

"Hey guys" I say and I see Brandon practically jump 2 feet in the air

"AHHHHHH!" He turns around and when he sees its me he picks me up and says "oh your in trouble " then he starts rubbing my face on his shirt and its disgusting.

"Eww! Brandon stop! This is so not sanitary" I look over at Kayla and Drew and see that they are hysterically laughing. "It's not funny! Guys help me!"

"Okay okay, Brandon I think she's had enough" drew says catching his breath and Brandon lets me go

"Oh wonderful air! I love you so much!" I say while inhaling a bunch of air

"Your such a weirdo" Kayla says

"No Brandon and Drew are the weirdos, why would you want to get sweaty before school? That's so stupid"

"No it's not Claire. Were dudes, we can take our shirts of and towel down and put on another shirt" Drew says and I cross my arms in defeat


"Well, that's the bell guess we better get going Kayla" I say hooking her arm with mine

She whispers " I think we should stay and wait for them, I'm enjoying the view of mr sexy pants over there" she says pointing to Brandon and this time it's my turn to laugh.

I break down into a laughing fit to a point that I am on the ground rolling. I see Drew and Brandon approaching us

"Why is she laughing so hard? What's so funny?" Brandon says confused and I laugh even harder

"Claire, calm down come on we have to get to class" Drew says

"Fine- one m-m-more minute!" I say kicking my feet and finally getting up

"That class was so boring" Kayla says exiting from third period

"Don't worry, we have lunch next and gym (which we are doing swimming because it's so hot) then we are done for the year!" I say

"Awesome! I am so glad we have swimming because it's 97 degrees outside and I can't handle it" Kayla says dramatically

"Oh please you just want to see the guys with their shirts off" Drew says.

"You got that right!" She says while winking at Brandon.

We are walking to lunch when we run into the schools jerk/ ultimate player aka Drews old best friend Justin

"Well hello there gorgeous" he says winking at Kayla

"Back off, I'm not interested" she says

"Aww you don't want some of this" he says pointing to his perfect abs

"Nope" she says

"Fine. This isn't over, I'll be back" Justin says walking away then we all start laughing

"Did he just quote Arnold Schwarzenegger?" I say

"Y-yes" Brandon says laughing. When he finally catches his breath he says " what a tool, he thinks he can win girls over by them just looking at his abs. It's all about the personality"

" um yeah I got to- to-you umm go I'll see you guys at gym" Kayla says walking away

We sit down at our usual table in silence while me and Drew stuff our faces with food.

After a few minutes Brandon finally speaks up "what's up with Kayla she's acting all weird"

"I don't know, after the whole Justin thing she just wigged out. Why do you care, your just her friend anyway" I say

"That's not true I like her. I was thinking about what you said when we visited Aria for her birthday and your right. She would want me to be happy and move on"

"So does this mean that you like- like her or what?" Drew says

"Yes. If we are using second grade terms I like- like her. Do you think she likes me?"

"Are you freaking blind? She has been hinting to you since you got here! She's been winking and flirting and she called you mr sexy pants this morning" I say and then Drew bursts out laughing

"Is that why you were laughing this morning?" Brandon says and Drew finally catches his breath

"Yes and see he gets it" I say pointing to Drew

"Okay okay! I'm back in okay I won't laugh anymore" Drew says "you should ask her out man"

"I plan to when we go to Philadelphia" Brandon says

"Aww that's so sweet" I say

"Have you gone soft?" Drew says dramatically gasping

"Oh shut up will ya" I say slapping his arm

Ring... Ring

"Alright well we have to go get our suits from our lockers" Brandon says

"Yeah me too, I'll see you guys in gym" I say.

I reach my locker and grab my bikini when I see Kayla about to enter the locker room.

"Hey, why did you freak out back there?"

"Oh, it's just when I winked at him, he winked back and then smiled and said its all about what's in the inside and I don't know I just freaked so I skipped lunch" she says and I nod in understanding.

"Okay well let's go!" I say pulling her into the locker room

We get our bathing suits on and head out to the pool room. We see Brandon and Drew so we go over to them and I scared Brandon again

"Hiiiii" I scream

"AHHHHHH, I told you don't do that!" Brandon says then he stops when he sees Kayla in her purple bikini.

Just as they connected eyes and shared smiles a hand comes up around Kayla's waist.

"Hey babe!" Justin says

"Don't babe me, get off me you tool!"she says struggling to get away from his hold

"Oh come on. We both know you like me and let me just say that the feeling is mutual" he says creepily looking at her up and down

"Back off, I don't like you and I never will!" She shouts

"No admit it you like me" he says

"She said let go and get off of her NOW!" Brandon says stepping in front of Kayla

"Oh and who are you dude?"Justin says angrily

"I'm your worst nightmare Dude" he says in a mocking tone. Then Justin throws a punch but Brandon moves so he doesn't get hit

Then Brandon grabs Justin's arm and twists it behind his back tighter and tighter "if you ever bother her again or even look at her, the outcome will be a lot worse then this. I don't like hurting people but Jacks like you deserve it and I got a lot of rage. We wouldn't want to release that now would we?" Brandon says

Justin rapidly shakes his head "n-no we-we wouldn't"

"Good now go" Brandon says letting him go and he runs like hell out of the pool room and I don't know where he went but who cares.

"Wow Brandie that was brave" I say

"Y-yeah thanks" Kayla says while hugging him

"Anything for you" He says

"Umm can I talk to Brandon for a minute?" Kayla says

"Sure, we will be over there" I say pointing to the diving boards

"Do we have to?" Drew says

"Yes you big baby come on!" I say dragging him by the wrist

Kayla's POV

"Really thanks I mean it"

"Like I said anything for you" Brandon says and I blush and smile

"Well I wanted to tell you something" I say

"And what might that be" he says with a curious smile

"That I really like you"

"I really like you too. Speaking of, I was gonna wait until Philadelphia but, will you do me the pleasure of going out with me" Brandon says and I am shocked. I didn't see that coming

"Yes, I will" I say intertwining our fingers together.

"Yay" he says picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder

"Put me down" I say slapping his back

"Nope, we are gonna go on a little adventure" He says

"Brandon what are you- AHHHHHH!" He threw me in the water. When I rise to the surface I start screaming at him.

"How dare you!" I say and he is just laughing along with Claire and Drew

Claire high fives Brandon and says "good job buddy! I though you were gonna wait till Philadelphia"

I gasp " you were in on this?!"

"Yup" Claire and Drew say in unison.

"Alright class. Start drying off the bells gonna ring in 5 minutes" Mrs. Marcus says and I get out of the pool.

Me an Claire dried off and are changing in the locker rooms.

"So he asked you?" Claire says

"Yup I can't believe you didn't tell me!"

"Hey what can I say, it would have ruined the surprise and it's only fair since you did that to me for junior prom"

"Your still holding that against me?"

"Yup" she says popping the P

We get dressed and leave the locker rooms.

"Ready to go?" Brandon says with Drew beside him

"Yup. Woop we are the new seniors"

"Yeahhhh" Claire says

"Let's get this summer started!" Drew says

"Yes now remember, we leave at 10 am next week for the airport at my house" I say

"Okay!" Brandon says

"I'm so excited" Claire says

"Me too, and I couldn't be more happier that I'm spending it with my boyfriend and my best friends" Claire says

"Same here" I say
Hey guys! This chapter wasn't really that good. I'm sorry, I've had writers block so this is a filler.

Anyways Brandon and Kayla got together yay!

I chose the song because Claire is trying to tell Aria in her dream everything that she didn't get to say

Vote, comment. Thanks!


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