Life Is A Beach

By HannaXORachel

5.9K 85 14

Sixteen year old, Charlotte Ackerman, is in for one hell of a ride in her Junior year. Living right next to t... More

Life Is A Beach
Chapter 1: A New Start
Chapter 3: The Date

Chapter 2: The Bartender

863 15 2
By HannaXORachel

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ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ 2: ⓣⓗⓔ ⓑⓐⓡⓣⓔⓝⓓⓔⓡ

The sound of the bell from outside the classroom made me jump up from my chair and collect my books. I was the first to leave the classroom, anxious to get out of hell, also known as math. My worst subject. I have a B in there...a B! I rush to my locker and quickly put away my books.

After waiting in line for at least five minutes, I finally got the chance to order. Scanning the menu, I quickly decided on nachos. It was divine here.

'Nachos please.' I said with a friendly smile which the lunch lady returned.

'That's two dollars fifty please.' she said, and I handed over the cash before stepping to the side. I sighed in relief as she handed me my lunch. For some reason, everything I do today seems to take forever. It's just one of those days where you can't win. By now, my stomach was growling in anticipation, the ravenous scent of my nachos seducing me as I strolled through the cafeteria, weaving in between the tables of students.

That was when my eye caught a lonely boy, at a lonely table. Tucked away in the corner, I spotted Jackson - the new kid - sitting all by himself. He had dark brown hair and adorable face, and from here, I could see the cheerleaders a few tables away giving him flirtatious looks. I frowned. When I showed him around the school, I was positive he would fit right in with the jocks and cheerleaders at our school. He had that body that every guy went to the gym for, and gorgeous brown eyes, and even the guys seemed to approve first period when I showed him the classes where I was to introduce him. It was really hard to believe that he was sitting by himself at a table certainly made for more than just one.

I glanced at my usual table. My seat was vacant - as to be expected. Bailey was sitting next to her boyfriend Chace as usual, and my other friends - Cailleb, Tessa, Perrie and Jeremy - were also sitting chatting. They could do a day without me, I decided, before striding toward the table where Jackson was sitting.

"Hey!" I said smoothly as I plopped onto the red, plastic seat across from him. For such a wealthy school, you'd probably expect the cafeteria to be more fancy than a normal school. It looked a bit out of place compared to the rest of the school with the simple polished concrete and cheap seating arrangements, but I didn't mind. He glanced up from his lunch (which was nachos as well) with a surprised look on his face.

"Oh, hey Charlotte." He looks up from his food and gives me a small smile.

"How's your first day so far?"

"It's been ok." I nod and nibble at a corn chip.

"So you like it here? At Costal Ridge?"

"Yeah, yeah it's nice." He looks back down at his food and then back at me. I grin to myself. He was so shy, yet so cute. He glanced up again. 'Why are you sitting with me?' he asked wearily. His tone wasn't that mean, but it still hurt. I frowned at him.

'You looked lonely, so I decided to give you company!' I said with a bright smile. I usually wasn't this friendly with strangers, but he felt different. Talking to him came naturally, as if you were speaking with a long lost friend.

'Oh.' he said glancing back down at his food. 'You don't have to...' he said in a small voice.

'I want to.' I reassured him with a smile.

The rest of the lunch passed by quickly, mainly consisting of me asking questions, and him answering with dull responses. He wasn't the most talkative person, but I still enjoyed talking to him.

'Alright, I'll see you.' I said, flashing a grin at him.

'Bye Charlotte.' he said softly, waving a little, before grabbing his bag and walking away.


'I'm coming to yours!' Bailey cooed, looping her arm through mine as I walked toward my jeep.

"Why?" I asked, pulling out my keys as I come to a standstill next to my Jeep. I jammed the keys in, before glancing back at her. Usually she would just march on over, no notice given.

"So I can help you get ready?' she said. My eyebrows knitted together.

'For what?'

'For Greg's party?" She says.

"It's this Friday?" I asked, shocked. Secretly I was actually pretty excited, but I would never let Bailey know that. "I thought it was next Friday."

"Nope! It's today! I will meet you at your house in 10 and we will pick out a dress!' she exclaimed excitedly.


Three hours later, I was looking at my reflection in shock. In fact, I was so shocked, that my jaw was practically touching the floor.

'Tadaaa!!' my best friend squealed. Bailey had done a stunning job of playing barbie doll on me. My make-up looked splendid, and my turquoise dress really bought out my crystal blue eyes. She straightened my normally wavy, blond hair, so that it was now splayed around my shoulders, soft and shiny. All of which was pair with a cute pair of silver stilettos. I smiled at myself. I'd never classified myself to be pretty - just average - but today, I felt drop, dead gorgeous.

I spun around to my equally if not more gorgeous best friend. Her hair was in her natural form - a cascade of light brown curls that shaped her face perfectly. Like me, she too had gorgeous blue eyes that everyone loved. Her dress had a black bodes that had lace down the side. From there it flowed into a beautiful white material. The front ended at the knees whilst the back end splendidly with her black heels. All in all, we were a force to be reckoned with.

'You look gorgeous!' I said excitedly, pulling her in for a hug.

'You too! Now lets go find Ali so she can take some photos!' she cried enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes, not having one doubt in my mind that Mum would already be downstairs with camera in hand.

"Not so fast!" My mum, yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I groan dramatically as I elegantly walked down the stairs, careful not to trip on my stilettos. Hey! I wasn't the party girl. It wasn't often I got to wear five inch heels, so I wasn't an expert at walking down a million stairs in them! Mum laughed loudly at my protests. "I just want a few pictures." She grabs her camera

Oh my god!' Mum squealed as we came into view.

'Mum your twenty years too old to be saying that.' I joked, rolling my eyes.

'I don't care! Oh my god! My two babies look so beautiful and all grown up!' she said, tears of happiness forming in her eyes as she gathered us both in a hug.

Twenty-five minutes later and a flat battery on the camera, we were rushed out the door.

'Don't have too much fun!' Mum chastised jokingly.

'I'll try not to!'

'And don't get too drunk, because I am NOT cleaning up your vomit in the morning missy.' she scolded. I laughed.

'Bye mum!'

Once we arrived at the party, the sound of booming music met my ears. The difference between the music here, and the music I listen to when I'm having a shower, is that you can't actually make out what song it is - it's that loud.

"Now, let's go have some fun." Bailey says as she parks the car, un-buckling her seat belt, and flinging the door open. Following suite, Bailey dragged me toward the front door. Not even bothering to knock, she flung it open, where we were greeted with the stench of alcohol, grinding bodies and couples making out.

'Come on! Dance!' Bailey yelled over the heightened music. I rolled my eyes, but reluctantly joined her, jumping up and down and swishing my hips side from side. The smile on Bailey's face was contagious, and soon I found myself smiling like a maniac too.

After a few songs, my throat felt like sand-paper as I got really thirsty. It was definitely time for a break. I somehow managed to ask Bailey over the loud music if she wanted a drink. Nodding, we walked out of the house, greeting the cold, refreshing air with great welcome.

Not to my surprise (judging from the huge house), there was a huge patio that extended for a few hundred yards. There were quite a few people out here too; groups of friends sitting down, couples making out, and more than a few people that from their messy state, seemed to have had a bit too much to drink. After a moment, I located the miniature bar set up near the table and chairs.

I pursed my lips. What were the chances of them having a non-alcoholic beverage? I hopped up onto the stools, as did Bailey and we waited for the bar-tender to turn his attention to us.

'Hey ladies!' came his attractive, cheerful voice. 'What can I get for you?'

'One Bloody Mary for me please!' Bailey chirped. I widened my eyes and the bartender let out a low whistle.

'Full out so early?' he said, preparing the drink.

'You bet!' she said smirking. He chuckled lightly.

And for you?' he asked, leaning over and folding his arms on the bench. I sighed.

'Do you happen to have a can of coke or something?' I questioned. A silly smile crossed his face and he chuckled quietly. His emerald green eyes pierced mine. He had messy, dirty blond hair, and a chiselled jaw. He was attractive to say the least.

"Well this is different. Not big on alcohol?" He laughs, handing Bailey her Bloody Mary and sliding my Coke across the bench. I hated alcohol. As a child, I had seen the rough end of what it did to your mind, and I never wanted to go back there again. Plus, Bailey sure as hell wasn't driving, leaving only me to be the chauffeur.

"Not really." I responded, opening up the can and practically chugging down the whole thing. The cold liquid met the insides of my throat with great welcoming. I sighed in satisfaction.

'Yeah, me neither.' he said with a grin. I frowned.

'You don't drink?' I questioned curiously, tilting my head to the side. He's a bartender yet he doesn't drink?

'Nope.' he laughed, shaking his head. 'It tastes weird. That is why I put my head up to be barman.' he said with a smirk.

'How is the party?'

'Pretty good.' I responded with an easy grin. 'Are you stuck here all night?'

"Yeah. But Greg is paying me so it isn't to bad."

'Okay, well, have fun and thanks for the drink tonight.' I said with a grin holding up the almost empty can of coke.

'No problem...'


After half an hour of searching for the missing in action best friend, I gave up, slightly annoyed. With no where else to go, I headed back to the bar.

I propped myself onto the stool again, resting my rosy cheek against the cool surface of the bench.

'Now what do we have here?' came a familiar voice. I snapped my head up from the bench, and in front of my eyes was the smiling bar tender from before. I grinned.

'Hey you.' I cooed. He laughed, shaking his head.

'Don't tell me you came here for my company.'

'Well...No.' I said feeling a blush rise on my cheeks. 'I came here for another coke... But I wouldn't mind your company!' I decided, laughing a little.

'Good. Because being here by myself all night seeing people having a good time...' he begun, his eyes narrowing behind me. I followed his gaze to see a girl puking her guts out onto the ground, not to mention the half of it that was caught in her hair. I almost pitied her as I felt the need to vomit myself. I whipped my head around pulling a disgusted face. 'Well, rephrase - seeing most people having a good time is a bit of a downer.'

'Aw diddums!' I said, reaching out and grabbing his cheek. He laughed, and we lapsed into a comfortable silence as we listened to the music going on around us.

'I never caught your name.' I mumbled glancing at him as he handed me a coke, breaking the silence.

'Ashton Parker. I go to your school.' he chuckled.

'Oh.' I said, racking my brain. I knew he looked familiar. 'Oh!' He cocked an eyebrow. 'You're a senior right? On the football team?'

'Yup.' he said, impressed. 'And you're a junior. Crazy good surfer.' I blushed madly

'How'd you know?' I questioned curiously. 'Wait! I mean, how did you know I surf? I am sooo not good.'

'Yes you are.' he chuckled. 'I see you sometimes.'

'Really? You surf?'

'No. I mean, sometimes I do with my mates, but I go for runs in the mornings. Always see you and Bloody Mary.' he said. My eyebrows knitted together. Bloody Mary....? Oh! Bailey. Right.

After a few hours of constant chatting and many laughs, the best friend finally fronted up.

'Isn't that Bailey?" He says pointing to a drunken girl stumbling over to the bar.

"Charles! I've been looking for you." She says, struggling to sit down on the stool. 'I lost you girl!' she said, falling onto my lap. I groaned. A drunk Bailey was never a good sight. "I'll have a margarita." She slurs, glancing at Ashton.

"I don't think so." I say. "You're going to have such a hangover tomorrow." I commented with a smirk as I thought about all the other times when I had to nurse Bailey back to her normal state after a party. She is so stubborn when she's in a hangover.

"Oh c'mon, one more drink? Pretty please? Pretty, pretty please?" She wines, and I soon find it hard to resist her puppy dog eyes. "You would have more time to flirt with the bartender?" Bailey says with a wide smirk. I feel the heat rise to my cheeks and I blush furiously. I couldn't bring myself to look at Ashton whom was laughing.

'She's drunk.' I muttered, bowing my head, slapping my hands to my cheeks.

'Come on Bailey. I think it's time to go.' I said helping her up.

'Wait!' Ashton said. I glanced at him expectantly.

'Do you want to maybe catch up for lunch or something tomorrow?' he questioned. I felt blood rush to my cheeks as butterflies batted in my stomach.

"I'd like that. That sounds nice." I responded, no longer able to control the huge smile that was now plastered on my face.

'Cool. Um...I don't know where you live, so do you want to just meet at Coastal Edge Tavern at noon?' he asked, a cute smile on his face. I laughed and nodded before leaving the party.

"Did-did you have fun?" Bailey asked, her speech slurred as I pushed her into the car.

"I did. I had a lot of fun." I responded, smiling to myself. I really did.


Oooh! So! Ashton Parker ay? Mister popular! How did you like this chapter? Your comments WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! In order to produce a book worth reading, you need the audience to actually LIKE it! We don't exactly want this to be like the books I'm sure we've all had to begrudgingly read for English (that's coming from two people who LOVE reading!). So, comment below, or shoot us a message! :)

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Teaser: I'm thinking a date is on it's way? ;)

Keep reading! You are amazing :) Hope you liked this chapter xoxo

-Hanna and Rach

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