We Are, Eight

By TopDawg007

22 2 0

Robbing a bank is something. But taking everything 56 states have to offer. That is a challenge for a group o... More



8 0 0
By TopDawg007

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The key to a good beat is to hit your audience with a slow starter. Maybe 219bp/m. As they get their shoulders moving, kick the beat into 220bp/m. They should start moving now. But there are the guys at the back who just sit about, leaning against the wall. Let's hit them with a surprise 224bp/m. There we go. Already starting to move. But the people aren't done yet. 225bp/m is the time when it starts getting crazy. They do. People start to do some weird stuff. There is bound to be someone pushed in the pool... 226bp/m. Someone's jumped in, as expected. Just 4 more beats to go. 228bp/m and the people start to realise what's about to happen. They won't be able to stop. 229bp/m. I have them in my hands.


The light floods into the room. A blurred shape above me now comes into focus. I bet he would move with 229bp/m. I bet everyone would move.

"Harry, get up," said the voice, sounding urgent and frustrated.

The voice comes clearer now. Jarryd. My room mate. He would definitely move at 229bp/m.

"Harry, come on, we need to go," said Jarryd, shaking me gently.

Outside stood a tough looking teen. He is the owner of the house down the street. Every once in a while he has an open house party. And I am always the DJ.

I start to make my way out of bed, following Jarryd to the front of the apartment. The door swung open and the tough guy walked in.

"I need you Harry for a party tonight. This ones gonna' be big," said the guy with a husky voice. If you ask me, his voice did not match his body. The intimidation of his figure is terrifying. But his voice is the voice of an old man. It just didn't work. But then again. Intimidating people don't usually talk. That's what makes them intimidating.

"So, payment?" I ask, with a note of urgency. So suttle. If he noticed it, he hid it very well.

"$200. Goes down if you muck it up. If you get so far down that you end up owing us money, you would wish you never existed"

"Who's 'us'"

"I'll see you at 6"

And with that, the man turned on the spot and walked off down the staircase.

"Jarryd, what's the time"


"Jarryd. We have a party to attend"

The op shop doesn't look fancy, but it is so damn cheap. Vests for 50 cents. Coats for $2. But the people inside Domotros Op Shop are shady yet useful. You can get anything you want for as cheap as 20 cents if you know the right people to talk to. And of course, you have to have the right friends. I had a mate who bought a Porsche with insurance and everything for just $246.45. And he only bought that from Jack. You should meet George.

"I'm looking for George," I said to the cashier.

"Sorry, George isn't working today," she replied, her face placed of emotion.

"Lemons and limes," said Jarryd, butting in.

A smile spread across her face. "I said, George isn't working today".

"Jarryd, that was Jacks, not George's. Tell George that shoes are a mans best friend," I said.

"Come this way," the lady said.

I followed the lady out to the back of the store. There where piles of toys, clothes and odd stuff that should NEVER be sold in a shop. Well, that's my opinion and I am entitled to my opinion. Haters can hate. But I'm just gonna shake.

"Hey George," said the cashier.

"Hey Jain," said George, "would you look who it is. The amazing Harry and Jarryd his room mate who is like a manager" said George, turning his attention to Jarryd and I.

"How you going George" I said, shaking his hand.

"Oh, I'm okay I guess. But what where you looking for".

"I got a party tonight and I wanted a new mixer for my set" I said.

"I'll be right back," and with that, George ran of into the shelves.

A few minutes later, George came back with a stack of photos. He spread them across the table.

"A mixing set with a beat system to go up to 500. 32 different options and spread over," said George "and only 12 hours for $7.95"

"12 isn't good enough. I need 3 hours"

"3 hours. The price would sky rocket and," he paused "I couldn't guarantee anything"

"Whatever. Got a party tonight and I need one"

"Righto. I'll do my best," George said as he exited the room leaving Jarryd and I standing in the middle of a cold warehouse.

The teen was right. This is a big party. The biggest of the year.

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