Extraterrestrial// mgc.

By studdedmgc

1.8K 156 146

In which a green haired alien boy is sent to earth on a mission to find a girl, but soon learns that girl can... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Sixteen

40 2 4
By studdedmgc

Luke's POV

Everything gonna go perfect. I'm prepared for anything. This was going to be the best night of my life.

I had to reassure myself every few seconds on the drive to pick up Giselle, but on the inside I was freaking out.

What if she doesn't like the pop I brought? What if I say something stupid? What if I sniff her hair? I bet it smells like strawberries it's gonna be hard not to sniff her hair if it smells like strawberries.

My brain was going to explode from all the questions, my lungs were going to explode from hyperventilating, and if the date went badly my heart would explode too.

I couldn't handle all this anxiety. I was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown in the middle of my car while driving. I wouldn't be surprised if I got into an accident, and got hurt before I could even pick her up.

I wasn't even jumping to conclusions at this point I was leaping to conclusions.

Now I was starting to second guess how put together this date was. I'd come up with it at three in the morning. Maybe it was a really stupid idea, but I didn't realize it because of the sleep deprivation.

Before I could even think about turning around, and driving back home I was already pulling into Giselle's driveway.

As I stood at the door waiting for her to come out I felt like I was going to crumble into a heap of nerves. I was strongly considering hiding in a bush before she opened the door, but then the door flung open. Hiding was no longer an option.

Giselle smiled brightly at me I mirrored the smile trying to cover up how nervous I was.

"Hi" I said shyly.

"Hey." She stepped forward, and hugged me.

"You smell nice." I mumbled. I immediately regretted my words after they left my mouth.

Instead of looking at me like I was crazy she giggled. "Thanks I just got this new perfume."

It was such a relief that she wasn't weirded out by that.

"Cool. We should probably go." I awkwardly pointed to my car.

"Yeah that would probably be a good idea." She said.

Turned and ran toward the passenger side door of the car. I opened the door and waited for her to get in. "After you my lady."

She started giggling again. "What a gentleman." I shut the door behind her a ran around to the drivers side.

When I got behind the wheel she immediately asked where we were going. I put my fingers to my lips, and pretended to zip them shut.

"Aw come on. Please tell me! All I know is that we're going swimming." I shook my head. She pouted and folded her arms across her chest.

Soon we were passing by the woods where everything was gonna go down. "See look we're almost there."

She gave me a puzzled look. "You brought me to the forest? You realize how freaky that is right?"

"Just wait we're not even actually there yet." She bit her lip, and continued staring out the window as I turned into the the trail leading through the thick woods.

Not long after we finally got to the end of the trail and into the clearing of the woods.

Though it wasn't just some random clearing. There was a river, and that's where we were going to go swimming.

"Eh this is pretty cool. I didn't even know there was a river that ran through these woods."

I parked the car and turned to grab the blanket and picnic basket. When I turned back Giselle was already out of the car standing in the middle of the clearing taking in her surroundings.

I spread out the blanket on the floor and put the basket on top of it. "Do you want to eat now?"

"Nah I'm good. Let go swimming!"  She yelled and before I could even blink she was jumping into the water.

"Hey wait for me!" I shouted and after I throwing my shirt off I chased after her.

Michael's POV

Calum was pissed at Mel for stealing his wallet. Calum being the drama queen that he was refused to take us anywhere else so he drove back home.

When he pulled into the driveway he didn't hesitate to slammed the car door and storm inside.

Melody rolled her eyes. "He's such a diva."  I nodded in a agreement. I really didn't want to go inside, and have to listen to him complain so I suggested we go to Luke's house.

Since we didn't really have anything else to do we kinda just laid in my room and cuddled while listening to the red of the The Killers album.

"This albums pretty awesome." I mumbled while playing with the ends of her hair. She didn't even look up at me, she was too busy drawing random patterns on my arm with her finger.

"I told you. It was so worth stealing Calum's money and having him getting mad at us."

"Oh yeah totally."

Beep beep

I looked up from her hair. I knew I heard something I just didn't know what it was.

Beep beep

This time Melody heard and looked up at me. "What was that noise?" I shrugged, not know what the hell was making the noise.

Beep beep

What ever it was it was annoying. I groaned as Melody rolled off me so I could try to find out where the noise was coming from.

Beep beep

It was coming from underneath a pile of my stuff in the corner of the room. I shoved all the stuff aside and underneath it was my tablet.

Beep beep

I turned it on silent, and looked back at Melody who was staring at me curiously. "It's just my tablet." I shrugged.

"Oh okay. Everything good? You seemed to be getting a lot of notifications."

I crawled back on the bed. "Yup, everything's fine." I said kissing the top of her head.

That's the thing. Everything wasn't fine because when I looked at the notification on my tablet it read 'Missed FaceTime call from Elder Ashton'

Luke's POV

"So then I started throwing rice at her!" Giselle laughed.

After we finished swimming, we ate our pizza and thank god I brought pepsi because that's her favourite pop.

Now Giselle was telling me a story about how in eighth grade she threw rice at Kat when they were supposed to be helping kids do crafts.

"Kat was so pissed, and then the rest of our friends started throwing rice at her. I found it so funny, but she's still pissed at me to this day."

I'm just imagining Kat sitting on the floor surrounded by children while everyone throwing rice and her and she's got her regular resting bitch face. If I was there I would've laughed so hard.

"Where did this throwing of rice even start?" I asked with a laugh.

She shrugged, "I don't even know to be honest it just sort of happened. We did end up getting trouble for the mess we made though."

"I can imagine."

"You know I'll never understand how teachers can deal with kids." She changed the topic.

"My mom's a teacher." I told her. "She said the key is having patience."

"That's the thing I don't have any patience." She scoffed. "I always tell people I want to be a teacher whenever they ask, but that's never true." She sighed looking out at the lake.

"What do you want to do then?"

"All I know is I don't want to spend the rest of my life behind a desk doing paper work."

"That's my worst fear." I admitted. "I don't want to be stuck doing something I hate when I could've taken a risk with something I love."

"I understand that. I'd like to do something with art, but there's a small chance I could actually get anywhere with it." She sighed. "I guess I'm just scared for the future."

"I'm sure you'll find something you love." I reassured her.

She gave me a sincere look. "Thanks Luke."

I noticed she was starting to shiver. "Hey are you cold?"

Giselle wrapped her arms around herself. "Yeah I guess I didn't think about how cold it would get at night."

"Wait one sec." I ran to the car and grabbed the flannel I left in the back seat. I handed it to her. "Here put this on."

She blushed a little before putting it on. I will admit seeing Giselle in my flannel was pretty hot.

"Oh thanks." She was blushing again which made her look really cute.

"Hey look at the stars." I said laying back on the blanket soon she was lying next to me. She pointed out one star in the sky. "That one's so bright."

"Heh yeah." I said smiling. I began slowly inching my hand toward hers until our fingers were interlocked.

Giselle shifted a bit, but soon relaxed. She must have been feeling the same butterflies I was feeling.

I turned my head towards her, and she did the same. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. I bit my lip, and for a moment the nerves I had had before were gone, and I had adrenaline, if you could even call it that, rushing through me.

Then adrenaline really kicked in, and i leaned over, and kissed her. It was like the whole world was slowing down, and we were the only two people left on earth. 

After the world returned to its normal speed we spent a fair amount of time smiling at each other and giggling. Which was a great way to spend the rest of our date especially since we were still holding hands under the moonlight.

Michael's POV

A while later Melody went back home. I was just walking into my room after dinner when I heard a beeping. It took me a second to realize that it was my tablet that was making the irritating noise.

I could have sworn I put it on silent. I shrugged, and picked up the tablet anyway.

The screen flashed with the words, 'Incoming Facetime call from Elder Ashton' .

I swallowed the lump in my throat, and accepted the call.

Ashton's scowling face immediately filled the screen.

"H-hello sir." I sputtered nervously.

I guess I sort of neglected the mission. I really did intend on fulfilling it, but i got distracted by the flavourful food, my new friends, and all the other luxuries of earth.

Except I wasn't going to be the person to admit that to Elder Ashton.

"Michael, I am not happy." His voice was surprisingly calm making his facial expression seem extremely out of place. "And do you know why I'm not happy?"

I decided the best way to get through this was to play dumb. "No sir I do not."

"I'm not happy because it's been a month, and you still haven't brought back the human girl!" He shouted at me.

Perhaps playing dumb wasn't the best option, but there really is no best option when talking to Elder Ashton.

"I sent you to earth because I trusted you to bring back this girl. Now I don't understand the whole mechanics of kidnapping someone, but I do know that it shouldn't take a month!"

I nodded frantically. "Yes sir. I'm incredibly sorry, but I've been trying to get in close with the human so it would be easier to bring her back to Zurok."

He gave me an exasperated look, and rubbed his hand over his forehead. "I didn't ask nor do I care for the details. The most I'm giving you is two weeks, and if you aren't back with her within that time period I'm coming there to get you both myself. Oh, and let me just say..."

He leaned in really close to the screen he snarled at me, "Only one of you will be coming back alive." Without another word he hung up.

I gulped staring at the now dark screen. Before I could even process everything I had just been told Luke walked through the door.

"Who are you talking too?"

Ooh the plot is thickening

okay I shouldn't be writing romance I have no experience and this is trash


Kat xx

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