Gilinsky's little sister

By pixel_flowers

23.6K 264 61

Jay Gilinsky follows her older brother Jack Gilinsky on the journey on magcon tour. Jay wants nothing to do w... More

Chapter 1~idk what to name this chapter
Chapter 2-idk what to name this chapter either
Chapter 3~the party
Chapter 4- Stupid
Chapter 5-the news
Chapter 6-leaving
Chapter 7~to texas
Chapter 8-.......them
Chapter 9-secret keepers
Chapter 10-"talent"
Chapter 11- (not) fine
Chapter 12-i love you
Chapter 13-star struck
Chapter 14-youtube
Thanks! ☺️❤️
Chapter 16-birthdays (part 2-mall)
Not an update-just wondering
Chapter 17- birthday (mall-part 3)
Chapter 18-birthday (dinner- part 4)
Happy (late) Halloween
Please read-Please help
Chapter 19- birthday (dinner/hotel-part 5)
Chapter 20-magcon
Chapter 21-back home

Chapter 15- birthday(s)

733 7 5
By pixel_flowers

Jays POV

I get woken up by Jack.

"Jay wake up." He says gently shaking me.

I stretched and mumble.

"Let's jump on Sammy and wake him up." Jack says

"Ok!" I say getting up really fast, and exited.

"Grab the tripod and record this while we scare him."

"Ok," I say remembering the YouTube videos we filmed earlier. "Jack what time is it?" I ask rubbing my eye, not fully awake yet.

"1:30, why?"

"1:30?!? That's so late!"

"No it's not, what are you talking about you've stayed up later than that with me."

"No you don't understand its waaaay too late I missed dinner, like I can't call it dinner, and I can't call it breakfast Im freaking  out man."

"Call it a snack" he suggests

"No" I pout

"Jay" he says walking towards me putting his hands on my shoulders and taking a deep breath.

I look up at him.

"Your such a dork." he says smiling

"Thank you," I smile back. "Is that all your gonna say if not can you please squat down, your tallness is hurting my neck."

He gently pushes me away from him.

"Oh my gosh Jay, what am I gonna do with you."

"Love me." I say giving him a big hug from behind.

"I guess I can do that." He says looking down behind him at me.

"What'd you guys have for dinner anyway?" I ask letting go of Jack

"Pizza, and pop." He says plainly fixing the camera, and getting it in positions to record our little scaring session.

"There better be some left of I'm gonna be pissed." I say going to my suit case to grab my spandex and sports bra. "Where is it at?"

"It's in Nash, Hayes, Cameron, and Carter's room, and if your gonna go get some your gonna have to wear actual clothes, we went over this Jay." He says chuckling

"Oh yeah I forgot." I say grabbing my galaxy mustache jumper and matching galaxy socks.

I go to the bathroom to change and realize that the spandex I'm wearing are the ones I ripped.

Jack and I have a grey pitbull at home named Mufasa and we were playing and he ripped the side of my spandex but I didn't want to throw them away so I just looked online and saw these cute black shorts with rips on the side so I just ripped the rest of the shorts.

You may think Jack and I are horrible dog owners for going on a tour for 4 months and leaving our dog alone, but never fear, we are good owners.

There's this guy named Nate Maloney, I honestly have no idea who he is, but Sammy, Johnson and Jack know him so I somewhat trust him.Anyways he's watching Mufasa.

If you wanna know my opinion on Nate it's simple. It pisses me off when people say Nate is "cute" because he's not.

Nate is one of those people that can't be cute. You either think he's hot, he's ugly, or average. He can't be cute.

Personally I think he's ok, and he has tattoos which for me is a huge turn on.

I grab my phone and go on Twitter.

Missing my boy Mufasa right now 😓😢

I tweet, and about a minute later a get a reply from Nate. He replies with a picture of Mufasa and he says

@jaygilinsky don't worry Mufasa is safe with me 😊

Like that helps I don't even fucking know this guy.

"Hey jack I'm gonna go get some pizza, wait for me before you scare Sammy."

"Mk." He replies barely looking up from his phone.

I grab my Dino slippers and head out the door to the room with the pizza.

Before I get to the door I think of scaring them.

I knock on the door then crouch down so they can't see me throw the peep hole.

Some one open the door and I jump and scream at them

"Rawr." I say and jump on them

I pull back from their shoulder to see who it is and its Hayes.

"Aww hayezy bear." I say pinching his cheek.

"You scared me." He says his face still looking scared.

"Rawr means I love you in Dino......and I'm a Dino." I say pointing to my slippers and giggling.

I jump off of Hayes, scanning the room for pizza, but I fail to find a box.

"Where's the pizza?" I ask.

"There's no more." Taylor says, tauntingly take a bite of a pizza.

"Oh hell naw." I say taking Taylor's pizza. "This is mine." I take a big bite out of the pizza and immediately regret it.

I throw back the pizza and Taylor and spit what's in my mouth in the trash can. And all I hear is laughter.

"Eww its Hawaiian." I say wiping my mouth.

"Yeah Taylor made us get it." Aaron explains.

"Your nasty." I say pointing at Taylor. "Is there anything else?" I ask.

"We still have pizza." Shawn says pulling out a pizza box from behind the bed.

"Liar." I say and lightly smack the back of Taylor's head.

I grab a napkin and put a piece pizza on it. I also grab a small bag of flaming hot Cheetos, and a coca cola.

"Later losers." I say and walk out of the door.

I get back in my room and Jack is still on his phone. I set the pizza, chips and soda on the night stand.

(Soda or pop?)

Jack opens the Cheetos and starts eating them.

"Ready?" He asks pulling out a cheeto and examining it.

"Yeah but I'm tired so let's hurry this up." I say running my eye.

I go to open my soda and something grabs my waist.

"Agh! Agh! Jack help me!" I say trying to jump to him.

I notice he's laughing and I stop struggling, because I realize it's Sammy.

I punch Sammy as hard as I can through the blankets.

"Ouch." He says.

I drag him off the bed.

"Both of you leave I'm going to bed." I say and shoo them, and their still laughing so hard.

I don't take my slippers or socks off and I just jump in bed.

I slowly fall asleep



Jays POV

I wake up and see Shawn sitting on the bed facing away from me strumming his guitar and singing in his morning raspy voice, and can I just say omg is it fucking hot af.

I slowly walk over to my guitar case and take my guitar out putting it around my neck and shoulders.

He's singing a song he's just recently finished for his new album, called bring it back.

"But I, I know, that I can't go back to this to her..."

It's at that point I decide to trust Shawn and I do someone thing a little crazy.

" what we used to have-"

I join Shawn right there

"'s black and burnt, my God this is so sad it'll only make things worse, if we bring it back..."

I pause and look up at Shawn, because as soon as he started singing he stopped, and he looks speechless, he looks like he's just seen a ghost.

"Was is bad?" I ask scared.

"Are you serious Jay? That was amazing, Sammy was right your an amazing singer, I cant believe you'd hide something like this." He says all exited and passionate, it's actually kinda cute.

"I don't know." I shrug "I sing for myself and only myself.....until now." I say with a little smile and Shawn smiles big at me.

"Come on one more time." He says sitting on the bed patting the spot next to him.

I smile and sit on the bed.

"Let's just do the chorus." He says

"But I, I know, that I can't go back, to this to her, to what we used to have, it's black and burnt, my god this is so sad, it'll only make it worse if we bring it back......."

I open my eyes and stare straight ahead at the balcony. Then I take a deep breath and look over at Shawn for his reaction, and he has the biggest smile on his face.

"You have so much talent Jay, I can't believe your embarrassed by this." He says

"I don't know," I shrug, "I guess it was just something for me to do, to get my mind off my parents. Jack and I always used to sing, but out of the 2 of us he's the one that ended up with a music career, like I'm not mad, I'm really proud of Jack, but after that I stopped singing for people and started being more private about it."

Shawn listens and nods

"Swear you won't tell anyone." I say holding out my pinky.

He laughs at my pinky.

"Promise." He says interlocking pinkies.

"Well it's 9 we should prob wake everyone up and get brea-." I turn around and I'm a deer in headlights.

Taylor and Matt are both awake shocked of my singing, and to make it worse Taylor is recording.

I look at Shawn then back at Taylor.

"Get him!" I yell and point at Taylor, and charge at him

I guess Taylor's still really tired because I manage to get him on the ground.

He's laying on his stomach and I pin his arms behind his back.

"Give me the phone caniff." I say sternly.

"I don't have it." he says and as he says that Matthew sneaks out of the door, but I'm not worried about him right now

"Give it to me."

"I said I don't have it."

"I hope your comfy in the ground Taylor because I'm not moving." I say crossing my arms, but Taylor rolls over and sits on top of me.

"No sweet cheeks I hope your comfy on the ground because I'm not moving." He says pinching my cheek playfully.

I slap his hand away

"We got a feisty one here Shawn." He says laughing

"Taylor get off her your like twice her body weight." Shawn says

"Nope," he says and grabs a bag of potato chips and starts eating them.

"Ok I don't even care if you have the phone or not, can you please delete the video. I don't want anyone seeing me sing" I say trying to get out from underneath Taylor.

"I think it's a little too late for that." He says to me crunching on a chip.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a confused look.

He points behind me.

I squirm and everyone is in our room, crowded around something.

"What the hell..." I say squirming out from underneath Taylor.

I push past Nash and carter to find Matt in the showing everyone the video of me singing on Taylor's phone.

I get out of the circle and go straight for the bathroom.

I open the toilet and puke my guts out. After a few seconds I feel someone hold my hair back I look up and see Shawn. I give him a weak smile then quickly facing the toilet again so I don't throw up on him.

After about 10 minutes of puking I flush the toilet and brush my teeth.

I walk out of the bathroom and no ones in the room but there is a note left in the room by Jack.

We went down to the lobby to get breakfast

I slip on my Dino slippers, grab my phone and room key, and head to the lobby.

I don't grab anything I just sit down next to Jack and link arms and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Your ok." He whispers to me and rubs my arms.

I just hope no one brings up the video because if they do I might throw up again.

Cameron sits next to me, and I give him a weak smile.

"so what's the plan for today?" Carter asks, and I must have looked confused because he laughs." We are celebrating your guys birthday today." He says pointing to Cam, me and Jack.

"I don't really want to do anything you guys can go out and stuff but if rather not go."

"What?!" Nash practically screams."Your actual birthday is today, Cams was yesterday and Jacks us tomorrow , but yours is today.

"So." I sass back to him.

I grab a piece of jacks waffle and head up stairs.

I flop on my bed. I lay on my stomach and watch o2l YouTube videos.

After about 2o minutes all the boys come in.

Great exactly what I want, company.

"So what are we doing today birthday people's." Nash asks

"I don't know about you guys but I'm going to the spa, I'm getting my hair cut short, die it, get a massage, and a mani pedi, you guys do whatever the hell you guys wanna do and I'll just do my own thing." I say not looking up from my phone.

"What?!? It's your birthday." Taylor says shock

I put my phone down, and put both hands and his cheeks.

"Yes my little country muffin, we have established that." I say letting go of his face and grabbing my phone.

"But come on Jay, it's your birthday your have to do something." Hayes says

"I am, I'm getting away from your annoying asses." I say looking up from my phone and smiling.

"Can we make a deal?" Jack asks

"Nope." I respond.

"Please?" He asks not giving up.

I tuck my phone in the front of my spandex, and sit up completely facing Jack. I raise my eye brows as if asking what?

"You can do whatever you want today with whoever."

"But?" I ask knowing there's a catch.

"You need to be back to the hotel by 6 because we are all going to diner at 8."

I bite my lip thinking about it, and realize that's there's no better deal.

"Fine." I huff.

"Ok, are you going by yourself?" Jack asks

"No I'll text Dylan and ask if he wants to come with." I say grabbing my phone looking up Dylan's phone number."

"Who's Dylan?" Jack asks suspicious.

"Dauzat, calm your tits."

"I don't know who that it."

"I know who he is he's cool." Sammy assures Jack.

"Ok..." Jack says still not convinced.

Hey Dylan! I was going to go to the mall wanna tag along?

I instantly get a text back

I'd love too! Mind if I bring a friend?

I respond with a smile

Nope! The more the merrier

Ok Jay text me the address

I text him the address

Ok thanks Jay I'll see you in 45 minutes to an hour 😊

Bye 😎✌🏼️

I turn off my phone and lay it on my chest smiling at the ceiling.

"Someone's happy." Johnson says smiling sitting next to me

I let out a sigh, and look at him, "I am," I say with a smile.

Then I realize I need to get ready since I'm still in my pjs.

"Shit!" I kinda yell and get up fast. "Everyone out now I need to get ready."  I say pushing everyone out of the room.

I go to my suitcase and basically empty it out. I finally decide on a maroon skirt, a black tank top that says "suck my Richard." my green cargo jacket and my black bootie heels.

I go to my back pack and take out some gold rings and a gold bracelet. I also grab my gold dragon ear cuff.

I tie up my heels and straighten out my jacket.

I grab my phone and grab my wallet and stuff it in my pocket.

I walk out of the door and Sammy and Jack are waiting for me sitting down against the wall.

"Hello?" I say more like a questions.

"Sammy and I are going to wait with you outside." Jack says

"Ugh you guys are stupid." I say and walk towards the elevator.

I press the lobby button and wait for Sammy and Jack to catch up.

When they finally catch up I press the close button and we begin going down.

I walk out of the elevator not waiting for them and sit on the bench. They sit down next to me and I stretch my legs across them, and flatten my skirt.

I go on Twitter and see Dylan tweeted something.

Should I confess my love?

I furrow my eyebrows, he's not talking about me right?

I see he just tweeted something

Hanging out with @jaygilinsky and @officiallydonnie today ☺️

I click on "officially donnie's" profile to see what he looks like but there no picture of him.

I grab my headphones and listen to music and wait until Dylan and "officially Donnie" to get here.


Hey guys! Ok sorry for not posting every week like I used to but I had a lot of school work....ENJOY!


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