Dancing Through Darkness (ON...

By Signaturepanda

52 4 6

Myu has schizophrenia. She has never been seen as normal nor has she ever acted so. Living in ignorant, delus... More


Charpter 1: Her Cave

17 2 2
By Signaturepanda

The room was lit with yellow sunlight against the blinds, making the room dim, and cool. Only the smallest gap was left in the third window. She stared out the gap that just so happened to be just big enough to see out of from the comfort of the couch. She followed the single unbreaking beam of light with her eyes. The one that had burst in through the window this morning and only grown stronger since she had been awake. It always did that. It shot onto the windowsill every dawn, and grew and grew as far as it could reach before cut off by the limitation of the blinds. Everyday. To Myu, it seemed to be taunting her. She wanted to catch it, and shove it into a jar, just to keep it out of her cave like living room. But everytime she bulit up the courage to reach out and grab at the unnerving ray, it simply touched her. She had before watched, daunted, the strong light swallowing the dark whole. But now that she sit here pondering, that thought felt comforting in a way. It may have still baffled her, but maybe more of an intrigument would begin to grow.

Myu leaned forward and cautiously crawled across the couch. She stopped then, in front of the third window and sat back on her knees, simply gazing at the light. Tilting her head ever so slightly, she thought. She was not trully afraid of this thing, she was only confused. She nodded at that thought, but didn't dare make a move toward it. They both sat there as the tiny dust particles swam around in it. Myu turned to the clock, which was above the second window, and counted the seconds as they went by. 53, 54, 55, 56. She tapped her finger as she counted, until it was the next minute. Exactly nine o'clock. As soon as she heard the final tick she stood and turned to the closet, losing interest in the light as she had many times before. She rushed over to the door, and twisted the chilled knob until the door opened. A large raven stood on a small pile of shoe boxes, some empty some not, under the rack of coats and clothing. He stood there, peering at a gold smudged pocket watch leading out from the pocket of his dull olive vest. He gave Myu a glance and pushed the monocle up the bridge of his beak. He stretched his legs out, stepping out from the closet, his feathers shimmering thier deep and dark indigo coloring in the shadow. He stretched his neck and smoothed out his ruffled feathers, puffing his chest. He then took a long look up at Myu. His beady yellow eyes glinted and he looked as if he were only a shadow for a moment or so. Myu only stood before the door, gazing at the large raven.

"Good morrow, child. Now what are you gawking at?" The raven cawed, stepping out from the shadow of the closet's door. Myu stepped back, allowing him to walk to couch. "I wasn't gawking, Doctor."

Dr. Lork hopped onto the arm of the couch, stretching out his wings, and took out a small pen and notebook. "Okay, Myu, how have you been thinking?" He inquired, tilting his head. Myu rounded the couch into the tiny kitchen and opened the refrigerator, taking the house phone out from the top shelf. "Well, I think," She then shut the fridge and held the phone a moment. She never felt very good around the house phone, it wasn't......right. Myu always felt "they" were listening. She honestly still wasn't sure who exactly "they" were, but she knew "they" weren't to be trusted. So she kept the phone in a safe place. At night, before going to sleep, Myu would put the phone in the fridge, so it could be in company with the other things that layed in the cold, darker corners. In the mornings after letting Dr.Lork out of the closet, she would put it in the freezer to freeze over the line.
To others it probably wouldn't make sense, then again, a lot of things that Myu did didn't seem to make much sense to others, anyway. But that was okay, Myu thoughts were perfectly normal, and all the others thought strangely. Because of this, she really didn't socialize often, in fact she hardly left her apartment. She wasn't typically lonely, Dr.Lork was there from 9am to 5pm, and Shell stayed from 6pm to 8am. It was only in those hours between that got to her, and they didn't always. Dr.Lork was a therapy raven who always checked Myu's behavior, and Shell kept her awake at night reminding her of all the bad, and holding regrets over her skull. Sometimes Myu wished she had someone like her- without the crazy ideas, or behavior similar to hers; the behavior many doctors had explained to her before, but another human friend. She could always imagine one, but it wasn't quite the same.... And everyone would be able to see them, rather than no seeing but Myu, like Shell and Dr.Lork.

The raven squinted, and cleared his throat before looking down to scribble in his notepad. The sound snapped Myu from her thoughts, and she forgot for a moment what she had been doing. She shoved the phone tentively into the freezer and toddled down the hall to shut her bedroom door. Pausing, she stared at the small burning shadow on the flowery comforter. It was small and dimly glowing, but Myu knew it wasn't small at all, and she knew it would grow the more she pondered into the evening, and then rob her of slumber. Not that she slept anyway. Myu took a deep breath, her expression blank, and quickly shut the door. It made a loud sound when it closed, causing Dr.Lork to raise a brow at her once she layed upsidedown on the couch. "The eggs are out," he glanced at a different page in his notes, and then raised his gaze to watch Myu as she stared at the upsidedown view of the clock. An hour, she thought silently. That's how long it's been, already... Doctor blinked at her, straightening his vest. "As are the grapefruits. You'll have to step out," and Myu clacked her tongue. Rolling off the couch backwards, myu was now on her back in the middle of the floor. Myu stood and slipped on her sneakers, grudgingly leaving the ties alone, and then strapped on her lemon yellow suspenders. She straightened out the wrinkles in her black and white long sleeve. Although the shirt didn't go past her belly button, the high waisted skirt seemed to hide most of her tummy, reaching down to her mid thigh. She had worn this the past week and it was now Sunday, the day she went out. The only day, typically. Tomorrow she would change to lay around all of the coming week, as she had this week and as she had always tended to, but not today. She made sure to try to give every piece of clothing she had the same wear time, so she rotated the outfits.

Myu sighed quietly, giving her twin tail a tug, the right now slightly lower than the left. "Alright," Myu crossed to the door and looked as Dr.Lork hopped over , now only the size of a swallow. "Grapefruits, eggs, honey, grapefruits, eggs, honey, grapefruits-" she continued mumbling as they stepped out into the bright outside that waited for them ever so patiently.

Almost like a predator, Myu thought, intrigued...

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