An (Im)Perfect Imprint (A Pau...

By iregretmypast

10.8K 275 13

Meredith Black has it all, or should I say had it all. Living with her cousin, Jacob, her uncle, and having a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 5

1.3K 36 0
By iregretmypast

Being woken up to the stench of leech was not my favorite way to wake up. My eyes flew open, as I felt my hand in another's. I looked to the source, and it was Paul, his head resting on the bed, slightly snoring. My leg was in a walking boot, and I looked around, my surroundings unfamiliar. I was in a hospital bed, but it was a regular room as if I was in someone's bedroom. I gently pulled my hand out of his grasp, and he started, quickly jumping up. He looked at me with relief and he said, "I know you didn't want me here, and that's fine I guess, but I really couldn't stay away."

I shrugged. "What happened to the human girl?"

Paul looked at me, confused. "What girl?"

"When I found the leech, she was about to bite into the girl. I saved her but left her in the clearing for Jared, as I chased after the leech, " I replied, "and when I was fighting the both of them, and was yelling at Jared to hurry the hell up, he told me he took forever because he was with the girl."

Paul shrugged. "I don't know, but I should probably go tell Carlisle you're awake."

A voice said quietly, "I don't think that's necessary."

I turned around in my bed, only to see another vamp with the strange yellow eyes. He walked over to the side of my bed. Checking the monitors, he said, "You're doing well. I'm your doctor, Dr. Carlisle Cullen. Meredith, due to your rapid healing, your boot is ready to come off. You'll be a little sore for awhile, but you'll be back at it in a day or two."

I questioned, "So why was I coughing up blood?"

He spoke quietly, "When you broke your ribs, two to be precise, you punctured your lung. I fixed both ribs, and I believe your lung has re-inflated. You all heal at such a miraculous rate. I'm always left astounded."

I flashed a grin. "One of the perks. When can I leave?"

"Well," he started, "you can leave now, but before you phase for the first time, I want you to check in with me. Let me just take the boot off."

He moved quickly towards my leg. After deftly removing all of the straps, he slid the boot off. I stretch and wiggled my toes, everything feeling normal. "Thanks Doc."

He smiled kindly. "Always my pleasure."

Paul said softly, looking away, "I, uh, brought my car over. I didn't know how long it would take you for to wake up and I wanted clean cloths so I brought everything, so I can take you home, I mean, only if you want to, because you could ask-"

I cut him off, "I'll just catch a ride with you. How long have I been out?"

Carlisle said, "About a day or so."

He left the room as Paul's phone rang. He quickly answered, "Hello?"

I glanced at him as his brow furrowed. "Wait what?"

Paul said quickly, "I'll be right there."

He looked at me, and I thought I could see a bit of fear in his eyes. I questioned shrewdly, "Paul, what's going on?"

Paul swallowed. "I-my dad's in the hospital. Heart attack. You don't have to go with me but I need to go, you can-"

I cut him off again, "Paul, breathe. I'll go with you, of course I'll go. Just help me up."

He quickly moved over to bed, and I pulled off the covers. Swinging my legs out of the bed, I held out my hand which he grasped and pulled me up. I wobbled shakily on my legs, and he gripped my elbow. "Are you okay to walk?"

I nodded, and took a step forward. With only a twinge of discomfort, I took another step, Paul at my side the whole time, ready to catch me if I fell. I made it to the door and pulled it open, quickly exiting.

Paul followed me down the stairs, but I'd gotten the hang of it quickly, slightly limping out of the white house. Paul said, "Are we ever going to talk about this guy who," he swallowed, "did that to you?"

I shook my head tersely. "I was mad. I shouldn't have brought it up like that. I don't want to talk about it."


I trudged over quickly  to Paul's truck, trying to get away from him,  and said, "This is too high, there's no way I can hop in."

As I faced the passenger seat, annoyed, I felt a pair of hands lift me up and plop me into the seat. Paul jogged around to the driver's side and quickly got in, slamming the door shut. He started the truck with a roar and he pulled out of the driveway quickly, and he tapped nervously against the wheel.

I bit my lip as I watched him aggressively tap. His jaw was jumping, and I could see his muscles tense. Placing my hand on his arm, I said, "Paul, relax. Straining yourself like this won't help anyone."

He nodded, relaxing quickly, as I slid my hand down his arm and grabbed his still tapping hand. I intertwined it with mine and commanded, "Relax."

He breathed out quickly. Pulling into the hospital parking lot, he quickly pulled into a spot, stopping quickly. We jerked to a stop and he jumped out of the car and ran over to my side, as I opened the door and he picked me up and set me gently on my feet.

We walked quickly into the entrance, Paul a bit ahead of me as I slightly limped behind him. Striding purposefully to the front desk, he said, "I'm Paul Lahote, my father, John, was admitted for a heart attack."

The nurse nodded and said, "A doctor will be with you in a moment. Just head over to the waiting area."

Paul frowned, but I grabbed his hand and tugged him over to the deserted area, quickly sitting down on the closest couch. As he sat down, the couch dipped with his weight. He looked at me and said with such a childlike voice, "Mer, what if he's not okay?"

I put my hand on his knee, and looked at him quickly. "Paul, look at me."

He grudgingly turned towards me, dark brown eyes locking with mine. "I don't care how pissed I am, but I promise I'll be here for you. If he's fine, or if not so much, I'll be here. Don't worry."

Without warning, he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. Shocked, I slowly returned the hug, and he breathed in sharply, not expecting it. I saw a doctor come over and I poked him, quickly disentangling himself. Paul stood up quickly and stuck his hand out. He shook it quickly and said, "John's son?"

Paul nodded. The doctor was in his fifties with salt and pepper hair, and crow's feet around his eyes. He had a bit too big of a nose, but his smile and kind blue eyes made up for it. He said, "I'm Dr. Barnett. Paul, why don't you sit down?"

Paul didn't move. Dr. Barnett grimaced and continued, "Well, as you know, your father was admitted with a heart attack. We stabilized him, however, a few moments after we got word to you, he suffered another heart attack. He didn't make it. I am so sorry for your loss."

I blinked. Paul started shaking and I jerked my head at the doctor, obviously signaling him to get out of here. Standing up, I walked in front of Paul. I peered into his eyes but he was frozen. I said quietly, "Paul. Paul, look at me."

His eyes focused on me. I murmured, "Come here."

I wrapped him up in my arms, on my tiptoes, trying to hold him together. He put his head on my shoulder as I rubbed his back soothingly. We stood like that for awhile, I didn't know how long and I didn't care. His shaking slowed a bit and I let go of him and pushed his chin up to look at him. He said, "Mer, I don't want to be alone tonight."

I nodded. "Come on, I'll take you home. Give me your keys."

He fished in his pockets, until he extracted a thing of keys. I took them from his hand, and grabbed his hand, tugging him out of the hospital and towards his pick up. Paul got in silently, and I, struggling without his help, got in a minute later. I started the truck quickly and backed it out of the spot, and got back on the road towards La Push. Paul looked out the window, silent.

I grabbed his hand without thinking, and entangled his fingers with mine. Paul said quietly, "Meredith, you were raped."

I looked at him. His other fist was in a tight ball, and he was breathing almost rapidly."

"Paul, this isn't the time. You don't need to hear about this. Not now, maybe never."

Paul rolled his eyes. "Don't spare me because of my dad."

I squeezed his hand. "I'll tell you whatever you want to know later. Just, not now."

He nodded, and looked back out of the window. I crossed into the reservation and turned onto my street. I said softly, "I'm going to run in and talk to Billy. I'll grab some clothes, too, and talk to Sam. We can head back to your house after, okay?"

Paul nodded, still not looking at me, as I pulled into my driveway, and slowly got out of the car, wincing slightly. I walked over to the house and walked up the little ramp Jake built for Billy a while ago. I entered the house to see Billy at the television, barely watching. He looked over at me and said, "Meredith, how are you feeling?"

I shrugged. "I'm fine, Uncle Billy, thanks for asking. But. Paul's father just passed. Heart attack. I'm going to spend the night with him, he's a wreck."

Billy nodded solemnly. "Give him my condolences. I'll speak to Sam, you go on."

"Thank you."

I walked into the back of the house towards my room. Opening the door, I grabbed a huge t-shirt, some underwear, and my tooth brush. Heading back out of the house, I called out, "See you tomorrow, Uncle Billy."

As I pushed open the door, he said, "Good night, Meredith."

Walking towards the truck, I opened the door, and pulled myself up into it, where Paul was sitting there, eyes closed. I pulled the truck into reverse and pulled out, heading towards Paul's. The ride was silent, and I was slightly nervous, despite the circumstances. I turned onto Paul's street, and drove until I came to the navy blue house on the right. Pulling into the driveway, I put it into park, and turned it off. Paul got out without a word, and I grabbed my stuff, and climbed out of the truck. Paul opened the door of his house and walked in, so I quickly followed him and shut the door.

I hadn't been there in ages, but the place hadn't changed a bit. The living room was fully carpeted with the small TV in front of the couch, and the tiny kitchen with the homey feeling it gave off. However, Paul had disappeared. I called out, "Paul, where are you?"

A muffled yell came from his room, "In here."

I kicked off my shoes and headed to his room, and pushed open the half cracked door, revealing Paul, lying shirtless on his bed. I walked in and he said, "Come here."

I obliged and laid down on the blue comforter next to him. Paul wrapped an arm around me and said, "Thank you."

I laid my head on his bare chest and said, "Paul, I'm sorry."

He breathed in sharply. Pushing himself up on his elbows, he said, "No, Mer, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I said the things I did. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me. I'm sorry I wasn't there to pulverize his fucking face in. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and everyone left, I'm sure you felt alone. And don't fucking cut me off just yet," he smiled, "and I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was in love with you when I knew."

Speechless, I looked at him. I just stared at him, while he looked back without flinching. I said nervously, "I-Paul, oh damn it, just come here."

I grabbed at him, and desperately forced my lips on his.

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