Black Silk Wings

By Nallely99

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The story is about this girl that is named Alice and has to live with her boss Natsume. But she always felt l... More

Black Silk Wings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 4

67 5 2
By Nallely99

(this chapter is in the point of view of Natsume some of my chapters, for now on will have in what point of view this chapter is in sorry about that)

Gees what is Alice doing down there! How am I suppose to sleep with so much racket going on.(Natsumes' thought) But I didn't do anything maybe she just fell, or tripped on some thing. I gave it another thought to it. Alice has never been clumsy, not even once. Could she be in trouble! Man this girl sure can make people worry about her.

I was pacing in my room back and forth, over and over again. "If I were to go and help her I wouldn't do any good. I would just be another bolder on her road. But I can't just stay here and do nothing what can I do I feel so useless!" I was so make at my self that I accidentally hit the wall, causing my knuckles to bleed. It didn't hurt as much as that thought of Alice being in trouble and being so useless.

While I was thinking of what I was going to do there was a loud knock of my door. And it keep on knocking harder and harder ever time it knocked again. I calmed my self and opened the door. To my surprise it was a guy that looked awfully familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. With out permission he came in and he was carrying Alice in his arms.

Right behind him were these monsters. But they couldn't get any closer that a few inches from the entrance to my room. One of the monsters hands were bloody but they were not injured. I closed the door and locked it. That guy had already placed Alice on my bed.

There I could see how badly injured she was. I know it! He had torn the sleeve of the blouse I had gotten her for her seventh year anniversary living here. But I didn't care about that blouse. Her injuries were very severe.

"She is not doing so hot. Do you have anything to clean here wounds. Well do you if you don't I don't think she'll live if you don't have it." he ask. Alice did so much for me the least I could do is help her with some thing small.

"Yeah, I'll get it right now." I went to some cabinets and handed him what he had asked for.

He spend three hours applying, removing, and cleaning bandages. Then after that he stopped and took a break. I used this time and asked him how she was doing.

"Wow you have one strong girl friend. Don't worry she is doing well her fever went down. She is out of danger, just make sure you prevent here from moving to much or she will open her injuries again." he responded.

"She's not my girlfriend. She's my bodyguard. And not to be rude but how are you, and how did you get in my house?" I asked. I needed to know, clearly my security team is not doing there job right.

He just smiled and went over to Alice and took a paper from her apron. Then he handed me the paper. It was my families picture. Well... when we were all together of course, now my family is all over the place. My dad, and mom are divorced, and my twin brother is gone. I have not heard of him since he left nine years ago.

"What does this have to do with you?" I said again "Are you my brother?"

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