Danger's Back (JileyOverboard)

By dakotajohnsons

84.3K 567 63


"Can't stay eighteen forever-"
"I'll never leave you."
"I'll take my chances."
"I'm going to protect you,"
"I thought I'd pay my old pal a visit."
"And now I have you all to myself."
"She was my everything."
"Everything is broken..."
"Don't be mad at me."
"Watch it, Bieber."
"You don't want me to go?"
"You're better off without me."
"I have a boyfriend,"
"My main priority is you--"
"Things are going to start changing around here,"
"Where the hell is my boyfriend?"
"It's crazy to think about how much you've become a part of my life."
"I don't want to feel like this anymore,"
"They didn't believe in you but I did."
"You're still a dead man,"
"I owe you big time."
"I should've let you go when I had the chance."
"Don't fight me on this."
"You're a piece of work, you know that?"
"I needed tonight to be special,"
"You've gone off the deep end man."
"And that's when all hell broke loose."
"You shouldn't be here,"
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
"What the fuck do you mean she's not picking up?"
"What if this is a trap?"
"--how much is your girlfriend worth to you?"
"It wasn't your fault."
"And now I'm just about done with you."
"I'll make you forget."
"She's going to get him killed you know,"
"Do you even know what the fuck you've done?!"
"You're my world you know that?"
"Jealousy is quite the sexy color on you."
"I have it all under control."
"-the past is repeating itself."
"and I'm choosing to let it go."
"She's never going to forgive you for this,"
"you ruined everything."
"I can't live without you,"
"I just want us to be okay,"
"No job goes unfinished,"
"She's not the same person,"
"You deserve the world even if I'm not in it."
"You'll survive without me,"
"I just want my life back."

"I'm so going to hell for this,"

1.5K 11 1
By dakotajohnsons

Justin’s Point of View:

When Bruce parked the car, I took a deep breath, relaxing into the leather seat as I glanced outside. The front door came to view, the lights inside shining from within, casting a small glow. Just a few feet away, Spencer stood with his hands placed in front of him, his eyes hard as they stared straight ahead, ears alert to the things going on around him.

Scowling, I pulled the latch, pushing the car door open. Stepping out into the harsh winds, I slammed it shut, walking up the front path way that led towards the front door.

“Justin,” He greeted with a simple nod in my direction.

“Spencer,” I acknowledged back, straightening up. “How is she?” I murmured, Spencer immediately recognizing who I was talking about.

“She’s a little jumpy.”

Sighing, I tipped my head back, expecting to hear that answer, “Alright,” Handing him the cane that helped me walk, I pulled at my jacket, “Hide this for me.” I ordered, not even waiting for a reply as I walked past him to the front door.

Opening it, I groaned as I stepped inside, the cold disappearing behind as the warmth engulfed my body, welcoming me into my house.

Before I even had the chance to utter a word, Kelsey threw her head around to see who it was when her eyes landed on me. Standing up, she rushed over, “I thought you’d never get here.” She smiled though the lines around her eyes told me she had been stressing for the past hour since I’ve been gone, “You cold? Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Do you want something to drink? Do you want to go to bed? Are you tired?” Her questions came one after another, not even bothering to take a breath in between.

Chuckling softly, I smiled, taking her small hands in mine as she stood in front of me her brown eyes gazing up into mine, “Give me a little room here, will ya?”

Blushing in embarrassment, Kelsey pulled away, dropping her head so that her hair curtained around her face to hide her burning cheeks. “Sorry.”

Placing my finger under her chin, I brought her back up to face me. Leaning down, I placed a gentle kiss to her nose. “It’s okay.”

Tucking her hair behind her ear, Kelsey licked her lips, “Welcome home,” She smiled softly, her eyes twinkling with happiness.

“Thank you,” I whispered, letting her chin go as I walked past and into the living room. “Where are the guys?” I asked while looking around.

“Oh, uhm, they left a while ago.” Twirling her fingers together she watched from where she stood until my confused gaze met hers.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I cocked my head to the side in wonder, “Why?”

“They said they wanted to leave us alone since you just came back from the hospital and they didn’t want to overwhelm you with so many people.” Shrugging, she looked away avoiding my smirk.

“Yeah, that’s why they left alright,” Scoffing playfully, I walked over to the couch; my lips tightening as I shakily began to sit down. Pain etched across my face as I grimaced, despising the fact that I could barely do anything without having to feel the aftermath of my actions.

Gasping slightly, Kelsey ran over to me. Grabbing me under the arms carefully while helping me sit down on the couch, she sighed, “You can’t do that,” She shook her head, while sitting across from me, a bit to the right so that I could put my feet up on the table. “You’ll hurt yourself.”

“I can’t hurt myself any more than I already have,” Leaning back against the cushioned couch, I relaxed into the leather. Closing my eyes, I let out a deep breath before peeking one open to see Kelsey looking down at her hands, biting against the skin on her lips, “Don’t be so jittery, babe.” It was my turn to sigh now, “It’s going to be like this for a while but it’ll all ease down with time.”

“I know, I just—it sucks that I can’t do anything to help you.” Shrugging, she gave me a small smile with sadness evident in the way it didn’t quite meet her eyes.

“C’mere,” I whispered, holding my hand out for her to take in which she did in a second’s time. Pulling her over to me with a grunt, worry flashed in her eyes but quickly vanished once I lazily turned my head over to face her, my fingers brushing against her cheek, “Relax,” I breathed out.

Leaning into my touch, she closed her eyes, reveling in the fact that I was right next to her, “I missed you.” She whispered, cupping her hand over mine.

“You were with me every day since what happened, how much could you possibly have missed me?” Chuckling, I leaned closer so that my head was mere inches from hers.

“I missed you being home,” Fluttering her eyes open, she peered into mine, taking my breath away. “I missed you being here with me instead of that stupid hospital,” She grumbled with a roll of her eyes.

Coughing out a laugh, I turned my head, covering my mouth for a second before turning back to her, “Can’t say I disagree.”

“Of course you can’t,” She huffed a teasing breath, “Because they ruined every chance of us making out.”

“Can you blame me?” I propped myself up on my elbow, looking down at her, “They came in every god damn second I tried to kiss you. After the fifth time, I began to think they were stalking us.”

“They were just doing their job,” Kelsey exasperated with a smile, “You just couldn’t resist the temptation.”

Cocking a brow, I sought the smirk that pulled at my lips, “And what temptation would that be?”

Moving forwards until her lips barely touched mine, she cockily smiled, “Me,” She whispered, quickly backing away before I had the chance to retaliate.

“You’re such a fucking tease,” I muttered, shooting her a disapproving look.

Shrugging knowingly, Kelsey smirked, “I know,” She winked before standing up and stretching her limbs.

“Ay,” I grabbed her hand before she had the chance to walk away, “Where do you think you’re going?”

Whirling around to look down at me, her face scrunched up in a way that made her look unbearably adorable, “To fix us up two cups of hot chocolate.”

“What are we? Five?” I chuckled, her hand slipping from mine as she gasped disapprovingly.

“Excuse me but I happen to love hot chocolate. It’s the perfect weather for it too and if I’m not mistaken, I do believe you asked the nurse for a cup last week so your argument is invalid.” Sticking her tongue out at me, she dodged the hand that reached over to grasp hers. “Ha! Can’t catch me now, can you?”

“Of course I can’t, I can barely walk as it is.” I stated a matter of factly.

“I know,” She smirked, mimicking herself from before.

Narrowing my eyes at her, I pursed my lips, “You’re a bitch.”

“But you love me,” She giggled, waving a hand dismissively in the air, “I’ll be back in five minutes. Try not to do anything too stupid.” She warned.

Putting my hands up in mock surrender, I smiled, “What could I possibly do?”

“Knowing you, you’ll find something.” Shaking her head, Kelsey walked away, leaving me to fend on my own for the time being.

Leaning over, I winced, forcing myself to grab the remote before straightening up and turning the television on, the screen immediately illuminating, showing whatever program was being viewed last.

Kelsey’s Point of View:

Gripping the sides of the counter, I bowed my head, taking slow and deep breaths to calm myself down. Opening my eyes, I peered upwards, willing myself to get rid of all my thoughts—my doubts and worries.

He was home and that was all that mattered now.

Releasing my hold, I turned to the stove where the kettle was currently boiling water. Widening my eyes once I noticed the top was moving rapidly when it shouldn’t be, I cursed under my breath, grabbing the handle before my head could register that it was too hot to touch. “Fuck,” Dropping it, I put my fingers into my mouth, sucking on the now burning skin. “Jesus Christ,” I sighed irritably.

“What are you doing?” A voice from behind startled me as I jumped, about to turn around when I noticed it was Justin standing there with his arms blocking me from moving either way.

“I-I was going to make the hot chocolate,” I whispered, biting the inside of my cheek. Swallowing hard, I made a move so that I could rotate.

Upon noticing this, Justin moved back a bit though his arms stayed put. Facing him, I caught my breath underneath the intensity in his eyes.

“What’s going on with you?” He whispered, “Hm?”

“N-Nothing,” I shook my head, clearing my throat, “I just wasn’t paying enough attention and the water was boiling more than it was supposed to. I grabbed the kettle and burned my fingers,” Revealing the red skin of my hand, Justin scanned each of my fingers, taking them into his palm as he sprawled them on top of his own. Licking his lips, Justin leaned down, pressing several open mouthed kisses to the slight burns, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Better?” He whispered huskily, moving even closer so that I could feel the heat radiating off of his body.

Numbly nodding my head, I watched as Justin stood to his full length, towering over me as his hands grasped my face.

“Justin—” Gasping, I was silenced by his lips pressing against mine. Laying my hands against his lower stomach, I reached up with my tippy toes to give him some relief from bending down.

Holding my hips, Justin trailed his lips across my jaw and down my neck before moving up towards my ear, “Don’t lie to me,” As I opened my mouth to react, Justin silenced me with another kiss, “There’s something else going on with you and I want it to stop right here. Okay?”


“I’m out of the god damn hospital, I’m alive, I’m breathing, and I’m walking—”

“Barely,” I muttered under my breath which didn’t go unnoticed.

Growling in slight annoyance, Justin grabbed my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes, “Don’t. Stop with those fucking remarks. I didn’t come home for you to continue moping around. I was shot and there’s nothing I can do about it but I’m here with you now and that’s all that should matter, okay?”

“It’s not that though. I don’t know what exactly is wrong with me.” Shrugging, I exhaled, “I guess… it all feels too good to be true, you know? Just a few weeks ago I thought you were a goner and now you’re standing here in front of me…”

“And I’m never leaving, okay? It’s going to take more than a bullet to the chest to kill me.” Smoothing my hair back, Justin pressed a warm kiss to my forehead, “Come on,” Pulling away, he gestured towards the kettle, “I want my hot chocolate.”

Giggling, the horrendous butterflies that attacked my stomach evaporated into a tingly feeling making my heart flutter. “Okay.”

“This time, however, I think you should take a paper towel or something in order to grab it. Don’t want you burning yourself again.” Smirking, Justin leaned back against the counter, watching as I shot him a glare but did as he said.

Taking the kettle, I poured the streaming water into two separate mugs filled with the hot chocolate powder. Mixing them with a spoon, I handed one to Justin, holding the other while taking a whiff of the chocolaty scent that made my mouth water.

“What do you think?” I asked while taking a sip, immediately moaning from the delicious taste.

“It’s good,” He smiled, licking his top lip while practically gulping down the entire thing. Sucking in a breath, Justin peered at me over the rim of the mug.

“What?” I laughed slightly, furrowing my eyebrows as I put the cup down in the sink.

Shrugging, he walked over to me, putting his own cup down beside mine before turning to face me. “I’ve missed this.” He admitted sheepishly, pushing hair away from my face, “Just you and I here alone with nobody to get in the way.”

“I wouldn’t say that.” I smiled, looking up at him, “You might jinx it.”

Pulling me into his arms besides the pull at his chest, Justin hid his face in the crook of my neck as he held me close, a smile etching across his face as he nuzzled me.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I gave it a peck, laying my head against his shoulder. Letting my muscles relax, I made sure not to put all my weight onto him.

Rubbing my back up and down slowly, I could hear his breathing even out, the beating of his heart pumping normally.

“Come on,” I whispered, “It’s late and you’re probably exhausted. Let’s get you to bed.” Grabbing his hand, I wrapped my arm around his back, taking it slowly as I led him out of the kitchen and over to the stairs.

Grunting, Justin bit his lip as he took the first stair. “It’s okay,” He hoarsely spoke, “I can do this.”

“Look, you just got out of the hospital; you shouldn’t be exerting yourself Justin.” Helping him take the stairs one at a time, we managed to make it to the top.

Opening the bedroom door as Justin leaned against the wall, I pushed it open before taking Justin once more and maneuvering his way over to the bed where he carefully sat down, his eyes shutting closed tight as he seeped in a sharp breath.

“Fucking hell,” He muttered.

“See?” I sighed, “It hurts. Now just, be careful and follow my lead.” Wrapping my arms around his upper body, I gently laid him down on the bed, bringing his legs up as well. “You shouldn’t be running errands either in the dead of night and wasting all the energy you have left.”

“I’m fine,” He emphasized, his hazel eyes flashing sincerity.

“Is that your code word for ‘it hurts like hell but I refuse to admit it’?” I smiled, sitting down beside him. “How’s that?” I questioned, referring to him lying down in the comfort of his own bed. “Better?”

“Yeah,” He breathed out.

“I want you to rest; I want you to stay in this bed and don’t move unless you really have to. Okay?”

Groaning, Justin rolled his head back, “I’ve been resting for days.”

“Doesn’t hurt to add a little more time, right?” Brushing my fingertips against his forehead, I pushed back his floppy hair. “You didn’t gel them back.” I pointed out.

“Eh, I was too lazy.”

Smiling softly, I perched my hand over his waist, leaning against it. “Are you going to be okay?”

“Now that I’m home,” He grinned, taking my other hand and pressing a sweet kiss to the top of it, laying it down on his stomach.

Taking it upon myself to undress him, I began unbuttoning his shirt, knowing he would be more comfortable in a t-shirt and sweats then what he was wearing now. “I missed you every minute.”

“How could you if you spent every minute at the hospital?”

“Eh, hospitals freak me out and aren’t necessarily the nicest place to be in nor is it private. I missed being alone with you without all the nurses monitoring you…” Trailing off as I undid the last button and pushed the open ends of the shirt aside, I felt my breath hitch in my throat the moment my eyes laid on the covered bullet wounds on his chest.


Justin’s Point of View:

Fuck, I inwardly spat to myself the second I caught her eyes on my chest. The way her entire aurora changed made my stomach churn. “You okay?” I mumbled, despite the closing in my throat.

Pulling her bottom lip into her mouth, I could tell she was fighting the urge to cry. Blinking twice, Kelsey covered my chest once more with my shirt. “I should go get you’re your pajamas.”

“No,” I hissed, grabbing her hand before she could stand and keeping her still, “Sit down.” I ordered gently.

Waiting until she sat back down, I peered up at her, my heart dropping at the fear in her eyes. “You’re going to get what?”

Fidgeting, Kelsey looked at anything but me, “Pajamas. You need something to sleep in.”

“I have a bed to sleep in and a girlfriend to sleep with.” I stated the obvious, pulling her to me so that she could look me in the eyes. When she did, I swallowed, “What’s got you so scared?”

Looking down at her hands, Kelsey shook her head, standing up from the bed. “You should sleep.”

“What? You’re just going to walk away from me now? Leave me to sleep alone by myself?” I followed her lead as she walked around the bed.

Turning, she slumped her shoulders, “No, I was going to go get your medicine so that I can put it next to the bed.”

Closing my eyes, I willed myself to stay calm, knowing I’m going to have to take this slow with her being that this was the first time anything like this has ever happened. “Come here.”

Without hesitation, Kelsey made her way over to me, grabbing the hand I have outstretched to her while taking a seat on the other side of me. “Justin, don’t pull on me, you’re going to hurt yourself.”

“Then cooperate. Tell me what’s wrong.”

“Nothing’s wrong, you’re home.” She shrugged, looking around the room.

“I’m home because I want to be and you’re trying to get away from me.” Pausing, I licked my lips, knowing the answer but wanting to get the truth out of her, “Why?”

“First you wanted me to leave you alone and—”

I looked at her puzzled, “When?”

“At the hospital,”

“Kelsey,” I gave her a pestered look, “That was only for five minutes so you could get some sleep but now all of a sudden your jumpy and looking anywhere but at me.” Letting out a frustrated sigh, I covered her hand with mine, “What is it? You don’t like the bandages?”

“I think that, uhm, I just… it scares me.” She nodded to herself as if she’s found the right way of going about this, “To think that I almost lost you.”

“That’s behind us, I’m okay now.”

“You’re not okay Justin you got two bullet holes in your chest.” She spat, her eyes finding the patches on me with hatred in her eyes.

“I know the scars don’t look good but the bandages cover them.”

“It’s not about how they look; it’s about what they mean.” She hissed in censure. Tucking strands behind her ear, Kelsey pursed her lips to one side, “Uhm, I guess I lived my life in denial. I guess everybody does I mean if you think about all the things that could go wrong with somebody that you love, all the different ways that you could lose them, I think that you go crazy so you don’t. You know, you just assume that everything’s going to be fine and most of the time, you’re right. But then you remember that nothing is promised.” Swallowing hard, tears whelmed up in her eyes, “And loving somebody with all of your heart can’t make them live.”

“But it did, Kels, that’s the point.” I stressed, giving her hand a squeeze. “I know the scars are ugly and I wish they were gone especially because it hurts you to look at them.” Rubbing my thumb across her knuckles, I gazed up at her with nothing but adoration in my eyes. “But it’s proof that I survived, that you gave me something to live for.”

Taking what I said to heart and letting it sink in, Kelsey brought my hand up, giving it a gentle kiss before soothing it over with her thumb, “I don’t want to hurt you.” She whispered.

Drawing her over to me, I cupped her face once she propped herself on top of me. “Don’t fight me on this.” I whispered against her lips before meshing ours together. Brushing the palms of my hands over up and down her sides, I slipped my tongue into her mouth, immediately finding hers and moaning in pleasure.

Pulling away, Kelsey looked down at my chest, her lips pouted, “I don’t want to hurt you Justin…”

Smirking, I leaned up, capturing her lips once more, “Does it look like I’m in pain?” I murmured my breath ghosting against her causing goosebumps to rise on her skin.

“You’re not supposed to push yourself.” She whispered, her eyebrows knitted as she fought against her inside thoughts.

“What if I promise not to move?” I cocked a brow.

Smiling, Kelsey leaned up on her elbows, “You mean I’m, in charge?” She wiggled her eyebrows, giggling.

“More or less,” I groaned out.

“Good,” Kissing my lips, she moved upwards, “Then I say rest.”

“No,” I moaned in protest, trying to bring her back down to me once more.

“I don’t think you’re ready for me yet.” She mumbled teasingly, laughing giddily as she peered down at me.

“I’ve been ready for days, I want my girlfriend.” Tugging on her hand until she fell on top of me, I eagerly gave her a kiss, a satisfied moan coming from her end. Pulling away, I gave her shoulder a kiss, “You know you want me too.”

“You’re so full of yourself.” She laughed, moving up so that she settled back on her knees.

“What’s to be afraid of?” I laughed, “What if I promise to yell if something starts to hurt?” Raising both of my eyebrows, I smirked as Kelsey looked down at me, laughing uncontrollably.

“What if I make you a deal?”

“What? So we’re bargaining now?”

“Yup,” Laughing, Kelsey began to unbutton her own shirt, her eyes never leaving mine as I bit my lip hard, trying to fight the urge to flip her over, “You just lay there, you don’t move and you don’t do anything just like you promised.”

Groaning, I bucked my hips, smirking as Kelsey squealed. “I promise I’ll try not to—”

“Justin,” Kelsey gave me a pointed look as she crawled back on top of me.

“Come here, you talk too much.” Grabbing her elbow, I hauled her towards me only for her to pull away and tie her hair up in a loose ponytail. Holding my breath, I watched as she pressed her lips from my happy trail up to my abs.

Groaning, I settled comfortably, letting her do whatever it is that she wanted, “Yeah, it hurts right there.”

“Right here?” She pointed towards the middle of my stomach.

Smirking, I nodded; her eyes locked on mine as she leaned down and placed an open mouthed kiss to it. “Oh, that feels better now.”

“What about around your scars? Hm? Does it hurt there too?” Peering up at me as she leveled her face with the covered spots, I bit my lip, maintaining whatever self-control I had left.

“Yeah,” I breathed out.

Tickling her finger tips against the exposed skin, she held herself up on my forearms, feeling my muscles constrict under her fingers as she sucked gently, kissing it gently after.

“Jesus Kelsey,” I moaned, grabbing her by the hips and digging my fingers into her flesh. “I want you,” I muttered, “Now.”

“I’m so going to hell for this,” She giggled against me before pulling up a bit, removing her shirt so that she was just in her bra and jeans.

“I’ll meet you there babe,” I growled lowly, my eyes taking her in. Holding myself from hoisting her on her back, I observed Kelsey unbuckle my belt, slipping it form around me, throwing it to the ground before unbuttoning the top and unzipping my jeans. Pulling them down my legs, she began to take off her pants only to be stopped by my hands grabbing her own.

Pushing them to the side, I kept my gaze on hers as I skillfully undid them for her, popping the button and dragging the fastener down, managing them until they were off of her, having them meet the growing pile on the floor.

Grabbing my hands, Kelsey pinned them to my sides, “I love you.” She whispered.

“I love you too baby, so much.” Kissing her neck, I interlaced our fingers together, squeezing tightly as I made my way across her collarbone to the other side. Letting one of her hands go I slid it up the curve of my butt and back until my fingers met the back of her bra. Unclasping it so that it fell limp on her shoulders, I dragged her straps down.

Cupping my face, Kelsey leaned down, her lips immediately finding mine as she moaned, her tongue instantly tangling with mine as she deepened it, her upper body pressing against me, bounding her hips with mine.

“Fuck,” I rasped as I felt her tug my boxers down so that I sprang free. Removing her underwear at about the same time, I dug my fingers into her hair, laying down completely and pulling her on top, her body fitting perfectly in between my legs. Slamming my lips against hers in a passionate embrace, I groaned as she nipped at my lower lip.

“Be a good boy and stay still,” She whispered, positioned herself in front of me so that I stood directly in front of her entrance. Chewing on her lip, Kelsey held herself up by my shoulders before gently easing herself on top of me.

Hissing in utter bliss, I threw my head back in ecstasy as she filled herself up, my length throbbing from the lack of contact I felt within the past few weeks.

Plowing my fingers into her thighs, I groaned as Kelsey began kissing my neck, licking and sucking on my sweet spot, meeting my thrusts with each push and pull, her body glistening with beads of sweat.

“I love you,” I murmured against her lips, my hooded eyes meeting hers. Tipping her chin down, I met her half way, my lips instantly connecting with hers.

“I love you too,” She whispered, mending her fingers with mine as she pressed our hands into the mattress, feeling herself slowly unraveling.

“Shit,” I hissed through clenched teeth, the friction between us at an all-time high as Kelsey gasped against my chest, her breathing coming out in short puffs. “Bite my shoulder baby when you’re ready,” I stated breathlessly.

Humming in response, I could sense her body slowly growing tired with each thrust she met in sync with me.

Rubbing a comforting hand up and down her back, I placed several kisses on her shoulder, “You got it baby girl, we’re almost there.” I moaned.

“Justin,” She panted, “I’m so close…” She whispered, hiding her face from view as I held her to me, fastening our pace.

Without a single word, I pushed for more until we were ready to let go and with one final thrust, Kelsey dug her teeth into my skin, our moans filling the air as she collapsed on top of my body.

Brushing her damp hair back, I kissed her cheek repeatedly, “You were amazing baby.”

Lifting her head to look at me through tired eyes, Kelsey smiled, “Thank you.” Kissing me softly, I moaned in satisfaction before pulling away. Taking her by the hips, I lifted her off of me, her body immediately caving against the mattress.

Draping the blanket over us, Kelsey carefully kissed the top of each of my bandaged wounds before laying her head next to mine.

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