Your Ex

By USWNT-Cabaeo

80K 1.4K 343

After Tobin Heath and Lauren Jauregui break up Tobin finds herself falling quickly for her best friend. How w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Not an update.
Not an update.
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Alright guys.
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
okay fam.

Chapter 26

2.1K 41 9
By USWNT-Cabaeo

*Monday of the next week*

"Its rivalry week. Wear our team hoodies today" Pinoe sends the text to the entire team.

While the team is at school they spend as much time as possible together getting some major team bonding before they play their rivals on Friday.


After school the coaches go into the locker room with the players.

"Alright ladies listen up!" Coach Ellis yells.

The girls all quiet down turning attention to their coach.

"As you know the team has been in need of a new captain" she says making all the girls nod their head.

"The rest of the coaching staff and I have been observing all of you" she explains.

"And we have decided that Carli will take the position of captain. She has exceptional leadership skills on and off the pitch and not to mention she is a very skilled athlete that we believe can bring us home the state championship" Coach concludes.

Everyone claps and congratulates the center midfielder as the coaches leave and the team finishes getting changed.


Everyone is on fire at practice. Every pass, touch, kick. Everything is amazing, the girls are all communicating well. To say they are ready for the game at the end of the week would be an understatement.

The team is in the locker room showering and changing out of their practice clothes.

"Who wants to go out and get some pizza?" Kling asks the team.

"Why?" Tobin asks.

"To celebrate Carli becoming cap. And I want an excuse to eat pizza" Kling chuckles.

"Alright well I'm in" The hazel eyed midfielder says.

"Me too" Alex says walking up behind Tobin and wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's waist.

J.J., Christen, Moe, Carli,Kelley, Hope and Pinoe all agree to coming as well.


Once the eight friends settle into a rather large booth and order the pizza Pinoe smirks.

"So how does it feel to be put as Cap?" The blonde asks Carli.

"Its kind of overwhelming if I'm being honest" The brunette chuckles slightly along with the rest of the team.

"You'll get the hang of it, you are a natural leader" Pinoe smiles reassuringly at the midfielder.

"Thanks Pinoe" Carli returns the smile.

"Kling I can't believe you!" Moe half yells half laughs as Kling almost falls off the edge of the booth from laughing so hard.

Kling told Morgan's crush (A boy named Eric) that Morgan liked him and he texted Morgan asking if it was true.

"Oh come on you should be thanking me!" Kling laughs harder.

"Yo! Brotp break it up the food is here" Kelley teases the two.

One day after practice the team made 'ship' names for every relationship and friendship and they settled on just calling the two best friends 'brotp'.

The waitress sets down to large pizzas on the table "Enjoy" she smiles then walks off.

"Are you guys sure we should be eating this?" Carli asks nervously.

"A couple pieces of pizza won't ruin your health, Carli" Hope chuckles at her friend as everyone takes a piece and begins eating.


Around 8:30 that night the group, with the exception of Carli, is still together strolling around their city.

Their worries about being home went out the window after they had a few beers in their system.

As they walk past a popular country club Kling smirks.

"Who wants to go swimming?" The defender asks.

"Oh hell yeah" Pinoe says smiling.

Soon the friends have jumped the fence of the country club and are hanging around the pool.

J.J., Christen and Moe are all in the pool swimming around.

Hope and Tobin begin messing around, pushing each other and just rough housing.

The black haired girl pushes her shorter friend a littler harder than she intends to making her fall into a table, breaking it.

"Oh sh-" Tobin is cut off by a flashlight being flashed at them.

"Hey! You can't be in here" a stern deep voice yells.

"Fuck run guys" Pinoe yells as they all take off running towards the fence, J.J., Moe and Press scrambling out of the pool grabbing their clothes.

Hope and Tobin help Kelley and Alex over the fence before climbing over it on their own.

Tobin's shirt gets caught and rips up the side and across the middle exposing her abs as the group of friends split up and sprint away from the vicinity.

Hope and Kelley run into Tobin and Alex a couple blocks away.

"Whe-where are the others?" Hope asks breathing heavily from the amount of sprinting she just did.

"I don't know the group got split up after we made it over the fence" Alex says.

"Well someone should call them and make sure everyone got out okay" Kelley states logically.

"Yeah you're right. I'll call Pinoe" Tobin says pulling out her phone.

"Guys, we have company" Alex's hoarse voice cuts into the conversation.

The other three follow Alex's gaze to see a group of maybe five sketchy looking guys, all built like brick houses walking towards them.

Tobin realizes that its near 10 o'clock at night and they will all probably get in trouble for not being home.

As the men approach the girls Tobin and Hope step in front of their girlfriends making a sort of wall to protect them.

"Well hello ladies. What's a pretty group of girls like you doing out so late?" The tallest of the men smiles sickeningly.

He stands at about 6'4", very muscular, dirty and greasy black hair that hangs down to his jawline.

"We are actually just getting ready to head home" Tobin says.

"Yeah my brother is coming to get us" Hope lies through her teeth.

"Oh don't put him through the trouble. We can give you a ride" The tall man keeps the same smile on his face.

"No that's okay. He should be here anytime" Hope says.

While their girlfriends talk to the man Alex and Kelley are holding hands nervously.

"You sure about that? Because I don't think he's really coming" The man smirks as his friends step closer to the girls.

"No. He's coming, I just got off the phone with him" Tobin lies.

"You know? I do not like being lied to, ladies" he says his smile falling.

"Go for it boys" he mutters as his friends advance towards the girls.

"Kelley, Alex. Run" Hope and Tobin say in almost unison.

The freckled friend and crystal eyed friend both turn sprinting away as fast as they can.

Hope and Tobin turn to follow suit but are grabbed by two guys.

"You two aren't going anywhere" a man growls throwing them onto the ground.

Tobin hits her head against the solid ground and the last thing she remembers is the leader saying "Go get those girls, now" and two men running after Alex and Kelley. Her vision blurs before everything fades to black.

A/N:And there you have it fam! Let me know what you think. What do you think is going to happen? Btw don't kill me for this pls. Thank you for reading and as always remember to stay positive and dance for money and updates. (: -Kaycee

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