Latinos Don't Like Sweet Tea.

By LemuelToledo8

45 4 0

OK. First of all he's Latino and he likes sweet tea. As a person that have live in the south for many years H... More

Meet People And Be Polite
First day, First Embarrassment.

The Meeting

27 4 0
By LemuelToledo8

I hang up the phone and laid back on my chair. This has never happen to me before. Today was the first day I receive a call from corporate office. Mr. Sanderson and I only contact each other over the phone and e-mails. Apparently Mr. Sanderson wants to meet me in person after 3 years working for this company. Every time someone gets a call for a meeting in corporate means real bad news. The call wasn't like any other call, all Mr. Sanderson said was; "Can you be here today at 4:30PM?"

-"Yeah" I stated in a low tone voice.

-"Good. See you here."

Honestly I didn't know what to do. Usually when corporate wants to meet someone all they do is send an email. Also, they always set meetings for the next day. So, I called Cynthia on the phone.


-"Cynthia, can you take care of my interviews this afternoon?"

-"What happened?"

-"I got a call from corporate, they want to meet me at 4:30pm."


-"I don't know."

-"OK. Don't worry I take care of interviews."

-"Thanks a lot!"

The clock was ticking and pressure began to consume me. Driving in downtown L.A. is not easy especially during rush hours. Everything seems to be slowing down except for the time, I finally made it to the corporate office. Memories came to my mind of the first day I walked through the double glass doors. Opportunities like this one where hard to find especially for someone who just graduated from college. Two things helped me to work in this company; first of all I graduated from one of the best schools of business in the state of California with a GPA of 4.0 and I'm bilingual.

-"Welcome to BMS. How can I help you?" Said the receptionist.

-"I'm here to see Mr. Sanderson."

-"Name please?"

-"Carlos Maldonado."

She typed on the computer. "OK. Mr. Maldonado is going to be on the 6th floor in the Human Resources department."

I took the elevator and made it to the 6th floor. Chaos, is the right word to describe the area. People walking in all directions, phones ringing, and voices over voices. All you could observe was desks, chairs, papers, computers, printers and people everywhere. The wall behind me have a clock and I was 10 minutes early I looked down and saw the male restroom. I went inside, walked to the hand wash area and look at the mirror. Just to make sure I washed my face, pulled my hair straight to the side, adjusted my tie, and straightened my suit.

Once I got some confidence, I stepped outside. I was walking foolishly, constantly stumbling. It wasn't easy to pass through the office cubicles. Finally, I made it into a set of offices with glass windows and doors. By reading the letters on the doors I realize I was in the right place because everybody was a HR Specialist. Then, one of doors has written the words; "Mr. Sanderson, Human Resources District Manager." I stop, close my eyes and knocked the door.

-"Come in."

-"Hi. Mr. Sanderson?" -Asking nervously.

-"Hey, Carlos. Have a sit." I walked in and he stood up and shook my hand "I want to talk to you about something important." We sat down and he folded his hands over the desk.

I thought "Oh boy here we go. I better call the cable and the internet to reduce the service. Let my landlord know that I may be late on rent next month".

-"Carlos you are one of our best employees. I like the work you do for the company but Carlos, we have a little situation going on."

-"What happen? What did I do?"

-"You did nothing wrong. You're fine don't worry." I took a deep breath. "But there's something very important we need to discuss."

-"What is it Mr. Sanderson?"

He stood up and walked over the window behind his desk. He looked out the window and said; "Carlos you know, this company is growing. We're doing a lot of hiring all across the country."

-"Yes sir. I'm very aware of all that." I replied.

He turned.-"Carlos I need to move you to another location."

-"What? Another location?" I stood up. "But Sir I always live here. I have never travel to another state. My entire family lives in L.A."

-"Carlos listen." He sat down and leaned forward. "This is the opportunity you've been waiting for. For the first time in your young career you can become a HR Manager in one of the most important companies in the business."

-"Yeah but I don't know sir. This may be too much for me. At least I need to know where the position is."

-"First consider this Carlos. Here in L.A. they're many opportunities but also thousands of bilingual Latinos who work in H.R. You been working here for 3 and a half years. 2 years as an assistant plus 1 and a half as a supervisor. You know how many years I worked as a supervisor before I got promoted as a Manager?

-"No, Sir."

-"7 years and I got a degree. You know Nina, the lady working in Sacramento?"

-"Yes, I know her."

-"She works for 9 years before she became a Manager and she's bilingual. The thing is that here in L.A. there's a lot of competitive people with many, many years of experience and knowledge. It's difficult to get promoted over here especially in management positions. I'm giving you a golden opportunity to become a manager now."

-"But Mr. Sanderson. Why me? Why not others like Jessica, Sara or Geraldo?"

-"Because you have giving me amazing results in a short period. You prove to me, you possess what it takes to do this job. In addition, what do you have here in L.A. that holds you from taking this job?  You're a single man nothing holds you to stay here."

-"Yeah but..."

-"Listen you don't have to give an answer now. Give an answer tomorrow."

-"But Sir at least I need to know where are you going to move me."


I opened my eyes wide. "Alabama!" I walk back of the chair. "Sir I'm sorry for the expression but; what the hell I will do in freaking Alabama? Hiring farmers?"

-"Something similar. You going to be hiring poultry processing workers."

I raised my hands and then drop them on my thighs. "Great, great, great, great, great!"

-"Listen Carlos go home, think about, sleep on it and give an answer tomorrow. OK."

-"Oh right."

He shook hand and I walked out of the office.

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