May The Best Man Win. (Draco...

By exorcise_the_demons

189K 4.3K 2.4K

Okay, you have no IDEA how much time it took me to try and make up a title or write a description. Please, be... More

First Day.
The Sorting Hat.
Getting Closer.
A Probably Expected Turn.
Badass Acting Skills.
The Dream.
Plot Twist.
You Fancy Her.
What Just Happened?
Haunted By The Past.
Challenge Accepted.
The Lawsuit.
The Trial.
You're Bluffing.
And The Winner Is.
Voldemort Did It.
Love Isn't A Good Colour On Him.
My Heroes *cough* Not *cough*.
Bigger Problems.
Time Skip (more ahead)
Four Years Later (last time skip, I promise)
Fred?! Let Me Go!
Learning The Truth.
Oh Shit.
Vincent Crabbe.
Conjuring A Wolf.
And So It Begins.
And So It All Ends.
R.I.P Alan Rickman 14/1/16
Alternate Ending? pt 1 (i'm bored)

Suppressed Emotions.

1.8K 49 9
By exorcise_the_demons

"Harry." You say, getting up and approaching him slowly, as if he were an easily-frightened animal. He just looked at you, not even blinking. You grabbed his chin, closing his jaw, otherwise germs could get in and just... ew. "I didn't say it ba-" "No but George just said that you said you were falling for him...?" He said slowly, posing it in a questioning tone. You let go of his chin and step back, not knowing what to say. You? Speechless? That's a first. "Harry, how long were you standing there?" George asked. Yeah, how long was he there? "The whole ruddy time! Y/N didn't even bother to look if anyone else was in the room!" You realized he was right. The ONE time you weren't paying attention, someone who fancies you deeply/ someone whose feelings you never wanted to hurt, finds out someone else, his mortal enemy, actually, said the L word to you and meant it. But did he mean it? Deep down, you weren't so sure. Maybe the passion you had felt radiating off him was just fear of Voldemort. Maybe that's the only reason he was doing this. It is awfully soon for the L word.... was 5 years too soon? He says he's liked you since first year.... No, it was real. Or at least it felt real.... "Why should I have to? I don't give a shit who hears! I could go yell that he said he loves me off the astronomy tower and wouldn't care who hears!" You exclaimed. "Because maybe I do like him back! What business is it of yours, Potter?" "Oooh." George whispers.... or at least tries to, as Harry's face fell. Did you just call him Potter? That's what Malfoy calls him and Malfoy HATES him. "Not the time, George." You spat. "So yeah. Maybe you should just freaking back off." You added, speaking to Harry now and storming off, almost in tears. You weren't one to cry, but Harry was one of your best friends and you were pissed at him AND FRED FOR THAT MATTER. Plus the stress of the war and having to pretend to be a Death Eater. You weren't Superwoman, how could you juggle all of this? You practically run over someone on your way to the stairs. "Ouch! Oh- oh my God, N/N, what happened?" Hermione asked, getting up and watching you as you basically back yourself into a corner to cry. "I-I. Stress and boys- idiots just.... Oh Mione why can't we be innocent 11 year olds again?" You sobbed into her shoulder, she had sat down next to you. She chuckled lightly. "I was innocent.... in fact all of us were except you and the twins. Still is that way.... Okay maybe not for Ron but Harry and I yes." You wipe your eyes on her robes and chuckle as well. "Yeah. Well, at least I didn't have all the stress of the war or being a 'Death Eater' or having a boyfriend on my shoulders then." You say a little more little-heartedly. "Wait- I thought you were just fake dating Malfoy..?" She questions, confused. "Yes well, he means more to me than I thought he did, apparently." You shrug. He may mean something to you but so does Fred and Harry.... Well you're mad at them so just forget about them. Ugh but you can't! They're your best friends! Sigh. "Oh okay... Hey, is it true Fred tried to kidnap you this morning?" She asked. "How did you know?!" You practically yelled. "Professor Trelawney, the Divination teacher, predicted a redhead stealing a Slytherin so I just automatically assumed you and Fred." Um okay..... Didn't Professor Trelawney die last year? Eh, whatever, this is Hogwarts. Anything can happen here. "Yeah, he did, and Pansy Parkinson tried stealing Draco." Her jaw dropped. "No way!" She muttered as you nodded, both of you getting up. Your tears were now dry. "Yes way. Anyway, I'm starving so I'm going to the Great Hall to eat, see you later, Mione." You said, skipping away. You completely forgot about all things bad until you saw Fred in the Great Hall, Malfoy holding his collar, about to throw a punch. "OI! DRACO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" You yell, running over there. "I'm about to punch this git for earlier, what else?" He replied, not even looking back at you. You keep your eyes on Draco and pay no attention to Fred. "Um no." You say simply, putting your hand on Malfoy's shoulder. He looks down at your hand, then up at you, sighs and lets go. He turns to storm away but then turns back at you and asks; "why?" You shrug. "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of him, hon." You reply. He nods and walks over to the Slytherin table. You turn to Fred and just stare at him. After a minute, he opens his mouth to talk but you interrupt him by slapping him. Hard. "For my own good my ass, Fred! What the hell were you thinking?" You yell. Filch, being the only supervisor, didn't bother to stop this. He always had hated the Weasleys, they always made a mess. You, being smart, had also got on his good side. Well, made a good side. He didn't have one before you. Fred opened his mouth to speak again but you just flicked him and grabbed his arm, pulling him angrily out of the Great Hall. You could tell that this conversation isn't one you want to have in front of everyone. "Now. Explain." You ordered as you shoved Fred and yourself into a big broom closet. "I couldn't stand seeing you with him!" He shrugged. Shrugged? Really, Fred?! "And tying him and I up was going to make you feel better?!" You accused. What the hell was this boy on!? "No! I was going to tie you up and then make both of you forget you were ever together!" He admitted. You gasped. He... he WHAT?! "FRED YOU BUMBLING IDIOT WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!? YOU WERE GOING TO USE THE MEMORY CHARM? YOU KNOW HOW RISKY THAT IS?! YOU COULD HAVE MADE ME FORGET HALF OF EVERYTHING I KNOW! YOU COULD HAVE MADE ME FORGET ABOUT YOU!" You lectured quite loudly. How could he do this? You always saw Fred as your best friend who you could make dirty jokes with and just talk but NOOOOOO now you had to put up with this shit. Ugh. "Shhhh be quiet." He said, trying to calm you down. You could feel your eyes bulging out of your head. "QUIET?! QUIET! HE WANTS ME TO BE QUIET! WHY DON'T YOU BE QUIET AND LET ME FINISH MY RANT, FRED?! IT IS THE LEAST YOU COULD DO CONSIDERING I JUST SAVED YOUR ASS!" You yelled. "Saved my ass? Really? Because I would prefer a beating from Malfoy over you yelling at me and bloody hating me." He said, hurt, and walked out of the closet, leaving you there, once again speechless. But not tearless. You just slid down to the corner of the closet and let out all of your suppressed emotions.

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