Forbidden Love

By BeeautifulDisasteer

1.1K 33 5

*Warning* This is a True Story. It Might Not Have A lot Of Dialogue because I don't remember every word ever... More


1.1K 33 5
By BeeautifulDisasteer

Sometimes in life we come across someone
who completely changes us. The way we think, the way we act and sometimes even the way we fall in love. No one is ever really ready to meet the love of their life , let alone be forbidden to see them.

I was in English class waiting for the bell for lunch to ring when my phone vibrates.
It was a message from a girl named "Alexandra"
I never really payed attention to her even though she was my friend on Facebook. She was a Finee stud with curly light brown hair always in a ponytail and glasses. She looked Puerto Rican because of her skin color but she was half black and half white.
Her lips were rosy pink and her smile was amazing. I couldn't understand why I was so attracted to her. I mean I always looked at girls and thought "she's really pretty" but with her it was just different. I looked at her with different eyes. It wasn't admiration, it was attraction.
I was attracted to a girl.
For the first time in my life I questioned my sexuality.
After her and I started talking for a few days we Decided to meet in person. She skipped basketball practice to come see me.
I was nervous to meet her. When the door bell rung I got butterflies in my stomach. I opened the door and we looked at each other and smiled. She grabbed me and hugged me almost instantly after. That first time I hugged her I knew that there was something special...

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