Forbidden love

By Nanania1

329 43 0

Calista's life wasn't easy although she made it seem like it. She lives on her own and is new to the school... More

That was close
Football and a break up
What's going on here?
A night with him.
A night to remember
It finally happenes
Friday night fun
How does he know?
meeting with Mr. Paul
happily ever after?

First day

62 5 0
By Nanania1

 As I get out of my car I look at the time it is 8:30am, as I stand up I look at the building that stands before me. I look around for a second to take in my surroundings and then I continue to walk up the stairs and through the door. As I walk through the building, I look for the office. I was told that above the office doors there is a big sign that says home of the wildcats. Once I find it, I walk in and the woman at the desk greats me.

"Hello. Welcome to Sherborne high. Home of the wildcats. How may I help you," She says.

"Hello, I am Calista Matthews. I am new here and it's my first day," I says.

"Well, it's lovely to have you Calista, here is your schedule. The first four classes are the classes that you will have today because today is an A day and the next four classes are the ones you will have tomorrow because it will be a B day and they just alternate form a day to b day, and the number by the class is the room number. Are you understanding so far?" She asks.

"Yes, ma'am," I say.

"OK, so the number at the top of is your locker number," She says and points to my locker number. Luckily the school is small so hopefully it won't be too hard. "Then this is your pass to check books out at the library books and to eat lunch. Someone put money in your lunch account already so you set for that. School usually starts at 8:00am and gets out at 3:20pm and this is second semester fourth quarter. Here is a paper telling you what time each class starts and ends. I will call down someone who is in s study hall right now to show you around the school," She says and looks at her computer and then picks up the phone to call someone.

"Hello David, is there anyone in study hall that is free at the moment..... Well, OK I will just ask someone who doesn't have a class at the moment. Thanks You," She says and then dials another number. "Hello Kayden, do you have a class right now?..... OK will you come to the office please.... OK thank you," She says and hangs up the phone. "OK Calista, I hope you don't mind but I couldn't find a student to show you around so I just as the gym teacher, Kayden. I mean Mr.Mitchell, to show you around,"

"OK as long as he knows where everything is, then we are good," I say as someone walks in. I turn to see who it is and I see a man, a young hot man standing in the doorway. We lock eyes for a few seconds and I just get lost in his eyes. After a few seconds the woman coughs and gets our attention.

"Oh right, hey Elizabeth, what did you need?" He asks, his voice soft and smooth.

"Well, I couldn't find a student and you are the only teacher that's not busy I trust not to try anything when alone with a student, so will you please show Calista around the school, today is her first day and I want her to feel welcome," She says.

"Yeah no problem. Lets get going," He says and opens the door and holds it open for me. "Lady's first,"

"Thank you," I say and walk out the door and Mr. Strub and I walk side by side down the halls so he can start showing me all the classes.

"This is the physical science, anatomy, chemistry, and physics room all taught my Ms. Given. Across the hall is the special Ed room or whatever you want to call it. The we have the stairs to your left and then the bathroom also to you left and across the hall is the Biology, Animal science, Earth Science, and principles of science room taught by Mrs. Smith. To the right is the English 9, and adventure lit room taught by Mrs. Muller. Anyway this room to the left is the Foods, parenting, and FCS room, taught by Mrs. F, I'm not really sure what her last name is. Next room to the left is the other English class and I'm not sure what she all teaches but I do know that the school is in the process of getting a new teacher to replace her, but upstairs we go," He says as he motions for me to go up the stairs.

We walk up the flight stairs and I am in front of him, but when we get to the platform before the second set of stairs before the second floor, I slow down and he walks in front of me. I hate to say this about a teacher but he has a nice ass, and when we were going up the stairs let me tell you. That was a fabulous site to see. We got to the top all to quickly and we were side by side again.

"So to the left is Mrs. Adams room she teaches Math 2 and 3 and AP Calculus. To the right is Mr. Kramer's room he teaches math 1 and advanced math. Next to the right is Mrs. M's room she teaches Spanish 1," he says.

"Not sure of her last name either I guess," I say teasing him.

"You catching on quickly," He says and winks, which make my stomach flip a little out of happiness. "Anyway next to the left is the Mr. Hovland's room he teaches World history, American history, and world geography. Next on the same side is Mr. Sand's room who teaches war lit, sports lit, practical writing, western lit, and classic English. Across from that is Mr. Trask who teaches Spanish 2­5 and does guitar lessons. Next to the left is Mr. Adams room, he teaches Economics, government, sociology, and I think one other class I can't remember. Then there is the Library which is used for study hall and kids that are failing go there from seminar," He says.

"Well that was a lot to take in all at once," I say.

"Yeah we're not even done yet," He says and leads me down the stairs and down the hall, past the office where we started, past the restrooms which he points out, and then up a ramp. "To the right is the choir room taught Mr. Watters, next to the left is the art room taught by Mr. M not related to Mrs. M," He chuckles at himself and his comment as we walk down the hall and pass what looks like a little gym or something. "This is the lunch room. Oh and we passed more bathrooms and the little kid gym on the way here. Now let me show you the band room, the auditorium and the big gym," He says.

We walk back down the ramp at the office where the big area is he points to the left to point out the auditorium, the gym across the hall which I learn is the commons, and then the band room which is next to the auditorium.

"Well the only other thing is the locker rooms and that's just down these stairs," He says as he leads me to the locker rooms. Once he shows me we turn around to go back up stairs. "That is how you get around the school. Oh and this is my office just in case you wanted to know. May I look at your schedule?" He asks and his eyes get wide and a smile is put on his face when he sees it. "You're in my Health and Wellness class, all we do in that class is either walk the town or go to the weight room which I can show you another day, you're also in my seminar, so I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other," He says happily.

"So what block are we in at the moment?" I ask.

"We are in first block so you have war lit right now and then Spanish, then lunch, then my class, so we just meet in the gym we don't dress out, than you have seminar and if you want to you can go up by yourself it's in Mr. Adams room or you can just wait for me so you don't get lost," he says.

"Well, if I manage to meet anyone in that seminar maybe I can follow them but if not I will follow you. Don't need anyone getting the wrong idea about the new girl and the gym teacher," I say and wink.

"Well, lets get you a pass and get you to class," He says as we walk towards the office.

"Hey I showed her around, can she get a pass to get to war lit?" He asks.

"Yep, here you go honey and just to make sure you get there safely, Mr. Mitchell can walk you up there," She says and with that we walk to my locker and put my stuff away and we walk to war lit so I can start my day.


So this is my forbidden love story. I hope all of you enjoy reading this. I am open to any suggestions you have as to what I should do next in the story and if you would like to be in the story just comment and let me know and I will figure out a way to give you a part of the story.

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