
By AEdwards090791

521 77 132

Redwynne's life has been nothing but one tragedy after another. When she wakes up chained to a cave wall it c... More

Smoke & Mirrors
The Truth
Who's Betraying Who?
Seven to One
Alpha Luna
An End to a Bloodline
Where do We go fron Here
A New Enemy

Last Momments

26 4 2
By AEdwards090791

Rupert starred down at Jarvis' pack house from his position on hill facing the north entrance. Well Jarvis I do believe it's time I take back what's mine. We'll kill the girl quickly. Yes. We can't allow that abomination to live. She'll bring about the fruition of the prophecy. That must never happen. He would wait for his third in command to apear with Tyler and the girl. Once they were out of the way he'd show Jarvis a thing or two about even thinking of betraying him.

Speaking of the Jacob approached with no sign of Tyler or the girl. "Where the hell have you been? And why are you alone," Rupert snarled sensing right away that something was off about Jacob. Spotting the bandage on his leg he attributed it to that and nothing more.

"I came across some guards and I took them out. One got me pretty good in the leg but I'll be all right. Before I killed him he told me Tyler had been caught sneaking out with the girl. That both of them were being held in the house hostage." Jacob's answer had not been what Rupert had wanted to hear.

He smashed his fist into the tree he'd been leaning against, "That idiot! How hard is it to sneak a girl out?!" Cooling his temper he reassessed Jacob's injury asking, "Can you lead a few others back the way you came and get Tyler and the girl out without being seen?"

Jacob lowered his head, "Yes Alpha."

Pleased Rupert barked, "Sam, Michael, David go with Jacob. The next time I see you four Tyler and the girl better be with you. If not then I'll use Jacob's head as a new mounting for my wall."

Without a word of protest the four left in the direction Jacob had come. Jacob shifted so the others would follow suite. For this to work he knew his ex pack members had to be in wolf form. Hopefully neither of them would reject his Alpha. He didn't want to have to kill one of his former brothers.

He found Redwynne right where he'd left her. At first his companions were confused but as expected they each bowed and tucked their tails in submission to Redwynne. As one they all shifted back. They each took the oath as he had done. Afterwards Redwynne took a minute to dish out hasty explanation and catch them up on the situation.

After Jacob took off Redwynne paced back and forth. She could feel his apprehension which in turn only made her more nervous. She did not want anything to happen to Jacob. End of story.

So when he finally came bounding back through the trees towards her she released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Three varying shades of brown wolves trailed behind him. As one they watched her shift her red and white streaked fur towered above them by a good two inches.

As the whimpered, bowed and tuck their tails in submission to her Redwynne felt Jacob loose an identical breath to the one she'd been holding. You were worried? She asked him through their bond. Yes Alpha. I did not want to have spill my brothers' blood. But I would have if they'd threatened you. I know Jacob. I'm glad you didn't have to.

Shifting back as one then giving out introductions and some need to know information Redwynne let them in on the rest of her plan. One she'd been forming while Jacob had gone to fetch them.

Much to her surprise neither Sam, David nor Micheal questioned her leadership. They merely threw in some suggestions as they had them. There acceptance and unquestioning fealty gave her a confidence she'd never known before. They are pack. Pack does not question the Alpha.

Micheal with his dark brown hair and tan skin was the talker of the bunch. The way he tossed around his smile and several winks made Redwynne think he was a bit of a ladies man.

Sam on the other hand kept quiet preferring to keep a watchful eye on their surroundings. A born guardian with the brains as well as the brawn to get the job done.

Now David was a different story all together. From his boyish looks and goofy grin Redwynne doubted he was much older then seventeen. She was immediately great full he was sent to her. A young impressionable male such as he would have been corrupted by Rupert.

With a plan in place everyone moved into potion on the south side of the house, scouring the windows they could see in looking for a sign to leading them to Tyler's where abouts. Micheal, looking through a large bay window on the first floor, spotted Tyler chained in the middle of a grand ball room. Signaling the others they found a safe spot to formulate an extraction plan.

Micheal recounted what he'd seen, "He's chained to the floor. Surrounded by what looked like at least thirty weres."

Jacob asked, "Was Jarvis or Carl there?"

Micheal shook his head, "I didn't see Jarvis but that doesn't mean he's not there. I couldn't see the front of the room. As for Carl he was there..." He trailed off at his mentioning of Carl prompting Redwynne to ask him what Carl had been doing, "He was flogging Tyler's back. From the amount of blood I'd say he'd been at it a while."

Redwynne's rage was so severe she shook from it. Power rippled off of her causing her pack mates to shrink back from her. Jacob spoke being sure to keep his tone calm and filled with assurance, "Alpha we will get him back. And they will pay for what they've done." We have to stay calm. We can't afford to do something reckless causing anyone to get hurt. Listening to her wolf Redwynne squashed the power rising up in her.

Having regained her self-control she quickly thought up and laid out phase four of her plan, "Here's the plan. We know they want me and are expecting me. There's no way to go in and extract Tyler without being seen. Not with him being guarded by so many pack members."

David the youngest and smallest asked, "What are we going to do then?"

Redwynne looked him in the eye, "We aren't going to do anything. I'm going to go right in through the front door."

Her pack brothers protested this with a mass of growls and objections. Jacob silienced them with his hand, "Alpha we can't let you do this. If you go in there alone they are liable to kill you on site."

"No they won't," she said smiling an all knowing smile, "Jarvis wants to kill me himself and Cindy wants to watch. The guards no doubt have orders to bring straight to him." Looking each of them in the eye I then said, "When they take me to him I'll raise so much hell you'll be able to slip snatch Tyler and take him to safety."

They all looked at me concern shining in their eyes. Jacob was the one to ask what they were all thinking, "What about you?"

Redwynne wanted to lie to them sparring them the worry she knew they'd feel but she couldn't. Chances of her getting out alive - of all of then getting out a live were very bad but more so for her. However, she could ensure their safety and Tylers by keeping there part in all this down to a minimum. As their Alpha she couldn't let them die.

Gathering up her power letting it wrap around her like a visible shield she let her pack feel her might. Using her authority as Alpha she gave her first and last command, "I'm dead the moment I go through that door but Tyler doesn't have to be - " Looking at each of her brothers, her family she said, "You don't have to be. No matter what happens you're to get Tyler and yourselves out of there alive."

Sho could see their disapproval in their eyes. They didn't agree with her but once given the command they couldn't disobey their Alpha despite their objections.

I left them stationed just outside the windows of the room Tyler was being held in while I whent to the front door. I sensed the wolves positioned as guards to the front of the house as they became aware of my arival. Tamping down my power I made myself give off the impression of weaker more submissive shifter.

Moving out of the shadows they each groweld and snarled at me showing off more then anything. Ignoring them wasn't hard. Infact it proved to be the best defense. As it riled their indignation at my lack of fear towards them. I would submit but not to the likes of posturing idiots such as them.

Raising my hand I knocked three times on the large oak doors before me. Ian was the one to answer. He was more then a little suprised to see me but he quickly covered it up. Smiling very coyly I said, "I believe you have something that belongs to me." Ian looked weary at my strange demeanor. Though, he didn't waste anytime ushering me inside. The other wolves remained outside resuming their post leaving Ian to take me to the room they were holding Tyler in alone.

We stopped in front of a set of antiqued wooden doors. Beyound them I picked up traces of more then thirty assorted scents. Steeling myself for what was to come I stood siliently beside Ian who knocked once on one of the doors.

A couple seconds passed before the doors slowly creeped open. Just beyound was a room full of werewolves just as Michael had informed me.

Another guard stepped up beside me latching onto my arm while Ian latched onto my other one. A third guard fell into step behind me. Three guards? That's all?

The buffoons ushered me to the front of the room. All the while I searched the crowd of faces as they passed in front of me. Yet all their faces blurred before me as I looked from one to the next in searching for his face. I had to see Tyler. Knowing he was alive and seeing it where two different things.

My breath caught in my throats as I found him at the front of the room chained to the floor and caked in his own blood. From the looks of it he'd been flogged repeatedly with a silver tipped flogger.

My blood sang calling out for vengeance. I wanted to howl in indignation. How dare they hurt the Alpha's mate! I will kill them all! Their blood will drop from our muzzle as we bathe in it. My power began to feed off my anger. Unleashing it from the cage I'd tamped it down in I wrapped it about me more tightly I prepared myself for what was to come.

Tearing my eyes from Tyler I scan the front of the room scoping it out since Micheal had been unable to see it. Cindy was standing a mere few feet in front of him. Her arm locked around the waist of another male - Carl. He'll be the first to die. Spotting Jarvis to Carl's left I thought And he'll be the second. Flashing a gang filled smile at Cindy I thought and she'll follow right behind them.

That's all the encouragement my wolf needed. Sending her strength battling through me. I felt it weave and meld with my own giving me the burst I needed to free us from our guards. Pushing aside other weres who tried to step up and take the other guards place I sprinted to Tyler. When I got to him I when's crashing down to on my knees in front of him lifting his head with my hands.

Then and there the world stood still as his eyes fluttered opened to look up at me through swollen lids. "Oh Tyler, what did they do to you," I crooned gently stroking his cheak.

His back wasn't the only pitiful sight. A face that normally turned heads with eyes as clear and blue as the sea, framed by short chocolate locks and strong jaw with just a hint of stubble was unrecognizable. His right eye was almost swollen shut, a deep gash above it being the reason, acompanied by a fat lip and broken nose making his face look disproportionate. His shirt lay in tattered strips across his back, large red welts peeking out between the strips of clothe. Some were oozing blood others were all ready healing.

"Redwynne," his eyes flashed with a moment of lucidity as he starred up at me in disbelief.

"Yes it's me." I forced myself to smile down at him reassuringly.

"How pathetic." Cindy's fathers' voice brought me back to the hear and now reminding me of where we were.

Gently I lowered Tyler's head back down. Rising I faced the Alpha my body rippling with anger. "What did you to him?" I didn't scream. I didn't need to. My question though whispered carried to the Alphas ears.

Pointing at Tyler the Alpha answered, "Your mate put on a good show. He tried to act as though he didn't care for you. All in an attempt to rescue you when we let our guard down. However, when he found out we were planning on killing you tonight he slipped up. Carl and several pack members caught him trying to worn you after your little escape attempt. Since he's been brought back a few more disturbing details have come to light. I'm afraid that after we've killed you he'll be following suite." A rumble of deep bellied laughter filled the room which he joined in on, momentarily, before continuing, "First I'm gonna teach him a lesson by killing you in front of him." If looks could kill the one he gave me would have. Flames danced in gaze when I didn't cower in front of.

Murderer...Yes he murderd our family, and clansman. Our clan.  Threatened us and chained us in a cellar. Looking back toward Tyler I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. And now he's hurt Tyler.

My hatred for this Alpha and his family would continue on long after I ushered them into the afterlife. But first I needed to know, "What I don't understand is why?"

The Alpha raised one thick eyebrow, "Why what?"

"Why you want me dead. Why you framed my family then slaughtered them."

At first he didn't answer. He seemed to be weighing the pros and cons of telling me the truth. I could feel everyone in the room go still knowing I wasn't the only one who wanted answers.

Finally he gave us one though I found it to be lacking in truth, "I don't know where these accusations of framing your family come from. However, be assured dear I didn't do it. Rupert said his brother and sister had been slain by your clan. I being the closest Alpha merely felt obliged to carry out the punishment for their deaths. As for why you are going to die well not only are you a surviving memeber of the clan in question but you also attacked my beta, Carl." As if having waited for his cue Carl stepped forward the claw marks, my handy work, stood out against his tanned skin. Of course his button up shirt lay open showcasing how the puffy pink scars ran from the left side of his face down and across the right side of his body.

Snarls and howls of displeasure erupted from several of the gathered weares. Yet more then a few silently looked on doubt and suspicion marring their brows.

Jarvis added fuel to the fire by diving into detail about how Carl came by his scars warping and twisting the truth to suite his end game, "Carl was merely trying to bring you in for questioning after he found you snooping around his cousin's pack. When you attacked him catching him unawares."

I sneered at the bastard he was referring to, "Is that the lie you told them? What happened to 'I can't wait to see the look of pride on Jarvis' face when he hears I not only beat a filthy shapeshifter whore but I fucked her like one too'?" Carl narrowed his eyes at me but otherwise remained calm and collected.

Jarvis answered for him instead, "Lieing will do you no favors shapeshifter. You have all ready been tried and found guilty by the pack -"

Sounds of glass shattering interrupted his speech as the windows my pack had been peering through were smashed in. Three varying shades of brown weres and one gray and white were came lumbering through the crowd toward me. Jacob shifted back to human form while the others remained as they were forming a protective half circle around Tyler.

I shot daggers at Jacob who was paying me no head his attention vocused on Jarvis. Addressing Jarvis Jacob spoke loud and clear for all to hear, "On be half of my Alpha I stand as witnesses against these charges. I formally request a retrial upon which our pack will be present and our testimonies given." What the hell are you doing Jacob? Saving your ass. Don't worry you can repay us later. His cocky laughter shot down our bond and I felt the rumble of the other three as they joined in. I knew I should be raving mad at them but their presence was a calming one. Just face it you need us Alpha. Davids boyish grin looked weird coming from his wolf but the effect was still the same.

Jarvis didn't bother concealing his outrage at this intrusion, "Since when does Rupert challenge my rueling?"

Jacob stood tall and proud as he replied, "I Jacob no longer answer to Rupert. Nor do I belong to any pack that does answer to him." He gestured at our small group saying, "I have a new Alpha. You may call her Redwynne but you will show her the respect she deserves."

I swear I could of heard a pin drop it got that quiet in the room. Not a single eye looked anywhere other then at me and my pack. Straightening my spin and tilting me chin up I stood tall and unwavering before their questioning gazes.

Starring down a red faced Jarvis who's spittle ran down his chin as he spat, "Impossible! She can't be an Alpha she's a shapeshifter!"

Though he hadn't been speaking to me I replied none the less, "You know just as well as I that I am more then that."

At that momment I knew what had to be done. Jarvis had polluted his pack with his evil plans. And the Alpha in me couldn't- wouldn't stand by and let him continue leading his pack down the corrupted path he'd chosen for them.

A calmness swept over me then. I could feel my wolf and I connect on a level we never had before. I wanted to shift. I needed to shift. To protect you our mate and our pack. For the honor of our lost loved ones. For the wrongs that he's committed against his pack. Yes for all those reasons and more.

Speaking loudly and clearly to ensure everyone heard me I spoke to Jarvis, "I Redwynne as an Alpha can not stand aside and watch as you lead your pack down the dark path you have chosen for them. You have not only threatend me, and my mate but my pack as well. If you choose to with hold the truth in your quest for power then I will put and end to you." Striding past Jacob I made myself look as formidable as possible while saying, "I challenge you for the rights of my life, and the life of my mate. As such whoever wins will be the rightful Alpha of not only my pack but yours as well."

Cries of outrage erupted from Jarvis' pack. It didn't escape my noticed though that those who'd remained silent early did so now too.

Jarvis sat on his self proclaimed throne seething. Sub coming to his furry he leapt up sending his chair crashing into a collum. As it shattered silience field the room once more. "How dare you!" Jarvis' voice shook with his anger. The tremors reverberating through out his body. "You are no more then an abomination!"

Looking out at the crowd he yells, "We are the chosen race of the wolf. For centuries we have harnessed their power shaping us into who we are today! It's what has seperated us from the shifters."

Turning his attention back to me he snarls, "Now this abomination threatens to change all that we know- all that we are. But I won't let you." His last sentence came out on a low threatening growl. One that was answered by the growls of my pack brothers. I base them stand down. No this is my fight. You will not interfere.

Glaring from Jacob then to me I saw it Jarvis' decision in his eyes before he made his shift as he accepted my challenge. Towering at six feet tall he was a formidable looking mass of salt and pepper fur. I felt his power trying to engulf everything and every one into submitting before him. Everyone save my pack did.

In response to their refusal and my own he advanced on us. Before he could come closer I shifted effectively cutting off his path. We came nose to nose. My red fur gleamed incomparison to his aged dull coat. Power rolled off me crashing into his pushing its reach further and futher back. Weres throught the room stared in awe at what I was doing.

All though clealry out matched Jarvis didn't back down. The all ready defeated Alpha glared at me snarling and nashing his teeth. His contempt and hatred for me unmistakable as was my own for him.

As if I had done it a thousand times before I lunged for the Alpha taking the offensive. My movements were fluid like a running water. Yet Jarvis managed to sidestep my attack his salt and peper fur bristling at my challenge.

Slowly we cirlcled one another looking for a weekness or an opening in the others stance. A slight limp in his back left leg caught my attention. Most likely an injury from years ago. Seeing my opening I swooped in clamping my jaws around the leg. He gnashed his teeth at me trying to get a good hold on my fur yet missing everytime.

Teeth sunk into my tail; though, not the Alphas teeth but another weres. A young wolf with fur the same color as Jarvis'. Angry and anoyed with the intrusion I swept my tail in a powerful ark sending the pup hurling in the air. His back hit a collum with a loud thwack. There was no mistaking the sound of his spine snapping in two.

Jarvis watched his only son slump to the ground. His lifeless body layed limp on the polished floor. Enraged he used his anger as fuel for his strength finding a bit of exposed fur I felt his teeth sink into my shoulder blade. Letting out a yelp I released my hold on him yanking his fangs out of my shoulder in the process.

Jumping out of each other's reach we circled on another once more. Though, this time his left leg dragged behind him instead of limping.

Swiftly I lunged for his left leg again. Expecting my attack he spun around to protect his flank. Leaving his neck exposed and playing right into my hand. It only took a mild change in trajectory for me in which case my teeth sunk into his neck instead of his leg.

The sound of teeth ripping into flesh rung in my ears. His heart beat pulsed against my fangs growing slower and slower by the second as more of his blood gushed out from the puncture marks.

As the last of his heart beats subsided I drank in his power through his life's blood. Having drank my fill and high on a power induced buzz I sank my teeth the rest of the way through Jarvis' meaty flesh. In a matter of seconds I stood over his headless body.

With a jerk of my snout I flung his head to the ground watching it roll to a stop in front of Cindy. His body slumped behind me as her screams and the cries of his mate echoed throughout the room.

As the blood of their Alpha dripped from my jowls I howled my cry of victory. Signaling to all who heard it I Redwynne had killed Jarvis the Alpha. With his death I take his place.

The last thing I saw were eyes a deep dark green like the color of summer leaves. Redwynne's teeth sank into my neck the pain from those daggers dispersed through out my body. With due haste I felt them rip my spirit from it's flesh casing down into the depths of hell where emerald flames consumed me.

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