Lies - Criminal Minds || Spen...

By bekah-x

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{Book Two} COMPLETED - SPOILERS PRIOR TO SEASON 12 It's been two and a half years since Melanie Hotchner last... More

POV Titles.
Prologue: Blue
1. Expertise
2. Memories
3. Change
4. Advice
5. Comfort
6. Distraction
7. Intoxication
8. Overprotective
9. Surprise
10. Unpredictable
11. Realisation
12. Reinforcements
13. Attraction
14. Tension
15. Defiance
16. Panicked
17. Déjà Vu
18. Ghosts
19. Reconciliation
20. Awkward
21. Wondrous
22. Love
23. Blue
24. Secrets
25. Feelings
26. Lies
27. Unexpected
28. Flashback #5
29. Heartbroken
30. Sweetheart
31. Transference
33. Time
34. Priorities
35. Family
36. Discovery
37. Knowing
38. Premature
39. Together
40. Happiness

32. Suspicion

3.6K 107 80
By bekah-x

"Is it possible, in the final analysis, for one human being to achieve perfect understanding of another? We can invest enormous time and energy in serious efforts to know another person, but in the end, how close can we come to that person's essence? We convince ourselves that we know the other person well, but do we really know anything important about anyone?" ~ Haruki Murakami

The Daughter

The team and I sat around in the conference room, having coffee and cakes - while I watched on munching on caramelised apple slices and water, dodging their curious questions - chatting and laughing at the times we'd all spent together.

I announced that Jackson would be taking over as Team Leader and that my dad and I would be interviewing for the Unit Chief position back in Quantico.

The team were over-the-moon that I wasn't bringing any new members in replace of myself, and were more than happy that Jackson was going to be leading them; it all made sense, they claimed, Jackson had taken over for myself whenever I'd been out of the field, they were more than comfortable with him as their leader.

I began to feel content and happy and comforted by my decisions. When I'd worried and panicked and fretted before; there now was no need to do that.

"So boss, any ideas on when you're having the wedding?" Carter asked as I leaned back in my chair, stretching.

"Well, we haven't really thought that far ahead," I explained before being interrupted by a knock on the door opposite me. I looked up and gasped as I saw Spencer standing grinning in the doorway.

"Spencer!" I gushed.

"Sorry for interrupting." He grinned as I rushed to my feet and hurried to greet him. Everyone began saying hello as I threw my arms around him elatedly.

"I thought I'd come to help you move your things," He explained. "And I wanted to say goodbye to everybody." He added as I pulled back and turned to my team.

"Congratulations, again, Reid." Jackson said, getting to his feet and extending his hand.

"I believe it's me who should be congratulating you," Spencer smiled. "I hear you all have a new leader." He said, turning to look at everybody else.

"Nah, Jackson's always been bossing us around from the get-go." Wilson joked and we all chuckled.

"I think you best be going boss," Carter said, nodding to the removal men who were moving my boxes and belongings from my office. "Not that we want you to go, but..."

She heaved a shaky sigh which was completely uncharacteristic of her.

"Well, I'm not good with goodbyes." She shrugged, getting to her feet. I sighed and nodded my head, peering up at Spencer, suddenly overwhelmed that he was there with me.

One by one they said their goodbyes and Spencer was there beside me the whole time; shaking their hands and nodding and smiling and thanking them for their sweet and humorous words of goodbye.

Emotionally I took Spencer's hand and put my satchel around my shoulder for the last time in New York, looking back at the Unit and heaving a melancholic sigh as I smiled and waved goodbye to everybody standing around me.

They all cheered goodbye and I smiled tearfully as Spencer bundled me into his arms in the elevator and sighed deeply into my hair.

"Thank you for being here." I mumbled against his chest. He turned his face into my hair and kissed my head.

"I'm happy to be here, Melly." He said reassuringly, rubbing my arms and taking my hand again as we stopped at the ground floor.

"Actually, I thought it'd be good for me to be here as well because I have something to tell you." My heart dropped at his words and his tone and I peered up at him with widening eyes.

"What's happened, what's wrong?" I panicked.

"Nothing's wrong," He chuckled, shaking his head and squeezing my hand. "Your dad knows I'm here, he actually ordered me here to be with you when I tell you, rather than have you turning up to an empty apartment."

"What?" I frowned in total confusion, halting outside the main entrance to the building.

"See, the thing is, Mel," He said as he turned to me and laced both of my hands in his own. "I've decided to move out of the apartment," He searched my eyes for a reaction, his words meeting my ears slower than the speed he said them. I frowned after processing what this meant and my mouth parted in surprise.

"But, I don't understand..." I said, shaking my head. "Where're we going to live?" Suddenly anger bubbled inside of me.

What was he thinking? I was pregnant, we were newly-engaged (again) and now he was announcing that he'd moved out of his apartment without even consulting me beforehand, leaving us both homeless!

"Well, my apartment's never really felt like my own anyway, I guess it's been missing your touch," He smirked. "But I thought that we could find someplace together, a house maybe, and I don't know..." He was bashful as he slowly added, "Just, somewhere to make our own."

As sudden as it had come, my anger dissipated and I threw my arms around his neck.

"That is so sweet, Spence!" I gushed excitedly. "You want us to have our own house?!" I squealed, pulling back and taking his face in my hands, kissing him abruptly and laughing as his cheeks burned hot beneath my hands.

"I was hoping you'd react like this," He grinned. "I was worried you'd be mad." I shook my head and squealed excitedly.

"We have to go house hunting!" I half-shrieked. "But where are we going to live in the mean-time?" I asked.

"I mean there's so much to arrange. You have to terminate your contract and pay up the rest of your rent and bills, and then we have to find somewhere else to live and arrange everything there too!" I paused and shook my head, a little breathless as we made our way for my car.

"Not to mention our things!"I gushed, not realising I'd just interrupted whatever Spencer had been about to say. "I mean there's all of your furniture and mine, and then our belongings!" I threw my free hand in the air exasperatedly excited and grinned.

"Mel," Spencer laughed, taking my waist in the both of his hands and turning me to face him properly. "Relax," He said, reaching up to sweep my hair from my eyes. "It's already done," He shrugged.

"Beth and I saw a few places over the last few days and we've already arranged second viewings for us both to go together." He smiled bashfully.

"You looked at houses?" I asked, a little confused about how I should react to that.

"To take the stress out of it for you," He said gently, taking my hand in his again. "You're mad aren't you?" He asked apprehensively after studying my expression for a few long, silent heart-beats.

"I'm not sure," I admitted. "I mean, I didn't even know you wanted to move out of the apartment, let alone buy a house..." I looked up at him apprehensively, chewing on my lip. "I mean... this is moving quite fast, Spence."

"I know," He sighed, looking at me and running his hands along my arms. "I'm sorry if you feel I'm moving too quickly," He said apologetically. "I guess I just got so excited that we're finally back together, and everyone knows now, and we get a second shot at this." He smiled the most beautiful of smiles at me and my breath caught in my throat.

"You haven't decided on anything without me, have you?" I half-whispered.

"Of course not, Melly!" He smiled, half-laughing. "This is the place we're going to spend the rest of our lives living in, I wouldn't make such a big decision without you!" He said exasperatedly and I grinned.

"Okay then," I nodded. "Well, when do we see them?" He looked down at me with a broad smile and I blinked up at him sweetly, feeling for the first time in a long time, the feeling of true happiness.

The Lover

Melanie wasn't supposed to start at Strauss' job for another week, and so when we got to DC e had some breathing space to arrange everything before the pressure of work took over.

Everything was packed up and ready to go in my apartment, but I hadn't actually moved out, knowing that Mel would kill me if I'd moved everything out and subsequently left us both homeless.

I couldn't find the words to express how beautiful and incredible it felt, viewing houses with Melanie; knowing our baby was growing inside of her, picturing our child running around and growing up in the rooms around us.

It was an entirely emotional and yet overwhelming experience that took me a while to come to terms with.

Just earlier that year I never thought there'd be another chance for Melanie and I, and yet now we were moving in together planning our marriage and family life together.

It was magical.

The Daughter

That first week was intense, it was non-stop and was over in the blink of an eye, but it was great.

Spencer and I viewed all of the houses together, and then some more that I'd found myself. We were conflicted and torn, but upon viewing the final house together, we knew we had found a home.

After arranging additional viewings with Beth and my dad, and with Diana too, we placed an offer which was accepted, and we were able to move in three days later.

From the outside it was rather wonderful; a lone-standing white pebble-dash building with a double corner-garage and a short path leading up to the front porch; a cute little front garden behind the white picket fence and gate. It had large bay-windows with cute little white shutters.

There was a front porch with a swinging bench the previous owners had left behind, and a large white front door with a stained-glass rainbow window. Around the side of the building was a bunker which led down into the refurbished basement, which acted as a separate bedroom-come-games-room.

In the entryway, on the right-hand side, there was a large white wooden and black metal staircase curving up to the left. There was a doorway here also which led into the dining room with white tiled flooring and grey-coloured walls. The kitchen was just off of the dining room with white cupboards and marble counter-tops, white flooring and walls with an idyllic breakfast bar looking onto the back garden which was large enough for a family of children to play in.

Back on the ground floor of the house, there was a large-sized living room and a study just off of this. Upstairs were three decent sized bedrooms; two with en-suites and upstairs again was the small attic.

My dad, Beth and Jack helped us with the move and we arranged our proper engagement party for the following weekend which would also act as our house-warming party where we'd announce our little bundle of joy.

"Four months to go baby." Spencer said sleepily, rolling towards me after shutting off the alarm clock.

"I've never been so terrified in my entire life." I admitted, kissing the top of his head as he buried it in my chest, squeezing me in his strengthening arms.

"I know," He shakily sighed. "Me too," I let my eyes close in relief, steadying my breathing. "But once we tell everyone this weekend, we'll have so much support and things are different this time, Melly." I nodded my head but no words would come.

He turned his face on my chest to look at me, crossing his eyes and making me laugh at his adorable silliness.

"C'mon," He said suddenly, pulling back to sit up, leaning down swiftly to press a kiss to my lips. "It's your first day as Unit Chief." He grinned, throwing the sheets back and climbing out of bed.

I sat up on my elbows, watching as he made his way over to the wardrobe, opening the doors of his section and pawing through his shirts. I watched his back muscles as he did this, watched the way the faintest of pink scars moved with his skin looping around to his abdomen from one case gone wrong.

He turned to look at me over his shoulder, smiling bashfully under my heated gaze.

"I love you, you know that right?" I asked randomly as he pulled his arms through a pale blue shirt; my favourite.

He turned to me with questioning eyes as he began fastening the buttons.

"Of course," He nodded. "What's brought that on?" He asked, reaching for a purple satin tie.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I just wanted to tell you." I said simply before giggling at the sight of him standing before me in nothing but underwear and a shirt and tie and socks.

"I'm ready for work now c'mon let's go!" He joked, grabbing my hand as I climbed out of bed.

We laughed together, his laugh making me laugh and vice versa and I realised how much I loved moments like these; so random and rare but so pure and perfect.

I really did mean what I said; I loved Spencer more at that moment than ever before.

The Father

"Where's Reid?" Morgan asked, entering the conference room with a confused expression, having thought he was the last to join this early-morning meeting.

"He's on his way," I explained, taking my place in front of the round table, looking down at my team trying to suppress my excitement and elation.

"What's this all about Aaron?" Dave asked curiously, looking between Erin Strauss and me as he sat down next to Morgan with his coffee.

"Well, as you know, I don't normally hold meetings so early." I explained.

"And I don't usually join them," Strauss smiled, taking JJ and Penelope by surprise it would seem. "But as you all know, I'm retiring and today is my last day in the office."

"I thought that was Friday." Prentiss said carefully and Strauss gave her a patient smile.

"I've been looking for a suitable replacement, as has Aaron," She said, turning to glance at me with a small smile.

"And we've finally found someone, the only person really, who would be suitable enough to take over."

"I haven't heard anything about interviews." Dave said thoughtfully.

"Are you drafting in a newbie?" Penelope half-gasped.

"I heard a rumour you were thinking of Mateo Cruz, but since our attack, he's been out of the Bureau. You're not really drafting him, are you?" JJ asked worriedly and Strauss and I shared a knowing look.

"Actually, there'll be nobody new to the Bureau at all," I said just as Spencer appeared in the doorway behind me. "Everyone, meet our new Unit Chief." I gestured to the doorway just as Spencer entered the room and Melanie appeared with a smile behind him. She wasn't wearing her usual suits, but was in a loose blouse and cigarette pants instead.

"Good morning my loves." She said, her smile turning into a grin. "Did you miss me?"

The Crazy Aunt

"Melanie!" I gasped in surprise. "What're you doing here?" I asked as I hurried over to throw my arms around her excitedly.

"Didn't you hear?" She smiled, pulling back to look up at me and then behind me to the team around the round table. "I'm your new Unit Chief." She grinned.

"No!" Emily gasped.

"For real?" JJ squealed.

"Excellent!" Morgan sighed happily.

"I knew it." Dave shook his head with a knowing smile.

"Welcome back, Chief Hotchner." Strauss finalised and I turned back to Melanie with tearful eyes.

"You're really back?" I whispered emotionally and she nodded, grinning as she rubbed at my arms.

"I hope that's okay." She said thoughtfully and I squealed, throwing my arms around her again saying,

"I knew you'd come back to us!"

The Daughter

It took a while to get set up in Strauss' old office and then go over everything with her. But, the actual process of taking over was easy; there wasn't really anything different from New York, besides the fact that the DCBAU was several times larger and far more vital than the NYCBAU as there were plenty more Units to cover in DC.

The team tried to insist on going out for drinks to celebrate my new position but I explained I was exhausted with the move - which was already completed - and that I preferred to go home with Spencer and relax for the evening.

This brought suspicion into Penelope's eyes as she knew that the old me would've never turned down the opportunity to go out and party with the team.

But, maybe it was for the best; I had to start reinforcing the new role, or else that's what Spencer reassured me on our way home.

It was strange saying and thinking that; our home, the home, knowing that it was in fact home and not an apartment or a flat or studio.

It was a house we called our own; a house we'd be in for the rest of our lives with our child and possibly their siblings. That thought was a beautiful one, and it certainly made all guilt and doubt disappear.


"Back again boss?" Morgan joked on Friday morning as he entered the conference room to find me already there standing with my dad and Penelope. "Does Spencer know you're here without him?"

"What's wrong?" Spencer asked curiously, entering the room with a cup of coffee and a worried frown, his eyes glancing over my abdomen before back to my face. I wanted to roll my eyes at his obviousness, but I refrained and instead focused on what was happening.

"Actually this isn't a social call." I said with a serious expression and Morgan looked at me with apologetic eyes as he sensed the tension in the room a beat too late.

"What's going on?" JJ asked, entering the room closely followed by Dave and Emily.

"Thirty minutes ago there was a bomb threat on the white house," Penelope explained as my dad set a photo-copy of the threat-letter down onto the round table. "Five minutes ago, a bomb went off within a mile of the Islamic Centre of Washington."

"Terrorism?" Emily frowned, folding her arms.

"ISIS?" Morgan guessed.

"It isn't ISIS," I disagreed, shaking my head. "It's too obvious, this is a set-up and whoever is doing the setting-up is a US threat."

"It is still counted as terrorism." My dad said coldly.

"Any attack on our country is classed as such." Dave said in agreement.

"The only question is who is responsible." Emily sighed.

"Which is why we've drafted in the help of the terrorist unit from downstairs," I explained, glancing over my shoulder to see the boys in uniform entering the room right on cue. "Morgan I believe you know Jordan Todd already?" He smirked and nodded his head as JJ glanced over him with a knowing smile.

"But I'm asking you all to push aside any differences or previous knowledge or relationship and focus solely on what's happening right now. As usual, Penelope and I will be running point from here but Penny," I turned to her with serious eyes and she stopped nodding comically to turn to me open-mouthed and wide-eyed.

"This is a terrorist attack which means if at any point there is tech I need you to solve, you need to be out there on the field with the team doing so, understand?" She nodded her head emphatically.

"Yes, boss." She nodded and I hid my smile at the familiar nickname I'd missed from New York.

In that moment there was a knock on the door and Anderson interrupted with,

"Sorry Sir, Ma'am, the Terrorism Unit is here." He stepped aside and allowed Jordan Todd to enter with her team in hot pursuit.

"I'll let you do introductions in your own time," I began as the team filed into the round room. "But for now we have an attack on our city and our country which has to be solved as quickly and efficiently as possible."

"Glad to see you back, boss." A familiar voice came from the uniforms and I glanced over to see Ainsley Hart standing in the doorway at the back of the Terrorism Unit grinning boldly at me.

"Ainsley!" I gasped. "Great to see you back," I admitted. "I don't suppose I have to say I'll catch up with you later?"

"Try stopping me." She nodded and I return it happily, nodding at the Terrorism Unit before smiling at my team and heading for the other door just as my dad and Jordan stepped forward to shake hands and initiate a plan of action.

"Melanie," Spencer hissed, taking a step away from the table to grab my elbow before I could leave the room. I glanced back at the group in panic but everyone was too busy focusing on what my dad and Jordan were discussing.

"Please be careful." He whispered and I nodded my head.

"I'm not leaving this building, Spence," I agreed. "I promise." He held out his pinkie for me to shake and I smiled as I did so. He smiled too and leaned down to sweep a kiss across my lips.

"Be careful out there." I whispered and he nodded, squeezing my hand before turning back to the group.


I think it's fair to say my heart was in my mouth for the entire day, my calves aching as I paced my office, my palms burning as I rolled a pen across them so many times, strutting back and forth from my office to Penelope's so much I eventually ended up staying with her and padding barefoot across her carpet so many times she ended up yelling at me to sit down and worry internally instead.

I was annoyed with myself for this because I wanted to build up a character of myself as being the new and improved Unit Chief. The agent who no longer worried or panicked or fretted but took terrifying situations and ate them for breakfast.

But at the end of the day, the case was solved and was just another worrying day over and done with.

There were no casualties, no more deaths, and we got our guy in the end. My panicking was for nothing, as was my weary heart.

I swore I felt our baby breathe a sigh of relief too as Spencer stepped out of the elevator unscathed and a little exhausted.

"I was so worried." I muttered in his ear. He didn't reply; he merely squeezed me tighter in his arms and pressed a kiss to the side of my face.

"I'm glad to see you both finally seen sense." Hart's voice came from beside us and I looked over to see her smiling at both Spencer and I.

"It took a while but we got there in the end." I admitted with a content smile as Spencer wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I'm glad to see it, Chief." She grinned and I smiled up at Spencer, blushing slightly.

"Well, when the opportunity to come back home presented itself, I didn't turn it down."

"I'm glad to see it," She repeated with the same grin she'd been wearing since I first saw her that morning. "It's about time you came to your senses."

There was a pause as I tried to figure out what was so different about her, and in that moment I blurted,

"Spencer and I are having a house-warming tomorrow night, you should come." As soon as the words were out I kicked myself. My old team would be there, which meant they wouldn't be pleased with the Hart reunion.

To say they were relieved with her transfer was an understatement - one I hadn't realised until it was obvious.

"Oh I'm not sure," She scoffed pathetically. "I'll try and make it but you know how work can be," She shrugged with a smile.

"Thank you for the invite though, I hope you guys have the best time. And congratulations again." She said, nodding to my left hand holding my right before giving a small wave and heading for her team along the corridor.

"Is it just me or has she changed?" Spencer asked sleepily as we turned to watch her leave.

"No, it's not just you at all."


The following morning I awoke to an empty bed; the sun streaming through the window making me smile and cuddle deeper into the sheets before remembering the one hundred and twelve things I had to get done for that evening's house-warming-slash-engagement-slash-baby-announcement party.

I smiled at the thought of finally announcing our great news to everyone and I climbed out of bed with a warm grin, reaching for my housecoat and trying to wrap it around my body before realising our bump was making that a much more difficult task than it had been the week previous.

I'd been wearing loose shirts and skater dresses, avoiding tight clothing as our bump insisted on making a far earlier appearance than our previous one.

Laughing to myself I left the bedroom, the noise of people downstairs making me wonder what the Hell Spencer was up to at eleven in the morning.

"Spence?!" I called, padding down the staircase. "You're never going to believe this," I laughed, peering around the living room doorway and realising he wasn't there.

"Spence where are you?" I called again before he appeared in the kitchen doorway.

"I'm so sorry, did we wake you?" He asked with a pout and I gasped as I realised he was freshly shaven and he'd been for a hair-cut this morning.

"Spencer," I whispered in awe, padding over to him to run my fingers through his short, floppy hair. "What've you done?"

"I told you she wouldn't be happy with you." Diana's voice came from the dining room doorway and I turned like a whip to see her.

"Diana!" I grinned, rushing over to throw my arms around her, receiving an answering laugh and a squeeze in return.

"What're you doing here?" I asked, pulling back to look behind me at Spencer watching us with a warm smile.

"Well the caterers are simply a nightmare, it's no wonder Spencer wanted me to help out. Who are these cowboys you've trusted with your special day, Melanie? They're hopeless." Diana said seriously, shaking her head displeased.

"Caterers? They're here already?" I asked and Spencer nodded his head.

"I wanted them here super early so we could have everything prepared in time."

"But we have hours yet, Spence."

"It's just as well they're here so early Melanie, they're hopeless." Diana whispered that last word before shaking her head, disgusted and throwing her hands in the air.

I smiled at her warmly as she turned and re-entered the dining room, her booming voice coming from behind the door telling them that that's not how you set a table.

"Spencer, what is all this?" I asked in surprise as Spencer made his way over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, leaning back slightly so's he could still see my face properly.

"I wanted to take all the stress from your shoulders," He said softly. "Yesterday really stressed you, Penelope told me how worried you were, and I know that stress and worry aren't good for either of you," His right hand subtly swept between our bodies to creep across my satin camisole where our bump lay between us.

"So today is my time to take over and take everything from your shoulders. I've booked you and my mom to get your hair and nails done at the salon in town, hence the reason I have a haircut right now." He rolled his eyes and looked skyward and I pouted again.

"Sharon totally convinced you didn't she?" I guessed and he nodded with a blush.

"Convince is a nice way of putting it," He explained and I smirked. Sharon was Caitlyn's neighbour and she owned the biggest hair salon in town.

She always gave us discounted cuts, and, by the looks of things, she'd forced Spencer into the chair too.

"Well, it was getting a little hard to handle so I suppose she's done me a favour." He pouted and I laughed at his expression.

"So your mum and I are having a girlie day?" I asked, rubbing his arms and he nodded, leaning forward to press a kiss to my forehead.

"That way it'll get you both out of the house and away from the stress for the day. By the time you come back, everything will be done so all you'll have to do is change and enjoy the party." I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with the cropped hair at the back of his head.

"This is going to take some getting used to, you know," I told him seriously. "But I love you." He smiled and nodded his head, rubbing at my sides.

"I know, I love you too," He leaned down and kissed me properly before pulling back with a furrow of his brows. "What was it you had to tell me?" I looked up at him in confusion. "When you came downstairs, it sounded like you had something to tell me?"

"Oh yeah," I remembered, pulling back and detangling myself from his grip, sweeping my eyes towards the dining room to ensure Diana wasn't about to make a sudden appearance; but by the sounds of things she still had her hands full. I shook out my dressing gown and made a show of trying to fold it closed and wrap the tire around my body.

"Look how tight it is!" I squealed. "Our bump is so big I'm struggling." I explained quietly and wished I'd brought my camera downstairs along with me to photograph how amazing Spencer's expression was in that moment.

Surprise, joy, excitement and love was effervescent in his expression as he stared at my stomach where the material was stretched so tight across my body the tire really struggled to tie properly - the way it used to.

"I mean of course I've put on weight but-"

"Spencer, when did you say we were leaving?" Diana's voice boomed from the dining room and I just had enough time to pull the tire loose before she appeared in the hallway next to us.

"I'll get dressed and then we can leave, Diana." I explained as Spencer's eyes sparkled and shone as he blinked and cleared his throat; trying to correct his thoughts so he could answer his mum.

I hurried back upstairs after sending a wink his way and tried to swallow my happy tears as I told myself that I had to get used to being so happy; that it wasn't going to be snatched away from me this time.

This time, it was here to stay because we both wanted it so badly.

The Lover

"Ainsley," I said surprisedly as I pulled open the front door to see her standing there with a bottle of champagne wrapped in a bow.

"We didn't think you'd be able to make it." I said sourly as I closed the door behind her after bringing her inside the house.

"Ah, Ainsley!" Melanie grinned from the dining room doorway once I'd taken Hart's coat and hung it on the stand next to the doorway.

"I explained to Jordan about tonight and she gave me the night off to come to join you guys, she knows we go way back." She was explaining.

I was too busy watching Melanie, at her brunette bouncy curls that hung over her shoulders, the floral wrap dress she was wearing which concealed our bump nicely and fell to her knees. It was far too big for her and looked quite ridiculous, but this was all temporary.

When we made our announcement, she was going to unwrap the dress to show the fitted dress she had on underneath, a material which hugged her figure - and our bump - beautifully.

I cleared my throat and smiled at the pair before disjoining and heading for the kitchen where Morgan and Savannah were chatting with Penelope and Sam.

"Warning, Hart's just shown up." I mumbled and Penelope almost choked on her handful of pistachios.

"Hart as in Ainsley Hart?" She stage-whispered and I nodded my head.

"There's summit up with that girl." Morgan whispered as Sam and Savannah exchanged confused expressions.

"Hart used to be Melanie's PA back in New York, but then she graduated and was automatically accepted into the New York Terrorist Unit, but she recently exchanged to DC so she could work at Quantico." Penelope explained.

"And that's strange because...?" Savannah prodded.

"She's totally obsessed with Melanie, duh." Penelope concluded around a mouthful of nuts.

"Who's obsessed with Melanie?" Jack asked, entering the kitchen with a questioning expression.

"No one," I blurted. "Everything okay?" I asked and Jack nodded his head, reaching for a can of soda from the fridge.

"Mel sent me in to come get you or something." He shrugged, evidently uninterested as to why his sister had sent for me and so I smiled, ruffling his hair as I left the kitchen in pursuit of Melanie.

The Daughter

When Spencer got to me through the hoard of people in the front room I grinned and instantly melted into his touch at the arm wrapped around my waist and the kiss he pressed to my cheek.

"Is it time yet? I'm tired of waiting." He whispered impatiently and I nodded my head, covering the hand on my waist with my own.

"You cut the music, I'll get their attention." I explained as Jack re-entered the room closely followed by everyone I assumed had been hiding out in the kitchen with Spencer.

When the music ended most people silenced and when I knocked on my champagne flute - filled with orange juice - everyone else silenced.

It was hard to pick an empty part of the room; it was so full.

Everybody was here. Spencer's mom and her sister; my dad and Beth and Jess and Jack and a couple of his and Henry's school friends; the entire BAU - both NYC and DC - and their partners/kids.

It was a full house - literally - and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Seeing Dave and Strauss together as a couple out with the work setting was a little unsettling but it made me warm inside to see them both so happy together.

"Is it speech time already?" Beth joked and Spencer and I smiled at each other as he rejoined me at the front of the room.

"Not so much speech time, as more announcement time." Spencer hinted, and a few people shared curious expressions.

"Firstly we'd both like to thank you all for being here tonight, there's not anyone else we'd rather spend tonight with than those of you who are currently here. As you all know it's been a whirlwind for both Spencer and I, and so to finally be at this stage of our lives and our relationship is a really special and proud moment for us both.

"We've welcomed you all into our home tonight to celebrate our engagement, but also to announce to you all the most incredible news we've received in a very long time." I looked to Spencer lovingly and he rubbed at my arm, squeezing his other arm around my waist a little tighter.

I shrugged out of the wrap dress I was wearing, thrilling in the panicked looks everyone shared.

"Melanie and I are delighted to announce that in October we will be expecting a new addition to our family." I smiled up at him emotionally as his hand gently rubbed across our bump and I felt warm and tearful inside at the adorable away he'd decided to announce our pregnancy.

I turned to the side so everyone would be able to see my swollen belly more clearly, and everyone's reactions cracked the silence.

"Your pregnant?!" JJ squealed.

"A baby?!" Caitlyn gasped.

"No way!" Emily yelped.

"I knew it!" Penelope cackled.

"This is excellent!" Beth grinned, leaping to her feet and hurrying for the pair of us.

"Congratulations." Morgan and Savannah cheered before the rest of the room erupted into an explosion of 'congratulations' and 'well done' and 'I'm so happy for you'.

"I knew I was right." Diana grinned, squeezing me for sheer joy.

I pulled back from the hundredth cuddle I'd given to turn to my dad with an emotional smile.

"So what d'you think dad?" I whispered emotionally. "You're finally going to be a grandpa." He was smiling at me tearfully, and I could tell that for the first time in his life; Aaron Hotchner was speechless.

"I don't know what to say, Mel." He whispered.

"You don't have to say anything." I shook my head and he did the same a moment after.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetheart," He said in a thick voice. "I really, truly am. Keeping this from us for so long, you must have been terrified," Tears pearled in both of our eyes at his words. "But I want you to know that I'm here for you, all three of you," He took my hands in his own and forced me to look him in the eye.

"There isn't a thing on this planet I wouldn't do for you Melanie," He told me sincerely. "I am so unbelievably happy for you," He said and his voice broke on 'happy'. He then bundled me into his arms and squeezed me so tight I thought he'd crush me.

It was hard to remember a time before my dad; before the joy in his laughter, the sincerity in his smile, the love in his eyes, the safety in his embrace. He was all of the things I'd dreamt of growing up and then some.

For all these years Jack had had it right; our father was a superhero. He was our superhero. He was the father to me, that Spencer would be to our child.

"I love you, Melanie."

"I love you, dad."

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