
By Mshinystar

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A story about Alice. The girl gifted with serene beauty. The story starts with her dad's funeral. Facing new... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
A Short Note
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Thirteen

39 7 6
By Mshinystar

Hope you all like this one too <3 It took me while to write down this one. I was busy these days. You know School lol ..  Any suggestion for my book? Feel free to suggest :) Enjoy :)

Forever isn't about you or me, It's about us, It's about believing.

Believing in what we share, Believing in the tenacity of our love. It isn't a goal, It's  the state of mind.

Forever is about Faith <3

8:00 In the morning. Monday.

Alice was in Beth's living room when her mom entered.

"What a pleasant surprise dear one. How are you?" She spoke and hugged her.

She looked extremely young. Wonder how people look so young than their age. Allie was staring at her when she realized she just asked a question and she had to answer now.

"Oh yeah! I am perfectly fine. Just a busy though. My company needs me as you may have noticed the news." she got worried again.

"Yes! We were so worried about you. Don't you worry Police will arrest the suspect soon. If you need any help remember we are always here for you." She comforted her.

She turned and saw Beth coming towards her. She wore a black sleeveless shirt and her favorite polka dots PJ'S.

"Hello Allie. You should have told me! I was thinking to come at your place." She said rubbing her eyes.

"I couldn't wait. I have a flight after 3 hours." She said looking at Beth's mom who was leaving the living room for them.

"You have what?" Are you kidding me?"

"Can you please calm down and have a seat Beth. I need your help" She pointed at the seat beside her but Beth wasn't in the mood. She stood there staring at her.

She spoke again but with increased temper.

"Allie? Are you Okay these days? Like seriously? You dont even care for me or anyone now except that Henry. Remember I was the one who introduced him to you. You should be thankful. Instead you keep things away from me. Like really? And now You have a flight? And you didnt even tell me? I aint your best friend anymore right? It's Okay I understand you have different priorities now. Have fun with your life." She stopped now. Her face all red with anger.

Alice stood up and hugged her. This was something which she had to do.

Few minutes later they both were crying and hugging each other.

These two were so over-emotional and sentimental that one couldn't imagine. But one thing was sure they loved each other.

"I am sorry Beth. I really am. I hate life these days. And there are times when I need you both. You and Henry. You are more important to me than Henry. Trust me. But he needs me too. Please help me with this. Help me to come out with this situation. Help me save him. He is the only one who cares after you." She finished adjusting herself at the sofa now.

"I see. But what about Danny? I thought you liked him too. He is good too." She passed a smile at her.

"Danny is good I know. But you know You cant choose everyone. You have to choose the person who is more special and important to you and Henry is the one. Believe me someone is after him. I am not always right but this time I am sure. I still remember his innocent face and his mail."


"Yes mail. He mailed me yesterday but with a blank location."

Beth was surprised now.

"Don't tell me! Wow. What nexxt? Info? Update? Elaborate?" Suddenly she got excited.

Their mood swings were unpredictable.

"Nothing to be excited about. Although I am Glad he took a moment to write a mail to me."

Her eyes were filled with tears now.

"What was in it?" She needed to hear more.

"He warned me. He thinks I am in danger and that I shouldn't leave this place and should have a guard too with me."

"Not safe? Is he kidding why?"

"I don't know Beth. Something's not right. And one thing too. He told me to look around and I would be able to find him. He didn't gave a clue though."

"Around you? Is he pointing towards me?" She was surprised.

"Don't be ridiculous. He never meant you Stupid. He is pointing somewhere else and I don't know where. One thing more. He is in LA." She spoke looking at her watch.

2 hours : 30 minutes left for her flight. The Airport was near to her home so it was easy for her to reach on time.

"LA? Is he a jerk? Oh kill me. That place is way to dangerous for him. What about the police? Are they aware of all of this shit?" She sounded worried.

"No I don't think so. But they will soon. Before that I need to save and find him."

"So you are going to LA? After precisely 2 hours : 24 minutes?" She said looking at her watch confirming.

"Yes, precisely" she confirmed it too after looking at her watch.

"Should I come with you?" She asked with a sad expression on her face that made Alice sad and worried too.

"No sweetheart! Just stay here. Prepare for your wedding and stuff. Don't worry about me! Just pray for me."

"Oh I will and keep me updated. I will wait for your calls and messages."

After saying Goodbyes Alice checked the time again.

She was in her car listening the radio. Still no news of him. Thank God they hadn't got any proof of him yet.

"I still have 1 hour 50 minutes ! I can make it"

15 minutes later:

She reached at the her desired destination.

It was Henry's Home.

She needed something from here anything.

"Maybe his dad can help me" She was hopeful.

She entered the house. She smelled Coffee.

The house looked peaceful. She remembered the first time when she came to this place. How she was treated by everyone here. Both Son and Father were rude towards her. But it was Okay to her. She didn't care of anything now. 

"Hello is someone there?" she spoke.

After a minute, she saw his dad coming.

She was nervous now and she hadn't noticed she was shivering too.

"Who is it?" He asked coming closer.

She didn't speak. Her mouth was shut.

"I said who is it?" He came more closer and the two of them were now facing each other.

"Oh you Bitch? why are you here?" his face turned red. He had recognized her.

Why wouldn't he? She was the one because of whom Henry was in trouble. And now he called her a bitch.

"I am sorry I really need to kn.."

"Really need to what? huh? What is it that you want now? Aren't you satisfied yet? You and father are the same. I thought you were different but I was wrong. Why did you do this? What did we ever do to you? My son is away from me now and I don't even know if he's alive or dead. I don't even know what will happen to him after the police gets him. Is this very easy for you and your family to destroy people's life? Your father did the same. Wonder what's wrong with your family. Wonder how was your mother? she must be bitch too am I right? You yourself.."

"How dare you talk to me like that Mr whatever you are. Who do you think you are? You are nothing but a loser. A retired loser. I respected you but now you have crossed your limits. You have no right to talk to me like that and how dare you call my mom bitch? I couldn't imagine people are so discriminating these days. Its enough for me now. I have heard enough. Cant stand it anymore. I came here to got some proof or anything that could save Henry but Never mind now. Came here to save your son but .... I am leaving now. I have a flight in an hour or so. Gotta save and handle things. Thank you for spoiling everything"
"I spoiled things? You really need to focus." "My son isn't after all of this and it's because of you and your partner that he is running away from this world. What did I ever do to you? I look... "

He was saying something when she ignored him and walked out of his house.

"Stupid old moron!Duh " He just spoiled her mood.

Messaging Beth was the first thing she thought of after sitting in her car.

She typed a message.

"Beth it seems that you were right. His father is a jerk like him too. Old man spoiled my mood just for nothing. Got nothing. Well it's gonna be okay soon. Going to the airport now tc :) Kisses"

" Message Sent"

She felt an increased rate of humidity inside her car. She was sweating way too much.

"I hope I am Okay. Gotta finish up this shit soon now." She tried to calm herself and managed.

3 hours:45 minutes later:

She had reached LA.

She smelled the same air and felt the same way when she first got here. This place gave her warmth and support. She had missed this place.


After 10 minutes:

She had just reached her home.

"Oh my what a mess." She whispered out loud.

Although her house looked peaceful and she felt a unique affection against it. It looked really dirty and dusty. She tried to examine her whole house. Examining every bit of it. It was her rooms turn now.

She opened her room.


"Holy Shoot. Wth?" She screamed this time.

Her room was unacceptable. She couldn't imagine she would find her room like this. Every bit of it was dusty and all of her papers and her belongings were lying on the floor. They were all distributed unevenly.

"What just happened here?" She was worried.

She saw here files dropped on the floor with her Company's paper. Someone had entered her house and had investigated every bit of it. But why?

"Who must have done this?" She was angry and worried at the same time.

She tried to check the details and tried to look if any of her important file or paper was missing.

After searching She figured out that her house property papers were gone. House papers? Like seriously. Why would anyone want her house property? The house in LA?

"Who could have done this. I swear I am gonna kill him." She had decided to sell this property but now her papers were missing. What was happening to her? Why was someone after her? She had done nothing.

Her life was going perfect. She had finally decided to do something in life. But you just cant trust life. It shows it's face afterwards. It takes its turns.

"Now what?" She tried to concentrate ignoring all the other thoughts. She tried to focus on all the enemies she had or have. But none. She was never a type of girl for anyone to destroy her or to be envy to her. But what was happening. She hated her life. Her life never gave her anything just irregular jumps and problems that were never solved or could never be.

"Krista" She was left with just one person whom she could trust.

She was about to dial her number when her call came.

"Alice? How are you? Have you reached?" She started with her lists of questions.

"Relaxx. I am Okay. And I have reached but my house isn't in its right order."

"What do you mean? Isn't in its right order?"

"You cant believe do you! Come see for yourself." She snored.

"Come and see? Cant you tell it on the phone?" She begged.

"No! I cant. I cant explain this mess. Come and see. I have to discuss things too. I don't think phone is the right thing for this." She didn't liked the idea of talking on the phone.

" Okayyy ..Give me 10 minutes I am on my way"

25 minutes later:

Krista was in a shock. They both were. They had to be.

"Have you checked it properly?" She asked again.

"Thrice." She said and looked at her face.

She looked worried. Her eyes had dark circles around them. What was wrong with her? It must have been due to the pressures on her or maybe there was something else.

"Krista is everything Okay?" She asked her putting her hand on her shoulder.

She shrugged.

"I know there is something." She knew she was hiding something.

"I said I am Okay Allie. Stop worrying about me. Think about yourself and your stuff." She didn't look Okay.

"HMMM" Alice wasn't comfortable. She had to make sure if Krista was Okay or not. She couldn't trust her until and unless she know whats wrong with her.

"She need time I guess." She thought.

"Yeah I am actually. Listen up can you find Henry's location somehow?"

"I will try to but don't rely on me. I have other stuff to do too."

What was wrong with her?

"Ummmm.. Okayyy.." Alice wasn't sure what was with her. She seemed Okay on the phone. What was bothering her now?

"Are you sure you are Okay?" She asked her again.

Krista smiled at her this time.

"Oh my God Alice whats wrong with you? Trust me I am Okay. And as far as Henry's location's concerned I think I am gonna need a day to find it out."

"Be quick and make sure no one gets a hint about it."

9:00 pm Night in LA.

She was tired now. She just cleaned her house from the past 2 hours. She stinking now.

After taking a shower and after unpacking her stuff. She decided to watch the news. She was hoping this time to see anything about Henry on the news.

She opened her TV and switched it to channel 30. "News channel"

News about an Iranian was running on it. It was about a murder case. She was not focusing on it too. She wanted to see news about him.

"Coffee." She stood up and headed towards her kitchen. On the other hand the news about the murder was running.

She was stirring the sugar in her coffee when she heard breaking news. She ran towards her living room and saw the News once again.

No murder case this time. It was her case. Henry's case. Finally.

"It seems as if Police have gotten the location of the Victim's stay."

She had stopped stirring now.

"A reported reported yesterday that a lady show this guy in one of the stores in LA. But she was unable to catch him or note his car's number. The reported also told her there was a guy with him too. It may be the same guy that was found with him in Ma'am's Alice's home."

"Oh shoot.. Now they are including me too. I cant be on the news. How do they know about all of this?" Alice was in a great shock this time. She hated this Tv. She hated this world. Why was everyone after him. What if he's the one. She was having second thoughts this time.

The reported continued.

"Ma'am Alice's house is secure now. Nothing to be worried about. Police is on its way to LA. We really hope the lady had seen the right guy.
The store is temporary shut. Police is asking questions from the owner too but no one seems to know much about him. They have also checked the cameras but no such evidence Is seen.. Stay tuned for more updates. 
Now lets move to the other case. Barack Obama's new offer..."

She switched it off and threw the remote on the side.

"How could he risk his life like this. Why Henry why?" She screamed and was crying the next moment.

Crying was the one thing that had always calmed her. But crying was useless now. She didn't felt anything now. She wanted to turn her life upside down now.

10:30 pm.

She was lying on her bed when her mobile vibrated.

It was Beth's message.

She was lying from the past hour. And without any movement. It looked like as if she was dead. She hated the idea of Henry getting arrested. No matter what she had to stop everyone.

Krista wasn't loyal anymore she thought.

She had to be strong now. Henry needed her like she needed her. They both had just spent a night but it was enough for them both. Enough for both of them to fall for each other. It was enough for them to stay alive with only the night's memory.

She checked her message.

"Alice dear. Where are you? You were supposed to call me remember? How is everything there? Just saw the news. Holy shit how can they possibly know everything?

Reply Asap. Kiss kiss."

"I know everything is a mess. You dont need any update cuz nothing happened really. I will let you know when something happens. Don't get too much involved honey I will handle this shit soon. My house is really in a mess lol. It needs a maid and I have to be one for a day or so. LOL so pray for me and take care. And hey Take care of my house too. Message me soon though. Kiss kiss. "

She tried to act as if everything was okay. She didn't want her to get involved too. It was Henry's fight and she had to help him win it.

She was sleepy now. She closed the lights and was lying on her bed.

"Henry I love you." With that she was about to imagine him in her dreams when she heard a voice from outside.

"It must be a rat or something." She tried to calm herself.

"Knock knock."

A knock on the door.

"Who must be at this hour?" She wore her slippers and headed towards the door.

"Who is it?" She asked.

No answer.

She looked outside from the window.

A white Mercedes was outside.
A familiar car.
"Mercedes." She swallowed the word.

She opened the door.

A guy stood there right in-front of her. This guy so familiar. This guy who acted strangely that day. This guy who kissed her in that park. This guy whom she thought she loved but it was just a minor affection/attraction.

Yes it was Danny.
"Not now" she whispered.




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