Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian f...

By kealohas

544K 22.4K 2.1K

Living with guilt and a broken heart, Lacey joins the military to drown out the memories of her past. But the... More

Author's Note
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
What do you think?

Part 2

24.5K 958 250
By kealohas


The drive back to the house was silent. I was finally able to calm down a little once we hit the freeway. I kept a constant visual in rearview ensuring we were not being followed.

I looked over to my sister who stared out the window. "I'm sorry, I keep ruining everything," I said quietly, not wanting to disturb the sleeping Amelia.

Reaching over, my sister took my hand. As she turned to me I could see that her makeup was slightly smeared from the tears that were slowly falling, causing an ache in my chest. "I know you only did what you needed to Lace, it just frightened me a little. What happened back there? Why was he after you?" Concern filled her voice.

"They tried to..." My voice broke as I tried to swallow the lump forming in my throat. I placed both hands back on the wheel. "Jackie," I whispered, a name I hadn't spoken out loud in years. "It was happening all over again." I felt Lauren squeeze my thigh. "I didn't, I didn't let them. Not again, never again." My voice came out harsher as I gripped the steering wheel.

"Shhh," she said trying to calm me. "It's ok Lace, it's over now, you did well." We sat in silence once again. I pulled into the driveway within thirty minutes, a full fifteen minutes faster than it took us to get there due to the minimal traffic and the speed I was driving.

I exited quickly, pulling the door open for Lauren. I leaned down, took Amelia from her arms and carried her to the door. Lauren unlocked the door and held it open. Once inside she closed it and secured the deadbolt.

I made my way upstairs to the guest room and gently laid Amelia on the bed before taking a seat next to her. I watched her for a moment. I brushed a strand of hair from her face. Even after the events of the night she was breathtaking.

Lauren came into the room with a change of clothes for her. I started to stand when a hand caught my wrist, keeping me seated. By the tingling sensation, I was feeling I knew without looking the soft gentle hand belonged to Amelia. I turned to face her, my eyes instantly finding hers. She slowly sat up and pulled me into a hug which caught me off guard, causing my body tense up at the contact. "Thank you," she whispered as she placed a kiss on my cheek. She laid her head back on the pillow taking her vanilla scent with her.

I looked to my sister and nodded before leaving the room without a word. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water before making my way down to my bedroom.

I turned my laptop on and for the first time in five years I pulled up an old video of Jackie and me had taken at Lincoln Park Zoo the summer before our senior year of high school. I hovered over the play button frozen for a few minutes. Snapping the lid shut I walked over to my closet. Quickly stripping out of my clothes, I pulled on a pair of running shorts leaving on my sports bra and pulled on my Nikes.

The house was quiet with the only light coming from the kitchen. It was three in the morning and the girls were probably asleep. I grabbed my house key and slipped out the door. My sister's house was located in a quiet neighborhood in Jefferson Park. The streets were silent. The only sound was my steady breathing as my feet hit the pavement.

Memories of my time with Jackie flooded my mind. She had been my anchor in life, she helped me cope with the abuse at the hands of my stepfather, constantly giving me hope for a better future once I was able to leave. Now I live with the knowledge that in the end I failed her. I couldn't bring her back from the horrors of that night. The USMC therapist I called it a form of survivor's guilt. She was right. I had failed to protect Jackie. I wish I had died that night because she never looked at me the same way again.

I ran for four miles before turning back, making a detour to the nearby park. I needed to calm my mind. My body instinctively fell into motion following the route of Tai Chi Quan I'd learned to help me in times like this,

Concentrating on performing each move to perfection. I continued through the routine several times until my mind could think of nothing else and my body moved gracefully, without thought. Finally exhausted after a few hours, I headed home just as dawn started to break.

Being that it was still early, I closed the door and locked it as quietly as the old house would allow. I went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water and start breakfast as I usually did for us, keeping in mind we also had a guest.

My mind drifted back to last night when I first saw the gorgeous redhead as she emerged from the sea of rhythmic bodies. The way that black dress hugged her curves in all the right places, her stunning green eyes that instantly captivated me the minute they locked onto mine.

I pulled out the ingredients to make a veggie omelet, deciding to make waffles as well. I started the coffee before frying the bacon knowing the smell of bacon would wake my sister. I had just finished cleaning up and setting out the plates when my sister entered with a smiling Amelia who was dressed in a pair of my sweatpants and one of my old high school soccer jerseys.

"Hope you don't mind?" she said, pointing to her outfit.

How could I mind? This woman could make anything she wore look beautiful. "Not at all, you make my clothes look good," I smirked, causing her to blush.

My sister looked at me with a grin on her face knowing I usually avoided conversations and not having heard me flirt with anyone in years. Enjoying this new found courage I looked at my sister and shrugged my shoulders. "Eat up before it gets cold," I told her..

"Where'd you go?" Lauren said pointed at my attire as I got up to get the drinks.

"I went for a run then to the park to clear my head. What would you two like to drink?" I asked while heading to the kitchen.

"Coffee," they said at the same time. I brought back the freshly brewed pot, cups and cream and sugar in case Amelia needed them. Setting the items down in front of them, I was happy to find she drank her coffee black like we did.

"I've heard they exist but I've never seen them before." Amelia addressed me.

"And what would that be?" I questioned.

She grinned, "Abs on a woman." I blushed as my sister laughed.

Their conversation changed to work as we ate and I was glad that Amelia didn't seem to be affected by the events of last night. That was until Lauren asked her if she had called Thomas. I watched as her body tensed and the smile faded from her face, "No, but he hasn't called me either," she answered.

I hated the fact that she wouldn't be able to avoid the creep as long as she was dating his brother. I suddenly felt very protective of Amelia even though I knew she was straight and has a boyfriend. Still, my hands clenched under the table. Feeling my jaw tighten I took a deep breath before speaking. "You can stay here as long as you want. I can take you home later to pick up whatever you need." I watched the surprised look on my sister's face at my statement but she nodded in agreement.

"It's probably better to address the situation with Thomas to insure Brad is never around when you are, especially after what happened." My sister added.

Amelia agreed. After they realized that I hadn't gone to bed yet Lauren insisted I go to sleep for a while and decided we would both take her when I woke up.

I showered and set my alarm to wake me in a few hours With the time I had spent in the military, as well as the years of nightmares, I was used to operating with minimum sleep. I passed out the minute my head hit the pillow.

I was awakened by the sound of my sister's voice her hand gently stroking my hair. " It's ok Lace, everything is ok, I've got you." I opened my eyes as she wrapped her arms around me. "Sorry, I was showing Amelia around when we heard you."

I looked towards the door seeing Amelia standing there nervously fidgeting with her hands. "We'll leave after I shower," I spoke just loud enough for both of them to hear. My sister released me. I got up, grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom.

A half hour later I walked out in boxer shorts and a sports bra while pulling a wife beater over my head. My hands stopped midway when my eyes fell on the redhead sitting at the foot of my bed. I was amused to see her eyes were locked on my stomach. I cleared my throat drawing her attention to my face. I smirked, causing her to blush and look away. "I- I just wanted t-to thank you for e-e-everything," she stuttered.

"It's was nothing," I assured her. I stood there for a moment as I wondered why this confident woman was suddenly stuttering. "We can leave in a few minutes, did you need a change of clothes?"

She shook her head. "I'm actually comfortable with what I have on," she smiled. "As I recall, I was informed and I quote." She grinned while she did air quotes. "You make my clothes look good." Now I was the one blushing.

"I-I...." I stuttered. She smiled and cut me off.

"Good now we're even," she giggled as she walked towards the door. "I'll go check on Lauren."

I smiled at her retreating figure, 'this girl is something else,' I thought. I pulled on a pair of ripped jeans, a light blue hoodie, put on my light blue high top Adidas and checked my email before we left for any new job assignments.


The mood on the drive to collect Amelia's things was eerily calm despite the phone conversation she just had with Thomas before we left. Apparently, Brad had given Thomas his own version on the night. Needless to say, Thomas believed his brother. I hadn't been told the details of the conversation because we had left shortly after.

I watched Amelia through the rearview mirror. Her eyes were still red from crying,which angered me. Lauren had convinced her to move in with us until she found a place to live.

When we arrived we were greeted by Thomas's assistant who escorted us to his penthouse, on the eighty-sixth floor. I knew the location. We were at Trump International Hotel & Tower, I had done some for work for a client on the eighty-eighth floor a few weeks ago.

The assistant had set out a couple of suitcases prior to our arrival. She informed Amelia that arrangements had been made to have the rest of her things delivered to her new address, which Lauren quickly gave to her.

I stood in the hall with my back facing the door as Lauren helped Amelia pack. Once they were done I picked up both suitcases and headed to the elevators as the girls followed close behind.

We were heading towards the entrance when Brad walked in with a man I recognized from a previous assignment. Brad started towards us with a scowl on his face. I automatically took a defensive position in front of Amelia as he approached us.

"Why do you insist on getting in my way, bitch?" he said in a low growl. I stood there blocking Amelia from his view as my client walked up beside him and addressed me. "Ms. Crawford, it's a pleasure to see you again."

"Sir," I said as I nodded, not breaking eye contact with Brad.

"You know this bitch?" Brad asked in surprise.

"Why, yes. Ms. Crawford helped me out with a little situation I was having," he said. Brad huffed beside him. Mr. Lewis,  my client, took in the situation between us. "I owe Ms. Crawford a great deal. I hope whatever is going on between you is handled cautiously, Bradley. I'd hate for your arrogance to be the reason why your parents lose my support."

Brad looked at him with a shocked expression. "Yes sir," he mumbled.

"Ladies I hope you enjoy the rest of your day," Mr. Lewis said, "I'll be in contact Ms. Crawford." He left leaving Brad standing before me.

"This isn't over!" He growled before taking his leave.

We continued to my sister's SUV in silence I placed the suitcases in the back as the girls got into the vehicle. The ride back was quiet except for the music coming from the radio. I stole a glance at Amelia through the rearview mirror, trying to assess her mood.

Lauren finally broke the silence as she turned down the radio. " Do you think Brad will to continue to be a problem?"

"Yes," I spoke without hesitation while looking back at Amelia as her fearful eyes met mine in the mirror. "I won't let him harm you, Amelia," I said in firm tone while holding her gaze. She nodded. I watched as her tension eased and her shoulders relaxed.

Lauren ordered Chinese food for us to pick up on our way home.

"So Lacey," Amelia said, getting my attention. "Lauren has never told me what you do. For work, I mean," she said.

"I'm an analyst," I answered simply as I watched the road. When she didn't reply I looked back at the mirror and caught her questioning stare.

"Meaning?" she asked.

I explained, "I examine and evaluate data and information, to find out how things work. Then I provide the client with the information allowing them to make their decision, or I suggest a solution" I said seriously.

She broke out in a laugh, holding her tummy as she bent over. Her laughter filled the cab of the vehicle. Lauren laughed along with her. I looked at Amelia in awe. I don't think I had ever heard a more amazing sound in my life. It brought a rare smile to my face.

"I..I" she tried to catch her breath, "I know the meaning of analyst," she laughed. "What I meant is --what do you analyze." She tried to compose herself.

"Just stuff." I shrugged. She laughed again. 'I could get used to the sound of that.' I thought.

We stopped for the Chinese food a few blocks from our house. Once I parked in the driveway, I took Amelia's things to her room and joined them for an early dinner. The girls had decided to watch a movie since it was a Saturday night and they were off tomorrow. I slipped away and headed to my room to look over some information a new client had sent over.

I was concentrating on the documents on my desk, gathering what I needed from them before I had to head back out for the job when I heard a gentle knock at my door. I smiled to myself. I knew who would be standing there when I turned around.

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