Nefarious Boy

By LavanderMoon

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❝nefarious /nɪˈfɛːrɪəs/ adjective: (typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal❞ ©lavandermoon More



980 31 2
By LavanderMoon


I walked through the halls of my new school. I had already had my first two classes, and they were hell. And no. I'm not exaggerating. I had already been shown to were my locker was, so I padded over towards it.

I tried the combination lock. God. Why won't this damn thing open? Great. It was officially official. I had offically forgotten my combination lock for my locker in the first few hours. Why don't we all give Carter a pat on the back, and tell her "Well done!"? Oh and maybe throw in a gold star as well. I was such a loser.

Although a lot of people had said hello to me, I'd only given a quick wave back. I was really quite shy. You probably don't think so. Then again, you only see the mixed up, weird thoughts that are me. Still fiddling with the lock, I didn't notice the sudden shadow that loomed over me. Its was someone taller than me. I turned around and noticed the soft brown eyes, that were so familiar. His dark blonde hair also reminded me of someone I couldn't recall...

I didn't know whether I should have spoke to the smirking boy or not. "I'm hi...?" I said. Like I said before. I'm not good with other people, or humans, and probably even aliens. I'd never fit in anyway. Not even on my home planet, which is earth by the way, in case any of you thought otherwise.

Remembering that I was talking to the strangely, familiar, hot guy standing in front of me, I shoved any kinds of thoughts away. Didn't want to look like some freak.

"Hey. Your Carter, right?" He asked.

"No I'm Sally." I said sarcastically. Well. It's the same with the lady in the shop yesterday. He laughed at my supposedly funny jokes, and I felt my cheeks warm. I hope I wasn't a tomato right now, because that would not be attractive. Not in the slightest. After he finished his laughing session, he finally talked.

"Hi Sally." He said. "So who are you hanging out with at lunch? Nobody I'm guessing."

"You guessed correct." I sighed.

"Then hang out with me." He smirked, glancing at a group of boys all laughing, fighting and swearing.

"Uhhh...Your not really my type of people..." I said.

"And who is your type of people then?" He asked. Aw shit. How the hell was i supposed to answer to that? I don't have any people. The only time I had 'people' was when I was dating Jack. And he was the schools hottest guy. And also most popular. It was surprisingly strange that he went for a girl like me actually. I'm a freak, and he was just "asdfgghjkl"...but I was the only one who saw him for his true colors.

"I don't like people." I say, and he frowns. Maybe that came off a bit too harsh. "What I mean is...I dont want to hang out with you. I don't have any kind of people." I recover awkwardly.

"Which is why your hanging out with us." I was about to protest, but he grabbed my wrist, and started to pull me over towards his friends. "My names Blake by the way." at the moment I didn't care about what he was called. I just didn't want to verify dragged over hanging out with his friends! I couldn't help myself.

"This is harresment." I stated boldly, as he continued to drag me across the yard.

"Shut up, and stop being such a smart ass." he grinned. What was his problem anyway. And, I didn't even know him. Wait a second. That smirk. That grin. His face, hair, eyes.

"I know who you are!" I shouted, glad I knew why I thought he was so familiar. "You were that guy at McDonalds weren't you?" He laughedat me, and nodded.

"Glad to know you remember my face, oh wait how couln't you. It is flawless."

"Cocky much?"

"Very much." He grinned.

"You have a motarbike." This was all I could think to say to him.

Laughing, he nodded. "Yes, yes I do."


"Come on you slow coach." he said. I sighed. What could I say? I could make a dash, and run for it? Or maybe I could bedazzle him with hogwarts magic. Or maybe I could just bore him with facts on the Solar system? Not really knowing what I should do I let him lead me over to were the group of boys were.

"Who's this pretty girl?" One of them said, and I blushed. "Aw. Look, she's blushing. Awh she's so cute!" I blushed even more. I was not cute.

"Carter." Blake replied, glaring at the boy.

"The new freak?" Another said. Wow. Gee thanks dude. "Sorry didn't mean to offend you." Wait had I said that out load? "Yeah you did." He laughed.

"SHIT, I said that out load as well. I'm sorry...I do that a lot..." he laughed.

"Don't worry babe." He said. "I'm Sam by the way. I don't like to be called Sammy, or Samuel. Got it?" I smiled.

"But now you've told me, it might be hard not too." He glared at me, in a friendly way.

"Don't you dare." I just laughed and tapped my nose.

"So you've met Sam, this is Tyler," Blake said pointing to a black haired boy, who smiled and waved at me. I politely smiled back.

"This is Fabian." a blonde haired guy smirked at new with some strange expression, so I just looked at him and nodded. I hope he didn't think I was rude because I smiled at Tyler but looked at him. Oh well.

"And this is Kylen." All I kind think was:

'Wow, his hair looks so soft. I would really like to stroke it. Ooo, look at those crystal blue eyes though wow. He looks so pretty.'

"I um. Cool." I said.

"So now you've met the guys."

"Yeah." I say, fidgiting with the hem of my t-shirt.

"You weren't kidding when you said you was the most awkward person was you?"


"Well lunch is almost finished, and I still haven't eaten anything. Wanna go grab a pizza guys?" Sam asked them. Everyone agreed, except me. "Carter?" He asked.

"Well if I go out, then I'd miss my next class...first day and all...wanna make a good impression. Sorry. Maybe another time?" Sam sighed.

"Alright then blondie, little freaks gotta get to class." He said, I frowned.

The rest walked off apart from Blake and Kylen, who stood next to me.

"Have fun in class you loser." Blake smiled.

"Funny." He did his famous wink, and then went off following the others, I turned to go back towards the school, but when I did, I saw Kylen standing there.

"You sure you don't wanna come?" He smiled. My breath caught in my throat.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"Okay." He smirked, and handed me a slip of paper. "See you around Carter." And with that, he walked off; following the others.

I ran back to the school, hurrying to get to my next class, but I couldn't help but feel excited as I fingered the slip of paper that Kylen had handed me, in my pocket.

I ran into my English classroom, and quickly sat in the spare seat right at the back. Nobody saw me, and the teachers back was turned. I was in luck. I got my textbook out, and read what it said on the board. Section six, page twenty. I flipped the book open, and read. It was really easy stuff. I'd already done it before in my school in LA. Just boring old Shakespeare...

The English lesson seemed to draw on and on and on. It wasn't until I felt ready to die. That the bell finally rang. I grabbed my things, and went to my locker. I tried the password lock with a Z instead of an D, and it opened. What a coincidence...swapping my English textbook to my history one, I jogged to the history block. Everything was quite easy to find here. I was the first one to history so that gave me time to think.

My hand found its way to the inside of my pocket, and I slid the little piece of paper out and into my hand. It was folded, so I unfolded it, and read.

Carter. Here's my number. 5667 3436. Call me :)

My heart did little flips over, and over. But I couldn't help but feel awfully reminded of what Jack used to do before we started dating. He used to send me notes, with smily-faces and kisses, maybe the odd love heart. The first one he ever sent me, had his number on it. Almost looking exactly like the one Kylen had sent.

Alright carter. This wasn't about Jack. This was about Kylen. I hated myself for even thinking about jack while I was thinking of Kylen at the same time. Me and Jack are over, and always will be. I hated him.

I sat down in my seat for History. I was lucky again that I got one at the back. The teacher started the class, and everyone settled. I saw someone come in late. I sighed, and looked down at the work. Then I felt someone sit next to me. "Hey Carter." The voice said. I chuckled. I didn't look up from my work, but I knew who the voice belonged to.

"Hey Blake." I said.

"Sowhat did Kylen give you?" He asked. I froze, and looked at him. He was grinning.

"I don't know what your talking about." I said.

"Okay okay. I saw nothing. But he might ask you out or something pretty soon."

"He is? When?" I said quickly.

"So you like him?" He asked.

"I don't know. I've only just met the guy. I'm not sure if I want to jump into another relationship as soon as I move here."

"So you were with someone before? I mean like before you moved here?" He asked. And I nodded.

"It's a long story."

"Tell me. I'm great at listening!"

"Oh um, maybe not-"

"Carter, I know your new, but please may you stop distracting there class from there work. The same goes for you Blake, but of course we all know you won't listen."

"I am so sorry Miss!" I exclaimed, and jumped back into my work, that I found pretty easy again. After a while, I leaned over to Blake, and whispered. "Maybe another time."

And then the bell rang, meaning the end of the day. Grabbing my notes, and book, I waved a quick bye to him, and walked out of the class room. Finding my locker, I hurled everything into my backpack, and walked outside to the parking lot. Were my old blue Toyota was parked. I found it, in the middle of the parking lot, and got in. I really hated this car. I was already saving up to get a new one. Once in, I turned the radio on quietly. Morrissey was on. I liked that.

I saw Blake, and the others by a car. A sleek black shiny car. My dream car. Ok I'm using 'car' a lot...

I saw them laughing and it didnt really surprise me when I saw Sam pull Tyler's trousers down in the middle of the school parking lot.

I laughed to myself.

They didnt see me. I didn't really want them to.

Pulling out of the lot, I found myself in the next five minutes, driving down the long road. The one with forest and woods, and forest either side.

The heater was on full blast now, and I turned the radio up louder, so I could sing along. A few things clouded my mind, but the main one?

This day hadn't gone half as bad as I thought it would.



hope you all enjoyed this chapter ! 

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