Head over Heels

By wickedzone

127K 3.5K 122

Lucy Avalos, eighteen from Grand Rapids, graduated high school and ready for a new start in college. Ace Serr... More

|| Prologue
|| Chapter One
|| Chapter Two
|| Chapter Three
|| Chapter Four
|| Chapter Five
|| Chapter Six
|| Chapter Seven
|| Chapter Eight
|| Chapter Nine
|| Chapter Ten
|| Chapter Eleven
|| Chapter Twelve
|| Chapter Thirteen
|| Chapter Fifteen
|| Chapter Sixteen
|| Chapter Seventeen
|| Chapter Eighteen
|| Chapter Nineteen
|| Chapter Twenty
|| Chapter Twenty-One
|| Chapter Twenty-Two
|| Chapter Twenty-Three
|| Chapter Twenty-Four
|| Chapter Twenty-Five
|| Chapter Twenty-Six
|| Chapter Twenty-Seven
|| Chapter Twenty-Eight

|| Chapter Fourteen

3.2K 103 3
By wickedzone

Everything in this university scared the hell out of me. Especially when everyone stopped their tracks to look about who the headmaster yells at.

The person he yelled at was me.

Now, I didn't do anything wrong in my opinion; I just walked up the stairs to the main building and stepped on the floor while doing it. That's normal.

But for the headmaster it's a big mistake and he said that I'm a rude kid that doesn't know how to respect the school.

No one told me that I can't walk up the stairs and step on the floor, where the school logo was printed in a huge circle, so I did it; like most of the people will do. But apparently, everyone knows that you can't step on the logo.

If the headmaster was a cartoon, there will be steam coming out of his ears. He was angry so he took it out on me, the new freshman girl that doesn't even knows where her classes are.

"Excuse me?" the headmaster came up to me and his neck reddened.

"Yes, sir?" I asked innocently.

"Did you just step on the logo?!" he yelled and the students stopped their tracks to watch us.

I looked down and saw my feet on their greenish logo. "Yeah, I guess," I mumbled.

"That's rude! You can't step on the logo! You are disrespecting the school! How many years do I have to tell you people not to step on the logo?!" he turned his attention to the crowd.

They all didn't make a sound and he turned back to me. "I'm sorry, sir, I'm new here and I didn't know that I can't walk on the floor. Besides, it's not like I'm making a hole," I defended myself and heard gasps from some of the students. Uh, did I say something wrong?

"I don't care that you are new here! There was a convention a few days ago where I explained about the university's rules; if you don't know them, that means you didn't bother to show up."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I bit my lip in thought; I didn't get any message from them. "I don't remember getting any message about that, sir."

He shooed the students and they kept walking, talking about casual things like this scene never happened.

"I'm feeling attacked, sir, I really didn't get anything from you; if I did, believe me, I would have showed up."

He sighed deeply and wiped a sweat off his brow. "Sorry, miss..." he trailed off.

"Avalos, my name is Lucy Avalos," I completed the sentence and he nodded.

"I just have a really busy day and I don't feel that well. I'm apologizing about my reaction, it happens sometimes. Go to your class; just don't step on the logo. Thank you. And good luck," he said and walked away with his secretary and I just stood there, still on the logo, confused of what happened a moment ago.

"You should really move from the logo," someone said and I whirled my head to the side to see a brunette guy with brown eyes smiling.

"Oh," I said and stepped aside.

"Hey, I'm Jack," he held out a hand.

"Lucy," I shook his hand.

"You are a freshman, right?" he asked.


"Me too, want to walk together? I can try and help you find your class." He offered and I agreed.

"So what program did you choose?" he asked after we entered the building.

"Business Administration," I answered.

"What a coincidence, so am I."

"That's good, we can walk to classes together, if you'd like to."

"Sure, why not. I don't know here anyone but you and the headmaster anyway," he shrugged.

"Same," I chuckled.

He looked at me and smiled, "You have some guts, you know? The way you talked to the headmaster,"

"I didn't mean it in a rude way; I just felt the urge to defend myself. I don't like when people humiliate me, especially in public." I said as we entered the third floor.

"You are still cool. That way," he pointed and I walked after him to room number 338.

"So there is a room 666?" I asked curiously. There are other buildings and in this building there are four floors.

"I guess," he chuckled. "Want to sit next to me?"

"Wouldn't think otherwise," I said and we walked to the second row, he sat next to the window and I sat next to him.

The back row and the fourth row is already occupied by boys, and I wondered to myself where the girls at.

As I thought about it more, a girl walked in and I smiled as I saw her.

She sat down next to me and I turned to face her. "Hello! I was so worried that there won't be any girls in this program!" she took a sigh of relief and I laughed.

"Hey, I'm Lucy, and this is Jack." I introduced and Jack nodded with a smile.

"I'm Tiffany! Wow, you look so cute in those clothes! Where did you get them from?" she asked.

"Forever 21," I answered. I'm wearing a black D-Ring wrap skater skirt and white t shirt. "I like your clothes too. They are from Forever 21 as well, right?"

She nodded, "their new collection rocks! I love it so much. I need to buy more shorts though."

A brunette guy with a black lip piercing entered the room and sat in front of Jack. I nudged Jack and he rolled his eyes, clearing his throat.

The guy looked back at the three of us, "Hey,"

"Hello!" Tiffany smiled and I bit my lip from laughter; this girl is so cheery. "I'm Tiffany and those are Jack and Lucy. I met them a few minutes ago, but you can join our little group if you'd like to."

He chuckled, "why are you so happy?"

Tiffany didn't get the question and he repeated, "Why are you so happy? They are going to ruin our lives. If we fail in those years no one will return our cash. Those dorms are full of crap and people share a room with some assholes. The headmaster is a fucked up old man and the students here are full of bullshit and getting ahead of themselves. No reason to be happy, unless you count the food. I heard the food here is delicious." He said and Tiffany's smile turned to a frown.

"Welcome to hell number two, Tiff." He winked and turned back to the front.

I smiled; this guy is honest and good looking. "Dude," I called him and he turned around.

"Dude?" he smirked.

"Yeah, until you will say your name," I said and Tiffany glared at Dude.

"Just call me baby because I want to be inside of you for the next nine months," he smirked.

"But seriously, you look pretty. Oh wait, aren't you the girl who snapped at the headmaster?"

"I defended, didn't snap. But thanks for the compliment. The pick-up line was good, by the way."

"Thanks babe," he bit his lip.

I looked at his training bag and then at him, "so what do you play?"

"They offered me a scholarship if I will play basketball for their team. I agreed," he said.

"Are you catcher?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" he creased his eyebrows.

"Because you caught my eye," I winked and he grinned widely.

"Damn girl!" he let out a low whistle.

"Don't flirt with the wrong people! He is a perv," she whispered the last part.

"People tend to say dirty things. That doesn't mean I'm a pervert, Tiff." He rolled his eyes.

"The teacher is here," Jack said and we turned our attention to teacher that just finished putting his books on the table.

"Welcome to Wayne State University. I'm Mr. Bishop and I will be one of your Business Administration teachers." Mr. Bishop said.

"Let's begin with a names round, starting with you," he pointed on the flirt.

"Jared Born," he answered.

The round continued and five minutes later, we started to study. Mr. Bishop is really nice teacher, I must add.

My schedule is eight hours per day, and I study from 9AM until 4PM; that leaves me free evening and weekends to myself.

"Ugh! I'm so stupid! Why did I schedule myself this way?" Tiffany cried.

"Because you are stupid?" Jared repeated her words, as an answer.

She stopped from walking and faced Jared, "Listen up, perv. You better get your STD ass out of here, because if you will say one more word - I won't be the happy girl anymore. Understand?" she poked his chest and he smirked.

"I will see you later, Lucy." He waved me goodbye and I nodded. We have lunch time together, because we both set our schedule to eight hours and one break in 1PM.

"Don't worry, Tiff. We both have the same schedule so it won't be that bad. We can study together," Jack offered.

"That would be great! Come on Jack, let's go to the library." Tiffany said. "Bye Lucy! I will text you later!" she hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Bye guys. Have fun," I smiled and walked in the opposite direction.

I walked out of the building and my phone buzzed in my hand. Want to go out of campus for lunch? -Jared.

Sure. Where are you? I replied and a moment later he said he is in the student parking lot.

My eyes wandered between the cars and motorcycles, searching for the brunette guy with black lip piercing. I saw him scrolling down his phone and walked up to him.

"So you own a motorcycle?" I asked and he looked up from his phone.

"Yeah, so you have some place in mind?" he asked.

"No," I answered.

"Okay so what about McDonald's?"

"Sounds great," I smiled and he handed me a helmet.

"Yeah I don't think so. I'm wearing a skirt and I only know you for about five hours." I said and handed him the helmet back.

"We can walk, then." He said and let out a sigh.

"Fine," I said and he put the keys back to his pocket.

The walk to McDonald's isn't that long, only about ten minutes, and I got to know him more. He is actually pretty cool and funny, not to mention that he is the most honest guy I have ever met; he is not afraid to tell people what he thinks about them or someone else, he is like an open book.

"I think you are, um," he thought for a second. "Pretty, as I said before and you look naïve, sorry if that offends you, but it's cool."

My mouth dropped open but I closed it immediately. "Did you just apologize?"

"Yes, so?" he opened the door for me and I walked in.

"You didn't apologize when you said horrible things about some people, so that's a surprise."

"That's because I don't like them," he said casually and walked to counter.

"Welcome to McDonald's, what would you like to order?" a guy asked.

"Big Mac and large iced coffee," Jared ordered and the guy typed it.

"Crispy chicken and bacon McWrap and medium chocolate chip frappe," I said and he added it to the order.

"Also two large French fries," Jared said.

"That would be 16 dollars and 74 cents," he said and I pulled out a twenty bill from my wallet.

He typed something and the cash register opened, and he handed me the change and the receipt. I walked to one of the tables with Jared and sat down.

"Why did you pay?" he sounded angry for some reason.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I invited you for lunch so that means I'm paying." He sat down on the chair in front of me.

I put the change in my wallet and then in my bag. "Sorry not sorry,"

He smirked, "you are cute, you know?"

"You said that," I bit my lip. "I like your piercing."


"I have a question though," I said. "How can you kiss someone with the lip piercing on? Isn't that interrupting?"

"You can come and try," he patted the seat next to him.

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes. "But really, answer."

"Sometimes the girls I kiss are biting my lip and that hurts like a bitch,"

I hissed and felt pain in my lower lip, "that hurts only to hear it,"

"Sorry babe." He laughed.

Our order was called in the speakers and Jared walked to get the two trays from the counter. He placed the trays and we started to eat and drink.

"Twenty minutes left," I said as we walked down the street.

He groaned, "I hate the fact that I have to study another four years."

"Then drop out?"

"Nah, my parents will skin me alive. Besides, I want to be a businessman so I need to know business and its shit."

"My father is a businessman but he didn't actually studied four years at college," I said.

"What company does he owe?"

"Avalos Enterprises Holdings INC., it was my grandfather's first; it's a legacy. I guess I'm next in line," I shrugged with a sigh.

"Holy shit! Your father is Alec Avalos?!" he asked with a surprised tone.


"So cool," he said quietly to himself. "So that's why you chose business?"

"Nah, I have always like business. I wanted to be owner of casinos at first, so that's why I chose it. It would be difficult to handle my father's company, so I hope he will help me somehow."

"Don't worry, you will be just fine," he gave me a reassuring smile and I smiled back.

Deep masculine laughter echoed at the small diner, dragging others' attention to our table.

My arms are folded over my chest as I wait for the three of them finish laughing, but it doesn't seem like the laughter will cease soon.

Shooting a glare in Ace's direction, he wiped a tear of laughter and nudged Rae who sat next to him. Blaze stopped laughing and continued grinning at me, as Ace and Rae did.

"That is not funny at all, you scumbags. I was really confused, I didn't know that I can't step on the floor," I waved with my hands to emphasize and a snort left Rae's mouth.

"Sorry," he mumbled and drank his coffee.

"We should have told her about that," Blaze scratched the back of his neck.

Rolling my eyes, I got up from the table to the counter. "Can I have tea, please?" I asked the

"Of course dear," the old man, Earl, said. "Sugar?"

"Three, please," I sat down on the high bar chairs and watched him making my tea.

"It's not the first time you come here with the guys. Ace, he never brought here a girl before nor did Blaze and Rae." He pushed gently the cup and I took it in my hands, drinking the sweet tea.

"Yeah, we are good friends. At least I think we are," I added quickly and he laughed.

"You, dear, not only a friend to Ace; you are more. You should stop denying your feelings. The way you look at him, even when you fight in front of the costumers...everyone just look at you with a smile on their face, ready for a make-up-kiss." He said.

I couldn't help but blush. "We are just friends, Earl,"

"In this way you will lose him." He sighed. "Listen to me, I'm telling you the truth you need to hear,"

After taking a look behind my shoulder, he smiled and continued, "You are afraid, but let me tell you a secret. A fake relationship is one without flaws."

"Thanks for the talk, Earl, but I don't see where this is going. I told you we are friends."

"There it is." He chuckled deeply. "The disappointment in your voice when you said you are just friends. You shouldn't be ashamed of your feeling, Lucy dear. You should be grateful that you are feeling a passion for someone."

"I don't feel anything," I looked at Mia, his wife, and she shook her head in disagreement, walking to us.

"Say it again." Earl demanded. "But look straight into my eyes. Say it,"

Looking at his deep brown eyes, I opened my mouth a few times, but the words got caught in my tongue. "You are falling for him, and he will be there to catch you." Earl said and gave me a smile before turning back to cleaning the counter.

"Earl is right, dear. Don't hide; show him that you feel the same."

"Thanks for the talk, but I should get back to them." I smiled and walked away, leaving my empty cup on the counter.

"Yo, what took you so long?" Rae complained.

"I drank tea and talked with Mia and Earl. Mostly Earl, Mia just listened."

"Okay then let's go back to the topic. You have any new friends?" Blaze asked.

"Yes! And one of them is actually a girl!" I cheered and they laughed. "The others are two boys, they are fun."

Ace raised his eyebrows, "what are their names?"

"The girl is Tiffany, the boys are Jack and Jared. Jared is cool; we went to McDonald's and talked and everything was great! I hope tomorrow will be the same,"

"It will be. If you need anything we can help you even though we are not experts in business." Rae offered and I smiled.

"Thanks guys," I smiled and they returned me a reassuring smile that reminded me of Jared and his comforting words.

"So what do we do in Friday?" I asked them.

"Nothing?" Blaze furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Um, did you forget your own birthday?" I asked him.

"Oh, that," he shook his head. "I'm celebrating with the fam but you all have to come. My mother would be so mad if my friends won't show up,"

"Don't worry, we will be there," Rae said, adding a burp in the end of the sentence.

"That's gross, dude! Where did you forget your manners?" I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

Ace grinned and Blaze laughed while Rae burped again.

"I really need to meet up with Tiffany," I sighed and shook my head. They are so childish sometimes.

"Yeah you should, she sounds girly and you need some female company." Rae said.

"Can you guys just finish your drinks so we could make to the movie in time?" I groaned and just to make me more frustrated, they drank slowly while looking at me with malicious grins.

Twenty minutes later, we were finally out of the diner. Ace started his car and we drove away to the theaters.

Half way through the movie, I walked out because that was too much boring for me. The guys stayed but they were playing on their phones, not paying attention to the cliché movie that is playing on the big screen.

I sat down on the comfy red couches outside of the cinema and pulled out my phone of my pocket.

Busy? I sent the message after debuting if I should for a while.

A minute later, my phone vibrated in my hands and I smiled at the message. I'm always free for you ;)

Jared is such a flirt. I'm bored. Tell me a joke.

What do you call 2 brunettes and a blonde in the NFL?

My eyebrows rose in confusion as I replied. Cheerleaders?

Wrong. Two tight ends and a wide receiver. Haha, get it? I couldn't help but bit back a laugh. Boys are so stupid.

Okay, that's funny because that's not funny. I smiled at the screen as he replied me with a pensive-faced emoji.

So if you are bored, why won't you try to sleep? He asked.

I'm at the movies...I almost fell asleep during it so I walked out and now I'm texting a flirt that his life is a better joke than the NFL's one.

That really hurts my feelings, sweetcheeks.


Yup. Well I took a five because you sent a message but I can't take any breaks again, sorry. I will see you tomorrow, okay?

Aw, you spent your only break on me? How sweet from you! I added lots of crying emojis; he is such an adorable flirt!

Goodnight x. I sent a second later and locked my phone.

"Who are you texting?" Ace's voice made me jump.

"A friend. You scared me!" I slapped him arm and he chuckled.

"Sorry baby girl. Anyways, I thought you were going to the restroom but I guess not," he shrugged and sat down next to me.

"The movie is boring," I sighed.

"It's not like there is something better to watch." He said and looked at me. "Unless you count,"

With a simple wink from him, my cheeks reddened. My phone flashed with a message. Goodnight, sweetcheeks.

Locking it, I looked at Ace furrowing his eyebrows. "What?" I asked.

"Sweetcheeks?" he asked.

"Yes, he calls me that."

Ace nodded, not removing his gaze away from me while I looked down at my hands. His hand pulled me closer to him and his lips brushed my ear as he talked, "If he hurts you, I will make sure to hurt him ten times harder,"

His deep voice mad me shiver and goose bumps appeared on my skin. "Can't we just go home? Call the guys, they don't watch it anyway." I tried to release myself from his grip but his hand stayed still on my shoulder.

"Okay," he sighed and pulled his phone from his pocket, texting Rae.

A moment later, Rae and Blaze walked out of the cinema and we made our way home.

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