
بواسطة AEdwards090791

521 77 132

Redwynne's life has been nothing but one tragedy after another. When she wakes up chained to a cave wall it c... المزيد

Smoke & Mirrors
The Truth
Seven to One
Alpha Luna
Last Momments
An End to a Bloodline
Where do We go fron Here
A New Enemy

Who's Betraying Who?

37 7 6
بواسطة AEdwards090791


It's dark, cold, and damp. Shit I'm in a freaking cave again.

I hear the rustling of chains to my left. Looking in that direction I spy Tyler trying to scoot closer but his chains wont reach. Relief flows through me knowing he's here with me. Where ever hers is. Followed by confusion as to why and how we got here? I try to sit up only to cause that searing pain to resumes its senseless torture, "Arg!"

"Don't move! You've got a nice goose egg on your forehead." Tyler replies as he yanks on his chains some more. I peek out at him and notice his wrist are rubbed raw and bleeding.

Concern for him has my assessing his body for injuries. Tyler stop it you're bleeding. Other then his bleeding wrist I find none. Despite his obvious discomfort Tyler continues to yank on his chains. "Tyler, stop you're blessing." Ignoring me Tyler pulled harder.

I try sitting up again slower this time. "Tyler please stop. The chains are silver. You can't break them." A sigh of relief escapes me when he pauses his mindless attempts.

Finally his gaze meets mine and I see a mixture of emotions play across his face. He's scared...That can't be good. No shit Sherlock. Question is why? "Tyler what is going here? The last thing I remember is a loud noise. What the hell happened?" Hard as I tried I couldn't remember anything else.

"It was an explosion."

"An explosion?"

Sensing my obvious confusion Tyler went on to elaborate, "The loud noise you heard, it was an explosion. Carl and his goon squad set if off probably."


Sighing Tyler heaved out, "He's Jarvis' Beta. Jarvis probably sent him to fetch us back to the house. I'm willing to bet Carl heard our conversation."

"What makes you say that," I ask.

"Well for one I'm down here chained in the cellar with you. Two he knocked me unconscious with an explosion instead of coming inside to fetch me."

"So we are in a cellar. Not a cave?"

"Yes. It's Jarvis wine cellar. Though more often then not it's used for storing his prisoners."

"You say that like we aren't the first."

"Because we aren't. Let's just say Jarvis has a thing for capturing shifters. It's like a game for him. One he's quite good at," shame and guilt passed over his expression.

Involuntarily I gulped. I sat there quietly digesting this ill news. While Tyler went back to trying to break free of his chains.

This is not good. You've all ready said that. Because it isn’t. Look unless you've got a plan how about keeping quite. I do have a plan but you won't you like it. What makes you think that? Cause you'd have to shift...No. But if we - I said no! When are you going to stop looking at me like I'm a monster? Incase you haven't noticed this is not the time nor the place for us to be having a heart to heart. I felt her pain. I knew at some point I'd have to deal with her since clearly putting her back in that cage wasn't going to happen. Right now just wasn't appropriate timing.

I tried to think but with my wolf broadcasting her emotions very loudly and the rustle of Tyler's chains I couldn't organize my thoughts.

Preparing myself to yell at Tyler I choked on my words at the sight of him. He was pulling hard as he could on his restraints. Blood dripped from his wrist where the silver rubbed him raw. A fine sweat shone on his brow proof of how frustrated he was. Following the sweat that trickled from his brow down to his cheek I noticed the cuts and abrasions on his face and neck. Further examination brought my attention to the cuts and scrapes on his arms. Things I'd missed in my earlier assessment of him. He was past the point of exhaustion. Thinking back I couldn't remember the last time I'd slept. Who knew when he had had the time. My heart swelled at seeing his determination. I could see why my wolf had chosen him. To keep you safe always. I promised.

Scooting across the floor I stretched my chains as far as I could just reaching his shoulder. Placing my hand on it I relied purely on instinct. I summoned what strength I did have and let it flow from me to him using our bond. I felt him stiffen and push it back towards me. With a little coaxing though I got him to take it. Reaching up to grasp my hand he said, "Thank you."

We sat there smiling half heartedly at one another. His hand slid from mine and up my arm to my cheek cupping it. Slowly he leaned in towards me judging my reactions. I felt his warm breath tickle across my lips filling my nostrils.

Someone’s coming... Just like that the moment was gone. Both of us zipped back to our sides. My ears perked up at the sound of heavy footsteps descending a staircase. An all too familiar scent filled the air.

Tyler stared at the dark figure approaching us. "Clair." He said with a touch of familiarity and when she got close enough to see I understood why. The woman was an older version of Cindy. Slicked back ponytail, khakis, and white blouse; a picture of perfection and calm. There was no mistaking those round almond eyes either that glared at me with contempt. Memories of a tan wolf with almond eyes ripping my mother's throat out flashed before me. It's her...The woman who killed our mother. For once I didn't stop the growl that lurched from my chest.

She wasn't shocked by my little outburst. In fact she gave it nor me little notice saving her attention for Tyler, "Tyler, darling I'm sorry to have to keep you here with," she spared a glance at me and like her daughter's it was filled with an air of snootiness, "that," she turned her gaze back to Tyler continuing, "but my husband fears you have been compromised." Her gaze lingered on his bloodied wrist, "I do hope that isn't true."

"Well Clair I can't say that I'm happy to be in chains. However, I can understand your precautionary measures." Tyler was picking his words carefully.

Just then a man came trapping down the stairs towards them. The way he carried himself spoke volumes about his position in the pack, he was the Alpha. And like any good Alpha he looked the part too, hard cold eyes, military cut, rippling biceps and strong thick thighs. Yeah he was the Alpha all right.

Cindy was right behind rushing past him to Tyler fretting over his wounds, "Tyler sweetheart look at you! How badly do you hurt?"

Seeing her hands caress him with a possession she had no right to feel I saw red. Letting out a low warning growl catching everyone's attentions their heads whipping around in my direction. "Don't. Touch. Him." I punctuated each word ensuring Cindy understood their underlining meaning.

Cindy's eyes became narrowed slits. Stomping over to me she came to stand in front of me. Her gaze hiding nothing from showed all the twisted thoughts turning in her head. *Smack!* My head snapped back as her hand made contact with my face. "He is my mate bitch! Don't you dare take that tone with me. I'll do as I please with him." She raised her hand to strike me again to emphasize her threat.

Yet the man who came in with her grabbed her wrist mid swing saying, "Now that's enough daughter."

Her anger slipped back behind her cold mask of calm, "Yes daddy." She went back to Tyler without a second glance in my direction.

Her father stood before me starring down at me. I could tell he was mulling over a decision but of what I wasn't sure.

Honestly I couldn't care. I knew I should have but right now I was seething with rage all of it directed at Cindy. I'd warned her to leave Tyler alone. He was mine yet she agent back to him. My beast wanted to claw out her eyes.

Yanking on my chains I tried to lunge for her. But the mystery man stepped into my path blocking Tyler and Cindy from me. I glared up at him. That's when I see a tiny little light bulb go off in his head causing my rage to diffuse somewhat as self preservation became the most pressing problem again.

He sees us. No doubt your possessive little episode is what tipped him off. Our possessive episode. You did not want the she wolf to touch him no more then I did.

Power clung to the man before me. There was not doubt in my mind he was an Alpha. With one last glance at me He walks over to Tyler and uncufs him he says, "Sorry about all this son. I had to make sure you weren't getting cold feet on me." He offers Tyler a helping hand. Mortified I watch as Tyler accepts it saying, "Thanks Alpha."

What's going on here?

"You were suppose to bring her straight back her. What happened," The Alpha asked?

"Like I said before I had questions that needed answers."

"And did you get the answers you sought?"


Tyler seemed to be watching the Alpha's reaction to this statement. Though, he found nothing escaping from the Alpha’s calm facade.

"That's interesting. You're smart a good quality to posses if you're to be Alpha someday." Cindy's father also seemed to be gauging Tyler's response. Cindy slipped her arm around Tyler's waist interrupting their conversation, "Yes he will be a grand Alpha I'm honored his wolf has chosen me to be his Luna."

I started to say something but the words disappeared as I watched her pull Tyler into a deep kiss. A kiss he didn't pull away a from but embraced. Watching them was like taking a dagger to the heart. With each passing second the blade dug deeper in my chest.

My wolf fought tooth and nail to be free. She wanted to sink her fangs into Cindy. Bleed her dry we will! No. What?! He's ours. Our mate. Then why are we the ones in chains? My wolf went on and on about how we were mates for life that Tyler couldn't reject - wouldn't reject us. We had to do something. Punish the she wolf for her actions. I didn't listen. I couldn't listen. All I could hear was his retreating footsteps and the sound of my heart shattering into a million pieces.

I sat there with a blank look on my face for most of the night. Too wrapped up in my emotions to do much of anything else. He'd shunned me. I'd heard of people rejecting their mates. I never thought I'd be one. Then again you didn't see Were's and shape shifters imprinting on each other. How could I be so stupid?! I'd thought that despite the circumstances we'd find away to make this bond work. I'd thought he'd wanted it too. If it hadn't been for my wolf I probably would of sat there forever wallowing in my misery.

We must go. How? They were careless last time I doubt they'll make the same mistake this time. Are you sure about that? Seizing control of our arms she yanked on the chains that bound us. Smiling I said, "Silver." Were's couldn't touch silver. It weekend them and if shot through the heart or exposed to it for prolonged periods they would die. Shape shifters didn't share the genetic trait. Iron was our weakness.

So they know what we are but not everything about us. Precisely which gives us the upper hand. Applying just the right amount of pressure I ripped my cuffs off freeing my hands then my ankles.

Making my way to the closets wall I thumped on it. I did this along every wall looking for the weakest spot. Finding it I went to where Tyler had been chained. Letting my beast strength flow through me I yanked hard on the pole he'd been chained to ripping it out of the ground.

Trudging back over to the weak spot in the wall I'd found I smashed the pole against it. Pausing I listened to see if anyone had heard me and come running. Several heartbeats later no footsteps sounded above me. No one had heard me.

Whack! Whack! Whack! I pounded at the wall pausing in between each one to listen. One more whack sent stone crumbling to the floor. An opening big enough for me to squeeze through brought the scent of fresh air swooping in to the dingy cellar.

Swiftly I climbed through the hole dropping down to the ground with a muffled thud. Staying low to the ground I peered around sniffing the air. No guards stood watch near by.

Putting my nose to the ground I picked up faint traces of mine and Tyler's scent. With luck this would lead me back in the direction we'd come from there I could make my way back to the valley.

What about Tyler? I was silent for a moment not wanting to say aloud what we both knew to be true. He doesn't want us. How do you know he wasn't just tricking them so he could come back for us? I don't. I also don't know that he hadn't planned on turning us over liked he'd originally planned. We can't leave him he's our - Silence. We are leaving. Now. I won't die. Not here. Not now.

Without another word we followed the faint trail in search of the valley. Carefully masking our scent staying hidden in the shadows as we crept away from the pack house. None of the guards we passed were even aware of us. Like shadow and smoke we passed by them unseen.

We were about five miles out from the valley when we saw smoke plumes in the sky. A sinking realization settled in my gut. I tore out in a mad dash running hard and fast for the valley coming up short when I came upon the ruined that was once my home. A beautifully preserved community of small cabins lay in piles of ash and debris.

They burned them all... I wanted to sink right there. To cry, to scream just for a moment I wanted to give in to all that I was feeling. Yet the scent of several Were's floated down wind to me. They're still here. Redwynne we must go. I couldn't leave though. I walked down the hill and through the ash. Not stopping till I stood before my parents cabin. The home I'd shared so many good memories in.

I'd been elated days ago to find it standing preserved through the years. There had been no time then to touch and revel in the comfort it had brought me to see it. Now it was all gone. Nothing left but faded memories of a life I'd never get back.


Leaving Redwynne chained in that cellar was by far the hardest thing I've ever done. I had to though. I was no good to her chained up. They were hurt...we hurt them again! I know but remember Jarvis won't let us just walk out of here with Redwynne. We'll have to sneak her out. He needs to think we are still going to kill Redwynne so he'll drop his guard. That's all good in theory but what about Redwynne? She'll be safe. Yes but will she forgive us? I don't know but she can't forgive us if she is dead.

Cindy lead me to a room on the second floor of the families home. It wasn't my usual room I'd stay in on my visits to see her. The neat orderly space with clean white linens and large elegant furniture told me it was Cindy's room. Though the fact her scent was so faint in the room spoke volumes as to how much time she actually spent sleeping here. I wonder just where she lays here head down at night?

Walking over to a door that opened to a private bath Cindy disappeared. Minutes later I could hear the tap running. We should not be here. I agreed with my wolf. Cindy was definitely up to something. When she reappeared in a thin white nightie I caught onto to her plan. She was beautiful. No doubt about that. I could think of a million different times where my heart had stopped at just the sight of her. Tonight wasn't one of them.

Her hands slid up my chest to work on the buttons of my shirt, "I think that a nice hot bath together is just what we need after the night we've had." Having freed my buttons from their holes I felt her hands skim my muscles up underneath my shirt as she slid it off my shoulders and down my arms.

We need to leave now. Gently I untangled myself from Cindy, "You're right a hot shower would be great right now. Why don't you enjoy your bath and I'll head over to my room and get cleaned up."

Her lower lip poked out slightly more then the top one as she pouted, "Well I thought it might be nice to bathe together. After our little spat I need to touch you, fell close to you." Using one of her manicured nails she slowly made a trail form my collar bone to the top of my jeans.

Grasping her hand in a firm grip I brought it up to gently place a kiss on it. "Tonight let's just get some rest ok. I reek of that shifter," I suppressed my own cringe at my hateful tone, "I'm exhausted. I wouldn't be able to pleasure you tonight." Mentioning my smell did the trick. Inhaling my shirt she made a disgusted face, "You're right you do stink. I guess I'll just have to wait. I'll call Fran to start you a bath. By the time you get there it should be hot and ready."

Smiling I turned to go but was brought up short by her next words, "What no kiss goodbye?" Keeping my smile firmly in place I swung around. I'd aimed for her forehead but of course she tilted her head up making sure I didn't miss her lips. Before I'd enjoyed kissing this woman. We'd kindled many a fires with just kissing. Tonight I found it hard to keep the bile from rising up from my stomach.

Her lips felt wrong and tainted. Because she is not her.

I was thankful to be going to my own room when it was over. I don't know how I'm going to avoid her next time. Cindy wasn't one to take rejection lightly

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