Broken Treasure

By currently_kamazing_

191K 5.8K 395

Abigail seemed to have had the perfect life. She was by no means at the peak of the popularity food chain, bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Happy Birthday
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Important message !!
It's finally here!!!

Chapter 16

5.4K 172 20
By currently_kamazing_

P.S: sorry in advance for the grammar and spelling problems. Didn't have time to read over it . But any who enjoy...

It's been three whole days since the mating ceremony and Conner hasn't said a word about it. He barely even speaks at all, and when he does it's only to ask if I'm okay or if I need anything. How are we ever going to get past it if every time I try and bring it up he changes the subject.

My growling stomach interrupted my internal discussion and I decided maybe I'd come up with an idea while I ate. So instead of sulking in my room over the distancing of my mate, I slipped on a t-shirt and shorts and went down to the kitchen.

I was surprised when I saw a very pregnant Julie whipping up something over the skillet. Whatever it was it smelled heavenly and made my stomach protest in longing.

Hearing my stomach, Julie turned around with a smile on her face. "I was just about to call you for breakfast. Conner and Tyler left this morning so I guess we have the house to ourselves."she said as she waddled towards me with two plates in her hands.

"You should've called me I would've made you breakfast. You didn't have to go through all of that." I say while feeling bad about my lack of hospitality.

"Nonsense it's the least I could do for letting us stay here a few days. Plus I don't mind, Tyler never lets me do anything anymore so this gives me a chance to cook again."

"Bon appétit" she says.All of my thoughts fly out of my head and into my stomach as she sets the plate filled with a jumbo sized omelette in front of me.

She didn't have to tell me twice. I scarfed down the food and ignored the burning in my throat from the heat. I was almost halfway done when my stomach started to quiet down. That was when I noticed how unladylike I was being and looked up apologetically at Julie.

"Sorry" I said as I tried to eat with more class.

"Girl it's fine. You should see me with lasagna. It's not a pretty sight." She said while laughing lightly.

"But that's not the subject at hand right now." She says while looking at me with a serious face. "So did Conner say anything about what happened?"

"No, he's done quite the opposite actually." I say with a sigh.

"He hasn't said anything. Seems like he would've said something as soon as your dreams started."

I was shocked by her words.

"What dreams?" I ask. I haven't told anyone about the dreams I've been having,especially Conner.

Ever since the accident I've been having these horrible dreams about my old pack. Well more like their abuse. I guess what happened at the ceremony triggered them and now I find myself dreaming about it every night.

There not the same as the ones that I used to have, but worse. In these dreams alpha Stan, his daughter, and blondie have me tied up and they're all beating on me. The worse part about is that no matter how much I call for Conner, he doesn't come. And because of my begging they laugh at me and beat me harder.

"Abigail?" She asked with worry in her voice.

Her voice snapped me out of my daydream and when I looked up I could see the same worry in her voice on her face, clouding her eyes.


"All of us are worried about you. Conner told me how you shake and cry in your sleep. I just want to know what's wrong."

"It's quite a long story."

"We have all day and I'm a great listener."

"Well it all started when I was fifteen..."

By the end of my story Julie was in tears. "How could people be so cruel?" She asked as she wiped her tears.

"I don't know." I say answering her.

"And Conner doesn't know about any of this?" She asked in disbelief.

"Nope only you and Nana know and if you don't mind I'd like to keep it that way." I nearly begged.

"You're secrets safe with me. But I do think you should tell him because he's really beating himself up about this entire thing.  He thinks the nightmares are from the incident alone. Maybe if he had some insight on it he wouldn't feel as bad."

"Yeah maybe you're right. I don't want him feeling guilty about something that was out of his control." I say feeling even worse than I already did.

"Yeah, but onto a brighter topic. What do you want to do today?" She said with a sunny smile.

Man her mood swings are making me dizzy. One minutes she a bucket of tears then the next she's a bottle of sunshine. It's hard to keep up sometimes.

"We could go to the mall."

"Ugh I really don't feel like trying to squeeze into anything."

"Hmmm how about baby shopping." I ask to brighten her mood.

"Sure sounds like fun. It'll only take me a few minutes to get ready." She said before getting out of her seat and waddling towards her room.

After cleaning off the table and washing the dishes, I walked up to my room to get dressed.

Since I really didn't feel like dressing up, I threw on my white button down shirt and some turquoise shorts with some brown sandals. I took down my messy bun and was pleased to see some loose curls still there. After putting on some eyeliner and lip balm I was ready to go.

"Abby I'm ready." I heard Julie say from downstairs.

"Okay, here I come."

I give myself a once over in the mirror , grab my purse and phone, and head downstairs.


"Do you like these?" I ask while holding up some cute tiny bows.

"They're adorable! Where did you get them from?" She said with excitement.

"They're right beside the bibs. Come on I'll show you."

"See, they even have orange." I say while them up.

"They're so cute. I don't know which color to get."

"Them get one in every color. It's my treat."

"I can't let you pay for all this ." Julie says while gesturing toward the basket filled with baby clothes.

"Just think of it as a late baby shower gift then. Plus you can repay me by sending me pics of the baby . So we're even."

"Fine but I'm paying next time."

And with a hand on her hip she wheeled her basket towards the checkout.

When got to the checkout, we were greeted by a male cashier.
"Good afternoon Luna, did you find everything thing to your liking?"

"Yes I did and you can just call me Abigail."

"Sorry but no can do Luna . Alpha Conner made it clear that we are to treat you with the upmost respect."

"Okayyy alright then."

And as I was about to pull out the credit card that Conner had gotten, the boy stopped me mid air.

"No need to Luna. Everything is already put on the alpha's card." He said with a smile. "Do you need any help with your bags ?" As he said that two tall and very handsome men walked up preparing to take them for us.

"No that's f-"

"Thanks so much. I'll be sure to tell Conner what a great job you're doing." Julie said interrupting me.

"Follow me boys." she said while looping her arm through mine and leading me out of the store. "Rule number one in being a Luna , never say no to help." She said as we walked to the car.

"Okay I'll try to remember that." I said.

"Thank you boys ." Julie said while flashing them a smile and giving them each a ten dollar bill.

Once she saw my face she just smiled and said "what I haven't paid for a thing all day it's the least I could do. Plus did you see how hot they were."

"I'm telling Tyler." I said mockingly and got into the car.

When we got back to house I could feel myself getting excited when I saw Conner's car in the garage. I could tell Julie was too by the way she hopped out of the car, leaving the bags behind.
Me being a good person, I took the liberty to get all of the bags.

After I got in the house, there standing in an embrace were Julie and Tyler. I just sit the bags beside the door and look around for Conner. I didn't have to look long because there he was leaning his back against the wall looking down right stunning, might I add.

"Hi." I whisper as I stand in front of him

"Hey." He said back.

Not liking the space between us, I wrapped my arms around his neck and molded my body to every curve of his. Stepping onto my tiptoes, I lightly gave him a peck and put my head into the curve of his neck. "I missed you" I whispered as I took in his intoxicating scent.

Conner didn't say anything but I knew he felt the same way because after I said it his arms looped around my waist and I felt him place a soft kiss against my head. "I missed you too."

His words made my heartbeat speed up and my body tingle in the best way possible. I'd never get tired or used to this feeling and I prayed I never did.

The moment was slightly interrupted by the sound of Tyler clearing his throat. I turned around still in Conner's hold to see Tyler holding their suitcase and bags from the store.

"Well we better get going. Don't want to drive in the dark." Tyler said

"Okay I'll see you guys next time and hopefully with a new family member."

"We hope so." Julie says while rubbing her swollen belly.

Tyler put down the luggage so he could shake Conner's and I's hands and I have Julie a warm hug goodbye. "Good luck." She whispered in my ear and I just nodded my head in understanding.

We walked them to their car and waited until they pulled off before we went back in the house. I was glad that we were finally alone but my happiness soon disappeared when Conner's phone began to ring.

"Agh I better take this." He said before putting a soft kiss on my lips and heading upstairs to his office.
Well so much for talking.

Since it's past 9:00 and I've already showered and Conner is still locked in his office, I decide to cook dinner. After I'm done fixing our plates, which consists of steak, mashed potatoes ,and asparagus. I carry them up to his office.

"Conner I made you dinner." I said while walking in with the plates in my hand. He looked up from some papers that he was looking at and beckoned me in. He quickly put the papers aside as I placed his plate in front of him. "Thank you" he said before digging into his food.

We ate in silence but it wasn't an uncomfortable one. We just both seemed to be wrapped in our own thoughts.

"Did you have fun today?" I asked Conner at an attempt to get a conversation going.

"Yes Tyler and I went out for a run then went to the lake."

"Mmmmmmm." I said not knowing what to say back.

"What did you and Julie get into today?"

"Well after we ate some breakfast, we went to the mall and I bought some clothes for the baby. Which in fact I didn't even get to pay for because the cashier informed that you said to put everything on your card." I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Whatever is mine is yours including the money." He said back as if it were obvious.

"I know but you could at least let me use some of my own money. It makes me feel cheap when I have to use your card all of the time." I say while looking at me twiddling thumbs.

"Come here" he said while pushing back his chair and opening his arms in invitation. Not wanting to disappoint, I got up from my seat and stood in front of him. He surprised me by grabbing ahold of my waist and plopping me on his desk with my legs dangling off.

He pushed his seat up so he was situated between my legs and kept his warm hands on my hips , drawing hypnotic patterns into my skin as he spoke.

"First of all I'm your mate and it's my responsibility to take care of every need you may have . Second of all you are far from and will always be far from cheap. Never doubt the your worth. You are everything and you deserve nothing less." He said and it made my heart squeeze as he told me how much I was worth to him.

I couldn't help but lean forward and press my mouth to his. I wanted to show him how grateful and thankful I am to be his. Before I could get too consumed by his touch,I pulled back. We still had much more to discuss.

With a sigh I sat back up straight and sighed , trying to prepare myself mentally for what I was about to say.

"Conner we need to talk." This effectively got his attention. "We need to talk about what happened at the ceremony."
His jaw tightened at the mention and I could feel his anger.

"I just want you to know that none of it is your fault an-"

"How could you sit there and say that. Of course it's my fault. I should've told you about Sasha the moment you got here. But no, I was so focused on having you that I was the reason that I almost lost you for good. I mean I was just this close to loosing you for good. I mean you should've seen the fear in your eyes. It haunts me every night because it's a reminder of how I failed to protect you, and don't even get me started on the nightmares you've been having. Ever since the ceremony you've been having these nightmares and you're always whimpering my name. It kills me to know that because of me your experiencing that."

" I- " I stutter as I try to comfort my hurting mate but I can't think of anything. I want to tell him the truth but I just can't. Tears blur my vision as I listen to him put all the blame on his shoulders and it's eating me up inside because I know the truth but I'm just to much of a coward to say it.

"Abigail I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about Sasha and I'm sorry that I failed you as a mate by not protecting you." He said as he looked into my eyes.

"Conner you didn't fail me. You did the exact opposite because if it weren't for you I wouldn't be sitting here right now. You're the best mate I could've ever dreamed of and so much more. Please don't beat yourself up over this."

"I don't deserve that credit. Not when I'm the one that put you in harm's way." He said.

"Conner I'd already met her before the ceremony. Twice actually." I admit and it kind of takes some of the weight off my chest but there's still an anchor of guilt remaining.

"What! Why didn't you tell me?"he questioned and I could feel his claws extending from his hands as they gripped my hips.

"I didn't want you to worry about it." I said as I rubbed his arms trying to calm him down.

"Do you realize how much we could've avoided if you had just talked to me about it." He snapped.

I thought I could handle it myself." I tried to reason.

"And you see how that turned out!"

"I'm sorry." I whispered and his eyes softened at my voice. It was then that I guess he realized I was crying because I could feel his hand cup my face. I leaned into his palm ,thankful that his nails had withdrawn, and seeked more of his warmth. He wiped my tears with his thumb and tipped my face up.

"Don't cry. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just hate to think of you hurting. From now on no more secrets alright." He said while his blue eyes pierced into mine.

My throat clogged up and my heart sunk at the thought of lying to him again. So I just nodded my head and tried to keeps tears at bay.

"Good." He said before crashing his lips onto mine. He kissed  me with a passion that made my toes curl and I tried my best to match his emotions with my own. Wanting to be closer to him, I scooted off of the desk and straddled his seat. I moaned in appreciation when he dipped his tongue into my mouth and massaged mine.

Excitement swirled in my belly as I took greedily everything he offered in that kiss and gave as much. Before it got too serious he pulled away leaving me panting and wanting more. Sensing my dissatisfaction he began to pepper tiny kisses along my neck and onto my mark, which  was buzzing from the contact.

"I love you Abigail" he said with his face still in the crook of my neck. "More than anything."

"I love you too Conner." I said while trying to steady my breathing.

We stayed like that for I don't know how long. Me straddling his waist and him holding me and placing kisses on my neck ever once and awhile. I guess he could feel my body begin to loose consciousness because he scooped me up and carried me to the room.

He placed me in the bed and went to go take his shower. While he was in there I took the time to change out of my clothes and into one of his t-shirts. I got back in the bed and waited for him to come back.

After a few minutes I felt the bed dip and I scooted over to where I knew he would be and sighed when his warm arms wrapped around me. I laid my head on his chest and was slowly falling asleep. Before I entered into dream land Conner said something that made my skin crawl and not in a good way.

"Alpha Stan invited me to a get together at his pack next week. It's their pack's anniversary and he wants me to celebrate with him."


*cues piano* Dun dun dunnnnnn.

For those of you who don't know Stan is Abigail's old abusive alpha. What do you think is going to happen at his little get together????

And if you didn't notice this story is coming to an end. Sad I know but all good things must end😢. 

Also special shoutout to @Maddielox for being the first broken treasure fan to comment and vote for my other story project popular. If you haven't read it then go and check it out.

Like always comment, vote, and follow.✌🏽️

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