The Art Of Dissimulation

By adictinqqq

12.8K 229 60

Before the gender of the baby could be identified Voldemort announced to Lucius Malfoy that should he have a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter Two

1.9K 26 2
By adictinqqq

Disclaimer: I own Nothing

"Waking up at the start of the end of the world,
And it feeling just like ever other morning before,
And I wonder what my life is going to mean when it come."

MatchBox 20- How far we've come

19th September 1990

Hermione Granger had lived a seemingly simple life. Though being home schooled had its disadvantages, the main one being that the young girl had a severe lacking when it came to the friendship area. The beautiful young blonde was intelligent beyond her years and fiercely independent.

Her parents Helen and Richard Granger were owners of a branch of dental practises that spanned over Britain meaning Hermione had been brought up with a certain grace that could only be achieved by someone who had grown up with money. Not that you would know it. Richard and Helen, though making sure their child wanted for nothing (and usually that want was for books) had drilled into the child that she must never take what she was given for granted.

Humbled by her parents the girl albeit polite and well spoken behaved like any other child her age. Her heritage truly shined through when her parents hosted their annual Galas in the ball room two floors below.

Waking up the young girl set to work on her daily routine. Making her bed and entering her bathroom, she freshened up and was about to dress for the day when she decided that just this once, perhaps she'd stay in her pyjamas. It was her birthday after all. She regretted her decision almost immediately as she traipsed into the kitchen in small shorts and a tank top that had little bears all over them and was greeted by the sight of three blonde people staring back at her.

She froze in the door way and looked to her parents, the small smiles on their faces looked pained and Hermione suddenly felt a panic spread through her. Looking back at the intruders she took a moment to really look them over. A man and a woman stood by the breakfast bar, the woman's arm looped through his and her knuckles almost white from where she seemed to be gripping the mans biceps tightly. She was beautiful. Tall with long straight white hair that had been tight back in an elegant twist. Her piercing grey eyes seemed reminiscent of a storm as emotions flew through them.

Next to her the man smiled down at Hermione, tears filling his eyes. He was just as elegant as the woman, Hermione assumed his wife, next to him. The couple reeked wealth and social standing. It was not the couple that held her gaze for long though but the boy who was standing behind them a shocked expression on his face as he stared at her.

He had white blonde hair and silver eyes and the moment the two children's eyes met Hermione felt a tugging inside of her. Like a silver cord was tying the two together. She felt as if suddenly she was complete. A missing piece of her very soul, that she had never know was gone, returned.

"Happy birthday Hermione" her mother whispered. Looking at the young girl who looked as if she had truly woken up for the first time in her life.

"I don't understand" Hermione said, her voice was shaking, thoughts of being embarrassed of her teddy bear pyjamas had flown from her mind and all she could do was wonder why these strangers were standing in her kitchen and why... They looked so much like her. The boy seemed to be looking at her with the same confusion and she couldn't help but wonder if he had felt it too, the connection. Without even realising it she was walking forward until she was stood right in front of him. Hesitantly she reached out and touched the side of his face as if confirming he was real. "I don't understand" she repeated.

"My name is Narcissa Malfoy" the woman began to speak, finally letting go of her husbands arm and lowering herself down until she was eye level with Hermione. Grey eyes meeting silver. "Many years ago I fell pregnant with twins" she reached out and took hold of the boys hand and pulled him slightly until he stood shoulder to shoulder with the girl who would have looked exactly like him had they not been different genders.

Hermione quickly glanced at the boy and she could see the shock on his face. He obviously hadn't know he had a twin she realised. Subconsciously she reached out and took the boys hand in her own, ignoring the cord that seemed to tightened and squeezed his fingers reassuringly.

"My baby boy was safe but my family was threatened and the safety of our daughter" she said as the man behind her placed a hand on her shoulder comfortingly "was put at risk. We knew we could let no harm come to the child, and for her own protection we gave her away. To a charming young couple" the woman's eyes briefly traveled to Hermione's parents who stood shaking with silent sobs as they looked on at the scene.

"Does the name Hesperia mean anything to you my love" the woman asked and it took Hermione a moment to find her voice as she nodded her head.

"Yes, it's my middle name" the little girl replied her voice small.

"No, darling, it is your first name. Hesperia Malfoy " the women said her voice cracking slight and tears fell slowly from her eyes. For moment Hermione didn't understand... And then it clicked. The girl wanted to scream. To be angry at such a huge secret being kept from her. To insist that these strangers who looked exactly like her couldn't possibly be her parents. But she couldn't move, rooted to the spot in shock she listened as the boy next to her did all the shouting for the both of them.

"What?! I have a sister, a twin sister that didn't even think to tell me about! 'Come on Draco were going to visit some old friends' 'yes we know it's your birthday Draco but this will be a nice surprise' well it a surprise alright" the boy exclaimed letting go of Hermione or well Hesperia's hand and pacing backwards and forwards arms waving frantically with every word. Had the situation not been as serious as it was Hermione would have found they whole thing hilarious.

"You couldn't have, I don't know, dropped it into the conversation at one point. Or given me a bit of a heads up. This is ridiculous. Not once did you even mention the name Hesperia. I can't believe this. A sister. I could have had a sister to keep me company. A-a twin" he finally whispered his eyes falling on Hermione who was looking at everyone in shock.

"I've missed so much time with her." He whispered, his voice wavering as he walked forward taking the girls hands in his own "so much time. But not anymore. We're gonna make up for it. Right now. I'm going to learn everything about you" the boy stated an excited look on his face as he began dragging the young girl out of the room. Just before they could leave, his father rushed forward and placed a small envelope in his hands. Draco nodded and continued dragging the girl down hallways until they found themselves in the small library.

Draco took a moment to appreciate the ceiling high bookshelf's, noting that it was about a fifth of the size of Malfoy Manners library but had a much more cozy feel to it. Turning on his heel he collapsed into one of the plush armchairs by the stone fireplace gesturing to the one opposite him. Slowly the girl lowered herself down and for a while the two just stared at one another. Drinking in the sight.

"So your my brother" the girl finally spoke. To which Draco nodded. "And those people out there, they're my parents?" She confirmed.


"And my name is actually Hesperia"

"And mines Draco" the two continued to stare at one another before the young boy let out a large sigh "do you think you've got your head around it yet because there's something else" he said pulling the envelope from his pocket.

"No, but I don't think I ever will so let's just get in with it" she said and he nodded in understanding before watching as she picked up the letter.

Miss H. Granger

The room on the third floor,

Rosewood Cottage,


West Sussex.

She read the words over and over, turning the envelope she looked at the wax seal and ran her thumbs over it. She stayed like that for a moment before shaking he head and passing the letter back to Draco. "Read it to me" she said. Watching as he picked it up and opened it unfolding the parchment.

"Are you sure" he asked looking at his long lost sister, sat there in a ball of nerves over what could be inside the letter, he knew of course, having already opened his left that morning. It was nothing to be scared of but the girl had learnt a lot today and he wondered when she was going to become too over whelmed.

"Dear Miss Granger, we are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins September 1st. We await your owl by no later that 3rd July. Yours sincerely, Professor McGonagall. Deputy Headmistress." Draco finished the letter and looked at the girl in front of him who was sat with a shocked expression on her face.

"I'm a witch" she whispered and the signature smirk fell on Draco's features as he looked at her.

"Well of course your a witch, your a Malfoy" he said as though it was common knowledge.

"The letter said I was a Granger" she replied nodding to the parchment still clasped in his hands.

"That's because you were probably never registered, nobody knows you exist" he said a small frown falling upon his features as he looked at the girl who wore an identical expression. He cleared his throat trying to break through the tension in the room. He re-read the letter in his head even though he'd already read his own four times over "it says to owl back but I'm sure my moth- our mother will do that and that just leaves the supplies. You'll have to go to Diagonalley For that. We can go later."

The girl watched the boy talk and a small smile came to her lips. She had been told way too much information in such a short amount of time. But Draco. She had always wanted a brother. Getting up from the chair she was sat in she walked over to him and nudged his shoulder, silently telling him to make room for her. He immediately did so and she sat down curling her legs beneath her and leaning her head on his shoulder. Something inside of her was screaming that he was safe. That he was family. She was listening.

He continued to talk all about Diagonalley and the Wizards version of football, Quidditch. Pausing to answer any questions she had. Eventually she asked about the school and he played absentmindedly with her hair as he told her about the different houses.

"According to my dad- our dad- Gryffindors are brave but irrational. They don't think before they speak, usually meaning they lack in manners and class. The Ravenclaws are all really smart but

are pretty stuck up, they like to think they're better than everyone just because they get good grades. The Hufflepuffs are all a bit pathetic really but Slytherin is the best. " he rambled and Hermione hung to every word, frowning when he said negative thing about the other house but smiling at the excited look he got when he mentioned Slytherin.

"You and I are going to be in Slytherin, no doubt about it. There has never been a single Malfoy who wasn't. Mum was in Slytherin as well, so was my Godfather. Hey I wonder if he's your Godfather as well" this carried on for hours. The two children curled around each other. Sharing stories. Learning all the things they should have already known.

It wasn't until shouting could be heard from back in the kitchen that the two finally got up. Hands clasped in each other's they walked down the hallway to find two sets of parents facing off against one another.

"This was always the plan, it's what you agreed to. She is our daughter. She will be coming to live with us" Narcissa spoke calmly but there was a dangerous glint in her eyes that had the Grangers not been as angry as they were would have had them cowering in fear.

"Yes and the plan was also that you would visit frequently but you never showed up" Helen hissed back at the woman.

"We've already told you, circumstances arose, we couldn't risk it. The child was in danger and now the danger is gone she can be with her family" Lucius countered. In truth after the fateful Halloween night, Lucius had managed to keep himself out of jail but the Malfoy family were under constant surveillance. They couldn't move a muscle without the Ministry knowing about it and if they had gone to visit a muggle family too many questions would have been asked. But with their punishment over and Harry Potter attending Hogwarts keeping the ministry occupied. They were finally able to come.

"We are her family" Helen screamed. Her face red from anger.

"Mum" Hermione' small voice broke through the tension and every adult turned to look at the twins stood in the doorway. Hermione took a deep breath and looked over at Draco who gave her a reassuring smile, mustering up as much confidence as she could, she spoke in a calm voice as she addressed the people in the room. "If it's okay with Mister and Missus Malfoy I would quite like to stay with them. To get to know them and to spend more time with Draco."

Helen Granger looked torn and Richard leaned over to rest a hand in her shoulder reassuringly.

"Of course my dear" Narcissa whispered and soon Hermione had a bag of stuff to take with her and was standing in the foie saying her goodbyes.

"Mother I want you to remember that just because I have another family now, another mum" she said looking up at where Narcissa was fussing over Draco's Hair "doesn't mean you matter to me any less,okay? The same does for you dad" Hermione said looking up at the man she had grown up with.

"I know munchkin, I know" he whispered and ruffled her her hair causing her to pout and try and flatten it back down.

"Are you ready" a voice broke through the moment and Hermione looked up to see a blonde man standing there a warm smile on his face. Nodding slightly she took the hand he extended to her. Shouldering her bag she walked with Lucius over to the rest of her family.

"Bye mum, bye dad" Hermione called as the four Malfoy's left the house making their way to the end of the drive. Hermione peeked through the gate and noticed no new car and wondered briefly if they were walking when Lucius turned to her.

"Hold on tight, fair warning, though it's the most efficient way of travel the first time it can make you feel a bit wheezy" he admitted. The confused the girl was about to ask what he meant when she felt a tugging sensation in her stomach and they disappeared.

When Hermione opened her eyes she was in a stunning drawing room. She didn't have long though to appreciate the decor as she collapsed to the ground from dizziness, clinging to her head and hoping for the world to stop spinning.

Draco hovered over her impatiently and when she finally looked like she could stand he pulled her to her feet.

"So Hesperia or do you want to be called Hermione. Wow both those names are really something aren't they. Is there something else people call you. Something easier." He complained as he led her down a series of long corridors.

"Umm my cousin is two and she can't pronounce Hermione so she always calls me Mia" Hermione offered.

"Mia, yeah okay I like it" he said turning and grinning at her, soon she had a smile to match his and a small laugh escaped her lips as he pulled her down yet another hallway.

"Where are we going" she asked finally and just as the words fell from her lips he came to a stop in front of a large wooden door. Turning to face her he stood with a smug look on his face as he pointed to another door just a bit further down on the opposite of the corridor.

"That is my room" he stated " and seeing as I plan on keeping as close to me as possible at all times, this will be your room" swinging the door open he led the way inside and Mia gasped audibly at the sight. A huge room was decorated with dark greens and silvers. On a slight platform a large canopy bed with with silver sheets stood, next to the bed on the ground level were two bedside tables and just left of the door stood a elegant dresser. Directly opposite the door a window seat was covered in cushions but that wasn't even the best part. To the right of the door, opposite the bed, was a small couch and coffee table placed in front of a fire place and all up the wall were bookshelves. On either side of the fireplace In-between the shelves of books, two doors stood.

"This one" Draco said pointing to the door on the left side of the fireplace "is a wardrobe. And this one" he said pointing to the other door "is a bathroom." He had an excited look on his face and the young witch couldn't help but smile. She was about to speak when a loud pop made her nearly jump out of her skin. She could hear Draco laughing at her expense but just stared at the small creature who had appeared out of thin air. It had a light green tea towel wrapped around it like a skirt and it bounded towards Mia happy cries escaping as it threw it arms around her.

"Oh Popsky is so happy to see young miss again. Popsky is , Popsky is. Like a good Elf Popsky left little miss with the muggles but now she home!" The small elf than began to cry until Draco rushed over peeling her off of Mia with an apologetic look.

"Popsky why don't you go get us some biscuits, you can let all the other house elves know whose back okay" Draco said and watched as the small elf let out one last happy cheer before disappearing with a loud pop. Smiling sheepishly Draco rubbed the back of his neck "sorry, she gets like that sometimes" he said but Mia was still staring at the spot where the ragged creature had just been standing.

"I think I need to sit down" she whispered. Draco was immediately by her side and pulling her to the couch, they both sat down and Draco rubbed soothing circles in his sisters back as she finally started to calm down. "What was that thing" she asked once her breathing had finally returned to normal.

"A house Elf, lots of wizards keep them. They do the cooking and the cleaning and well anything you ask really" he explained and cringed at the disgusted look on her face.

"So they're like slaves?!"

"No of course not"

"Well do you pay them?"

"Well no not really"

"Not really or not at all"

"Not at all"

"That's barbaric"

"It's really not Mia, they love it. It's what they were born to do, serve wizards" Mia still had a look on her face that said she wasn't buying it though and Draco sighed in defeat. When Popsky appeared again Draco Cringed inwardly at the devious smile that crossed Mia's face.

"Thank you so much Popsky but from now on I will get my own food. I don't want you waiting on me or doing anything for me really. I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself" Mia said and watched horrified as the little elf's eyes filled with tears. Soon the elf was a blubbering mess, promising to do a better job and begging for the young miss to not send her away. Draco smirked at the panicked look that took over Mia's feature as she looked at him frantically for help. He shrugged his shoulders at her, feigning confusion. "Stop, stop, please stop. I'm sorry. You can help me with anything at all,really, just please stop crying Popsky" the young witch said throwing her arms around the elf and hugging it tightly. Over Mia's shoulder Draco grinned as the elf winked at him secretly.

"Popsky is happy to serve" the elf said releasing the distraught girl and disappearing.

"Come on" Draco said and for the rest of the day until dinner he gave his sister a tour of the manner. Leaving the gardens for another day he just led her to a balcony that had a really nice view. The library was magnificent but he told her to always ask their mother first before taking a book. Many holding magic much too powerful for children. Mia had listened to everything he said and at one point had been walking down a hallway when she reached up to touch a beautiful portrait of a snake when Draco had shouted at her to stop. Shocked she had pulled her hand away and looked at him with a confused expression.

"Our family. It has a reputation." Draco started taking her hand in his and leading her away from the portrait "you remember how I said there wasn't a single Malfoy who hadn't been in Slytherin" she nodded at him to continue and he took a deep breath as if trying to work out how to phrase his next sentence. "Always being in Slytherin over the years has had its disadvantages. Slytherin house has produced more dark wizards than any of the other houses combined and as you can imagine many of them were Malfoy's"

"I don't understand what you mean" Mia replied as Draco led her to a seat in a living area not far from the Drawing room they had been in when they first arrived.

"Like with everything in life there's good and bad, good magic- bad magic. Good wizards- bad wizards. Unfortunately the Malfoy family is known for having bad wizards." Mia nodded her head slowly, examining her new brother as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"I feel like your not telling me something" she said and Draco looked up at her guiltily.

"I've been thinking" he started but he never finished what he was saying as at that moment Narcissa burst through the door.

"Have you picked a room Dear" the woman said walking over to the two children who looked up at her with matching smiles.

"Yes and Draco's given me a tour. Your place is lovely Mrs Malfoy" Mia said politely standing and pulling Draco up with her.

"It's your home too, and please call me mother or if that too much too soon then Narcissa" the woman insisted. Mia felt strangely comfortable in the woman's presence and couldn't help but notice the similarities between herself and the woman. The same sharp jawline, and button nose. Long blonde hair which she had released from its up do to let fall in beautiful waves over her shoulder, the only thing that was different were the eyes. Her mothers were grey and yet Hesperia's were silver, just like, if she remembered correctly, her fathers.

"Dinner will be ready any moment now, would the two of you like to join us" she asked a twinkle in her eyes. Mia nodded and followed the woman, hand still clasped tightly in Draco's. The dining room was as grand as every other room in the Manner, a table that could seat almost twenty people had the placemats set out for only four. Lucius rose from his seat when they entered kissing his wife on the cheek before pulling the chair to the left of him out for her to sit on, she smiled at him gratefully as he retook his seat and the head of the table.

To Lucius right, Draco released Mia's hand and pulled the chair out allowing Her to slip in the spot before taking a seat next to her. The rest of the night was filled with questions and laughter.

"Homeschooled?" Lucius asked "what was that like for you?"

"Quiet, sometimes lonely" the young girl admitted, blushing slightly under the attention she was being given.

"Don't worry, I understand" Draco said to her reassuringly and she looked up to see a melancholy smile on his face.

"You were homeschooled as well?"

"To a point" Draco admitted "To learn how to read and write, most the things you learn at Hogwarts are to do with magic and you can't do magic if you don't have a wand. Not at our age anyway" he said bitterly.

"A wand?" Mia asked and she watched wide eyed as Narcissa pulled out her wand and waved it slightly causing small fireworks to explode from the end of it, showering the table in green light.

"Didn't you read your equipment list" Narcissa asked placing the wand on the table and ignoring the look of adoration in Lucius's face as he looked at her.

"No I didn't" Mia blushed, glaring at Draco who avoided her gaze. She briefly wondered how in all the rambling he Had done that day he hadn't managed to mention you need a wand to perform magic.

"Never mind, we'll go shopping closer to the school year. For now let us just enjoy this time where Draco can't accidentally blow up antique vases with a magic stick" she laughed and Draco grumbled under his breath. Something about it being and accident and was just messing about and how her wand just fell into his lap.

Mia smirked at him and nudged him with her shoulder. Causing him to nudge her back grinning ear to ear. "So you are settling in well I gather, Hesperia" Lucius said from the head of the table a content smile on his face as he watched the scene in front of him unfold.

"Mi- ow what the hell" Draco exclaimed rubbing his arm where he had just gotten pinched and staring at his twin incredulously. She gave him a look and he quickly understood. Mia was just for him. Something the two children, who should have had an entire childhood together could have for themselves. The thought made him so happy he placed a kiss on her cheek and smiled so wide Mia worried for a moment if he was broken.

"Yes, I am thank you" she replied ignoring the confused looks on her parents faces. The small family were interrupted by a series of loud pops and soon a small army of house elves appeared taking away the empty plates and replacing them with desert dishes. Mia laughed as each elf before disappearing again approached her and bowed low echoes of "welcome home young miss" brought tears to the young witches eyes. Eventually the pops sounded again until it was only Popsky left.

"I told them not to make a fuss" she said embarrassed as she looked up at the Malfoy family who were staring at her in shock "but Popsky is glad to have the young miss back, Popsky is, Popsky is" the elf told them before vanishing.

For a moment the small family was quiet until Licius' low voice finally broke the silence. "Shall we" he said gesturing to the food and together the family continued eating, laughter once again ringing down the corridors of Malfoy Manner.

Later that night and Mia was walking out of the bathroom. After having the most luxurious bath. The young witch had dressed in some less embarrassing pyjamas and was scouring the bookcases, wet hair falling down her back. A small knock came at the door at the door and Mia called for them to enter. She smiled at Narcissa as the older woman entered the room. Wearing a black nightgown the woman looked angelic and Mia briefly wondered if she would look like that one day.

"You like to read" Narcissa asked her daughter who pushed her damp hair out of her face.

"Very much so" the girl answered, her eyes full of wonder and starlight as she gazed over the stories waiting to be read.

"I have a private study full of rare books if you ever feel like stopping by" the woman said and smiled at the excited way the little witch bounced on her feet at the idea. Once again the girl pushed her wet hair out of her face and Narcissa frowned. "Here let me" she said and softly she ran her fingers through Mia's hair. Leaving dry, silky waves in her path.

Mia touched her hair and grinned up at her mother "magic, if used well, can do the most incredible things" she said bending down to press a small kiss to the girls head. Turning on her heel she walked towards the doorway stopping only to wish the girl goodnight before heading to her own chambers.

Opening the door she looked at her husband already, lying in the bed. Quietly she crawled in next to him, laying her head on his chest. For a while the couple was silent, Lucius thread his fingers through his wife's hair as he thought about the events that had taken place. Eventually Narcissa's voice broke through the silence.

"There are rumours Lucius" Narcissa whispered her voice quiet as if not wanting to disturb the happy atmosphere that had come with the end of the day.

"I've heard"

"Do you believe them"

"A body was never found. I wouldn't put it past that man, to have found a way" he whispered his voice shaking.

"We should have left her" Narcissa whimpered , burying her face in her husbands chest.

"When she went to Hogwarts someone would have put two and two together. At least now she is with us we can keep her safe."

"But how? I'm so tired Lucius. I just want my baby girl"

"A glamour charm. A powerful one. That will make her unrecognisable and a shielding charm on her mind to guard her from that old coot that runs the school"

"So we're just going to hide her? Again?"

"It's the only way to keep her safe"

"If she's in Slytherin there will be things expected of her. If he does come back they will meet."

"We will talk more about it in the morning" he whispered and placed a kiss on her forehead.

In another wing of the house, Hesperia and Draco Malfoy were lying in the same position. Draco playing with the end of his sisters hair as she snuggled into his side. It had taken an hour of lying wide awake before Mia finally crept out of her room and along to the wooden door that she knew led to Draco's room. Knocking on the door she waited patiently until her brother opened it. Half an hour later and the two were still awake and talking.

"You know what we were talking about earlier" Draco said turning to look at his sister.

"Yeah" she replied remembering the conversation they had been having before their mum came to tell them dinner was ready.

"Years ago, there was this huge war. Loads of people died. They were killing muggle borns" at the confused look on Mia's face he paused to reiterate "witches and wizards who were born magical but have no magical heritage. A half blood is someone who has a parent whose a muggle, a non magical person, and a parents who has magic. Then there are purebloods. Like us. People who have had magic in their family as far back as out ancestries can take us. And that's pretty far.

Anyway this guy, known as Vold... You-Know-Who decided to start killing muggle borns and anybody who sided with them. To cleanse the magical world and restore the pureblooded families of their honour and standing. And like I said Malfoy's have always been known to fight the wrong side of the war. Including our parents. Our dad was one of his followers." Draco cringed at the horrified gasp that fell from Mia's lips. He sat up pulling her with him, until they were sat opposite one another.

"You have to understand Mia, our dad is a good man. He just made some bad choices." He whispered and she nodded her head in understanding, urging him to carry on. "When we were born the war was still going on. I think... I think that's why they gave you away. Something happening in the war put you in danger so they gave you away to keep you safe"

"They kept you" Mia whispered.

"That's because I'm a boy, not to mention the better looking twin" he replied laughing slightly at the scowl that crossed her features over that statement.

"Why did you tell me all that" she asked. Silver eyes meeting silver as they sat in the middle of a bed that was so huge it could probably fit another four kids.

"Because your my sister, my twin sister and I don't want any secrets from you" he said pushing her white hair out of her eyes "and I know my parents and they would never have given you away unless they really had too. I just, I don't want you to think for a moment that you won't be loved here" he whispered, wisdom shining through his eyes that you would never have expected from such a young boy.

"Your a Malfoy now" he said lying back down. Opening his arms for her to lie back into the position she had been in before. Just before his eyes closed and he fell asleep he felt an arm curl around his chest and a small voice whisper through the darkness.

"I always was. "

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