Revenge, It's Bittersweet

By SweetImperfection

124 0 0

Jennifer Augustus wants revenge on an old friend, ex lover, and the current holder of her heart. She wants re... More

Revenge, It's Bittersweet
Revenge, It's Bittersweet / Two

Revenge, It's Bittersweet / One

24 0 0
By SweetImperfection

ONE:Definately Maybe

Jenni watched longingly after Him, feeling betrayed, hurt, and disgusted. She wanted to DESTROY the boy, not make a fool of herself. She stopped staring after him, trying to ignore the feelings of the burning passion she felt for him. She knew he'd never love her back; she was a booty call ... a one-night stand. It made her choke up and want to cry each time she thought about it.

Jenni stabbed the lettuce of the salad she was going to eat. She stabbed it harder, blinking back tears, trying to swallow the dry lump in her throat. She would NOT cry. She couldn't. Crying was for the weak; the ones who never could keep it in, weak. Her, she was strong; she never cried. Ever.

She went back to watching Him. She watched Him speed up, and jog over to a girl wearing blue skinny jeans, a basketball jersey shirt, a hat that said "BITCH" titlted abd raised, and white and black Nike's. Her hair was black, skin extremely tan, and brown-ish-gray eyes that stood out. The jersey she wore was for a different school, and had the number "17" on it. Jenni started mentally destroying her, wishing to be in her place desperately as He hugged her. He obviousky caught her off-guard at first, he didn't say anything.

"Who the shit-? Oh, my shit. . . TRAITOR! Haven't seen you in YEARS, bruhbruh! Scared the PISS outta me," she said, holding her heart.

She turned around to hug him, and he lifted her up in a bear hug. She wasn't short, He was just a monster in height. It was ... unbelievable. He's six-seven, and was the best center-forward the school's ever had, AND best track player. He didn't play football, but you'd see him playing rugby or mudball, he played baseball - but not on a team that wasn't for his family. He wouldn't consider volleyball, and like the typical Southern Californian, he surfed. Everyone at the school at one point or another has seen him shirtless, so everybody has seen his muscular arms, and delicious abs. He himself was edible ... in a hotness rating type of way to the girls here; he's a blue-green eyed Mexican, with cropped hair that was trypically styled in a slight mohawk, and had the best smile for miles. His personality kept people coming back, as did his flirting skills. If it weren't for his manwhore-ish ways, he'd still be on top, but respected even more. But he didn't know that. . . Or he just simply didn't care.

Jenni glared at the mystery girl for a minute, until realizing through her words and body language were saying he was entirely friend-zoned. She felt better, and smiled to herself before going back to eating her salad. When she finished, she went to throw her trash away .... All trash cans were near Him and the obviously new girl. A small sigh escaped her lips, but she stood up to throw them away in one of the three trash cans near them.

"Jen'fer?" the girl asked, voice shocked.

"Holy hell," Jenni said, looking at the girl closer. "Ver'ica!"

Jenni shoved her try into Him, and attacked the girl, Veronica, into a hug.

"I can't believe it," Veronica said, letting Jenni go.

"I know! Shit, dude. Shit," Jenni said, taking her tray back.

Jenni threw the contents away, then put the tray on the tray cart.

"You know her?" He asked, voice sounding....different. Almost worried, but Jenni wasn't for sure.

"Damn straight! " Veronica said. "But I'll see you later, buh-be! Com'mon, Traitor, my sister wants to see you again!"

Jenni waved, then walked back, her smile fading. The wat sh said His name made her laugh at the irony; she pronpounced it like "trade-'er." And trade 'er is what he did; he traded girls like nobody's business. Jenni realized something; his name might've been a coincidence, but he possibly took his name seriously. Like he was propheted what he was going to do.


Hey, so I'm going to make this clear, because it propbably won't for the.longest; He = Traitor. That was it. Hope you enjoy the story.(:

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