Falling For the Mafia Bad Boy...

By creativemindxo

55.5K 1.7K 222

After a failed attempt at a relationship, I tried making it on my own only to be saddled with a new neighbor... More

Prologue - The Catalyst
Chapter 1 - First Meeting
Chapter 2 - The Diner
Chapter 3 - The Start Of A Shitshow
Chapter 4 - Nightclubs Suck
Chapter 5 - Make Believe
Chapter 6 - A Woman Scorned
Chapter 8 - Dinner and A Show
Chapter 9 - Rescue
Chapter 10 - The True Beginning
Chapter 11 - Poor Decisions
Chapter 12 - First Shootout (Mature)
Chapter 13 - Lost In The Woods
Chapter 14 - Strippers
Chapter 15 - The Penthouse
Chapter 16 - Pool Party for Two (Mature)
Chapter 17 - Bloody Night (Mature)
Chapter 18 - A Blast From The Past
Chapter 19 - Joining The Enemy
Chapter 20 - Reality
Chapter 21 - The End
Epilogue - Three Years Later

Chapter 7 - Attempted Escape

3.6K 139 12
By creativemindxo

"Y-you're a-an a-ass-h-hole." I spit while shivering from the passenger seat.

Nico chuckles as I try in vain to dry my drenched hair. "In my defense, I told you that you only had ten minutes."

"Well, I didn't think you were crazy enough to come into the bathroom while I'm showering and drag me out. Do you have any human decency? Any morals?"

"I'm part of the family; we have no morals. Plus, it's not anything I haven't seen before."

"Gee, thanks." Asshole. "Where are we even going?" We were sitting in a beautiful older black Mustang, driving to nowhere. Yeah, apparently Nico rides in style.

"Don't worry about it." Well, I guess that's the end of the discussion...or not.

"I am worried about it, or I wouldn't have asked."

"How about you shut that pretty little face of yours, or I'll put a muzzle on it. Still worried now?"

"Opportunity wasted," I mutter while crossing my arms and looking out the window.


"I'm just saying that you could've gone to a dirtier place with that, considering you're you. Missed chance." His only answer was a glare before returning to the road, but I still see a smile.


"You've got to be kidding me," I say open-mouthed. A mall, a freaking mall.

"I have a meeting with someone."

"At a mall?" I asked, dumbfound.

"You're telling me this isn't one of the least obvious places you'd expect a meeting." I have to give him that.

"Fine, but why am I here?"

"Like I said earlier, you won't be leaving my side."

"For how long?" Honestly, I'm kind of scared of the answer.

"Until I can trust you." He answers flatly.

"So...never?" He smirks before walking towards the mall, but stops at the entrance and faces me.

"You coming, darling?" To any citizen nearby, he'd seem like a loving boyfriend. Reality? He was a psycho who works for the Mafia. I put on my sweetest smile before responding.

"Of course, honeybuns."

Kill. Me. Now.

"So what does one do while waiting for a...fellow mafia person? Or is he a drug lord? Or is he a she?"

"First of all, can you shut up? You're making me regret not putting a muzzle on you. And second, it's none of your goddamn business." I notice how he casually glances around without raising suspicion.

"I'm just curious. You haven't been exactly forthcoming with your information."

"That's because it's-"

"None of my business, I get it." I interrupt, putting my hands up in surrender.

"This is why I never stick to one woman. You're all the same, always harping and nagging and honestly too much of a hassle to deal with."

"That is extremely...sexist and rude and narcissistic and so many other things."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a horrible person. I've heard it enough times."

"Obviously not enough," I mutter.

"What was tha-" He stops mid sentence. "He's here." He says in a monotone voice.

"Where?" I ask, looking around. He suddenly grabs my shoulders and turns me to focus on him.

"Listen, I need you to stay put while I deal with this, okay?"

"Um, okay."

"I mean it. If you run, I will find you, and it won't be pretty, got it?"

"I can only imagine," I say with a smile.

"Callie." He snaps, which causes me to look at him again.

"Okay, okay, I get it. Stay put; be a good girl." I roll my eyes.

"Good." He walks away while I do a little window shopping at a jewelry store. I can try to make a run for it, but I doubt I'd make it far. I mean, he is my neighbor and in the Mafia.

Sure enough, not even five minutes later, he's back. "Okay, let's go."

We're heading towards the exit when we pass by a water machine. "Do you have any cash?" I turn towards Nico expectantly while holding out my hand.

"What for?"

"I want a water."

He huffs and puffs like its the most challenging thing in the world to take out his wallet and hand me a dollar. Dramatic much?

"Here, I'm gonna make a quick phone call. Don't wander off."

"Yes, sir, captain sir." I mock salute before walking over and getting my water.

When I'm walking back and about to turn the corner, I hear his voice. I know it's terrible to eavesdrop, but a girls got to do what a girls got to do.

"Yeah, I know...I will...I just got to take care of something first, okay? I'll call you afterward."

I understand what he means by 'take care of something.' That 'something' is me. I may have been against running from him before, but now there's no question I'm running far away from this psycho. I just have to come up with a plan. I wait a few more seconds before turning the corner.

"Hey, you ready?"

"Yeah, come on."

When we are about to walk by Victoria's Secret, I see my opening. "Can we go in?" He turns towards me.

"Here?" I nod. "No. Come on."

"But please? I need some new stuff."

"This isn't a social call or a girls' day. Let's go. Now." I see a group of women walk by and decide to put my acting classes to use.

"But...you promised. You said if I was good and didn't complain, you'd let me go into a store of my choosing. Just one. I'm only asking you to grant me permission to enter this store." I stare down at the ground while burying my face into my hands and fake sobbing. I feel his breath caress my ear.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" He whispers in a deadly tone. I'm not worried; he won't do anything in public, will he?

"I'm just asking you to keep your promise this one time, honey." God, I am putting on the performance of my life. I deserve an Emmy.

"Cut it out." He commands.

"But, please? I'll even spend my own money."

"Geez, let the girl go into the store." I hear one of the women say.

"You're gonna regret this." He hisses.

"Maybe, maybe not." I taunt.

"Of course, sweetie pie." He roughly grabs my elbow and drags me into the store. "Be quick."

Twenty minutes later...

"Okay, I think I'm all set. Shall we go?"

"Yes, finally. Let's pay and get out of here."

"Okay, but there's just one small catch..."


"Catch!" I throw all of the bras and underwear in my hands at him. I'd be laughing my ass off if I wasn't in this situation. But in this case, I must hurry.

I run out of the store like my hair is on fire and head towards the parking lot. I'm almost at the car and pull out the keys I'd managed to swipe off of him when we were outside of Victoria's Secret. I just unlocked the car and open the door when suddenly a hand reaches out behind me and shuts it again. Please don't let it be who I think it is.

"Going somewhere, sweetheart?" I refuse to turn around.

"No, of course not. I was just going to start the car for you." He spins me around and forces me to look into his eyes, which are almost black from anger.

"I believe I told you not to run, didn't I?" Nico asks with a hint of sarcasm.

"Well, that was before I found out you planned to take care of me." I hiss.

He looks confused for a moment until something clicks. "You were listening to my phone call."

"Uh, duh." Instead of getting mad like I expect, he smirks.

"Someone's been bad. First, you lie about not remembering what happened at the club, then you try to call for help; third, you listen in on a private phone call, and finally, you run away from me after I told you not to. I think I underestimated you." He shakes his head. "But that will have to wait until later because we still have things to do. Now, get in, princess, or I'll force you in. Your choice." What an asshole!

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