
By VampyreWitchMagik

58 0 0

Danette was in love with Liam. Liam says he's in love with Ariel. Danette makes some very bad decisions and c... More

Chapter 2


44 0 0
By VampyreWitchMagik


While looking out the glass window, I daydreamed about a life that probably would never happen. Liam and I attending NYU together; we’d be a couple and eventually become engaged and married with a bunch of kids, it’d be perfect. That’s when my mom knocked on the door and burst my bubble.

“Danette, you haven't eatten for hours and  I take a personal offense to that" My mom said jokingly. My mom was a gourmet chef and had even studied in France. But after returning home pregnant with her parents rejecting her she didn't have an opportunity to continue honing her culinary skills. She's awesome and even though we might not have that much money, I know that she'll always be there when I need her.

I picked up a lightly frosted pasterie with sugar on it. It was one of her many signature pasteries at the bakery not just because of its creativity but it's unbelievable taste. "Mom I swear you're cooking only get's better." She gave me a sheepish look. "Well, I hope it'll help you forgive your old mum for making a little mistake."

"What mistake?"

"I forgot to tell you Liam called. He wants to meet you at the mall at five.” my mom spoke.

“Mom! How could you forget something so important! I have to go. Bye!” I said while rushing out the door.

I made it 10 minutes late and started searching for Liam. I saw a guy with dirty blond hair whom I immediately recognized; Liam! I ran after him and watched him talking with a pretty brunette, both of them smiling and laughing and I immediately knew. Liam had a lot of girl friends, who were just friends, but this was different. I stopped cold in my tracks and could only stare.

Liam turned around and saw me.

“Hey, Dani meet my friend, Ariel.”

I was barely able to squeak out a simple “Hi.”

 Ariel said that she had to go “It was nice to meet one of Liam’s friends” she said and left. I smiled and acted like the word ‘friends’ didn’t make me want to scream.

I tried to say jokingly “Hey, that wasn’t your girlfriend, was it?” I was probably just overreacting.

“No, we just met but…”

“But what?” I said while trying to stop my voice from getting shrill.

 “I don’t know I feel … different when she’s around you know what I mean. This’ll sound corny but it feels like she kinda of... completes me.” he replied sheepishly.

“I know exactly what you mean.” I said barely keeping a smile while my heart was slowly breaking.

“It’s nice having a best friend like you Danette to talk to about these types of things.” he said. I started feeling angry.

“Maybe I want to be more than friends.” I spoke harshly.

Liam laughed, “Good one, Danette, like you and me would ever be together like that.”

 “Right I was just kidding.” I said faking another smile.

“Anyways I got to go. Mom needs some help at home”, I muttered.

“Dani, you’re okay right?” he inquired. I could’ve ripped off his head and told him I was NOT okay, but I couldn’t handle it right now.

“I’m fine”, I sighed and left before he could say anything else.

I went into my room locked the door, and cried into my pillow. My mom knocked on the door,

“Danette, sweetie is anything wrong?”

“No, mom”, I tried to say nonchalantly.

“You sure?” my mom asked.

“Yeah, actually I’m going to the roof.” I gathered my stuff and went to the roof. I looked at the city which usually astounded me with all the skyscrapers and buildings, especially at night with all those twinkling lights. However; at this moment I barely even noticed and got straight to painting. I painted for hours just trying to get all the pain and emotion out. It was nearly midnight when I stopped and actually looked at the painting. It was of a nightingale trying to fly away from the moon. It had a bewitched look and I could almost hear it's mournful cry. As stupid as it sounded, I felt as if the nightingale was me and the moon was Liam.


I wrote and finished it for ELA class but i'm changing it with more details and less idiotic stuff... or at least i'm trying :) So unlike my other story(which has always been iffy- but hey i might actually finish it!) this story will be completely pretty soon :) Give any comments you feel but if it's going to be like "YOU SUCK!!!!" please cite details and reasons.

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