KHR : The Rainbow Seal

By chinfernluvzzz

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Some said that it was just a legend. Some said that that blood has died. Yet, they are still some that seek t... More

Chapter 1: Rainbow seal's direction
chapter 2: Suspicion
chapter 3: peaceful? not yet
chapter 4: More killed
chapter 5: Deal made
chapter 6 : First day of school
chapter 7 : PE lesson
chapter 8 : Shitoro... gone...
chapter 9: farewell in Yukiko' way
Chapter 10: Mission impossible
chapter 11: That old man
chapter 12: Here Dino comes!
chapter 13: Small discovery of things
chapter 14: Mafia background
chapter 15: One by one. Down
chapter 16: Guardians gathering. Fight intended.
Chapter 17: Visitation
chapter 18: Back to square one
chapter 19: Fireworks
chapter 20: Knowing identity
chapter 21: Development of Coco
chapter 22: Testing out
chapter 23: Reconnection
chapter 24: Family gained
chapter 25 : Bye, Hibari san
chapter 26: Goodbye Japan
chapter 27: museum
Chapter 28: Jake Gordon
chapter 29: Confusion
chapter 30: Seeing things again
Chapter 31: Back strong
chapter 32: training, training
chapter 33: sun and thunder
chapter 34: Snatch away
Chapter 35: the misty rain( part 1)
chapter 36: the misty rain (part 2)
chapter 37: machine's energy
chapter 38: Sky battle
Chapter 39: Changed
chapter 40: Outbreak
chapter 41: Interlinked
chapter 42: All gathered to save
Chapter 43: Black and colourful
Chapter 44: The beginning
Chapter 45: Back to back
Chapter 46: Instantly vanished
Chapter 47: Lodging
Chapter 48: House rule
Chapter 49: Arrival of first sign
Chapter 50: The Flame
Chapter 51: Funfair error
Chapter 52: Preparation
Chapter 53: what a performance
Chapter 55: Last trial
Chapter 56: 7th of July(part 1)
Chapter 57: 7th of July (part 2)
Chapter 58: Mihasa's diary
Chapter 59: Tell Hibari
Chapter 60: Claim back
Author's note

Chapter 54: Hibari's realisation

594 20 1
By chinfernluvzzz

Yukiko POV

After the Sami girl ran away, the Saku girl broke down. "Sami chan... No.. Listen to nee chan... I can explain.." "What happen Saku chan? Why did Sami chan reacted this way?!" "Nito chan, tell me what should i do.." She grabbed his suit tightly and hid her crying face away from the lively ball. Konito san hugged her tightly and slowly led her away from the crowd. Seeing that they would be fine, i started searching for the another two.

"What are you doing Neto chan!!?" "Calm down Sami chan, hear me out.." I ran all the way to the back alley of the ball and heard somebody shouting. At last, i found them! "I like Nito chan and nee chan knows that!! Why did she just.." "Listen to me carefully Sami chan, the one nii san likes is Saku chan.."

" I mean, how did it happen?" He caught her before she collapsed. "Sami chan, I've never ask a favour from you but please..let them be.." "What are you saying!! How could i just.. Neto chan, you are crying.." He stood up straight and attempted to wipe his tears away while clearing his throat. "Nii san is very special to me. Please." "Nito chan is also very special to me!!" "No, you don't understand.." "Then make me understand Neto chan!"

He gently led her to somewhere deep of the back alley and i followed them. I couldn't help but to feel curious of what he was going to tell her. Somehow, just somehow I've this feeling that I'm related to them. "Nii san is the only one left in the world for me. Ever since Otou and Okka san died that horribly, nii san is the only one i left. And to tell you the truth, even nii san didn't know this, the reason Otou and Okka died was because of us."

Sami san looked pale under the dim lighting and whispered "why..?" "You have must heard that Tomaru is the curse family. Okka san was the one who inherited the curse and it was passed down to the both of us. Among nii san and i, i guess nii san is the one who inherited the power. Though the same blood run in us, nii san always has this special aura and power behind him."

" way.." "This is true. Being in the same blood, i can feel that he is absorbing my power from me sometimes when he loses control of his emotions. And if you read about the curse one, it says that they will not be able to live very long. That's why i want him to be as happy as possible till i find the cure of the curse. Sami chan, i know that this is really too much to ask but please.. I beg of you.." With that he teared up a bit, Sami chan hugged him with her tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Neto chan, you are sad right? You like nee chan but you love your onii more.. Same for me. Nee chan has always help me in so many ways..i really like Nito chan you know Neto chan but i love nee chan... Help me Neto chan..i don't know what to do.." He hugged her back tightly and they both cried their hearts out. At that moment, i felt my heart was pierced. Both side were crying, both side were trying to give..

After what seem like a while, Sami san and Neto san went back to join Saku san and his brother. It was so obvious that both parties had cried hard and  were still probably a little shaky. "Sami chan.." "Nee chan, I've something i want to tell you." Sami san then whispered something to her sister who seemed shocked.  After that Saku chan went and danced with Nito san and Sami san went with his younger brother.

"What did you tell her? "I've just merely told nee chan that i don't like Nito chan but you instead. Gomene  to use you as a shield. " he chuckled a little and replied, "That's the price to pay for my favour to you." They both smiled sadly at each other while continued to dance. On another hand, the couple that completely fooled by their siblings were enjoying the dance.

Yukiko sama, this is lesson two, second trial. A Tomaru's happiness is often obtained by the sacrifice of others. This is only the beginning of their sacrifices in order for a cursed one to obtains love. Good job of hanging on and please be mentally prepared for the last stage of the sorrow.

I didn't know that i collapsed to the floor while standing up. "Acrobalenco.. Is that you, Acrobalenco?.." I looked around dazed while searching for her presence. But it disappeared as soon as she had with her words. "Yukiko.." I turned around and saw Tsuna dressed up as a princess then i remembered that i was still in the midst of the play.

Yukiko: Don't you dare to look down on me! Just because I'm weak now doesn't mean you won Tsunawhite!!

I stood up and ran to my solo scene when i accidental tripped over my own steps. I didn't do this own purpose but it sure looked like queen Yukimin was very pityful. Taking advantage of the current atmosphere, i continued.

Yukiko: Is this the price I've to pay for the poison from that witch, Blanchi? Ha! Afterall i wasn't able to kill Vongola at all. They took away my husband, my child and now my life!

As i said what was written in the script, i was reminded by how sad both couples were during the ball. Both parties wanted the best for each other and yet.. Unknowingly, my eyes started to tear a little before i could stop them. I wiped away the tears and delivered my last statement which i modified a bit.

Yukiko: If the happiness of a cursed can only be obtained by by the expense of others, i shall not want.

At that moment, i didn't know what happen. I didn't sense or expected anything because the show was about to end. After i said that, i felt his presence and heard his voice saying, "I'll save you out." The next moment i saw was that he was holding my face and kissed me on the lips in front of the entire school.

At that moment, my mind traveled to space and the world seem to stop moving for a second. It's as if the time has stopped.

Tsuna POV

Everything seem strange when Yukiko fall but what couldn't be more shocking was that Hiabri san went in the play and kissed Yukiko on her lips!!!! It all began when  she fall down when she was supposed to have a argument scene with me.  She was supposed to curse me like what we had rehearsed but she seem to be in a daze when we acted.

Then her legs seem to turn jelly and she collapsed, and she spoke of something that I'm shocked to hear. " that you,  acrobalenco?" At that time, i got reminded by Reborn that she was going through the griefs of Tomaru. And the power behind her seal was called Acrobalenco , which was somewhat the creator of Reborn and the rest of his friends. "Yukiko.." I said and she stared at me for a long 10 seconds before she continued her part of act.

She ended our part quickly when she ran off but i was signalled by Reborn to come back to the back stage and left her alone. I was confused by her expression when she called out the name. It seem like she was upset or something but i couldn't do anything to help her. I was tormented by the encounter i had with her when she mentioned that she couldn't share her burdens with us.

Don't ever treat me like a friend, Vongola Decimo. Her words kept replaying in my mind as her expression came flooding to my mind. I really really want to help her.. Just as that, i heard her saying about what Vongola done to her. And at that moment, i caught sight of Hibari san running towards the stage.

When she said her last statement on stage, he had reached and said something to her and kissed her. The entire school grasped and some cheered, some clapped and many were taking photos and stunned by what they were doing on the stage. This is the demon king, Hibari Kyoya, we are talking about here..

Hibari POV

I couldn't stop myself at the moment she teared up a little. It wasn't obvious but i felt the urge to protect her, to shield her away from what was hurting her. I saw that when she tripped and said about the price of paying for the poison, i wondered for a second if she was truly worry about that but given her character, she won't bothered to.

What broke my heart was that she spoke of Vongola. Was it like the last time when i found her crying in the room talking about the flame? I knew that i got to save her. I ran my way up hidden, and just wanted to grab her the moment she finished her act. Little did i expect her to say something like that.

"If the happiness of a cursed can only be obtained by by the expense of others, i shall not want." My heart broke into pieces. I couldn't let her.. I don't want to let her... With the thoughts of stopping her, i couldn't care less of those herbivores watching. "I will save you out." And i kissed her. I really meant what i said. To save her out of her griefs.

She pushed me away after a while with a flushed face. "Wh..what are you doing.." "Come with me." I pulled her up and grabbed her by hand leading her to my office. The whole hall stood still as we made our exit. I couldn't care less about them right now. She's more important to me currently.

She spoke when i closed the door of my office. "Why did you do that!?" "I said that I'll save you out." "Do you understand what's the meaning of your action?" I looked at her, who was currently flushed and angry at the same time. "Kissing is only meant for someone you love. Not just to anyone! You got to be responsible to the one you kiss! What you just did, was misleading the rest of the school to think that we're couple!! How will your future girlfriend thinks!"

"Future girlfriend?" "Hai Hibari, future girlfriend! You just carelessly showed affection to anyone don't you? Just what were you thinking!" She was going teary now and wanted to leave the office when i slammed the door she opened with both hands.

With her back facing me, i finally replied. "I didn't think so much. Back then, all i thought was to shield you and protect you..i didn't consider anything at all." She turned around and faced me. At that moment, my pulse quicken and my heartbeat went fast. I just realise how close we were.

"Then what i am to you? Why must you be so concerned about my matters?!" I was speechless. I've never thought of it before. "Speechless.. Don't come and mess up my life Hibari Kyoya, without realising what i am to you." I was about to reply when her seal lit up. Her expression changed and whispered. "It's Coco! He's back! It must be!" She ran off without waiting for my answer.

But then what was i about to say to her? Now that i realised that i don't know who was she to me? And what she meant by stop messing with her life? I realised that i don't understand this feeling at all! Why couldn't she understand my desire to protect her?

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