Finding love without wanting...

By perfectpinkcess

398 2 2

Aubree or Bree Evans is an 17 year senior in high school who also happens to be a mom to a 3 year old little... More

Chapter: 2 Mr.Noah Gold and his million dollar smile
Chapter: 3 Your dad is marrying a twenty two year old
Chapter 4: Your asking for my advice?
Chapter 5: Will you clean my car?
Chapter 6: Twilight and seeing something special.
Chapter 7: Liars and slutty disney characters.
Chapter 8: Truth, Pasts and Home Tests
Chapter 9: Food fights, forgiveness and Kidnapping
Chapter 10:Day before thanksgiving

Chapter:1 Next time I have a kid I'll make sure its ugly

64 1 0
By perfectpinkcess

I get up with a jump  which is unusual for a seventeen year old but I can't help my self. I'm so excited I haven't seen Ember in 2 days I'm getting used to it but I still miss her when she's gone.
I can't go see her now because me and Ben decided  that to spend more time with her he would drop her off at pre-school. I'm going to have to wait to see her after school.

I get up and have a shower. Its nice having a long shower without worrying something might happen while I'm in here I let the warm water sooth my aching  muscles from work yesterday. I get out  and start drying my long brunette hair when I'm satisfied I get dressed I garb pair of jeans and my long white t-shirt. I go into my small kitchen near the front of my apartment. While I'm buttering my toast I'm also putting on my boots. One of the most amazing skills I have learned over the last 4 year, multi-tasking.

I finish my breakfast and grab my black leather jacket and walk out of my apartment building. I get into my black Ford focus I got for my sixteenth birthday and start driving to school.

When I get to school I walk over to Caleb, Logan, Brooke and Kylie. "Hey"  I say giving Brooke and Kylie hello hugs. "Hey Bree"  Kylie says while hugging me.

"How was your weekend" Logan asks me while putting his arm around Brooke. "Work, work and more work "I replied "Oh an think about Ember the entire time" I add.

"Speaking of which. Where is Ben?"Caleb asks. I look around and don't see Ben anywhere worry instantly drops to my stomach. Brooke Knowing me way to well sees me getting worried. " Hey Bree stop worrying, you know Ben. Ember Probably asked to watch a cartoon before pre-school and that girl has Ben wrapped around her little finger".

Yeah Brooke is right something like that probably happened.

I turn my head and see Ben car pulling up a wash of relief washes over me. I run over to where Ben was walking over to us . "Hey Bre-OW"  he says as I punch him in the arm ."What was that for" He asks surprised. "For being later than usual, I was worried" I say while walking back to our friends."Aww you were worried about me" He laughs while batting his eyelashes at me."No I was worried about my daughter, how was she this weekend was she good" I ask

"Yeah she was great, Oh by the way here is some stuff I bought her this weekend" He said handing me a bag with a teddy bear, a pair of pink shoes and 2 t-shirts."Oh my god Ben, we talked about this you can't go on a shopping spree with her every time she is with you" I remind  him. "Hey she is my kid too, I have a right to go out and spoil my own daughter and it's not's like you girls are any better. You guys all ways come back with mountains of stuff for her" He says in his defence. "That's not me its Brooke and Kylie they are obsessed with buying her thing" I  justify. "Hey is it my fault everything for your little girl is cute" Kylie butts in.                

"Yeah it's your fault for  having such a cute kid" Brooke objected "Well sorry, next time I have a kid I'll make sure it's ugly" I say sarcastically.

"Come on guys we are going to late for homeroom" Caleb declared

We turn to our school. Black water high the High school in our little town of Black water there is only the high school, a middle school and an elementary school which is also a pre -school where Ember goes to school.

We started walking in to school same way we did every day. Caleb walking with his arm around Kylie and Logan walking with his arm around Brooke .While me and Ben just walk and talk mostly ."Hey Bree, are you working tonight"  Logan asks me."No, I don't think so why" I answer ."Well I have AP chemistry this year and I hoping since you took it last year I was hoping you could help me" Logan pleads."Hey I took that last year too, why didn't you ask me" Caleb exclaimed."Because Bree got an A last year you got a C" Logan joked.

"Sure Logan come over around 6"I say."Thanks Bree, you're a life saver"

We all turn in to Mrs Scott's homeroom the only class we all have together. We take our seats all together as pre usual.


The end of the day came in really fast I pass Ben in the hall way he is probably on his way to football practice."Hey Ben, is there anything I need to know before picking up Ember" I  ask Knowing there probably will be. "Nope nothing" He replies happily."Are you sure , cos last time you said that I picked her up with two different shoes on" I remind him. "Hey they were both black how was I supposed to know they were odd" he declares. "Only asking, you don't want me calling you and yelling at you through the phone again do you" I tease."Bye Bree" He said while walking away. "Bye" I mutter while walking towards my car

I start the engine and drive  to Embers school. When I get there the car park is flooded with cars so it take about 15 minutes to find a parking space. I park my car and jog my over to the school doors. I walk around the corner to Embers class she is one of the last ones there as per usual since my school ends 10 minutes after hers  but Ms.Riley Embers teacher  doesn't mind  because she knows I'm still in high school.

I walking in and Ember turns and sees me a big smile appears on her cheery face. "Mommy" My Baby yells as she runs up and gives me a big hug. I give her a big hug and I bend down to her height. She is such a cutie, she has long brunette  hair she got from me and big green eyes she got from her dad."Hi Baby, did you have fun while you were at daddy's  house" I ask her in a soft voice."Yep we painted and played princesses" I giggle while I think of Ben playing princesses.

We leave the school and I buckle her in her car seat. "So sweetie what would you like for dinner" I ask her." Macaroni and cheese"  she exclaimed .How did I know her favorite food is macaroni and cheese that's all she ever asks for."Okay but only because I missed you so much while you were gone" I say while looking at her through the mirror. She is staring out the window she does this a lot I think it is the cutest thing.    

we get to our apartment building and take the elevator upstairs to our apartment I get out my keys an open the door for her and me

"Hey Ember did you get homework at school today" I question."Noooooo" she lied."Really" I ask in my mom voice my friends always tease me about. She puts her head down and said" Yes"."That's my girl now what did you get" I ask. she over to her back pack which is has the Oakland raiders on it serves me right for letting Ben get her backpack .

"Okay so start with the writing and then the colouring okay honey" I tell her." Okay mommy" she sang while get up on the chair and starting her homework.

I go in to my tiny kitchen and start making her  dinner. when her dinner is ready I call her from the table ever though it is only like 5 ft away. I give her a bowl of Mac and cheese and a little side bowl of broccoli so eats some vegetables while is eating her  dinner I sit beside her on the island doing my history homework. "Done mommy" She says I look at her bowls all the macaroni  and cheese is gone but there is still three broccolis in her little side dish."Aren't you going to finish your broccoli" I ask raising my eyebrow."But mommy I'm full" She whined."Okay then but no dessert" I said.

"Can I watch TV mommy" she asked jutting her lip out."Sure but only for an hour because uncle Logan is coming over to study with me" I yell as she ran across the room to the TV

an hour later I heard a knock at the door I open the door and not to my surprise Logan was there "Hey" I greeted ."Hey ready to get cracking on some chemistry"

"Yep let's get going, Ember, Logan is here" I call from the door way."Uncle Logan" Ember cries running to give him a hug."Hey there fire cracker, how are you" he asked the excited little girl."Good Ms.Riley said I got gooder handwriting than everyone else" she declared proudly. I laugh at my daughters choice of words."Well that's great, look what I got you" He said holding up a box of Reese's pieces Embers favourite candy."Yay" Ember cries ."Ember what do you say" I say in my mom voice."Thank you uncle Logan I love you" she said while giving him a hug." You're welcome little firecracker Love you too "He said while picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

I start laughing at one of my best friends and my daughter jumping around my apartment.

this is my life  couldn't ask for anything better.

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