#1 Mr. Charmeur & Ik ✅ 2015

By fleeingpeanuts

70.3K 2.7K 1K

Het ultimate cliché, hij breekt jouw telefoon en dan breek jij z'n hart. Tenminste, dat was de bedoeling. Wra... More

2. De uitslag...
3. Date of geen date? Dat is de vraag.
4. En wat als die klootzak, zijn belofte niet nakomt? Wraak, is zoet.
5. De date, alles loopt in de soep..
6. Als je het zo bekijkt..
7. Shit en nu?
8. Nablijven met een Stinkende Panda is niet leuk.
9. Achterbakse ratten, zijn overal
10. Minions zijn niet beter dan smurfen
11. En wie heeft er nu wel interesse in een stinkende panda?
12. Je vriendje's stiefbroer is meestal een stom stuk poep.
13. Een awkward dineetje met je vriendje en een stomme artisjok..
14. Vrijdagen zijn bedoeld om lol te hebben, niet verdriet.
15. Diva en drama
16. Wraak is zoet.
17. Opdringerige Panda's zijn niet leuk.
Personages, even tussendoor
18. De date loopt niet zo als gepland.
19. hoofdpijn en pijnstillers.
20. Regenbogen en vieze geilaards.
Bonus hoofdstuk
extra bonus hoofdstuk
Extra extra bonus hoofdstuk.

1. Wat voor zak ben je? Een klootzak.

7.8K 183 46
By fleeingpeanuts

It was a regular school morning. My alarm clock started playing my favorite song, call me baby. By EXO. I changed into my boring school uniform. I blew a kiss to the bands hanging above my headboard. BTS, EXO, The Fray and Beatles. Music is everything to me.

I grabbed my Ipod and selected the album 'Miracles in December' by EXO.

"Mia come down here, otherwise you will miss your bus, she sighed, again."

"Alright mom I'll be right down, just give me a frickin minute."

Plates clattered, the door opened and closed, my dad was on his way to work. My bus would appear within 10 minutes. I brushed my hair, teeth and tied my hair up in a ponytail. Then I plugged my earphones into my Ipod and walked down the stairs, the sight of my mom being furious to the twins greeting me.

"That took you long enough, and are you listening to Egso again?"

"It's EXO and yes."

"Just hurry."

I took a muesli bar out of the bars bowl.

"Oh and before I forget, a young lad called twenty minutes ago, he's going to drive you to school today."

"What's his name again?"

"It's uhm, he didn't mention, though, she scratched her chin, hmm. I don't know, have fun at school honey."

I opened the door, expecting my best friend, Jeremy, to pick me up.

But no it wasn't his old scratched Sedan that was in front of my door. It was a black, very fancy BMW. Who the hell drives in a car like that? And to school!? The car horn honked three times.

The door opened and in front of me was, The Tom Major d-bag Ronalds. What the hell?

"So are you riding with me or not? You already missed the bus, so there's only one option."

He looked at his car.

"No, no hell no. In your dreams big boy. And for you-know-who's sake do you even know where I live?"

"Google maps, wait, did you just quote Harry Potter? God you really are a dork."

I turned around on my heels, my back now facing his face. I searched for my phone, I dialed Jeremy's number.

"Yo what's up? His voice thick with sleep. Is everything thing alright Mia?"

"Uhm I was wondering if you could offer me a ride to school, because I missed my bus and...

'Again Mia? Ugh fine I guess you can drive with me to school.'

And Tom Ronalds is in my driveway, with his car, and he offered me a ride to school...

'Why do you have to call me for driving you to school if you already have a... Wait? What? Are you talking 'bout The Tom Ronalds? What on earth does he want from you?'

and before you interrupted me, again, he's a dick and yes I am talking about The Tom Ronalds. Now get up you lazy ass and drive fast, otherwise we will both be too late, and I don't want to get detention you jerk, so hurry, Go, go, go, go go Biatch"

I scold him. He will be right over, so now I'll only have to ditch this dick and then go straight to my own personal hell.

Ugh I hate school. Within minutes the scratched old Sedan drives in front of my house, I give Tom Ronalds a murdering glare and The Finger, and stalk away from him, the smell of Jeremy mixed with eggs is fresh and welcoming. "Goodbye Mia" I turn around and yell, "SHUT UP YOU WEIRDO, LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Jeremy interferes "YEAH YOU CREEP! LEAVE HER ALONE!"

He honks his car horn. Tom Ronalds waves and shoots Jeremy a murderous glare.

"Okay bitch, let's go. Now!"

When we arrive at school we only have two minutes left.

Jere and I rush into the school, to our lockers and then to our lessons, which we do not share, which is a shame but what can you do about it?

And when the bell rings all the students rush out of the classrooms and to their lockers, when I reach mine, Jere is already waiting for me, eating his mayo-chicken-jam sandwich, which sounds disgusting but is actually very good.

I high five him, and open my locker, only to find a rose and a middle finger  foam finger, that's odd.

"Hey Jere, did you put this in my locker?"

"No, his mouth is stuffed with chicken, jam and mayo, why would I?"

A person put this in my locker, and I don't get the humor of this.

"Hé Mia Imma take a piss, I'll be right back."

I smile at his use of language. A blow in my ear makes me yelp.


I jam my elbow in someone's stomach. "What an attitude, miss Mia."
"Oops, did I say oops? I meant you deserved it, you fricken chicken. Why don't you just bang a girl, and leave me alone! You're starting to turn into a stalker."

Tom Ronalds, is the player and Badboy of our high school.

And every time he's got an eye on a girl, she ends up sleeping with him, and it looks like I'm his next victim, HELL no. He can stick a pencil up his smelly ass.

"Ahh come on Mia, don't be so mean to someone who bought you a gift."

What the actual honey? I don't want anything from him, so why won't he just leave me alone? He's annoying, handsome and an actual creep. Wait, did I say handsome? What the heck is wrong with me?

I need Jeremy to kick his ass. I know that he will keep stalking me if I just stand there and say nothing.

"Fine what do you want? If I give it, will you leave me alone?"

He chuckles lightly. And then says," dear Mia, will you go on a date with me?"

Urgh if he leaves me alone after that, fine. "I'll do it. And now leave me alone you scallywag"

He blows me a kiss and leaves me alone. Jeremy returns to my locker, "Hey ehm Mia, ( he waves his hand in front of my face. ) earth to Mia, okay that doesn't work, he mutters, I've slept with your grandma and we're going on a date tonight." I'm shocked, and don't know how to move.
"What? Yeah okay, have fun."
"Mia did you understand any word of what I just said?" I nod. He sighs and lifts me.
"Okay plane Mia is asking permission to land, on earth."
He drops me.

"Auch are you insane Jere? Okay here's the thing Tom just came to my locker, asking me on a date. I said yes because he promised that's the only way he will stop stalking me, so I'm shocked. And now give me a bite of your sandwich, you selfish dork."

"You agreed to him? Are you mad? Did you hit your head or something?"

"If I go on a date with him, he will leave me alone. He promised." Jeremy snorts. "Yeah sure, you believe him? Haha sometimes I'm questioning your IQ." I swat his arm.


okay this is my first English book. I'm originally Dutch. So don't judge too hard. Hope you liked so far, anyway if you're a Dutch reader, please check my other books on Wattpad. Thank you very much.

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