Elemental Expression (A Star...

By ezrabridger123

56.6K 2.4K 317

Ezra was training with Kanan one day when all of a sudden, Kanan get's burned. In fear to protect his crew, E... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Authors note
Authors Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
So sorry
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors note
Authors note
Chapter 18
New story
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 24

1.3K 60 14
By ezrabridger123

Ally's (Force) P.O.V.

I watched as Kanan picked Ezra up and ran through me, and into his room. I giggled at the fact that since I'm dead, I can walk through things. It felt weird when Kanan walked through me. I walked through the wall and into kanan's room. Ezra was in there, laying down on kanan's bed. A tear fell down my face as I remembered the things he's going through. Being blind, losing his power, good parents going to the dark side. I just feel bad for him. Then, I got an idea. I walked over to the side of the bed. I put my finger on his forehead as I whispered the words. After I did that, I opened my eyes, smiled and stepped back to leave. "There you go." I whisper.

Kanan's P.O.V.

I was about to leave the hall when I felt another force sensitive  presence with Ezra in my room. I hurried to my room, but kept calm. I didn't want everyone to freak out. I open the door to see Ally standing by the bed, but she is see through. I walk in and stare in disbelief. "Ally..." I whisper. She looks at me and smiles sweetly. Her brown hair waved in the slight breezes from the window. "Ezra will wake up soon, and he will have a gift from me." She says and looks back down to Ezra. "What do you mean gift?" I ask. She chuckled at my response. She bent down and kissed Ezra's forehead as she started to fade away into a bunch of little balls of lights. "Goodbye." She says and floated off in a swirl of lights, fading into the air. All of a sudden, I heard a cough from the bed. I glace over there to see a pair of gray eyes searching around. I walk over there to see the dim, gray eyes turn into the once again electric blue. Once they were blue, he quickly found my emerald eyes. Jumping up, he quickly ran into me with arms spread wide, hugging me. I hugged back. "Ezra..." I say, with tears of joy threatening to spill. "Kanan..." Ezra whispered as he started to cry. It then started to rain, wait, inside my bedroom!?! I separated from the hug and looked up in confusion. But then it hit me. I looked into Ezra's tearful eyes. They were blue! "Her gift," I murmur. Ezra wiped his eyes and looked at me in confusion. "What gift? Who's h-. Wait, Ally?" He asked. "Yeah, I think Ally gave your power back to you." I answer, trying to sound calm. But in my head, I was screaming out in relief and excitement. We both stood up off the ground. "So does this mean that we can go on with our lives normally?" Ezra asked as the rain cleared up. "As in normal, you mean our lives, I hope so. Let's go tell the crew." I say as we walked out together.

???????? P.O.V.

"Does he suspect anything my slave?" I ask the girl, that is kneeling down on one knee. "No sir. He will soon join us, now that his guard is down." She answers as my wife walked in. "Good. Can't wait for the reunion. Shall we?" My wife says wrapping her arm around my own as we walk out the door and into the kitchen for dinner.

A/n. And that's it guys! I will be making a sequel, but I need a name for it. And so sorry for not updating for so long. Schools starting soon, so had to get ready. But fine me some ideas for book names.

Specter 7 out, PEACE!

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