In Love on the Quidditch Pitc...

Av honeybeahufflepuff

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Melody Peterson is just a normal girl who goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She's not popul... Mer

Chapter 1: Same Old Routine
Chapter 2: He's in Gryffindor?!
Chapter 3: O.W.L.'s everywhere
Chapter 4: Falling
Chapter 5: Creating More Problems
Chapter 6: Hufflepuff? Or Ravenclaw? GRYFFINDOR!
Chapter 7: Just your typical Halloween
Chapter 8: First Quidditch Game
Chapter 10: Melody Breaks
Chapter 11: It's named Forbidden for a Reason
Chapter 12: Just a Blah Day
Chapter 13: Marcus the Sneak
Chapter 14: Fluffy
Chapter 15: Test Monkeys
Chapter 16: Love is in the Air
Chapter 17: Dresses, Dresses everywhere
Chapter 18: Christmas Ball Part One
Chapter 19: Christmas Ball Part Two
Chapter 20: Heartbreaks and Pepper Imps
Chapter 21: The Ride Back Home
Chapter 22: Troubles at Home
Chapter 23: Christmas Morning Disaster
Chapter 24: Hospital Shenanigans
Chapter 25: Secrets
Chapter 26: Sour to Sweet
Chapter 27: New Challenges are Coming
Chapter 28: True Feelings
Chapter 29: Heartbreak is Never Fun
Chapter 30: Deceived
Chapter 31: Secrets Revealed and Feelings Resolved

Chapter 9: The Truth Comes Out

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Av honeybeahufflepuff

Chapter 9: The Truth Comes Out

                “Just to let you all know,” said Professor McGonagall during Transfiguration class. “We will be having a Christmas Ball the day before Christmas Eve.” I sat up straight and looked to Liz and Lyza at the desk beside Alex and I. They both gave me smiles. Finally Hogwarts was having a dance! I looked at Alex with a smile. Her head was resting on the desk, her eyes were closed and there was a pile of drool by her mouth. She was up late last night writing a potions essay for Snape because she had talked back to him… again. I rolled my eyes and slapped her on the head.

                “E equals MC squared!” she yelled. Everybody in the class including Professor McGonagall gawked at her. She blushed and whipped the drool off the corner of her mouth. McGonagall continued teaching while the class giggled. Alex looked towards me.

                “First of all, we’re at a magical school. When the bloody hell will we need to know science?” I whispered to her as I put my quill into my ink bottle and crossed my arms. She shrugged her shoulders.

                “I can’t control my dreams. What did I miss?” She asked as she whipped her parchment from drool.

                “We’re having a Christmas Ball!” I said excitedly. Alex perked up.

                “Do you think-”

                “Girls!” yelled Professor McGonagall. We both sat up straight and turned to her. “I know that this ball is exciting but goodness, it’s not for another month! Now please, pay attention!” and with that she turned back around and continued to lecture the class. Alex and I both smiled at each other trying to hold in giggles. I didn’t know why, but whenever the two of us got in trouble together, we can’t be serious.


                “So, Alex fell asleep. Yet again.” Said Lyza as we walked to the Great Hall for lunch. Alex slapped Lyza upside the head.

                “Sorry somebody’s snoring kept me up all night!” Alex said.

                “Wasn’t me!” Liz said putting her arms up. I laughed and pushed Liz. Alex rolled her eyes at us. “No, I don’t know who’s snoring it was. But you’ve got to do something about it!” We all laughed and filed into the Great Hall. Most of Gryffindor house was already there. I saw Oliver and froze. I still haven’t told him about what Clara had done a few days ago. I saw Oliver turn and wave to us. He had a bandage over his head and his eye was still black and puffy. It hurt me to see him like that. The four of us walked up to the Gryffindor table. I sat next to Oliver and Liz, Lyza and Alex sat on the opposite side of the table. The four of us instantly took our plates and filled them with sandwiches and side dishes. Oliver laughed as he poured me some pumpkin juice. “Hungry?” he asked. I smiled and nodded.

                “How are you feeling?” I asked him as I took a bite of my sandwich. He shrugged his shoulders. “Alright I guess. Just a little sore. I’ll be able to get back on the pitch tomorrow!” He said excitedly. I giggled.

                “Oliver! Your eye is still throbbing!” Liz yelled.

                “And you still have to change your bandages!” Lyza yelled.

                “I don’t think you should go back onto the field just yet.” Alex said taking a sip of her pumpkin juice. Oliver shook his head. “I’m not gonna let one accident stop me.” I slapped him on the arm. Alex slammed her pumpkin juice down onto the table and gave Oliver a harsh look. Oliver’s eyes got big. “Alex I’m…” He started.

                “I’m not hungry anymore.” Alex said crossing her arms. I looked to Oliver and he looked from me to Alex. “Alex I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that.” Alex just stared at her sandwich with her arms crossed. Oliver let out a heavy breath. I rubbed his hand and mouthed ‘it’s okay’. I saw Liz, Lyza and Alex get the look of disgust on their faces. I then heard the click of heels. “Oh, Ollie!” we heard an annoying voice say. We all rolled our eyes as Oliver turned around. “I was so worried about you!” Clara yelled as she hugged him and kissed him passionately.  But Oliver then pushed her away. I couldn’t help but smile. Alex, Liz and Lyza were the same.

                “If you were so worried then why didn’t you come see me in the infirmary? Or, gee, I don’t know talk to me when I at least got out of the infirmary?” Clara stepped back and looked at Oliver shocked.

                “Ollie, I-”

Oliver put his hand up. “No. I don’t want to hear your dumb excuses anymore Clara. I think we should break up.” Clara stepped back farther.

                “Ollie no! What we have is special! You know why I haven’t been talking to you for the past few days? I figured you wanted to spend some time with your best friend!” Clara said pointing to me. All of our mouths dropped. I looked at Alex and her eyebrows turned in. I can’t believe Clara would make up an excuse like that! That… bitch!

                “Really?” Oliver asked as his face softened. Clara nodded. My fists clenched. “You… bitch!” I yelled. Everybody at Gryffindor table turned towards me with the look of shock. I blushed and turned my head. “Mel! Clara was doing something nice! Why would you-”

                “You’re blind Oliver…” I said my head still turned away. Oliver sighed.

                “I really was trying to be nice.” Clara said in a baby voice as she sat on his lap. Oliver brushed her dark hair off her shoulder. “I think it was a nice gesture.” He said leaning in.

                “Clara’s cheating on you.” Alex said. I sat up and stared blankly at Alex. I can’t believe she said that! It got awkwardly quiet as everyone stared at her. Oliver’s face turned red and his eyebrows turned in.

                “What?” He said through his clenched teeth. Liz and Lyza’s mouths were opened wider than before. Clara stood up and pointed her finger at Alex.

                “She lying!” she squealed. Alex opened her mouth at Clara as the word ‘twat’ formed on her lips. “Ollie, I would never cheat on you! Can’t you see? They’re all jealous!” Oliver looked from me to Alex then Liz then Lyza. “They are just jealous that you finally have a girlfriend and can’t have you all to their selves! Especially her!” she said as she now pointed her bony finger at me. I felt my face burn up.

                “Clara, you’re the one who wants Oliver all to yourself you selfish bitch, twat, slut, hag… anything else I’m missing?” Alex said as she stood up in her chair. Everybody was now looking towards us. I felt tears forming in my eyes. My face was probably as red as a tomato by now.

                “I don’t wanna hear it Alex!” Oliver yelled. We all stared at him in shock. Clara had a small smirk on her face. Oliver stood up. “Clara’s told me all the things that you have said to her… and I just forgave you because of all the things that have happened.” I felt tears fall down my face. I buried my eyes into my hands. “But I don’t think I can take-”

                “You’re gonna believe her over us? Your best friends?” Alex yelled interrupting him. I looked up at him and he shrugged at Alex. Clara was staring at me with her evil eyes. I quickly stood up. Oliver looked at me and his eyes sank. I had tears streaming down my face. I took in a breath. “I can’t- believe you-” I said in between cries.

                “Melody… it’s just this thing with Clara has gone too far.” Oliver said putting his hand on my arm. I pulled away and slapped him hard in the face. I was shocked at what I had done. So was everybody else around us. Oliver opened his eyes and touched his red cheek. I pointed my finger at him. “Please don’t talk to me ever again. I don’t want to be around a person who believes a lying slut over his best friends.” And with that, I ran out of the Great Hall with tears going faster and faster down my face.

                ~Oliver’s Point of View~

                I reached my hand out to Melody but it was too late. She was already out of the Great Hall. I sighed heavily. I can’t believe this is happening. Why would they go this far to get rid of Clara? I turned toward her and put my arm around her. I saw Alex, Liz and Lyza across the table all breathing heavily. Liz and Lyza gave us one last dirty look before filing out. Alex stared at me as she took a butter knife and jammed in into the table before she stomped away too. I closed my eyes and pressed my finger on my temples.

                “Ollie it’s gonna be okay, I promise.” Clara said as she rubbed against me. I pulled away from her. “I need to be alone.” I said before walking out myself.


                As I walked through the halls I heard the faint yells of the girls calling Melody. My protectiveness for Melody came faster than you can say quidditch. I tried to shoo it away, considering the things her and her clan has done to Clara. But I just can’t imagine Melody doing something like that. Calling Clara a bitch and cornering her in the common room. I didn’t know who to trust anymore. I rubbed my cheek. Melody had hit me pretty hard.  I walked outside and down the hill to the lake. I saw a small figure with gold hair standing about a quarter into the water. I started to run down. It was Melody. What the bloody hell was she thinking of doing? As I got closer to her I saw her wiping her face. She must still be crying. I ran faster and faster. I was about ¾’s of the way there when I bumped into something face first. I plummeted to the ground. What the bloody hell? I thought as I rubbed my head and stood up. There was nothing in front of me. I reached out in front of me and found that Mel had put a barrier around where she was. How in the hell did she do that?

                “Melody!” I screamed. No answer. I then realized that I didn’t hear the strong waves of the lake. She must have soundproofed it. I slowly turned around and walked back up the hill. I needed these feelings for Melody to go away. I didn’t know what they were, but I liked Clara. A lot. But something about Melody keeps on pulling me to her. I then tripped and fell over again. It was somebody’s feet.

                “Sorry mate,” I said as I got up and saw a couple sitting under a tree snogging. My mouth fell open wide when I saw who it was. Clara. And some random kid in Ravenclaw. I felt my blood boil and I got a migraine. I cleared my throat. They continued snogging. I coughed louder. They pulled apart and Clara’s hazel eyes got big. “Oh, Ollie!” She yelled getting out of this guy’s arms and holding onto mine. “He just threw himself at me! I couldn’t stop him! He wouldn’t let go!”

                I rolled my eyes and pushed her off me. “That’s not what it looks like.” I said walking back up to the school.

                “Oliver!” she yelled. I ignored her. “Oliver Wood you get back here!” she yelled louder and angrier. I shook my head and kept on walking. “Fine! Go back to those losers you call friends!” I then pulled out my wand and shot it in her direction. I then heard her puke.

                “Oh, gross! A slug!” the boy yelled.

                “Oliver Wood!” she said then she threw up another slug. I smiled. I finally got that spell down. Thanks to Melody.

                “Nobody calls my friends losers.”

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