Absolute Contamination

By vicky_nfs

316K 5K 1.3K

Ever thought about what you would do when the world around you was no longer the safe place you thought it to... More

1/ Heartfelt Goodbye
2/ Living the Nightmare
3/ Broken Promises
4/ The Screams
5/ Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad
6/ Safe But Sorry
7/ Road Block
8/ A Little Miracle
9/ The Shortcut
10/ Parting Ways
11/ A Close Call
12/ An End Has A Start
13/ The Painful Truth
14/ Walking Disaster
15/ Lie To Me
16/ Final Destination

Thank You Note

10.7K 239 152
By vicky_nfs

It's amazing just how many people here on Wattpad enjoy Absolute Contamination, especially since it's the first book I ever finished. I am working (ever so slowly) on getting this story ready to publish, but I also have to keep up with uni. So, even when I'm not supposed to, I still read every single comment --  even though I don't always reply (but I wish I could.)

Despite the fact that I had no idea how to start this thank you note, I think a well meant “THANK YOU!” fits perfectly.

I’ve tried my best to dedicate chapters to the people who have been extremely supportive by commenting, asking when I’d upload the next chapter, point out mistakes, etc… Unfortunately though, Absolute Contamination doesn’t have nearly enough chapters to dedicate -- Too many people, too little chapters. 

Therefore, a big thank you to the following people:  even though I didn’t manage to dedicate a chapter to each and every single one of you, you definitely deserve a proper thank you!

-  Wattpad and The Gatekeepers Post for organizing the Gatekeepers Contest. If it hadn’t been for this contest, Absolute Contamination wouldn’t have been finished until November. I don’t know about you, but if I have to choose between multiple uploads a month or only one upload every other month, I definitely wouldn’t go for the latter.

-  Emmiie for being extremely supportive and motivating throughout the writing of this book, as well as all my other works in progress.

-  Leigh19 for being a great friend!

-  Everyone who commented, whether it was on every single chapter, no more than one or even as a (private) message… Believe me when I tell you that your comment made my day.

-  Everyone who voted, became a fan and/or added this story to their library.

-  But not to be forgotten, all those silent readers as well. Even though I have no idea who you are, I’m still happy that you liked this story enough to read it.

-  Special thanks to ClearAsMud94 for editing some of the chapters on such short notice, it really helped a lot!

-  Worth being mentioned as well are both AuthorRLynn and DistantDreamer - Together with emmiie, we seemed to have formed our own little crazy random support group while trying to make these crazy deadlines of the Gatekeepers contest.

I know the story could definitely do with some extra work, there are still some details that need to be worked out, but it would be very helpful to hear your final thoughts as well. Just be as honest as you’d like, even if you didn’t like the story.  So, I have a couple of questions that you could answer as a comment below, a private message or even email to me at vicky_nfs@hotmail.com [This is entirely optional!]

 1. Is the ending strong enough? Ever since the beginning of the story, I had the idea of ending the   story with a bang (pun intended) but now that I’ve actually written the entire story, I don’t know  if I managed to write it in such a way that you think: “this ending is plain right horrible, but I love it at the same time”

 2. Are there any parts in the story that you found boring?

3. Did you notice any inconsistencies or things that didn’t make sense?

4. Are there any parts in the story that you would’ve wanted to be longer or things that you would’ve loved to read more of?

5. Are there any events that seemed too convenient? (as in: character was just too lucky for it to seem ‘real’)

6. What did you like the most?

7. What would you like to see changed in the story?

8. If this book ever got published, would you buy it?

9. Anything else you’d like to let me know?

I hope that Absolute Contamination will ‘haunt’ your thoughts every once and a while, because that would be truly amazing – for me as the author of the story, that is. I truly enjoyed writing Keara’s journey and seeing as this whole story was based on a dream I had a couple of months ago, I guess the saying is true: Dreams really can come alive - even if it’s only in a fictional world.

Thanks again for all your support!


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