Like Me

By Avid_Reader890

144K 3.4K 2K

Book One: Water *completed* One hundred years ago, the war started. A war between the four elements and it'... More

Waking Up
Skeletons in the closet-literally
Two of a kind
Activated Avatar
Acting Koi
Mystery Man (Teaser)
Spirited Away (Part 1)
Spirited Away (Part 2)
Forgotten Flames
High Risk Traders (1)
High Risk Traders (2)
High Risk Trader (3)
Ask Them
The Waterbending Disaster
Like Me

Crazy Kings and Mad Geniuses

5.5K 165 115
By Avid_Reader890

A/N~ sorry if I didn't reply to comments on last chapter. Wattpad is being buggy and not letting me look at it...
Growing Up~ Mackelmore

  I woke up with a gasp, drenched in sweat. I sat up clutching my beating heart. I looked over at everybody else and my eyes drank in the scenery. This place looked familiar...had I been here before? My eyes widened when I realized where we were.

"Omashu..." I breathed.

  It still looked the same as when I had been there before a hundred years ago with Aang. I smiled at the memories of our old friend Bumi. He was always coming up with the most twisted and beautiful ways of seeing the world. And his snorts were almost funnier than his jokes.

  I had been laying on Appa again, so I airbended off and walked over to the group. Aang was showing them the outside of the city. "We don't have cities like these in the south pole." Katara said, awed.

  Sokka's eyes widened. "You have buildings here that don't melt." He squeaked in a disbelieving tone.

  There was a great big wall around the city, made of thick strong stone. Guarding the wall were two Earth-Kingdom soldiers. They looked mean. I stood on tiptoes, trying to see more of the inside from our little hill we were on. It almost looked like a bunch of pyramids on the inside.

  I laughed and tapped Aang on the shoulder with my staff. "The real fun is inside the city!" I grabbed Aang's hand and Airbended down the sloping hill towards the great city of Omashu.

  "Wait guys! We'll need some disguises if we don't want people to know about the Avatar yet. We have no idea what fire nation spies could be here." Katara reasoned. I smacked my lips together in frustration. We couldn't go anywhere without disguises. Another downside to this whole Avatar thing.

  Ten minutes later and we actually had on decent disguises. Aang was wearing some fur from Appa like a mustache and hair, and I was wearing a cute Earth Kingdom outfit that I picked up from a traveling merchant. I giggled when Aang sneezed for the twentieth time. He was itchy and I was comfortable. A win-win situation if you ask me.

  All of us, except Appa, with our disguises ready, we walked up to the giant gates. "Don't worry guys, me and Kaori have been here before, the people here are the nicest!"

Aang smiled brightly as I stared at a cabbage cart being bended off the mountainside. "My cabbages!" The old man screamed. Poor guy. I got a strange sense of dejavu as if this had happened before, but I brushed it off as paranoia.

  I took a deep breath and began walking towards the guards. "Hello, I want to get in the city." I crossed my hands in front of me innocently. Wow get the point why don't you.

  One of the guards stepped closer and bended a huge rock above my head. "State your business with our city. And do it before my hand get tired." He said threateningly. I gulped and opened my mouth.

  I was saved by Aang rushing up to them, using airbending tho make him go faster. "What we do is our business, not yours, ya hear? The name's Pipendipelopucis the third. These are my grandchildren and niece. You'll let us in or I'll take you over my knee and smack some sense into you!"

  The guard stepped back, frightened. "Okay, okay, calm down old timer. We didn't mean any disrespect. You can go in. Just stay out of trouble."

  We started walking towards the wall, which was being bended apart by the guards.

  "Wait!" A guard cried out. Everybody froze, waiting to be discovered. "Young man, carry your grandfather's bag for him." We all visibly relaxed.

  "Ya, why don't you carry my bag for an old man like me." Aang laughed at a disgruntled Sokka, throwing him the bag he was carrying, full of our clothes and supplies.

  "And missy," the guard said turning to me, "keep your friends out of trouble." I nodded eagerly and we practically ran through the gates into the city beyond.

  It had been three long hours since we had entered the city, and I was bored out of my mind. Aang had taken me here a couple times with him when he went to visit friends. But you could only sneak out so much before either getting caught or snitched on.

  The monks had told me I couldn't go anywhere anymore. Well, other than the temple of course. But since they hadn't found Aang, he had done a little more traveling then me.

  Right now Aang was showing the water-tribe siblings the delivery system.

Otherwise known as the biggest super slide in all the nation's combined. I decided to wander the town instead. Going on that thing always made me sick.

  I told them I wood be going shopping for a little while and Aang could just call for me when he was done. I reached into my bag tied to my waist, and found five gold pieces, ten silver pieces, and twenty-five copper pieces. I could buy a whole day of fun and food, and still have enough for three more people.

  I told them goodbye, hugged my brother, and started to walk to the market.

  My eyes widened in disbelief. They had everything here, from warm tea to Earthbender clothes. I passed the booths filled with bright objects and colours, each one more extravagant than the last.

  I finally stopped at a clothing booth.

  Inside was many different styles of Earthbending clothes. I held up a fabric to my face, so soft, that it felt like a fluffy cloud. Then I turned and saw the most beautiful dress. I rushed over to it too inspect it. It was lightweight, durable, and the fabric was sturdy, yet sophisticated.

  I turned behind me to a woman at the counter. "How much for this dress?" I grabbed at the lush fabric. The woman pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, looking me up and down. My giddiness at finding the outfit dimmed.

  "That dress costs a lot of money little girl," she snapped, "Get your grubby hands off it!" I quickly snatched my hands back and held them against my chest.

  The woman sniffed and put her head up higher. "A dirty street urchin like you shouldn't be allowed in here." My eyes started to burn. I wasn't a street kid!

  "I have the money. I'm not poor." I defended. The woman raised her eyebrows. I huffed. "How much is it?"

  "Six silver pieces." The old woman said snottily. Reaching into my bag, I pulled out the money. "Here." I walked over and slammed the money down on the counter before grabbing the dress and leaving.

  On my way out I heard the faint cry of 'My cabbages!' It was probably some stupid vendor so I kept walking. Are all people this mean? I was fuming mad and paid no attention to where I was going.

  I bumped into somebody and ended up falling on my butt. I held the dress up in the air, preventing it from getting dirty.

   I looked up, surprised to see a boy grinning down at me. He looked to be about sixteen. But what surprised me were the multiple cuts all along his face. Like somebody had taken a knife and went crazy.

  "I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." Even though I was mad, I still had manners and decent respect. The boy grinned.

  "What's a little thing like you doing out here? You could run into some bad people." He snapped his fingers and a couple more boys appeared.

  "Lucky we're here to save you, or you would be in trouble." The boys advanced, and I stood up, brushing off my skirts. "We just want a little payment is all. You know, for helping ya out. Just stay quiet and it'll be over soon."

  The boys opened their hands and little jagged rocks appeared. The leader has fire daggers in his. Firebender.

  My mind squeaked. I turned and began running away. The boys chased after me, firing sharp objects. The rocks tore at my clothes, and bit into my skin. I turned a corner and came up to a wall. The gang of boys rounded the corner and stopped. I was trapped.

  I put the dress in my bigger pack and readied my hands. The earthbenders threw bigger rocks and I dodged as best as I could, but four rocks cut me deep in my stomach. I gathered so ball of air and knocked one of the two back into a wall. He didn't get back up.

  The leader ran towards me and stabbed at me. I kicked his hand, but the fire burnt my leg deeply. I cried out in pain. I closed my eyes in pain and thrust my hands out at the boy.

   A power coursed through my veins and I felt invincible. A second later I heard his screams. I opened my eyes to see him ruling around on fire. Why would he set himself on fire? I took my chance to run away.

  I ran further and further until I stumbled upon a garden. I was sure I had lost the last earthbender. There was cherry blossom trees everywhere, and a little pond in the middle.

  Pink petals littered the ground, and the smell of Jasmine was strong in the air. It was like this place was from a fairytale.

  I limped over to the pond and sat down on a flat rock. Tears gathered in my eyes and streamed down my face. I just wanted to go home. Back to the temple. I looked at my rejection in the water through my tears and flinched. I did look like a street kid.

  Why was I even here? The avatar could do this by himself just fine, he didn't need me. I was just a tag-along. Ya, being one of the last airbenders, but...I had no purpose.

Who was I? Just the avatar's sibling who couldn't do anything right. Just a stupid goofball who goofed it up. I didn't deserve Aang.

  I looked into the water, at the dirt on my clothes, and the cuts on my face and snapped. I peeled off my worn dress and jumped into the pond. I surfaced and took a deep breath before going back under. I felt at peace. I released all of the air in my body and went limp.

  I closed my eyes. I was at peace. All of my troubles drifted away like the tiny air bubbles escaping up. A faint glow made my eyes snap open. I was glowing.

Everywhere. I quickly surfaced, choking on a little water. I lifted my hand to pull myself on land then I stopped.

  My arm was completely healed. I looked at the water. Sure enough, my face was spotless and shining with an internal glow. Questions bounded around my head aimlessly until all of a sudden it clicked. Strong waterbenders can use the water to heal themselves or others.

Monk Gyatso had told me during one of our lessons. I looked around. The last time I checked I was the only one here. So that meant...I could bend water. I was a waterbender.

  I got out of the water and stood there in shock. Either I was going to throw up out faint. Maybe both. If I could bend two elements did that mean I could bend all four? I slumped to the ground and buried my head in my hands.

A little while later I heard footsteps. I stood up and called out shakily, "Who's there?" Nobody answered. My hands were in front of me, ready to attack. The bushes beside me rustled and out waddled a couple of turtle-ducks. I giggled slightly. Maybe I was a little on edge.

  I used airbending to dry my hair and clothes, then I put on my old dress. (I washed it in the pond) I already felt a hundred times better. While I was putting my hair up into buns I started to hum an old song I learned from the monks.

Leaves from the vine,
Falling so slow,
Like tiny fragile shells, drifting in the foam,
Little Airbender come flying home,
Brave Airbender, come flying home.

  I stopped humming and yawned. How late was it? Aang must be looking for me right now. I grabbed my coin purse and pack and put them on. I was nearly jumping up and down in excitement. Maybe me and Aang could learn bending together!

  I walked down the path,  admiring the trees, when a branch snapped behind me. I whirled around, only to find a baby turtle-duck looking at me with innocent eyes.

"Oh silly duck, you should be with your momma, not me." I picked it up and it squeaked in terror. "Don't be afraid." I cooed.

  I began singing some old Airbender songs to calm the baby and soon it was chirping happily. "Why were you following me?"

I asked it. That's when I saw a deep cut on its wing. It must've saw me heal myself and came to get help from me. Smart baby. I bended some water and healed it. It hopped off my hands and headed back to the pond.

  It was dark by the time I got back. No sign of them. Dawn was creeping up when I went to go to the palace. People had claimed to see my friends being taken away by the palace guards. So to the palace I would go.

I knocked on the palace doors, and when they didn't open I blew them open with my airbending. There were some shouts from inside, probably the guards. I airbended a cloud of dust up from the ground and flew up to the ceiling. I hung onto a beam on the ceiling and waited for the guards to leave.

  When I was sure I was safe I dropped onto the floor and ran to the main room. The throne room. Everybody was there, hugging and talking

. Why would Aang be hugging the man who kidnapped him?

  A pair of guards rushed in from another door and told the king somebody had broken in. Probably firenation, they said. Psh, me firenation? Please.

  Everybody got in their fighting stances. Aang held his staff out in front of him, Katara held her hands by her side, ready to bring the water out of her pouch if needed, Sokka held up his boomerang, and the king widened his stance. He must be an Earthbender.

  The Gang surrounded the king. "Don't worry Bumi, we'll protect you." Aang said. Bumi? He was already on first name basis with a king?

  "Oh Aang, I don't need protecting. Being a little crazy helps!" The king started laughing and snorting.

"Oh Bumi, your a mad genius!" Aang laughed. I froze.

"Bumi?" I whispered from the shadows. Water, rocks, and air were shot at me but I airbended them all back. I heard confused shouts. I quickly leaped back up to the ceiling. My old friend, Bumi, was king now? Funny thing about fate-it's unexpected and not really ever funny.

  I airbended myself at the king, Bumi, and stopped right in front of him. The old king was instantly relaxed as he put a hand to his wild beard. He looked like a wrinkly version of my old friend. Cray hair sticking everywhere, and eyes that held childish wonder.

  My friends and brother however were shocked into silence. "Bumi?" I asked quietly-no, hopefully. He slowly nodded. "Hello there Kaori."

  I started squealing like the little girl I was. I jumped into his arms. My old friend had survived!

  My new ones however had finally recovered from the shock. "You're the firenation intruder?" Sokka asked. I smiled and nodded. He put his face in his hands.

"You broke into the palace?!" Katara squeaked. "Is there anything else we should know about you while we're here?" She sarcastically asked.

  "Well now that you mention it yes. I discovered I can waterbend." Everyone was still for five seconds before they all group hugged me. It didn't matter if I wasn't at the temple anymore. I was home.
??? POV
  I watched the girl walk away as I watched from behind the cover of the trees. I had seen her come to the pond and jump in. I saw a glow and went to get a closer look, but she had heard me. Lucky those turtle-ducks had distracted her.

  She was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever laid eyes on. Long flowing brown hair, Crystal grey eyes, and mysterious. If there was anything better than solving a mystery, I didn't know I'd it yet.

  I saw her bend water to heal herself, but also air to dry herself. Was she the Avatar? I had to get a closer look. I used my bending, a type nobody else had. Ha, she may want to live in secret, but I was coming for her-whether she liked it or not.

So, how you like? Took me a while sorry! Plz don't burn me in boiling oil...
Anyways how do you like the mystery man at the end??? Suspense! And Kaori can bend two elements?! Oh M Gee guys! Can't wait for u to see the next chappter! :3    
Comment, I love to see 'em!!! Until next time my lovelies.

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