The Misadventures of Secret A...

By Sock_Monkey_Dream

378 14 2


The Misadventures of Secret Agent Skit

378 14 2
By Sock_Monkey_Dream

I don't own any of these characters! It's for a competition for EternalZephyr's story, Skittles and Science.


I was sitting on the couch in my living room, watching TV and eating skittles. This day was special. It was Saturday. Without having to get up to go to school, I’d slept in, woken up, and started to eat skittles after turning the TV on. But I wasn’t focusing on the program. My mind was pulled elsewhere, specifically, to a certain tutor for chemistry of mine.

            As the clock ticked on, I soon found that I had run out of skittles.

            “No! Why are the skittles always gone?!” I shouted, falling to my knees and looking up at the sky.

            My parents weren’t home to drive me, and my brother was out. I was left to fend for myself.

            So, I did what any semi-normal girl would do. I went upstairs and got changed into spy clothes, to treat it as though it were a mission.

            “Agent Skit reporting for duty!” I told the image in the mirror.

            “This is weird. Why am I talking to myself? Geez…I have to get out more.” I mumbled to myself. I debated on calling Ferra to have her come over to talk to, so I didn’t feel like I was going crazier than I already did. I could picture her now.

            “Reyna, you’re going crazy….Crazy for a certain chemistry tutor!”  

            I smiled at my vision. She would say that, too. “I should call her soon. Gah! Why can’t I stop talking to myself!”

            After I was done with the argument I was having with myself, I pulled my hair into a ponytail and left the house. It was a pretty nice day, slightly-okay, extremely-overcast, but warm. I started humming the James Bond theme song, and decided it would be interesting to pretend to be a secret agent spy person.

            I pressed myself up against a building, as I saw someone who was turning the corner. It was an old lady, walking her dog and carrying groceries. She looked at me and smiled.

            “Hello, dear! Such nice weather we’re having!” She smiled.

            “Yeah! It’s really great! Nice and warm. Would you like some help with your groceries?” I asked, gesturing towards the bags she was holding.

            “Why, yes! Thank you! You can call me Mrs. Black.” Her last name was the same as Wesley’s… Hmm.

            “Okay! My name’s Reyna.” I grinned. We started walking and talking. She told me about her family, hobbies, and her friends. We reached her house, which wasn’t too far away from the corner store I was planning to go to for skittles. I helped her put her groceries away, and after petting her dog, I left the house and started running towards the corner store.  I would have to be fast if I wanted to get back for the next program of the show. In, grab the skittles, check out, home. That’s all I’d have to do. I continued running for a few minutes before the store was in view. I started picking up speed, and I didn’t even notice the person who had appeared in front of me, wearing a white lab coat, bending down to pick up something.

            Smack! I ran into him. And it just so happened that his face was placed just so, so that our lips were level to each other. And, just like that, I’d kissed him. Or he kissed me. It’s kind of difficult to say who kissed who.

            Of course, we both didn’t realize it until we’d opened our eyes. At that point, my eyes widened with realization, and he just looked confused. After a few moments in our disoriented state, we jumped back, mirroring one another.

            “Ah…Hi…Uh…’Sup?” Wesley stammered.

            “I, uh, I was just, uh…Skittles. I was going to go get skittles.” I explained, my cheeks brightening.

            “Oh. You probably shouldn’t eat so many.” Wesley smiled.

            “Yeah, yeah, yeah. What’s up with you?”

            “I was on my way to visit my grandmother’s house. She doesn’t live that far from here.”

            And that was all I’d needed to put two and two together. Mrs. Black had mentioned a grandson coming to visit, and I’d been a bit curious to see if Wesley was her grandson or not.

            “Mrs. Black? She’s a nice lady.” I said, trying to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation. It didn’t help. At all. In fact, I think it made it even more awkward.

You kissed him. Well, he kissed you. Kind of. Does it even count? WAIT! Why am I even thinking this? I shouldn’t be thinking this! He’s my TUTOR! Argh! Why does his hair have to look so soft? I wonder if it-GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF REYNA! I mentally slapped myself. Twice. Why does he have to be so attractive?  No, wait, three times.

            “Hello? Reyna? Did you overdose on skittles or something?” Wesley asked, waving a hand in front of my eyes.

            “Um, no. I-uh-I…I’msorryforrunningintoyou!” I rambled the apology out as fast as I could.

            Wesley’s face flushed. “It-it’s fine.” Was that a hint of sadness in his voice?

            I started to do that awkward laugh thing that most people do when they’re in an awkward situation. “Heh. Heh…yeah…”

            Way to go, Reyna. Even my subconscious was laughing at me!

A long awkward pause set in.

            “Well, have fun at your grandma’s then, yeah?” I said, punching his arm like the awkward turtle I had recently become. And, just to make it even more awkward, I kind of grabbed him and kissed him on the lips again. I mentally face palmed.

Way to be Reyna. WAY TO BE! Thank you, sarcastic part of my brain.

            And then I ran away-the opposite direction from the store, I might add. I ran, all of the way back to my house.

I guess you’ve reached my pity party. How I was sitting on the couch deprived of skittles and wondering how on earth I was going to be able to face him again. Looking back, I now realize that maybe if I’d stayed a bit longer, I would’ve seen the smile (and blush) that spread across his face afterwards. Maybe I would’ve heard him laugh, and walk towards his grandmother’s house. If I’d followed him there, I would’ve heard his grandmother telling him about the lovely girl named Reyna, who’d helped her with her groceries a little bit ago, and how she was pretty, along with all of his grandmother’s hints that he should go out with her.

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