Dream Girls: Piper

נכתב על ידי CarrieThomasAuthor

259 13 8

Dream Girls: Piper Smashwords: http://bit.ly/1KkFjY5 Amazon: http://amzn.to/1lM9q1q Barnes and Noble: http:... עוד

Dream Girls: Piper Chapter 1
Dream Girls: Piper Chapter 2
Dream Girls: Piper Chapter 3
Dream Girls: Piper Chapter 4
Dream Girls: Piper Chapter 5

Dream Girls: Piper Chapter 6

25 1 0
נכתב על ידי CarrieThomasAuthor


"Why am I so nervous?" I asked, freaking out. My palms were sweating. "This isn't freaking funny. I think Moye is just, I don't know, different."

"Pipe, calm down. He is different, but I personally think it's a good thing. You need to step outside your box." Steph smiled.

"This coming from the freaking prom queen," I huffed. I had no idea where that had come from. The tongue lashing could only be explained by my freak out.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Seriously? You are the only one out of all three of us who's even been on a date since we've been here. Guys flock to you. No offense, Nic," I added, remembering she could hear me too.

"None taken."

"What are you talking about?" Stephanie asked. "You've gone to a couple of places with Sean. Don't think I haven't noticed, and spare me with the dramatic prom queen excuse."

"What?" Nicole looked flabbergasted. "You went out with Sean? The cook at work? I thought you were just considering it."

"We hooked up a couple of times. That's it." I argued.

"How do you do that, Pipe? Have sex, but not date?" Nicole questioned.

Bless her, she just didn't get it.

"Nic, it's simple. He's hot. He thinks I'm hot. I know he won't commit, he knows I won't, and we both want to get laid."

"You're so crude. I just don't get it. At what point did you become so jaded?"

"It probably started at birth, when my dick of a dad made a young impressionable fifteen- year-old-girl believe he could love her forever, until she got knocked up—then, forever ended up being two weeks."

"Smartass." Steph grinned.

"I still believe in the fairy tale," Nic said.

"You do that, Nic. Your Edward Cullen is out there somewhere." I laughed.

"You're such are a smartass!"

"Ooh, Nic cussed!" Steph and I snickered. Before we could badger her anymore, the doorbell rang.

"He's here. How do I look?"

"Beautiful." Nic grinned.

"Gorgeous," Steph added.


I decided on a green strapless baby-doll dress with a gold belt to cinch my waist. I left my ears bare and wore a very small pendant necklace. It was the only jewelry I owned that was actually real. My hair was pulled into a low slung side-ponytail. I didn't want to be too casual because I didn't know what we were doing or where we were going.

I opened the door to a smiling Moye. He seemed happy all the time. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you."

I took the time to really look him over. I started at his black boots and worked my way to up his Wranglers, which, were distressed in all the right places. The knees looked worn out, and the pockets on them were faded a little lighter than the rest. I didn't want to be staring at his crotch, but I noticed it was quite worn there as well. These jeans were definitely not your average dad jeans. His black and white plaid shirt was only tucked in the front, just enough to barely see his belt buckle. He had his sleeves rolled up to his elbow, which let me examine his strong, tan forearms.

I looked up to his face and was met with the most amazing blue eyes. His eyes looked like one of my favorite post cards. It was one Stephanie had sent me when she and her parents went to the Virgin Islands. The water was a perfect blue-green that looked so inviting.

His black cowboy hat hid his hair, but I could see the longer pieces, the pieces that curled just beneath. That figured to be a lethal combination in my book... black curls that I could run my fingers through, blue eyes, and over six feet of muscled perfection.

"Are you ready? I hope you don't mind. I made dinner reservations, and then, I thought we could catch a movie." He interrupted my staring and I blinked up to meet his blue gaze.

So this was a real date. I'd just figured we would go back to his place or a bar. "Yeah, sounds awesome. I'm hungry, so that's perfect."

"Great, I'm just parked out front."

He led me to his truck. There was no way I was going to be able to get up into the thing without help. I'd never dated anyone who drove something so manly. It turned me on a little bit.

Opening the door, he took my hand, leading me up into the vehicle. "Up you go. Watch your step."

I giggled. "This thing is huge. Is this your way of getting the girls to let you touch them, by helping them in?"

"No, I need a rig like this for the ranch."

"I was just kidding. Chill." I laughed.

"I know you were joking. I was just letting you know that I really use this thing every day."

"So what do you ranch?"


"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, I love it. Our ranch has been in my family for over a hundred years, so it means a lot to me. We have just over three thousand acres."

"Wow. That's impressive."

"It's decent."

"Do you live on the ranch?" He chuckled at my question. I guess I was showing my nonexistent knowledge of ranching.

"Yes, I built my own house last year, and my folks live in the main house. We have three bunk houses for the ranch hands to live in."

"You built your own house?"

He nodded. "Corey and I designed it, and he helped me with construction. It took a little longer than planned, but we did almost all of the work ourselves."

"That's awesome. I'm not very good at building stuff, but I can draw a little bit." I laughed.

"I'm no artist, but I can get by with structures. So, what are you going to college for?"

"I'm a business major."

"You can do almost anything with a business degree now-a-days."

"Did you go to school?"

"I did. I just graduated last May."


"Ag Business," he said. "It helps that I own my own ranch already."

"I bet it does."

His facial expression turned more serious. "My dad is getting older and wants to retire soon, so I'll be taking over before too long. I love it, but it's a lot of work."

"I'm sorry. I don't know anything about ranching. I've never even been on a freaking horse."

He looked sideways at me, taking his eyes off the road. "Never?"

I shook my head in confirmation.

"We'll have to change that, maybe our next date, if you'll have me?" I had to laugh at how he asked.

"We'll see how this one goes, cowboy. I will give you a heads up though. I'm terrified of horses. I'm not familiar with them, and I'm afraid they'll buck me off, or worse, trample me."

"I'll help you. There's nothing to be scared of if you treat them right." He reached across the bench seat and grabbed my hand. I had never gone out with someone so confident. Not in the cocky way. I'd definitely gone out with those types of guys. His was more about himself. He was okay with who he was and that was attractive. I smiled, looking down at our intertwined fingers.

"I hope you like Italian," he said, changing the subject.

"I'll eat anything, except Burger King. I'm not really a picky eater." I didn't tell him that was because I really couldn't afford to be. When your mom is only fifteen years older than you, you learn to deal with whatever is on sale that week. Therefore, I had no problem with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Ramen noodles.

"Good. I'm not picky either."

Pulling up to the restaurant, I suddenly felt underdressed. Helping me out of the truck, he took my hand and led me up to the hostess. It was really nice and I felt out of place, but I didn't want to say anything. Moye didn't seem uncomfortable at all. This was one situation I had never been in. I could obviously tell he came from money. It wasn't that I had a problem being friends with anyone who had money. I mean, Steph was one of my best friends, but I'd never had anyone spend money on me. I tried to hide my uneasiness and just went with the flow.

Moye was really easy to talk to. I guess I judged him too quickly. Even though we were total opposites, he had a great personality, and I loved the way he looked at me. Every time I spoke, it was like he was trying to guess my next sentence. I had never felt so interesting before, like what I said really mattered.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked, taking a bite of my dinner.

"I apologize. I've just never seen anyone so beautiful. I can't help it."

"You're a charmer, huh?"

"I'm not trying to be. I'm serious. Everything about you...I just can't take my eyes off of you."

I blushed, actually blushed.

He had no pretenses, and that made me apprehensive. He was throwing me off my game. Players I could handle, I could be a bitch when needed. Now, I was up a creek without a paddle.

"I haven't figured you out yet."

"I'm not that complicated, Piper. You're beautiful, so I told you. What is your family like?" He quickly changed the subject like my uneasiness was uncalled for.

"My mom is pretty cool. She had me when she was really young, so we kind of grew up together." I answered immediately, but was a little self-conscious. People had always told me that I was hot or pretty, but no one other than my mom had ever said I was beautiful and actually meant it.

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, Devon. She's twelve."

"Me too. My sister, Maggie, is twelve as well."

The waitress came to take our plates away, and Moye convinced me to split a dessert. I was pretty full, but didn't want him to think I had a problem eating in front of guys. I hated how some women had given that label to all of us.

"Wow. This looks amazing," I said, as the waitress set the fudge brownie with vanilla ice cream down in front of us.

"Yeah, it does. So what about your dad? I haven't heard you talk about him," he said, taking a bite.

"That's because I've never met him. He didn't want anything to do with me or my mom, so..." I shrugged.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize."

"It's okay."

His facial expression surprised me. He acted like he really felt the pain of my not having a father. It was an odd reaction for someone who didn't know me. Maybe it wasn't that weird for a caring person.

He looked down at the half-eaten brownie platter, and back up to me. "I'm stuffed. Are you ready to catch that movie now?"

"Just as long as it's not a chick-flick, I'm not in the mood." I shrugged.

"Your choice. I don't care what we watch, as long as I can put my arm around you." He winked at me.

"Keep those compliments coming, and I can promise you more than that."

As we walked up to the theater, Moye once again grabbed my hand. He always took the lead. I was actually happy to let someone else lead me around for a change. I felt like he was taking care of me. It made me feel feminine and special.

"Scary or action?"

"Scary, so I can snuggle up to you." I smiled.

"Angel, you don't need a scary movie to do that."

Angel? I had never had anyone call me a pet name. Moye was starting to scare me a little, but only because I couldn't figure him out. He was too honest, too calm. There was no one that sweet without it being a facade. I was beginning to think that he was so simple, he was complex.

As we made our way into the theater, Moye held his arm out. "Go ahead, pick a seat."

"Here?" I asked about a seat in the back.

"Wherever you like, I'm good."

He was giving me way too much power. I laughed to myself. All throughout the movie, he had one arm around me and the other on his leg. He almost completely surrounded me, and I liked it. It was strange. I felt like I couldn't talk to him enough. He was very smart and articulate, and he always looked interested in what I was saying. He looked me directly in the eyes and smiled a lot. I could joke and flirt with the best of them, but be serious? I didn't know.

After the movie, Moye drove me home. We made small talk on the way, and nothing felt forced. Everything about him was comfortable and laid back. He didn't try too hard, and I loved that about him. He knew exactly who he was, and he was happy with it. I think that was more of a turn on than him actually being hot. I was even mesmerized by his driving. He did it so effortlessly. He drove with one large hand over the wheel and was in complete control of the truck. I would be a little nervous driving something that big. He pulled off the highway and into the parking lot of our apartment.

He got out and opened my door. "Piper, I had an amazing time tonight. You're everything I thought you'd be and more. Will I be able to see you again?"

"I had a great time, too. I'd love to see you again."

"Can I get your number? I'm busy at the ranch for the next couple of days, but I could give you a call when things slow down."

"Yeah, that'll work."

I took his phone and programmed my number into it. Beside my name, I put a winky face. When I handed it back to him, he stepped up to me. I noticed he didn't even look at the phone. He just took it from me and put it in his back pocket. His large hand framed one side of my face, and with his other hand he squeezed me to him. He felt absolutely amazing against me. I ran my hands up his strong chest and around his neck.

"I'm gonna kiss you now," he whispered before kissing me softly. His lips barely touched mine—at first. Then, he moved in and went deeper, and completely taking my breath away. He kissed me so slowly and seductively, I couldn't remember my name in the middle of it. It was so deep, like he was reaching inside of me to another level I didn't even know was there.

The feeling I had made me nervous because I was certain that I would have had all of the power over our physical relationship. I had a shit-ton of experience and was fairly confident he would be inferior to me in that department. I could go fast, slow, make it hot, or sweet. Pretty much for the last three years, I felt like I had perfected my craft where guys were concerned. I knew what they liked, and I took pride in that for some strange reason.

I knew from only one date with him that he didn't just sleep with whichever girl told him he could. He was picky and took his time choosing his women. He could not be any more different from me. I mean, I didn't just take the first piece of hotness who entered my sight, but I would guess that I had more to choose from. Guys were always down for no strings. He pulled back so slowly, I swear I heard him groan.

"Night, angel."

"Night." I watched him walk back to his truck, and when he jumped in, I actually sighed. His strength was overwhelming me.

I still wasn't sure how I'd made it inside. My whole body felt like Jell-O. My legs were total mush. I had never been kissed like that. You know when you hear people say they saw fireworks? I totally got it now. Confused thoughts flooded my brain. It felt as though I was floating, but there was a bit of my cynical personality freaking out because I was acting so giddy. It can't be this good, can it?

"Pipe, are you okay?" Nicole came out of the kitchen looking cute in her little red tank top and black boy shorts.

"She looks a little dazed. Did the cowboy kiss you, Pipe? Oh no, you didn't ruin it and sleep with him, did you?" Steph asked.

I grabbed some popcorn out of the bowl Steph was carrying. "Nope," I said, popping them into my mouth, "we just kissed."

"Good girl." Nic laughed.

"Oh yeah! You really like him! She really likes him, Nic!" Steph said, jumping on the couch with Nic.

"He's all right, I guess." That comment got two pillows thrown at my head. "Whatever. Y'all know I don't do well with these kinds of relationships. It probably won't last."

"It will if you don't screw it up, Pipe. Don't question it. Just go with it," Steph chided.

"Steph, you know that's not me."

"That's only because you've told yourself that for so long," Nic tried to convince me.

"I don't know."

"Just promise you won't sabotage it on purpose," she said.

I sighed. "I'll think about it. He's just different. I'm tired. I'll see y'all in the morning."

"Goodnight," they called back.

I knew I was going to bed early because I was punking out. I didn't want to talk about Moye with them. I was questioning everything I had been so sure I had figured out. I snuggled up in my bed, wishing Moye was there. Before I had time to push the thought away, my phone beeped.

Moye: I had a blast with you. You're perfect. Sweet dreams, angel.

He was so sweet, I was used to texts that said you rocked my world, or after a couple of weeks from not hearing from them, you busy tonight? I sent one back before thinking too much about it:

Me: Me too. You're so sweet and such a gentleman. Sweet dreams to you as well!

That was it... I needed to get laid. That's what my problem was. I just needed to either have sex with him or meet up with Sean one night after work. I fell asleep wishing it would be Moye instead.


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