The Mystery Kids

By SuparSammy

2.2K 69 42

The Mystery Kids is the giant crossover between (in my view) the coolest movies, tv show and game ever! (UPDA... More

Chapter 2 : Duel Identities
Chapter 3 : New Friends, Old Enemies

Chapter 1 : Welcome to Gravity Falls

1K 26 13
By SuparSammy

Welcome to my brand new Story! The Mystery Kids, I hope you guys like it, and I hope it's worth the long wait, I've been refining my art work & Writing skill for a while now, and I'm actually competing in a young writers competition! ^_^ Anyways I hope you like Chapter 1!

(Also, this first chapter is set AFTER the events of Paranorman, but BEFORE alot of the newer episodes of Gravity Falls, and Phantom Planet, the last two or so episodes of Danny Phantom)


Like every summer break from the school. The Babcock's were going on their usual Summer Vacation, to a mountain town to get peace and quiet from Blithe Hollow, which ever since the incident the town had been anything BUT quiet. Despite the town pretending nothing happened and everyone seemingly waving it off as a dream, there were still one or two people who came to the youngest Babcock, Norman, for a special sort of help

Not to fix the gutter, or wash their car. Or even babysit.  But to help with their own little...Ghost Problem.

Everybody in the town knew. Norman Babcock was anything but normal, even before their little crisis with Agatha, the witch as they all tended to call her, they all knew Norman was different, and for that, they were afraid of him, but instead of trying to understand, they acted on their fear and outcasted him, the kids teased him and the adults scolded him. 

It had all changed now, the kids still teased him, but it was usually about something other than ghosts. The adults scolded him, but now it was only about him making a fool of himself. They were still scared of him.

But then again, Norman subconsciously knew they had a right to fear him, he could see ghosts! He talked to them literally all the time, and found a hobby out of helping ghosts find peace and go spend the remainder of eternity in happiness. Was he even human?

Agatha defiantly thought he wasn't. However, Agatha, or Aggie as she nagged Norman to call her, had a different perspective on how Norman saw things, only due to them sharing the same power, but while Norman got teased constantly and occasionally beaten up, Aggie got murdered. There was no possible way someone could explain that to Norman to justify their actions. The zombies already tried, and it ended up with Norman screaming at them that they were wrong.

Despite that all happening nearly over a year ago now, his 'fight' with Aggie still remained clear on his mind, as did the zombies attacking him and Alvin, how Neil and him became friends throughout the whole thing and how the entire town finally listened to him... Like how Neil and him remained friends, Aggie did too, but unlike Neil, who hadn't gone with Norman to this mountain town, Aggie had. She was lonely, and Norman was going to be lonely, so they compromised.

The Babcock's, after all, weren't going to stay in some hotel, no, rather they were going to stay with some family members. Who were very, very high up in the social rankings of the town. The Northwest's, as they were known as, young Pacifica was only a year older than Norman, but dismissed Norman like you would a maid, to swoon over what Courtney (Norman's older sister) had done, who she had dumped and what new ways of styling her hair Courtney had came up with.

Norman sighed heavily, narrowing his icy blue eyes to flicker them over to his blonde haired sister, who was sat, listening to overly loud music on her iPod as she texted her best friend Mitch, who even though she found out he was gay, she still had a massive crush on. 

That was right...The only good part Norman could look forward too about this holiday, was the fact that another family of his relatives, were also going to be staying at the Northwest manor with them, on their own holiday. They weren't going to talk much, but Norman was defiantly looking forward to challenging one of his cousins to a zombie movie marathon and then bragging about how he got to see real zombies! 

His cousin's name, was Danny Fenton. 

He hadn't heard much about Danny over the years, and Norman had only seen him around christmas time, but he had grown to like Danny, after all, he was the only one who actually understood him, understood his powers and actually commented on 'how cool they were'. Well of course there was Neil, but Danny had liked his abilities before Neil even came into the scene. It was a strange concept to Norman, to be accepted, but he liked it. 

Amity Park, the city Danny came from, was strange too. It was almost barren of ghosts, and when Norman asked Sam, one of Danny's best friends, about it, she explained that they had a almost, superhero in the town protecting them, Danny Phantom. The name alone made Norman slightly giddy, there was a ghostly superhero out there?! A real one too?! 

Usually Norman wasn't one to show much emotion, but he couldn't help but grin at the thought of a superhero with GHOST powers. If only this Danny Phantom was in Blithe Hollow, that'd show everyone!

Smiling slightly now, as he stared out the window of the car, looking at a tall statue of a lumberjack, with a water tower behind it, with the words : GRAVITY FALLS, written on it, Norman nodded to himself, he was going to enjoy this holiday. No doubt about it.

The small yellow car they were in, drove through the town, Norman meeting eyes with some of the people in the town, who obviously looked quite confused at the sight of a new family in the town. But what Norman really cared about was the amount of ghosts he was seeing in the town! It was more than he'd ever witnessed before.

But what got shivers shooting down his spine, was what these ghosts were. The human ones had died in extremely brutal fashions, and the rest weren't even human, he saw gnomes, vampires, werewolves, zombies... Nearly every single supernatural or horror entity alive, was right here. In front of his very eyes. They were all looking straight at him too. Like they knew they could see him. 

Just...Just what if they could...?

To try casually pass it off as nothing, Norman glanced up at the sky, but still felt eyes on him. 

In defeat, he was about to turn to look back at the back of his father's seat, but stopped. There was something very...VERY odd about the sun. A blue aura was coming from it, and a silhouette of a black triangle was in it, this triangle having one eye, that was staring straight at him.

H̲͚e̗̫̖l̡̪l̛̙o̟͔̥͜ ̛̱̹̻͙͈l̪̟̻̦͓͙i̘̼̱t̻tl̩̯̣̥̩̭͞e̴̘̭ g̞̖͔͚͖̼̣h̛̭͓͍ͅo̴̪̻̖̖͙ͅs̟̺̲̝̱̭̙̕t̞̬̳̭̀

Despite trying to, Norman couldn't his eyes away; he felt his mind burn with some sort of demonic power. From the reflection in the car window, he could see his eyes glow a bright green and-- "Norman!"

Snapping out of it, the sky turned back to normal, and the triangle disappeared. 

Panting, Norman turned, looking to his sister, who had taken out her earplugs and was looking at her baby brother in absolute concern, "Norman...Are you ok? You looked dead..."

Smiling weakly, Norman nodded, "Yeah aha...I-I'm fine..." Norman lied, before blinking, "Err...Courtney...Did you hear a voice?"

Raising a brow, Courtney shook her head, "A voice? No, sorry, you must be hearing things," With that, his sister put the earplugs back in, and Norman turned to stare up at the sky, slowly clenching his fist on the car seat.

What...What was that?

He'd defiantly have to ask Aggie later. After all, currently she was possessing the large book of fairytales he had in his suitcase.

Reaching into his backpack, Norman pulled out a bottle of water, taking a sip of it, before putting it away, pulling up the red hood from his zip up hoodie, feeling a very strong sense of fear. 

For some reason, he didn't feel safe anymore. He felt like he was being watched.

No. He was being hunted.


That's it for the first chapter guys! I hope you like it, and if you do, do voice your thoughts and opinions below! 

H̲͚e̗̫̖l̡̪l̛̙o̟͔̥͜ ̛̱̹̻͙͈l̪̟̻̦͓͙i̘̼̱t̻tl̩̯̣̥̩̭͞e̴̘̭ g̞̖͔͚͖̼̣h̛̭͓͍ͅo̴̪̻̖̖͙ͅs̟̺̲̝̱̭̙̕t̞̬̳̭̀

TRANSLATION : Hello Little Ghost

That is not Zalgo btw, I'll let you guys guess who's contacting our little medium! The next chapter will have Danny, Pacifica and Mabel in it. 

IF YOU WANT A CERTAIN COUPLE IN THIS, TELL ME BELOW, (Like if you want Pacifica and Mabel to get together ^_O)


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