Summertime: Twin Trouble

By leianth16

195 9 0

Have you done something that you never thought it costs you your heart? Have you tried to stop yourself from... More

Chapter 1 First Glance
Chapter 2 The kiss...
Chapter 3 The Plan!
Chapter 4 Meet the Friends
Chapter 5: The Invitation

Chapter 6: The Dinner

11 1 0
By leianth16

[Drakes’ POV]

I am having a hard time looking for a good suit to impress my date tonight. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for. Starting tonight, he plans to seduce and make a move to make her fall for me.

Though I am thinking that way, I couldn’t deny myself not to think what she would look tonight. He just imagine her walking directly towards there table.

Slowly approaching him with her very beautiful smile and tiny dimple on her right. It only made her look even beautiful. He imagines her wearing a very nice delicate black dress. Fitted and wrapping her sexy body. She could pass as Ms. Beauty Queen just by his imagination.

I have to admit, she really is drop dead gorgeous.

I have to give her that. She never fails to make me drool over her stunning beauty. Brianna would look like her if she only decides to imitate her sister. They have the same face. Though Brianna has a rather smaller frame. Too frail. Too small. Too slim. To the point of not looking too sexy anymore.

She had been too sick for the past years. But I never fail to love her even having those traits. I haven’t even thought of her any different until that faithful night.

When she said she’s in love with somebody else. And that she just used me to be close with him.

Thinking about it now sour my excitement.

It only made me more bitter about the upcoming night with Arianna.

I let out a loud sigh.

Well, if everything goes well tonight. I can have Arianna under my hands. And soon I can do whatever I can do with her.

I might as well enjoy her till it last.

After rummaging my closet for about half an hour. I finally found something that could make Arianna drool over me. Haha I just know when she was so mesmerize about me. And I just love the look on her face.

I look at my chosen one.

The suit was, and well-fitted. Exactly the sort of thing that a woman would pick out for her man to wear to a formal event like this. That was something that made him a bit nervous. Still, it fit well, it made him look very handsome, and when he smiled, it was a little bit magical.

Maybe this will do.

Looking in the mirror, I wonder how she would see me with this nice suit.

I keep smiling just by thinking about the dinner.

I don’t know, but I do feel a little different about this dinner.

I was about to ask her for a dinner when he popped out from the Brynes’ place. But I blew it away. I took off without even asking her for a dinner.

He was even shocked to realize that Arianna just asked her for a dinner at DINERs’.

He was in the middle of working on with his tie when his phone rings. I held my breath, hoping it wasn’t Arianna cancelling our date.

Sean Michaels…sheesh…what a relief!

“What’s up?” I instantly ask. While still working on my damn tie. Geez, what is this stupid tie for anyway?

“Hell…looow….” Sean said from the other side. I shake my head thinking Sean might be a little tipsy by now.

“Hello my friend, what do you want?” a little irritated with his friend now.

“Well, I want to drink right now. Can you spare me a moment of your busy life Drake? There are girls all over the place; I’m actually at the pub now, with the others. They said to call you. They seem to miss a lot” Sean explains.

“Uh….nope. Sorry but I can’t. I have plans for tonight. Will catch you maybe later.” He simply said, still figuring out how to work on his god damned tie.

You have to know, I haven’t done this tying a tie before.

 “Oh, so you’re with your “Girl” tonight?” Sean asked.

He didn’t know about Arianna. He was as struck about her when she first appeared that same day. Assuming Briannas’ identity. He even told me he got a little crush on her too.

“Yeah, she invited me to have dinner with her tonight.” Dang! I just said it to make the matters clear with Sean that he is off limits.

I know I am as off as Sean because she is not mine in the first place. But that’s not yet the case. As everybody knows, she is Brianna Brynes. My girlfriend! And it will be as it is as long as Arianna is still playing with her own game.

I smiled to myself. I can have her for as long as she is Brianna. And for that short moment she will be mine, she will cry over me. Beg me to have her. To make her reveal herself as Arianna. But with all that she will be as madly in love with me.  

“Okay, have yourself a very nice evening then. Good luck” then the other line went dead. Somejealous guy there eh, Sean.

Sean is not very particular in hiding his feeling towards the girls he likes. And he particularly likes “Brianna” now…

Thinking about it tinged a little bit jealousy inside me. Nope, there is no way I am letting this little secret of mine out. Especially to you dear friend…Sean Micheals.

Okay, after trying to tie my tie, I have to go look for a video on youtube about “How to Tie a Tie DIY”.

After a moment have pass I am able to tie it perfectly. Now that wasn’t so hard after all. I thought to myself after looking myself on the mirror.

Satisfied with what I saw, I pick my coat and keys. And start heading towards the door. Then popped out the very person I despise the most…

“Where you going?”

I looked at him directly on the eyes.

“None of your stupid business!” I snapped him out of my way. I heard him laugh from my back.

“Looking at you like this is really awkward!” the voice from my back keeps laughing. 

So furious I could kill right now. Then saw my mom at the end of the staircase. She smiled at me. And I felt compelled.

“Hi, mom.” Kiss her on her forehead.

“You seemed to be fully dressed up tonight son.” She said. “You look so handsome too” then smiled at me. I kiss her on her cheeks.

“I have to go mom. I have a date with my girlfriend” then smiled back at her. She looked shock learning about my girlfriend.

“Really? Ohh I would love to met this precious girl honey.” Clasping her hands with excitement on her eyes.

“You will mom. Soon. If this date will progress and if my date are not waiting for me and decide to ditch me any moment now.” I joke, still smiling at her.

She accompanied me till I’m in my red sports car. I kiss her again on her forehead before saying goodnight to her.

“Be sure to bring the girl here dearly.” before waving her hands. “I would love to get to know her one of these days” she then added.

I just smiled at her.

I’m in the middle of a f*cking traffic when my phone rings.

“Hello?” with irritation in my voice. Not minding to look who the caller was.

“Drake?” said the familiar voice from the other line.

“Oh, yeah? B-Brianna?” I said, regaining my composure again. Cleared my throat.

“Uhmm we should just meet at Diners’. I know it’ll be a hassle to have you fetch me. I’ll just see there, okay?” she explains.

I let out a sigh. With the traffic like this it will going to take him half an hour before reaching the Brynes’ place.

“Okay. Okay. I’ll just meet you there. Careful there.” I assume she just wants to surprise me about how stunning she will look tonight. I smiled to myself. Imagining how he would react seeing her tonight.

It was exactly 7:30pm…

I am getting edgy now. Its pass 30 mins before…my eyes widen in shock! No way! There is no way I am seeing her like this!

[Ariannas’ POV]

She was all…wearing like the typical Brianna would normally wear.

I wore the bright red headbands, a gray stripped cottons sweater paired with a long skirt. I happen to wear Briannas’ thick black eyeglass to match the outfit.

I can totally see how he looked so amused and at the same time disappointed after he saw me entering the fancy restaurant.

I smiled at him. Not really know how to act while wearing this outfit. I had the chance to admire his outfit even from a distance. He looks so handsome tonight.

I’m still smiling after I sat on our table. I can hear people talking about me. Geez… I have to endure all this because I decided to wear this.

I didn’t actually think this through. Now I am beginning to regret wearing this ridiculous outfit. And I felt a total outcast just by sitting in front this gorgeous man staring at me right now.

He grinned.

“I must admit, I never really expected to see you looking like…the old you.” He started. Still with the grin paste on his face.

I smiled awkwardly.

“Let’s just order first. I am extremely starving right now I could eat a whole cow!” saying it as a joke, but with the hint of truthfulness in it. I am truly starving right now!

He laughs silently, and then passes me the menus.

He called on the waiter, which of course thought I am in the wrong table. Seeing I’m with a very nice looking young man. He simply, shakes his head then asked for my orders.

After ordering and waiting for our orders, I can sense he’s still grinning at me.

“Okay, first I never thought of you eating meats. Well, we’ve been together far too long but I never saw you ordered steaks, pasta, rice and a wine.” After receiving our meal. The waiter handed me mine.

“Well, for once in a while, I would like to treat myself with some delicious meals like this one.” Then made a hearty bite. Ohhh that’s really good! I miss this taste. I am trying to make my reaction about food as discreet as possible.

He took a mouthful too. We actually have the same orders.

“How about your dad? Isn’t he on gluten free diet/ vegetable diet?” looking at his food then me.

“Well, that’s the reason why I asked you out anyway. I can’t eat meat at home” then savour yet another mouthful one. The reason I actually wore this outfit is that I wanted to eat heartily, without anyone wondering or saying how can a girl eat so many? She’s fat. If I wore fitted dress, I might looked ridiculous eating a large mouthful of steak and a rice on  my plate. Not a good 

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