Surrender to Love (Sequel to...

By foreverlovingnemi

84.5K 2.9K 608

In this story Demi must pick up the pieces after, yet another fight, turned her world upside down. Her ex boy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 7

2.8K 85 18
By foreverlovingnemi


I heard Nick breathing while I put on my shoes & he sounded like he was trying to calm himself down, so I looked up. He was staring at the ceiling, biting on his lip, and his eyebrows were together in deep concentration. I stood up, keeping my eyes on him as I put my hands on my waist, waiting for him to speak. Finally, he cleared his throat. "What do you mean I can't fight Carter?" He asked as he sat up to lean on his arm.

I shook my head, in disbelief. "Uh... I mean you can't fight Carter. It's absurd. You will kill him." I let out a chuckle as I walked around the bed to my dresser.

I heard Nick get out of bed, then a few minutes later, I saw him behind me in the mirror when I looked up, now wearing a shirt, instead of the tank top he had on in bed. "I wouldn't kill him." He said as if he thought I was literal with my words.

I smirked at him in the reflection. "I know you won't actually kill him, but, Nick..." I turned around to face him. "You're a trained fighter, who's been in countless fights & fought countless men & some of them I'm sure you've injured pretty good. Carter isn't like those other guys. He just started working out in a gym a few months ago, if that. He was just cleared to resume normal activities, after his shoulder injury. You can't think it's going to be a fair fight." I let out a short laugh as I smiled up at him. He seemed so intense, I wanted to try to get him to relax.

"First of all, we're boxing, so it's totally different. We'll be wearing equipment on our heads so we can't really get too hurt & we'll have boxing gloves on. They are different from MMA gloves. They're padded more. Second of all, Carter has been training a lot & will continue to train over the next few weeks & he's a big boy. He can take care of himself. He doesn't need you trying to protect him." Nick gave me an eye roll before he turned to walk toward the bed. I watched as he put his shirt on & realized he was mad at me.

"I'm sorry if I made you mad." I said, quietly, then stuck my lip out when he glanced my way.

Nick sat on the bed and leaned on his knees before running his hands over his head. "Do you really think I would hurt him that bad? I mean do you think I'm that kind of person? You think I would hurt him knowing how much he means to you?" Nick asked in a low voice, sounding a little sad.

"Not intentionally, even though, you've been pretty upset with him lately." I let out a laugh, but stopped when I saw Nick wasn't amused. "I know you wouldn't hurt him, Nick. I'm just worried he's getting in over his head with this. I'll talk to him today & tell him this is crazy & he should see if there is another person who can fight you." I smiled at Nick, but he didn't return the gesture. Instead he looked straight ahead, a look of annoyance on his face. "What? What's that look for?"

He sighed, then, glanced down at the floor between his feet. "You're just so concerned about him. Protective. Maybe you should let him make his own decisions about his own life. He's a doctor for Christ's sake. He doesn't need you to tell him what to do, Demi." Nick sighed as he stood up.

I blinked a few times, letting Nick's words sink in. "I'm not telling him what to do." I said, a hint of defensiveness in my tone. "I just want to make sure he isn't getting in over his head. He gets all excited about stuff sometimes, he doesn't think it through."

"Well, I'm pretty sure he thought this through. He's getting major points with his boss and he may just impress a girl he has his eye on at the gym he works out at." Nick shrugged as he walked past me, heading to the door. "I'm going to make some coffee while you finish getting ready." He said over his shoulder as he walked from the room.

Nick's words about Carter impressing a girl kept repeating in my head. I went, quickly, into the bathroom to finish up getting ready for work. When I got to the kitchen, Nick was getting  two travel mugs, out of the cupboard so he could pour coffee. "What girl does Carter have his eye on?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

I must not have sounded casual enough, because Nick looked at me, immediately. "You sound jealous." He smirked, rolling his eyes as he held the two mugs & slammed the cupboard door shut. He put the mugs on the counter. 

I clicked my tongue as I went to stand closer to him. "I'm not jealous. He's my friend. I just don't want him to get hurt."

Nick poured his coffee, watching me over the rim of the mug. As he turned to lean on the counter, he sighed. "Honestly, he didn't say much. You would have to ask him for details about the girl. All I know is she has a thing for fighters & she works at the gym he goes to." Nick shrugged his shoulders. "But glad you're not jealous. That wouldn't make me happy." He stared at me, then his eyebrows knitted together, slightly & he looked annoyed.

I went to him & put my arms around his waist. "I'm not jealous. He can be with any girl he wants because I am with you & I have never been happier." I gave him a toothy grin, then puckered my lips letting him know I wanted a kiss, which he happily obliged.

As Nick pulled his lips from mine, he smiled, sweetly down at me. "Grab your coffee, babe. You don't want to be late." He kissed me, again, quickly, then grabbed one of the mugs. I grabbed my coffee, then my keys & we headed out.

Nick and I both left the house, him heading to the gym, and me heading to work. When I got to work, I got started right away, and thankfully I kept busy with the amount of patients I had scheduled for today, because if not, I would have gone crazy sitting around, and thinking about this fight between Nick and Carter. All day, I tried to keep it locked in the back of my mind, but it didn't really work that well. I really needed to talk to Carter, and make sure that he knew what he was getting himself into.

As the end of the day was approaching, I wrapped up my last patient, and then made a last minute decision to go to Navy Street gym. I knew that Carter usually trained at the gym at this time, and I didn't want to miss him. I really needed to talk to him. I grabbed my keys and headed over there.

When I pulled up into the gym, I walked in, and saw that Nick was focusing in the cage. I looked around the gym and noticed Carter, in the corner, pounding on the punching bag. I smiled and walked over. "Hey, stranger," I said as I gave him a little nudge. Carter turned around and smiled at me.

"Demi, Hi! How are you? You here to see Nick?" He asked as he looked up over my shoulder at the cage to look at Nick. I looked back at him, and saw that Nick was now watching us. I gave him a quick wave, and once he returned it, I turned back around and focused my attention on Carter.

"So.. getting ready for your big.. fight?" I said to him, as I laughed and shook my head.

Carter looked at me and laughed, " So, Nick told you, huh? I was wondering how long it would take for you to come talk to me about it," He said as he continued to chuckle.

I couldn't help but shake my head. "Carter, what are you doing? You know that Nick could physically kill you with one hit right?" I said in a quiet voice as I gave him a look of disapproval.

"Oh, geez. Dem, it's a charity event. Nick isn't going to do that. Besides, we both know, he isn't that kind of guy. Nick wouldn't hurt anyone. He isn't really the killing type," Carter said as he placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a shake.

I let out a deep breath, and sighed. "I know he isn't the killing type, but Carter, he has been training for ten years. He is a trained, professional fighter. This isn't just some fun gig between two boys. This could be serious. I just want you to know what you are getting yourself into," I said again, trying to make him come to the realization that something bad could potentially happen.

I watched as Carter went to speak, but he stopped and looked over my shoulder. I turned and saw Nick walking up, "Hi, baby," I said as I gave him a hug. Nick took off his gloves and wrapped his arms around me.

"What are you doing here so early?" Nick asked as smiled and looked over at Carter.

"I just got off work and thought I would drop by and see what was happening," I answered, innocently. Nick looked over at me and cocked one of his eyebrows.

"She was trying to talk you out of fighting at the event wasn't she?" Nick asked as he smikred and looked at Carter, who was now laughing.

"What! No I wasn't!" I shouted over to Nick.

"She was just making sure that I knew what I was getting myself into," he said as he let out another laugh. I looked over at Nick, a little worried, to see what his expression would be.

"Don"t worry man, she did the same to me last night," Nick said with a laugh, which gave me a little bit of peace in my mind. "Baby, don't worry. Carter and I are just gunna have some fun, right man?" He asked as he looked over from me to Carter.

"Right!" Carter said as he stuck out his hand to shake Nick's. I just rolled my eyes.

"Alright, if you insist. Well, have fun training, Carter." I said and then focused my attention on Nick. "Are you finished up here or going to stay a little bit longer?" I asked Nick.

"I was going to stay a little bit, but now that you're here, I am ready," Nick said as he kissed my cheek and smiled.

I watched as Nick grabbed his stuff and together we headed back to my place. Nick and I ordered in food and then sat on the couch and watched a movie. We kept it pretty low key since both of us were exhausted. I told him all about my day at work, while he talked to me about training. At one point he brought up Carter, but for the most part he didn't seem bothered that I talked to Carter about the fight. He knew it was only a matter of time. I think knew that I was worried, but he continuously reminded me that nothing bad was going to happen. I had a hard time believing it, but I was trying. We ended up falling asleep on the couch, and when I woke up, I was being carried to bed. Instead of falling right to sleep, I told Nick how horny I was. He laughed and said that he could fix that for me, and, well, he did. That night Nick put himself deep into me, and made me have an orgasm a few times before I was knocked out once again.

Nick's week and mine progressed along pretty smoothly. He told me how he was back and forth between gyms, but that he was mostly working out over at Carter's gym. I thought that was interesting. As I sat at my desk at work, I couldn't stop thinking about the upcoming charity event that was about to happen. I hadn't spoken to Carter since I saw him last, and I really was wanting to know if he changed his mind. I looked at the clock,that sat over on my desks, and saw that it was only one. Nick doesn't go to the gym until four, so maybe I can swing by and see Carter, talk to him about the fight, and check out this girl he has a crush on. I grabbed my stuff and headed over to the gym.

As soon as I walked into the larger gym, the girl who was working up front was greeting me.

"HI, Welcome to Chuck Swain Gym, I'm Delta, how can I help you?" The tall, blonde asked in her Australian accent. As soon as I heard Delta say her name, I immediately perked up. So this was the girl that Carter was so into. I studied her face and saw how beautiful she was. A part of me was a little jealous, but mostly happy for him. I wondered what she thought about Carter?

"Hi, I'm Demi. I am just here to see my friend. He should be around here somewhere.." I said as I looked around the gym to see if I spotted him.

"Demi," I heard Carter yell from the side as he was approaching Delta and I. "What are you doing here? Nick shouldn't be in here for a while," He said.

I went to answer, but before I could I heard Delta butt in, "Nick.. Nick Jonas?" She said with a smile. I gave her a weird look.

"Yah, you know him?" I asked as I studied her face.

"Yah, we talk every now and then when he comes in. He is a hard worker," She said with a soft smile and then walked away. I looked back at Carter and gave him a weird look.

"That was weird. Anyways.. I just thought I would stop by and check out the gym.. and the girl that Nick said you had a crush on," I said with a sly smile. I watched as Carter's face turned bright red.

"Yah, she's a cool chick, but I don't really think she sees me that way," He said as he looked over my shoulder and watched Delta, who was now working over at the desk.

"Why do you think that? She's pretty cute! I say, make a move!" I said, trying to encourage Carter, but he just shook his head.

"I don't know, we will see," Carter said as he looked back at me.

Carter and I continued to talk about Delta for a little bit longer. We talked about how he could make his big move, and mostly what was holding him back. Just as I was about to ask him to ask him about the fight, Nick walked through the door & my heart started to beat, quicker, because he looked so buff.

"Hey, Nick!" Delta quickly said, which caused me to look at her.

"Hey," He said as he waved and continued to walk over towards Carter and I. "Didn't expect to see you here, Dem. Whatcha doing here? Still bugging Carter about that fight?" He asked as he laughed and gave Carter a handshake.

"What! No! I came to check out the gym! I still haven't seen it! Also, I wanted to come check out the girl that has Carter all tongue tied," I said with a laugh. Nick and Carter started to laugh and then the talk turned to them.

"I was thinking we could throw a few punches today, Carter. What do you think?" Nick asked. Just then Delta came over.

"You two are finally going to fight?" She asked.

They both shrugged their shoulders. "Yah, why not. Sooner or later we gotta do it." Nick said nonchalantly.

"We shouldn't be too long, Dem," Carter said to me, and Nick nodded his head.

"Yah, I am tired, so I don't want to be here too long, so I will see you soon," Nick said as he gave me a smile and then walked away with Carter.

"Man, I can't believe you're friends with him," Delta said as he gawked over at the boys as they walked away.

"Oh, Yah, Carter and I go way back. He is a really great guy," I said, trying to talk him up.

Delta laughed and shook her head, "No, Girl! Nick! I can't believe you're friends with Nick. That man is mmm mmm hot!" She said as he licked her lips. I narrowed my eyes, and my eyebrows creased. What the fuck?

"Uh, what?" I said, shocked at what she just said.

"I'd love to get him alone for just a minute.. I would let him do bad bad things to me," She said as she gave me a wink. I could feel my blood starting to boil. I didn't want to make a scene, but I wanted her to know, Nick was mine.

"Hate to burst your bubble, but I am Nick's girlfriend. You have some pretty wishful thinking," I said to her as my forehead scrunched up.

"I had no idea. He never talks about you. I didn't even know he was dating anyone," She said as she quickly walked away. At this point I was beyond annoyed. I quickly walked out of there and drove home. I didn't want to get upset, because I didn't want to cause drama. Instead, I wanted to make sure Nick knew that he was mine, even if he didn't brag about me at the gym. I headed home and found my sexiest lingerie and waited for Nick to get home.

While I waited for Nick, I decided to send him a cute picture. I grabbed my phone and puckered out my lips, and hit the button. I typed out my message, "Hey baby! Hurry home! Miss you!" Then hit send. As I sat down and waited for Nick, I received a message. Nick had let me know that he was on his way and that he was going to bring home pizza for us.

As soon as I heard Nick open up the front door I got up and headed towards the door. "Heyyy, babyyyy," I said in a low seductive voice, and as soon as I saw Carter walk in behind Nick I covered up as quickly as I could.

"Demi!" Nick said as he started to laugh and looked back to see if Carter saw anything. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I didn't know you were bringing over company!" I said as I continued to stand there, completely embarrassed.

"I can go, I mean, clearly you have other plans," Carter said as he let out a laugh, but I rolled my eyes.

"No, stay... My mood is killed anyways," I said as I rolled my eyes and turned around to head back towards my bedroom. I quickly changed into a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants since I knew I wasn't going to be getting what I wanted anytime soon.

Once I was dressed, I walked out and saw Carter and Nick sitting down on the couch with a slice of pizza and a beer. Nick handed me a plate with my pizza on it, and I sat down on the couch as I let out a long sigh. They both looked at me and laughed. I listened as they talked about their fight from earlier and how much fun they had. When I heard Nick bring up Delta watching them, my ears perked up. I didn't want to share my input because I didn't want to make Carter upset. Instead, I let him talk to Nick about her, and listened as Nick gave him advice on how to get her attention. It drove me nuts how much Nick knew about her, but I tried not to let it bother me.

After a few hours, I figured Carter would have left by now, but I was wrong. He continued to lounge out on the couch and make small talk with Nick and I. The more the time went by, the hornier I was getting, and the more frustrated I was becoming. I let out another deep sigh, hoping that Carter would get the hint. I think by the tenth one, he finally realized I needed him to leave.

"Alright, well, thanks for the pizza and the good company! I need to get home. I have work early in the morning," He said as he stood up and shook Nick's hand. I stood up, and gave him a hug, and walked him to the door. As soon as the door latched I turned around and glared at Nick.

"Seriously, Nick!" I shouted, completely irritated.

"What did I do?" He asked innocently.

"What did you do? Did you not get the meaning behind my text? I was horny and wanted to fuck my boyfriend. Instead, I had to endure two plus hours of my boyfriend and ex boyfriend talking about fighting and some girl," I said as my voice carried on. Nick let out a laugh, as he sat down on the couch.

"It's not too late, You can still fuck your boyfriend," He said, with his best puppy dog eyes.

"No, I can't. That left me so dry," I bluntly said. Nick snickered. "It's not funny!" I spat out.

"It kinda is funny," He said as he stood up & walked over to me. I watched as Nick licked his lips. "Maybe I can help you forget about the last few hours," he said as he smiled, and then leaned in and pushed his lips onto mine. Once my lips met his, I completely melted. We stood there, and kissed intensely, until one of our tongues begged for entrance. As our tongues met, Nick pushed us back, up against the wall, and thrust his hips into me, allowing me to feel his hard bulge. I gasped. My head to the side, and soon Nick was sucking on my neck, hitting all the right spots and making me wetter than ever. While Nick stood there, sucking on my lips, his hands roamed from my breasts, down to my pants. Soon, he was giving them a tug, and dropping them to the floor. When Nick saw that I was not wearing any underwear, he got even more excited. I helped him unzip his pants, because he couldn't do it fast enough, and as soon as I saw his hard member fall out, I told him what to do.

"Fuck me," I said, as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, and bit his ear. Nick quivered, and then picked me up. Nick pushed me up against the wall, and thrust himself deep into me. The deeper that Nick went, the more I wanted to scream. We held onto each other, and moaned out in pleasure. As Nick quickened his pace, I knew I was going to come. I couldn't hold it any longer.

"Come for me, baby," he said, when he saw that I was close. I looked at him, deep in his eyes, and as soon as he did one last final thrust, I screamed out, and grabbed onto him as tight as I could, my fingernails probably doing some damage to his skin.

"Ohhhhh God" We both said in unison as we melted into each others arms. As soon as we both finished, we detached, and threw ourselves on the couch. We laid there in silence, trying to catch our breaths. We reminisced about how good we felt, and about how much we loved each other, and then we eventually made our way into the bedroom where we had round two.

The rest of the week, Nick and I were pretty busy. A few days passed, without seeing Nick because of how busy we both had become. I decided to go surprise him after work one day to give him a ride home because I just couldn't physically handle being away from him anymore. I drove over to the gym and as soon as I walked in, I came to a halt. I watched as Nick stood there, talking to Delta. They both were laughing, while he was flexing his arms. I wanted to say something, but no words came out. I watched as Delta reached up and felt his bicep, which sent me over the edge. Who did she think she was? Why was she touching my man, and why was Nick okay with this? Is this what Nick does when he comes over here... flirt with Delta? Is this why is always here? The longer I stood there, the more the questions built up. I wanted to say something, but I had no words. Instead, I stood there, like a mindless idiot, watching my boyfriend flirt with the hot, blonde Australian gym rat, as she draped herself all over him.

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