Bite Me, Freak!

By FaytesAngel

299 5 1

Luke's life has been nothing but hell since his brother William died, but then William became apart of him, a... More

Bite Me, Freak!

Chapter 1: Welcoming Silence

99 3 1
By FaytesAngel

           “You will be very happy here, I promise.” Mr. Chaplin informed me as we drove up to the new institution, Black Diamond. Recently, Mr. Chaplin and the other doctors had begun to worry for my mental health, and thus resulted in me being transferred out of Spring Valleys.

           “Maybe you’ll make some new friends here,” he continued on happily. Glancing back at me in the rear view mirror he smiled his same sad smile. His pale babyish face looked happy if you didn’t know him, but if you did you could see the sad look in his hazel eyes. Deep pain and loss were hidden deeply inside his very soul.

             Nodding slightly in response I looked out the window and watched as we slowly approached the large two-story institution. The building was surrounded with beautiful cheery blossom trees and a vast number of brightly colored flowers that gave the dark black building life.

            “Do you like it here?” William asked from the depths of my consciousness. He was selfish and possessive, but he was a part of me, he was like my ruby eyes, short messy black hair, my frail feminine like body, rounded soft face, and he was like my pale skin only more permanent.

            I simply nodded in response.

            “Come on talk to me, Luke. No one else can hear you if you speak through your thoughts.” His silky voice caressed my mind.

            I looked up at Mr. Chaplin and saw him looking forward completely concentrated on pulling into the circular driveway correctly. Once the car was parked in front of the pathway to the front door of my new institution, Mr. Chaplin got out and came around to open the car door for me.

            “Fine ignore me, you have to respond sometime.” William told me like a pouting child.

            Taking my hand and leading me up four stairs and across to the door, Mr. Chaplin takes one last look and me before saying, “Have fun here son, and don’t forget we all want you to get better.” And as I nod in response he rings the doorbell and a tall think man with red hair and green eyes opens the door.

            “Good morning Mr. Chaplin, we can take it from here.” He says in a soft voice and a warm smile motioning to me.

            “Very well,” Mr. Chaplin says handing me over to the guy. As he turns to walk away I nod my head in thanks and he smiles his broad smile.

            “Come in then,” the red head says to me moving to allow me into the vast interior of the building.

            Nodding I walked in and looked around, the walls were white, the floor was white, the window frames were white, and the ceiling was… wait for it… white!

            “So, hello Luke. My name is Samuel, and I’m here to answer any questions you might have.”

            Shaking my head no I looked at what he was wearing to figure out what exactly he did. He wore jeans, tennis shoes, and a plain t-shirt. Perhaps he is only a volunteer.

            “Well if you have no questions follow me to your room,” he said as he began to walk towards a flight of stairs. Following intently I soon found the second floor just as bland as the first, but at least it seemed safer up here.

            “Here we are,” Samuel said unlocking a room numbered 194 and handing me a small metal key. “You’re roommate will be back shortly I believe he just went to have a quick walk around the garden.” He continued on smiling.

            Nodding my head I opened my new room’s door and walked in shutting it behind me. The room was white like everything else with two beds, a small closet, a large window looking out over the garden, and a small private walk-in bathroom.

            Laying down on the still made bed I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. “Luke, speak to me. What’s wrong today?” William asked entering my thoughts to find his answer. Once he had found it he continued with, “Trevor was going to die anyway and you know that! Please don’t be upset over it anymore.”

            Pushing William back into the small prison like room I had made for him from my thoughts I closed my eyes and happily allowed sleep to take me.

            I woke up with a start when I felt someone’s hand on my cheek to see a guy about my age staring back at me with intent deep violet eyes. Curiously I sat up and looked at him. His hair was black but with a bluish tint and it fell over his neck and forehead sloppily only bringing out his pale features. His clothing was black and plain but tight fitting to show his broad shoulders and strong chest.

            “Hello, my name is Brent. Are you Luke?” he asked with a beautifully smooth voice.

            Nodding slightly I looked at his hand still on my face, it felt smooth so I leaned into a bit.

            Startled Brent pulled his hand back and said simply, “I’m sorry you were just sleeping so soundlessly. I had to make sure you were real ya know?”

            To let him know it was ok I reached up and placed my hand gently on his cheek smiling kindly.

            “You don’t talk much do you?” Brent asked with a tint of nervousness.

            Shaking my head no I removed my hand and stared out the window where Brent’s reflection kept his eyes steadily looking at me.

            “Are you mute?” he murmured quietly.

            Keeping my eyes fixed on his face in the mirror I slowly nodded my head yes and watched his eyes grow large and understanding. But before he could respond there was a knock at the door. “Brent it’s time for the meeting,” a rough man’s voice said, his voice muffled by the oak door.

            “Be right there, Jacob,” Brent replied while extending a hand to offer me up. “Come on its time for the daily meeting.”

            Grabbing his hand we made our way to the door. Once outside we made our way downstairs to a large white room with many chairs placed in a circle. So far most of the chairs were filled with people around my age with a long white haired doctor sitting in a chair at the end of the circle. His hair was made into a pony tail that kissed the small of his back, his green eyes were sheltered by glasses, and his clothes were typical for a doctor.

            “Here ya go,” Brent said offering me a chair by his on the far right of the circle.

            Gratefully taking my seat I examined all of the people, some girls, some guys, some insane, some partially normal looking, and some just plain evil looking.

            “Let’s get started then shall we?” said the older doctor’s voice from his seat. “We have a new addition today, Luke would you please stand up and introduce yourself to everyone.”

            Standing up I looked at everyone then back to the doctor. “Well go ahead then, tell us about yourself.” He said a tad irritably.

            “Um, Dr. Stephen?” Brent asked.

            “Yes? What is it Brent?”

            “You do know that Luke’s mute right?” Brent replied getting a few snickers from the crowd in saying so.

            Dr. Stephen looked flustered and hurriedly looked through a brown file. “Well according to his file Brent, Luke has full capabilities to talk. Now Luke I demand that you talk and tell us about you this instant or else!”

            “Common Luke let’s leave. You don’t need to break your silence for a slimy old bastard,” William said to me a tad angered.

            Putting my hands in my pockets I turned to the door and left. This, of course, caused the doctor to get highly frustrated and yell after me. But, for once, William was right. I wasn’t about to lose ten years of keeping my silence just because some doctor didn’t like that I wouldn’t talk. Screw him! This was my life and I’d live it however the fuck I wanted to!

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