The Beast Inside (Unedited Ve...

By dreamer37

1.9M 47.9K 3.5K

Cherryl Carter is a normal, shy ,reserved girl. Like most of the girls out there She's a nobody and she loves... More

The Beast Inside
Chapter = 1
Chapter = 2
Chapter = 3
Chapter = 4
Chapter = 5
Chapter = 6
Chapter = 7
Chapter = 8 (part 1)
Chapter = 9
Chapter = 10
Chapter = 11
Chapter = 12
Chapter = 13
Chapter = 14
Chapter = 15
Chapter = 16
Chapter = 17
Chapter = 18
Chapter = 19
Chapter = 20
Chapter = 21 (part -1)
Chapter = 21 (part - 2)
Chapter = 22
Chapter = 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter = 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter = 29
Chapter - 30 (Unedited)
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32 (unedited)

Chapter = 8 (part - 2)

68.4K 1.5K 71
By dreamer37

Cherryl Carter made her way towards her class with her nerves in her throat. She shrieked and jumped at every loud noise on her way from the parking lot to the corridor leading to her class. She looked around wildly and sighed in relief when she didn't spot any pair of blue eyes. She almost jumped in joy when she entered the safety of her class and plopped down on her usual seat.  She  grabbed a pen and a notebook getting ready for the class. The teacher entered the class and she relaxed a bit more. Teacher was about to start teaching when the class door burst open. She looked towards the door and her heart jumped back in her throat. She clamped down her thighs together to stop her feet from making a dash for the door.

Damien Richards walked to the teacher and showed him the slip. Teacher nodded after reading the note and told him to take a seat. His eyes were glued to the brunette sitting in the front row looking scared out of her mind. He let out a mischievous smile and slid down in the seat next to her.

Cherryl stiffened and suddenly felt suffocated. She tried real hard to control her breathing. Whole class went by just like that. She was unable to concentrate on anything the teacher was saying. Whole time she could feel his stare boring into the side of her face. When the bell rang she was the first one to dash out of the class. It was the first time that she disrespected her teacher and it was all because of him. He was messing with her perfect life and it was infuriating for her.

His stalking didn't stop just there, he was present in all of her classes. And moreover he sat right next to her as she always sat alone, which she was willing to change now.

Finally the lunch came. She hurriedly walked towards the lunchroom. For the first time she was eager to be surrounded with so many people and all the noises coming from around. She wasn't hungry at all though she hadn't eaten anything since morning. She just grabbed a slice of pizza and hurriedly walked to the table to join Rose. Nicky was absent today.

She just sat there nibbling at her pizza slice while Rose continued tapping down on her phone. Cherryl finally managed to finish her pizza though she felt like puking afterwards. She sighed and managed to keep her food down. She looked up towards Rose only to find her beaming back at her. Cherryl blinked a few times but Rose still had this huge crazy grin on her face.

"What is it?" Cherryl asked staring at her in utter confusion.

"Our little Cherryl is finally gaining some attention huh...? First that Mike guy and now Mr. Hottie." Rose said and winked in her direction. Now Cherryl was lost and even more confused.

"Rose, What exactly are you trying to say?" Cherryl asked staring at her friend, totally clueless.

"Silly! Damien Richards is staring at you from last ten minutes." Rose said and rolled her eyes. Cherryl felt her spine go rigid and she turned around slowly in her seat. As soon as she turned around his blue eyes bored into her grey ones.

Damien couldn't help himself as the full moon was coming closer he wanted nothing more than to be close to Cherryl. He stared into her grey eyes daring her to break the contact. Whole world faded away and all he could focus on was her. He was sure that he wasn't in love with her but still he felt this sudden urge to do things to her which would make her go crazy. She was one of those girls who looked like nothing when we first see them but they are something. And she meant a lot more than something to his beast, he on the side was a total different case.

Intensity of his stare shook her out of her trance so Cherryl finally looked away breaking the eye contact. When she looked back towards him, he was no longer staring at her. His gaze was focused on his plate but there was this knowing smile on his lips. Cherryl took a deep breath and turned towards Rose, who only wiggled her eyebrows. Cherryl managed to ignore her and the stare boring into her back for the rest of the lunch time.

She managed to get through the rest of her classes without having a heart attack. Her last class was going on and she was counting the minutes when the bell will ring ending her miserable day. Today was the longest and most troublesome day of her life. Right then Damien Richards hand brushed her arm making her groan and she knew he was doing it intentionally, his smirk was proof enough. She then felt his knee touch hers and she flinched but still managed to stay seated.

'Just a few more minutes Cherryl then you will be out of this misery. You'll finally be able to see the light. You will finally be able to get out of this darkness. Finally this night will turn into a  day and you'll be free like a bird. soon...' She was soothing herself when she heard the sound of the bell. She immediately perked up and grabbed her bag. She turned to walk out of the class but someone grabbed her bag preventing her from taking another step forward. She turned around only to see Damien's hand grasping the strap of her bag. He wasn't looking towards her, he was writing something on his notebook but his smug grin was still plastered on his face perfectly. She looked around panicked, the class was empty now. She was about to scream for help when he covered her mouth.

'This can't be happening..Oh God! This is it! He's going to kidnap her and then eat her and throw the remains in the depths of forest somewhere. She's going to die just like that! Nobody would even find her body and she even won't be able to see her family one last time...' She didn't want to die. She was too young to die.

Her heart was beating rapidly and she was sure if Damien won't kill her she would die of a heart attack soon.

"Finally! I was waiting for this opportunity since you ran away from me this morning." Damien Sighed and buried his head in the nape of her neck. Her eyes widened in fear. She suddenly felt as if she was a part of some daily soap.

'He was waiting to grab you  and snap your neck since morning.'  Her conscious yelled at her making her heart skip a beat. She felt like her heart's going to burst like a bubble any moment.

"Do you know how good you smell? I feel like eating you alive." He drawled out and let out a husky chuckle. Which made her breath hitch in her throat. Now she was even more sure that she was going to die of suffocation.

'Did you hear that? You are going to die! Your death is written on the hands of this beastly creature. He's going to eat you alive!' Her conscious was going crazy on her. She felt like puking but still managed to gulp down her nerves.

"I am going to let go off you. Don't scream ok." He warned her and dropped his hands, freeing her.

She literally fell to the floor but held herself up by placing her hand on the nearby table. She took several deep breaths to calm down her racing heart but nothing helped. He was standing behind her so close to her that she could feel the heat radiating from his body. She looked towards the door, her only exit. She gathered some courage and managed to take one shaky step towards the exit. But  before she could have walked any farther he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him, making her face collide with his firm chest. She flinched at the closeness and tried to step back but he locked her there, wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulled her even closer, moulding her body with his. She felt a lump rising in her throat.

"Look at me." He said in a low voice. But all she did was flinch.

He waited for a few seconds but when she didn't make any effort to lift her face up, he grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. The scared look on her face and fear in her eyes made him jerk back his hand and she dropped down her head again. His beast felt irritated after seeing the scared look on her face. The sudden urge, so strong, to comfort her hit him like a ton of bricks and his arms tightened around her on their own accord.

She stood stiff like a statue, her arms dangling at her sides.

"Please, I don't know anything." She finally managed to choke out.

"I know that you know. Your scent was all around me. You saw my beast." He said and let out a low throaty laugh.

" I..I-I-I swear I won't tell a-anyone. I-I p-p-promise." She finally managed to say with a lot of stuttering. She could hear her heart beating in her ears. She was feeling giddy and nervous literally on the verge of dying of embarrassment. He didn't replied, just hugged her tighter.

"P-please..just l-let me g-g-go.." She said in a low nervous voice.

He could feel the nervousness emanating from her in huge waves. She was as rigid as a corpse and his beast was feeling agitated.

"Just hug me back and I would let you go." He heard himself say. She let out a gasp but didn't move.

'Just give him what he wants and get out of here. It's just a hug. Just hug him back and save your life!' Her conscious was yelling at her but she was still in a shock.

They stood there in complete silence for another few minutes. She finally got her brain working and managed to move her stiff arms and wrapped them around his torso, timidly. She heard him sigh. She buried her face in his chest out of embarrassment  but his scent was soothing her somehow. This was the most awkward moment of her life and she couldn't wait to get out of here.

After a few minutes he reluctantly let her go and stepped back. She grabbed her side-bag and shakily walked towards the door.

"Your coming to college tomorrow, right?" He asked before she could have turned the door knob. And before she could have opened her mouth to answer, he continued.

"Of course you are or else I can always drop by your house to pick you up. So, see you tomorrow beauty." He said with amusement dripping from his every word. She could imagine the smug grin on his face clearly. It was his way of telling her that she couldn't hide anywhere. No matter where ever she would go he would find her. Now she won't even be able to feel safe in her own house.

She twisted the door knob with shaking hands and stepped out of the room. When her legs stopped shaking she made a dash towards her car and drove home as fast as she could. When she was finally locked inside her room did she let go off the breath she didn't even knew she was holding.

She felt so tired and drained out as if someone has sucked the energy out of her. She fell down face first on her bed.

'Just one month and twenty seven days left then she'll be out of here. She'll finally graduate and get out of here, far away from Damien Richards.'  These were her last thoughts before she drifted off to dreamless sleep.

Sorry.. I am still not feeling well.. and it would take me a bit longer to upload next chapter.. take care till then...
>love and blessings<


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