Afraid To Fall (Niall Horan-O...

By Oreo_Lover10

5.1K 94 19

Previously Called as: She's Not Afraid But in Love She Is What if you have a friend a friend who is happy ,ad... More

She's Not Afraid, But In Love She Is (Niall Horan-One Direction Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's Note


134 2 0
By Oreo_Lover10


Monica's POV

Todays the day i'm moving to manchester. i'm leaving all the good and bad memories here.  

I'm going to miss the lads really. especially louis and harry . I'm gunna miss my brothers, I feel bad on not saying goodbye to them but it's for the best.

I need to move on like really fast. Cause i might suffer from depression again. i guess no one knew my secret after all, well except from ellie.

Me and the girls will keep in touch like i said and they are visiting me if they have time. but seriously without the girls i don't know what we'll i do!

So we're here at the station waiting for my train. No one know i'm going there except the girls i really trust them.

I just... i really! i mean really! i really can't believe that niall defended her. i thought he was different. Yeah he treated me like a princess and i love it!

Even though he hurted me he'll always have a place in my heart. but i need to move on! be happy and remember YOLO!

Maybe i should put some Taylor Swift song ya know?

Taylor swift yeah.. reminds me of harry. I kept teasing him by singing some taylor swift songs in the shower and when i come out his fingers are on his ears! this boy really hates swift!

I'm gonna miss louis and all the pranks we've made together for example. We bought every taylor swift merchandise in the store and store it in his room. Then we placed a taylor swift cut-out and slide it to his bed. He wakes up and screamed like a girl! me and the lads especially ellie, laughed our heads off!

Many memories. yeah. i'm gunna miss them. like really but it's for the best.  

I've been snapped out back into reality cause the speaker annouced that the train is set for their journey.

*************** London off to manchester is now boarding*****************

So i've decided to talk to the girls, i feel bad about them cause i'm leaving .

"Hey girls. shhh.. stop crying. i'll be back soon i promise. but promise me one thing guys." i said. and they've stop crying.

"what's *sniffles* your *sniffles* promise?"ellie said between her sniffles.

"Ellie when i get back you and hazza need to be as happy as ever ok? don't let anyone ruin your relationship. You can visit me anytime if you have a problem, but don't get caught ok?" i said as i hugged her. i walk towards eleanor.

"El, promise me be happy as ever ok? you and louis are perfect! and maybe when i get back you already have a baby! or should i say babies "i winked at her and she laughed! yes ! she laughed! i am a sucess! STOP it monica! now go back to dani.

''As for you. stay as a dancer! reach your dreams dani! like me! and pls don't let anyone and of coarse the hate! let into you and liam's relationship and you need to get married! i swear if liam won't propose to you i'll get all his toy story movies" i said to dani and she laughed and smiled at me.

"You perrie my dear, see you soon! and please hold on zayn. He's a keeper! your perfect for each other! and if one day you and him have a babies name one of them by me!" i said. and she smiled

*****Last call to the passengers who will go to manchester the train will leave any minute*****

"Well guys that's my last call! i'm gunna miss you! and remember what i told you guys! i luff you!" i said hugging them.

As i went to the train the girls waved their hands saying goodbye and of coarse my best friend is crying her eyes out.

I'm really gonna miss them.

Well this is a start of my new adventure.... And i'm still the girl who's Afraid to Fall



Guys! it's finally Over! but guess what! i'm making a sequel! i'm collaborating with my best friend Ellie! She's KoKoMielleKrunchies ! add her and her story is really great!

Thanks for the reads guys! and all the votes!

We're just making a few chapters and we're gunna post it tomorrow or today! depends cause i'm still making the cover of Fate is Fate. Yes that is the title of the sequel!

Thank you guys for everything!

~Monica~ xxxx

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