Return (GirlxGirl)

By SkylarJapera

752K 16.7K 2K

Only weeks after the big battle against Sue and the human hunters Violet and Chloe never expected for Chloe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 36

15.4K 418 49
By SkylarJapera

Chapter 36

Riley rushes upstairs confused about Eliza. She could see that the blonde was really still in love with her. However, that didn’t change the fact that she left her to die. Who does that to someone you love. Riley walks into her room and crashes onto her bed. Eliza came here to see was Riley okay. That so call warning was so Violet wouldn’t figure it out but Riley knew. She knew Eliza like a book. The girl was so easily to read.

Riley groans there was no way she would ever go back with Eliza but Riley couldn’t deny her feelings. She was a little happy to know Eliza was still in love with her.

“I know that look.”

Riley looks up to see Cassandra leaning on the wall. Riley frowns she was so deep into her thoughts that she didn’t notice Cassandra at her door.

“What look?” Riley snaps.

Cassandra shakes her head in disappointment. “You still have feelings for her.”

“I’m not in love with her.”

“Who said anything about love?”


Cassandra puts her hand out. “Look, I’m not blaming you for still have feelings for Eliza. She was your first so I understand. Just.” Cassandra pauses. “Don’t hurt Kimberly.”

Riley rolls her eyes and says, “I thought we were over this.” Riley runs her hands through her hair. “I won’t hurt Kimberly.”

“I’m not saying you here to hurt her Riley.” Cassandra explains. “I was you once. I was trying to protect Kimberly but only hurt her in the end.”

Riley bites her lip and then frowns. She didn’t need anyone telling her to watch what she does. She knows for fact she will not hurt Kimberly. She loves Kimberly too much to even risk their relationship. Riley crosses her arms over her chest stubbornly and says, “Fine whatever Cassandra. Now can you leave?”

Cassandra grunts in annoyance and blurts, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you dragon.”

Riley sneers at the nickname. She wasn’t a human hunter anymore. Riley goes back to her bed and then falls asleep. She still felt bad from the beating she got from Violet.


Riley eyes snaps open from a little girl voice. She instantly thinks of someone but her nerves calms down when she tells herself that it was impossible. She gets up out of bed and then cringes when she glances at the clock. She over hears a conversation.

“Rue get ready for dinner.”

“But mommy I want to play for a little longer.”

“You heard what I said Rue.”

The little girl groans and Riley can’t help but open the door to see a little tanned girl looking up at her. She had hazel eyes and brown hair. Her eyebrows furrows in confusion. “I’ve never seen you before.”

“Never have I seen you.”

Rue bites her lip and then steps back. Something in her brain clicks. “You’re the human hunter.”

Riley cringes. Now the little girl will be afraid of her.

“Can I see your tattoo?”

“What?” Riley was confused now. This little girl knew too much.

“Please.” The little girls beg. “We have to hurry though my mom will be expecting me at the dinner table in a little while.”

“I don’t think so kid.”

Riley pouts and Riley once again is reminded of someone. However, before she could say anything else she was interrupted by Violet voice. “Rue what did your mommy say.”

Rue frowns and whispers, “To get ready for dinner.”

“Well let’s go.”

“Okay mom.” Rue says. She then smiles towards Riley and whispers, “We can talk later.” After that she runs down the hall towards the dining room.

“Sorry for her.” Violet says. “That’s my daughter Rue.”

“Oh so that’s the little girl Kimberly once told me about.”

“What you look so surprised.”

Riley shrugs her shoulders. “I guess I never thought you and Chloe really had a little girl. But..” Riley runs her hand through her hair. “If you can take care of this town then I guess a little girl is not so bad.”

“No.” Violet laughs. “I completely disagree. Rue is a handful.”

“I bet.” Riley smirks and begins to think of someone. “So what’s for dinner?” She shakes her thoughts away.


Cassandra watches as Jessica sits at the desk in their room and grades papers. Jessica takes the glasses off of her face and that’s when Cassandra knows Jessica is done grading. For the past few days Cassandra hasn’t had much time for Jessica and she knew this was irritating for the human. But Cassandra had a job to do.

“So how is school?”

“It is better.” Jessica answers. “The police are finally gone. Everything is back to normal. Almost.”

Jessica stands and begins to peal all of her clothing off. She then mutters, “I wonder how Violet and Chloe do it.”

“What.” Cassandra pipes in. Jessica groans. That comment was only meant for her brain. She quickly slips on something comfortable and says, “It’s time for dinner.”

Cassandra sits their confused. Something was up with Jessica and honestly she didn’t have time for relationship problems.

Downstairs was even more frustrating. During dinner Jessica would only poke at her food and smile when she thinks someone is watching. She didn’t know that Cassandra could see right through her and they would be having a long conversation after dinner. Besides that Rue mostly put smiles on everyone faces. She told every one of her adventures in Arlandria and how she is becoming a very powerful witch. Surprisingly, she sat by Riley. For some odd reason she really liked Riley. However, it wasn’t surprising to Chloe and Violet because they just knew Rue was odd like that. It was kinda like the same day Rue and Violet first met. Rue knew Violet was a wolf but she wasn’t afraid but only curious.

Violet knew that Rue was up to something but she would see how it would play itself out.

“Dinner was nice and it was nice seeing you Rue.” Jessica stands. “But I’m really exhausted. I will see all of you tomorrow.”

Everyone mutters goodnight and when she is out of sight Chloe cannot help but lean over and asks, “What’s up with Jessica.”

Cassandra shrugs her shoulders and whispers back, “I don’t know but I’m about to go.”


Upstairs Cassandra strips out of her clothes when she hears the shower running. She yawns not even noticing how tired she is. But she is determine to stay up so she and Jessica can talk. Cassandra lays back and stares at the ceiling she thinks back trying to see have she done anything wrong in the pass days. It was impossible for Jessica to be mad at her. They haven’t been around each other enough for the red head human to be angry at her. Cassandra yawns again and groans. The water was still running. She closes her eyes and tries to hum to keep herself up but it was impossible. She was asleep.

Jessica walks out the bathroom wrapped in only a white towel. She glances towards the bed to see Cassandra lying in the bed asleep in only her underwear and bra. Jessica runs her hand through her hair. She quickly puts her clothes on and then sneaks out the room and onto the nearby balcony.

“What’s up Jessica?”

Jessica jumps slightly but doesn’t turn around when she notice the voice.

“I don’t know Chloe.”

Chloe leans on the balcony and watches the moon. “Cassandra is concern.”

“Then why is she asleep and not talking to me.” Jessica snaps. “You are not my girlfriend and you are not Cassandra.”

Chloe bites her lip. They both then sit there in silence.

“I’m sorry.” Jessica mumbles after a lifetime. “I’m just stress out. It’s like I never see Cassandra. Ever.”

Chloe nods her head understanding.

“How do you and Violet do it?”

“Do what.”

“Deal with the stress.”

“Oh.” Chloe blushes.

Jessica stares at her. She didn’t understand how Chloe and Violet relationship worked like it did. They had so many problems and when things happen they barely saw each other also.

“Sex.” Chloe whispers. But Jessica hears her. “It just our thing.” Chloe explains. “Whenever something bad happen that’s has me and Violet barely seeing it each other. We attack each other every chance we get. But like I said, this is just something we do.” Chloe turns towards Jessica. “Maybe you and Cassandra are different. Maybe every time you see each other you rather go outside and talk and watch the stars. I don’t know.” Chloe shrugs. “I just know you love my sister. So don’t give up so easily. You will figure it out. Now I got to go.” Chloe smirks. “I know Violet is waiting on me.”

Riley walks into her room in deep thought. She is surprised when she sees Rue sitting on her bed. “Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

“Yep.” Rue smiles. “But my parents don’t know I’m out. They are busy.”

Riley arches her eyebrow but doesn’t question it. She sits on her bed and then says, “Well you need to get to bed little one.”

“I’m not tired.” Rue pouts. “Your time is different from mines back home. So I’m not sleepy.”

Riley groans and then asks slightly irritated. “What do you want me to do about?”

“I don’t know.” Rue shrugs. “Want to watch a movie.”

“I don’t watch kid stuff kid.”

“Stop calling me kid I have a name you know.” Rue frowns. This only makes Riley smirks. “Whatever child.”

Rue frowns deepen at this. She rolls her eyes and then says, “I don’t watch kid stuff anyways. I want to watch a scary movie.”

“Heck no.” Riley says. “Your mom’s would kill me.”

“They are asleep.” Rue says. “Please.”

Riley frowns. She really couldn’t say no to this little girl. “Whatever.” Riley says. “Let’s go shorty.”

Rue looks up frowning and asks, “You’re going to keep calling me names aren’t you.”

“You are smart.”

Once they are downstairs in the main room. Riley sits down while Rue goes through the DVDs. Riley smirks when Rue plops right next to her. “So what did you pick shorty.”

“The Woods.” Rue smiles.

Riley rolls her eyes as she scans over the DVD cover. Typical movie, Stupid friends go camping into the woods while there’s a serial killer on the loose. However, Riley cannot complain not with that huge smile on Rue face. She has come to the terms that she likes this little girl. She reminds her so much of-


Riley snaps out of her thoughts and says, “Yeah. Don’t tell me you chicken out already.”

“No.” Rue snaps back stubbornly. “I just wanted to see if you wanted popcorn.”

“Fine kid.”

After fixing the popcorn Riley and Rue settle on the couch and watch the horror film. Just as Riley thought. The movie starts with some stupid teenagers who want to camp in the woods. Of course the slut dies first but Riley was on her job when the sexual scenes came. She quickly covers Rue eyes. Then after that everyone else dies and at the end after finally killing the man two of them survive only to be driven off the road because the serial killer didn’t die. Riley smiles when the credits roll. She was ready for bed.

“Alright kid. We watch the movie you wanted to watch. Time for bed.”

When Riley doesn’t get an answer she looks down to see Rue asleep on her shoulder. Riley groans and picks the little girl up taking her to her room. She puts Rue into bed and was ready to walk out until she heard, “Thanks Riley you’re the best.”

Riley smirks and says, “Go to sleep shorty.”

“Jesus.” Chloe pants while Violet head is between her legs. “Sorry only Violet.” The alpha mumbles between her legs sending a vibration through her core.

“Violet.” Chloe pulls onto Violet hair happy that they did get the sound proof walls. They did not want to do anymore explaining to Rue who was right down the hall.

Violet kisses back up Chloe stomach and smiles, “I love it when you yell my name.”

Chloe giggles and then flips Violet over. She bends down and softly kisses her while her hand travel down Violet body slowly. “Hmmm.” Violet hums in pleasure. “I fucking missed you.”

Chloe bites Violet lip sucking gently. “I miss you too baby.”

Violet throws Chloe on her back hovering over the witch. She then kisses her passionately.


The next morning Violet wakes up and smiles. She slowly gets out of bed making sure she doesn’t wake Chloe. Once she is out the shower, she heads downstairs but, stops at Rue room. She slowly turns the knob and then enters to see Rue bed messed up but no Rue. Violet frowns it was five in the morning. There was no way Rue was awakened.

Violet tries to calm her nerves. This was Rue you were talking about. A very adventurous girl who would wake up for anything. Violet walks downstairs passing maids and servants.

It was odd no one had seen Rue.

Riley groans and turns over. She then opens one of her eyes when she feels another body on hers. At first she thinks its Kimberly but notice that Kimberly does not have brown hair. Riley wipes her eyes and then sits up looking at Rue who is under her covers. Riley runs her hands through her hair and then yawns, “Little brat.” She mutters before slowly getting out of bed. Rue mumbles something but turns the other way and buries her face into Riley pillow.

Once Riley is out of the shower she hears a soft knock at her door. She rushes towards the door not wanting to wake up the little girl. She smiles when she sees Kimberly. “Hey.” The strawberry blonde says.

“Hey.” Riley smiles. “What’s up?” It was six in the morning. Kimberly wouldn’t just randomly come to her room. Not this early anyway.

“I just came to see were you feeling any better. I haven’t seen you since dinner last night.” Kimberly frowns, “I thought you were sleeping in my room now.”

Riley glances back at the bed to see if Rue was still asleep or not. Kimberly eyebrow arches. “Is someone in there?”

“What no…I mean…” Riley couldn’t even finish her sentence before Kimberly is barging into her room.

Kimberly didn’t know what she walking into but she wanted to know what Riley was hiding. She was surprise to see Rue in Riley bed. “What is she doing in here?” Kimberly asks curious.

Riley closes the door softly and shrugs her shoulder. “I think she snuck in here last night. Thank-God I didn’t sleep naked or anything.”

“Oh.” Kimberly blushes.

“What you thought another woman was in here.” Riley smirks walking towards the red Kimberly. The strawberry blonde stutters as she backs herself up into the wall. She bites her lip and then quietly moans when Riley lips connect with her neck. “Even though you live with some sexy women.” Riley nips at Kimberly neck making the strawberry blonde close her eyes. “I only have my eye on you princess.”

Riley trails her tongue from Kimberly neck to her lips. She licks Kimberly bottom lip and then softly kisses her as she grips the strawberry blonde waist. Kimberly kisses back passionately and pants when Riley fingers trails up her legs lifting her red sundress in the progress. “I swear you tempt me with these dresses.” Riley groans her hand getting higher and higher.

They here small coughs behind them. Riley jumps back completely forgetting about the brat. She turns around to see Rue rolling her eyes. “You two are worse than my parents.” Rue yawns and then jumps out of bed with her Iron Man pajamas on. Riley smirks and blurts, “Aren’t Iron Man for boys.”

“No.” Rue snaps. “They are for girls too.”

“Whatever.” Riley says. “Why did you come into my room last night brat?”

“Because…”Rue bites her lip. She was not about to admit she had bad dreams. “Because I can!” She stomps and tries to run for the door but Riley steps in front of her and smirks, “You got scared last night.”


Kimberly stays back and takes in Riley and Rue relationship. They were bickering like they were sisters…

“You little scary cat.”

“I’m not.” Rue screams back. “I came in here because my room was cold.”

“Whatever.” Riley smirks. “Scary Cat.”

Rue frowns and then shouts, “I’m telling my mom.”

“Wait…What.” Riley says back a little afraid. Rue parents were crazy as hell. The human hunter looks back at Kimberly and the strawberry blonde giggles, “She is telling Violet on you.”

Rue runs towards the door when she sees her chance. Riley was distracted. When she makes it out the door she screams while running down the hall. “Mom!”

Riley runs after the little girl before her mom reaches her. “Come back here shorty.”

Rue makes it down the hall. She looks behind her noticing the dragon lover catching up rather quickly. When Rue gets to the stairs she notices that she won’t make it. Rue thinks quickly. She jumps over the rail and uses her wind spell to catch her fall.

Riley looks over the rail and grunts when the little girl sticks her tongue out at her. Rue giggles then enter the kitchen happy to see her mom reading the newspaper. “Mom!”

“Riley where have you been.” Violet asks. “I’ve been looking for you.”

“I slept-

“I didn’t do it.” Riley burst through the door.

Violet eyebrow arches in confusion and Rue spits out quickly, “She tease me about my pajamas.”

“I did no such thing.”

“Mom! Yes she did.” Rue yells back crossing her arms over her chest.

Chloe then walks through the kitchen sitting down next to her wife. “Then she called me a scary cat. But I am not a scary cat. Tell her mom I’ve been shot before.”

“What?” Riley asks.

Rue pulls her shirt up and points at her scar. “See.” Rue smirks evilly. “I am not a scary cat.” She then sticks her tongue out at Riley and runs.

“You little brat.” Riley chases after her.

Violet turns towards her wife confused. Chloe shrugs her shoulders. “I guess Rue found her older sister.”

Chloe smiles and pecks Violet on the lip when she hears Rue laughing. “Stop tickling me.” They both hear. Violet continues to drink her orange juice. Like she said. Rue always brought the good out the odd ones.


Riley crashes on Kimberly bed. She was tired she and the little brat hung out all day. She took Rue to the park and got her ice-cream. Then when they got back they watch movies together. Riley smirks. She again teased Rue how she couldn’t watch scary movies anymore because she was a scary cat. After much bickering they settle on Iron Man. Riley surprisingly was a big Marvel fan but preferred Thor. ‘Next time were watching the Avengers.’ She told Rue earlier. The little girl didn’t argue. She hasn’t had a chance to see that movie yet.

“Long day honey.” Kimberly smirks sitting down next to her girlfriend.

“Hmmm.” Riley answers. “Now come cuddle with me.”

Kimberly rolls her eyes at the order but does as she is told. Riley wraps her hand around her human girlfriend slowly falling asleep until she was interrupted. “You’re good with kids.”


“I would have never thought.” Kimberly says.

Riley begins to chew on her lip ring. She then mutters, “I have a little sister.”

Kimberly turns around completely. “What!”

“Yeah.” Riley shrugs. “Her name is Amber. She is a year older than Rue.”

“You never told me.” Kimberly replies.

“Yeah, she lives with my Aunt.” Riley explains. “I left after the human hunters took me.”

“You left your little sister behind.”

“She wouldn’t have survived in my world Kimberly.” Riley snaps. “I didn’t tell you that for you to judge me. I did what was best for her.”

Kimberly frowns noticing her words came out wrong. “Riley.” She pulls the dragon lover back down. “I’m sorry.” She pecks Riley on the lip. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

Riley kisses Kimberly back and then says, “Let’s just forget about it.”



“Yeah.” Violet answers looking up from the documents from her desk. Even though Rue was here and everything was a little better she still had to accept that a war was coming soon.

“Can you buy the Avengers Movie for me please?” Riley begs holding the please.

“No more Iron Man.” Violet was confused. Avenger was a new super hero or something. “Rue you changed super heroes I thought you liked Iron Man. I just got you the comics and matching pajamas.”

Rue rolls her eyes. “Mom Iron Man is in the Avengers. The Avengers is a super hero group with The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Captain America…”

“Okay hold on.” Violet smiles at her geeky daughter. “I will get Sam to run to the local store and buy the movie and some more toys and pajamas. I swear I don’t know any of the people you just named.”

Rue jumps up and down slightly and then smiles, “Thank mom I love you.”

“Where are you going?” Violet questions.

“Too tell Riley we can watch Avengers tonight.”

“How about tomorrow Rue.”

Rue pouts, “Why.”

“Because she is upstairs spending time with Kimberly and plus it is about time for dinner and then your bed time but tomorrow I promise okay sweetie.”

“Okay.” Rue yawns.

“Plus I’m pretty sure you want to stay up for the entire movie.” Violet remembers the last time she and her daughter watch Iron Man together. The movie was almost three hours long. She never understood why it was so freaking long. She honestly thought it was never going to end.

Rue nods her head walking out the library heading towards the kitchen to tell her mommy about her new movie she is about to get.


“Iron Man was like pew pew pew and then Hulk was like ‘SMASH’”

Violet smiles down at her little girl who is making this weird face trying to imitate Hulk. “Mom you should have seen it. It was the best movie ever.”

“Oh I heard it.” Violet says glances towards Riley.

Riley rubs the back of her head. “Sorry I kind of got carried away with the surround sound. It really feels like you are there with the big TV and all.”

“It’s fine Riley.” Chloe smiles. “Thank-you for watching the movie with Rue.”

Rue yawns but quickly tries to cover it up before her mom’s sees. Chloe only smiles and says, “Rue time for bed.”

“No mom.” Rue whines.

“Yes Rue.” Chloe mimics.

Rue pouts and then runs into Riley hugging her tightly. “Thank-You Riley.”

Riley pats the top of Rue head saying, “No problem shorty.”

Rue glares up at Riley and then heads up stairs. Violet follows behind her to make sure the little girl gets into bed.

“You are really good with her.”

“Yeah she reminds me of Amber.”

“Amber.” Chloe repeats. “Oh. So you have a little sister.”

Riley frowns. How the hell I let that slip. She mumbles to herself.

“You don’t have to explain anything to me Riley.” Chloe says.

“No.” Riley replies. “You trust me.”

“You owe me nothing.”

“Yeah I don’t but I really should learn to trust others and open up. At least that’s what Kimberly thinks.”

Chloe smiles and nods her head.

“Amber is my little sister. She lives in North Dakota with my Aunt. I left her there after the human hunters took me in. I didn’t want her to have the life I had. I wanted her to have a chance at a real normal life. She was so confused after our parents died and I didn’t want her growing up being the weird girl who believed in wolves and vampires. So I told her they were murdered while being robbed. I never told her three vampires raided the house and killed my parents who were also once human hunters. Luckily we weren’t there.”

“I’m sorry.” Chloe replies.

“It’s okay.” Riley weakly smiles. “I should probably head up.”


Riley turns around confused. “For what.”

“For trusting me.” Chloe smiles before walking away.


“Oh Riley you are so stupid.” Eliza smirks while resting on the hill where she could see the front of Violet mansion. “You just gave me the greatest idea.”

“How?” Tom asks confused. He and Eliza have been watching the mansion for two days now taking notes. When there leader John called them yesterday saying that they are going to be off schedule they figure they should at least study the creatures.

“Her feelings for the little creature reminded me of someone. Now she will have no choice but to come back.”

“Um Eliza, Riley doesn’t want to come back.”

“But she will.” Eliza snaps.


Eliza rolls her eyes she was happy that Tom was strong because he was very stupid.

“Her little sister Amber.” Eliza points out. “We are going to take a trip Tom.”


Eliza groans. “To North Dakota.”

“Oh.” Tom grins. “We are taking Riley little sister.”

“Yes.” Eliza smirks.

Tom begins to laugh. “Yeah this should be good.”


Jessica and Cassandra walk into the main room smiling. Chloe grins she was happy for the couple. Thank God they had fixed their problems because she didn’t want anyone breaking up.

Cassandra kisses Jessica on the cheek and then disappears into the kitchen.

“So you two have talked?” Chloe questions.

“Yes.” Jessica answers. “We cuddle.”

“Huh?” Chloe was confused.

“You said we should find our thing.” Jessica smiles. “Well we cuddle and talk.”

“Oh.” Chloe grins. “I’m happy.”

“I notice that we don’t know much about each other past.” Jessica begins to bite her lip. “Now I feel like I know Cassandra a lot better.”

“I’m happy for you Jessica.” Chloe smiles.

Once dinner was over Riley heads to Kimberly room and walks in at the right time. Kimberly was coming out of the bathroom in only a bra and her stripes boxers. Riley chews on her lip ring. Seeing her girlfriend in only a bra and her boxers was the sexiest thing she has ever seen.

Kimberly blushes and looks down at herself explaining, “They are comfortable. So I sleep in them sometimes.”

Riley doesn’t reply but crashes her and Kimberly lips together. Kimberly moans and then yelps when she is picked up and thrown onto the bed. Riley crawls between her legs and kisses her passionately her hands roaming everywhere. Kimberly pulls the hair band out of the dark tresses making the wild midnight hair fall over Riley shoulders.

Riley nips at Kimberly bottom lip earning a moan. She smirks and then lifts up pulling her shirt over her head.

Kimberly stares at Riley tone stomach and chew on her lip. She grabs the back of Riley neck and connects their lips together again. Kissing Riley was always enjoyable. It was just something about kissing the human hunter. Her lips were soft and her tongue always dominated hers no matter how hard she fought. Kissing Riley was perfect but right now she wanted more than to just make-out and touch. She wanted all of Riley.

Kimberly hands trails down Riley back her nails digging into the tatted skin. Riley groans her teeth sinking into Kimberly shoulder.

Finally after getting Riley out her tight black jeans the dragon lover and human were devouring each other.

Riley pins Kimberly hands above her with one hand as the other one un-clamp the human bra. Kimberly bites her lip as she intensively stares into the lusting dark blue-green eyes. Riley mouths waters as she looks at the bare chest.

Riley quickly latches one of the rounds mound into her mouth making the strawberry blonde arch into her.

Kimberly moans as Riley tongue works on her chest. Her breathing was becoming rag and short. “Riley.” Kimberly pants. She was so turned on. She needs Riley talented tongue somewhere else but she wanted to see Riley also.

Riley looks up reading her girlfriend mind and let’s go of Kimberly pins hands and straddles the human waist. She then slowly takes her bra off smirking when she sees Kimberly eyes darken in lust. Kimberly lifts up kissing and then sucking onto Riley breast. Riley moans but pushes Kimberly back. Kimberly pouts but Riley sucks on her ear while mumbling, “Tonight about you princess.”

Riley pushes Kimberly back on her back and hovers over her.

They begin to kiss again until Riley starts to slowly kiss down Kimberly body. She takes her time admiring the beauty writhing underneath her. Once she gets to the waist band of her boxers she cannot help but smirk. “Damn I love you in these but they have to come off.”

Kimberly lifts her body trying to make Riley hurry. She was tired of the teasing.

Riley finally pulls her boxers off Kimberly waist and down her legs where she finally threw them onto the floor. She then kisses Kimberly thigh and smirks when she smells the want between Kimberly thighs.

Kimberly breathing becomes quicker. She was nervous and turned on. Riley was staring at her lady parts like it was a piece of meat. She pulls onto Riley hair knowing it would turn the human hunter on. She forces Riley face down and finally lets out a loud moan when she feels Riley tongue for the first time.  “Ahhmmm.”

Riley grips Kimberly waist pushing the strawberry blonde back down.

Kimberly bites her lip to keep from screaming but then Riley does something with her tongue that’s makes her shout. She could tell Riley has done this before a lot. She was so so good at this. Kimberly grabs the sheets feeling herself getting close. She pulls onto Riley hair trying to yank her up. Finally after several seconds Riley kisses back up her body.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No!” Kimberly pants. “I want to see your eyes.”

Riley smiles getting the hint. She then slowly enters one finger into Kimberly. She keeps it there letting the strawberry blonde get familiar with the feeling. Once she notices Kimberly is okay she continues making the human fingers dig into her shoulder.

After a minute or two Kimberly starts rocking her hips. They both set a rhythm that has Kimberly moaning very loudly. Riley smirks. Kimberly was a screamer.

Kimberly left hand grips Riley butt while her right hand slams into the headboard as she comes. Her eyes slams shut and she lets out a silent cry as stars enter her vision.

Riley nearly comes after witnesses the most beautiful thing in her life. When both of their breathing comes back Riley buries her head into Kimberly chest.

Kimberly finally speaks, “I...cannot explain how good that felt.”

Riley smirks kissing Kimberly passionately.

Kimberly flips Riley over her hands roaming over the ex-human hunter body. Riley writers underneath her as she bites her lip knowing the human wants to return the favor.

Kimberly pulls her panties down smirking at seeing how soak they are. She bites the midnight beauty ear as her hands disappear between her legs rubbing against her.

Riley hips jerks as she bites her lip before an embarrassing noise come from her mouth.

“Let go.” Kimberly whispers in her ear moving in and out of her. They set a perfect rhythm that has Riley pulling onto the strawberry blonde hair. Riley bites Kimberly shoulder as Kimberly moves faster and harder. Kimberly pants when she feels teeth in her shoulder. She knows Riley is close so she moves Riley face towards her.

Riley opens her eyes looking up at Kimberly as she grips the sheets, “I love you.” She hears Kimberly pants into her ear. After the confession Riley is sent over the edge letting out a silent cry.

Kimberly kisses Riley all over until Riley is back to planet earth.

“Are you sure you never done that before.”

Kimberly smirks licking Riley ear. “I may have touched myself before.”

Riley groans. Dammit now I’m turned on again. Riley tries not to picture this but it is impossible. Kimberly giggles into her shoulder. She flips the human over and smirks. “Well you should be ready for another round.”

“What.” Riley smiles at Kimberly cuteness. She was going to make love to Kimberly all night.

Riley kisses down Kimberly body for the second time tonight thinking of Cassandra words about her and Eliza. She nips on Kimberly belly. There was no way in hell she still had feelings for Eliza. Kimberly had her heart.

“Riley.” Kimberly moans.

Riley smirks shaking Eliza and Cassandra out her head. She had mission to accomplish.

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Val expected to have a relaxing vacation in Yosemite National Park with beautiful women as her course meal. What she got was two different Werewolf p...
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Four Months have gone by since Marisa left Val's pack. Living back in L.A wasn't making life any easier than being surrounded by a pack. Marisa was a...
31.7K 2.1K 22
In the fourth series of Mckayla's story, she is back to her rogue self. No care for humanity. No interest in feeling anything. Too much pain occurs w...
1.2K 47 21
WARNING: Cringe and shit writing Her name is Rebell Joanna Smith. The daughter of Monstrous Wolf. After the world lost its magic, the only way to bri...