Underneath the Secrets


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Ever since September Davidson's mother disappeared a year ago, Ember has wondered what could have happened to... More

~A New Day~

~Mapped Out~

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Cody's plan was simple. But actually accomplishing it would be quite the challenge. He finished telling us and we all agreed since none of the rest of us had come up with anything better. "Mission Find the Backpack: accepted." Simon said holding out his hand in the middle of the table. It seemed childish but within seconds all six of us had put our hands together. "On three..uh you guys we need a cool name." Simon said. 
"The Emerald Tigers."
"No no no the Rebels."
"Guys, you're getting it wrong, We're secret Agents, we should be the Whisperers." Duncan said with a shake of his head. We all exchanged glances and broke out in giants grins. "1..2..3..THE WHISPERERS!" We exclaimed together getting a lot of strange looks from others around the room. we were originally going to split up into threes. Me, Simon and Leela were going to find a way into the Surveying room and find a way to sneak my backpack out without the guards noticing, while Duncan, Cody and Janessa were going to go to the computer room, to make sure Agent Lovell stayed occupied and didn't notice we were even missing. Turns out, the guards refused to let us go back to our rooms at all, we had to go straight to training, so we changed our plans for later that night when everyone should be asleep. Also, going to the computer room helped alot. As we walked in the room I spun in a circle looking around at the contents of the room. One wall had a control panel which led to a to a giant room blocked off with a one way glass window. Set against the opposite wall was an enormous table with about a hundred desktop computers sitting on them. In the corners of the room were TV screens that showed images of the room on the other side of the glass. The room began filling itself up with other agents. Agent Lovell wasn't even in the room yet. "Whoa, this room is.."I started at a loss for words. 
"Amazing?" Simon said finishing my sentence for me. I nodded. It seemed like from what I've picked up just by listening to Cody, Leela, Janessa and Simon, that Simon and Leela were better at hacking computers and disarming bombs, whereas Cody and Janessa were better at combat.  I figured I'd be better at the hacking and disarming where Duncan would be better at combat since he did it so easily. Agent Lovell came in and ordered everyone to find a seat at a computer. We all did as we were told, the six of us lining up in a row. Agent Lovell walked over to the control panel and did something I couldn't see. In moments the screens in front of us blazed to life. "We are going to start with simple hacking, then we will progressively get more advanced. Ready, Set, Hack!" Agent Lovell said turning back to the control panel. I glanced at my newfound friends, and cousin, then got to work on the hacking. This was easy. I had done things like this thousands of times before. Simply, all I did was take the last four digits of the website link in the password section and created a random username under the name of Barry Turner. Once the random profile was created I scrolled to the bottom of the page and clicked the help section. It took me to a page that left obvious hints. I almost wondered if Agent Lovell had set it up to be easy but then I realized there was no need to make it easy, either you understood how to hack or you didn't. I searched the sections until I found the email. Then I opened a new tab and typed in the first part of the email before the 'at' symbol then pasted the last four digits of the previous page link and pressed enter, smirking as it signed me into the head account. I heard a ding as every other computer shut off except for the one I was on. A collective gasp was heard from around the room. I bit my lip and began typing something into the search bar when I heard heels clicking behind me. My chair was grabbed and suddenly spun so that I was inches from Agent Lovell's face. "How did you do that? No one. Not even our best Agents have ever hacked an account like that. She said. I grinned and she stared at me, finally realizing there was no way I was going to share my secret hacking skills. Agent Lovell finally turned away from me. "Turn the computers back on please, Agent Davidson." She said walking back over to the control panel. I shuddered at hearing her call me that. It sounded unnatural but I did as she asked and pressed enter on the keyboard. The computers all came back on with a ding. Agent Lovell was facing the group of us now. "It's not always easy to hack accounts, or security cameras and cellphones, but for some people it comes naturally, whereas physical combat comes easier to some." Agent Lovell said, but I was barely listening as Simon poked me to get my attention. I turned to look at him and the others. "First of all how did you do that?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders and mouthed, 'I'll tell you later' right as some sort of alarm started blaring. Agent Lovell yelled over the noise. "Alright, Agents. You all know the drill. Everyone out!" She yelled. Duncan grabbed my arm to make sure he didn't lose me. "Come on, follow us." Leela said running to the door. We followed. I have no idea what's going on, but still we followed them. Leela, and the others led us to the bunker rooms. Once we were back in 'our' rooms, Duncan let go of my arm but stayed close to me. "Okay. What's going on?" He asked. Janessa plopped down on her bed and rested her head in the palms of her hands, while the others just looked at each other before turning to me and Duncan. "Nothing is happening..that's super bad, at least. As far as we know this is just a drill. But when this happens it usually means there's some sort of attack." Simon explained sitting next to Janessa on the bed. I sat down on mine as well, which was still unmade from when Leela woke me up this morning. "So, what, we just sit here and wait out whatever is or might be going on outside?" Duncan asked. The others nodded. "Alright then." Duncan said leaning against the wall. 

"Wait. You guys! This could be our chance to snag Ember's backpack." Duncan exclaimed after a few moments of awkward silence. We leaned closer together exchanging glances. This would be the perfect time to snag my backpack. If and only if we could find out way out and around the Guards stationed around the winding tunnels to where they were probably keeping it, if they still had it somewhere and they didn't burn it so no fresh air germs got in their perfect organization or something. "So, we haven't been here as long as you guys, where should we go? And should we still split up??" I asked in a voice so quiet I wasn't sure the others had even heard me. Thankfully, they did so I didn't have to repeat myself. "I think we should stick together as much as we can, just in case we get cornered by a guard or too and they get suspicious." Leela said softly looking around at each of us. We all nodded. Simon proceeded to move to the door, but when he turned the knob, nothing happened. "It's locked." He said.
"What do you mean it's locked?"
"I mean, It's locked, Cody. What do you think I mean?"
"Well, why would it be locked?" Cody asked.
"I don't know!" Simon turned the knob again and bumped the door with his hip. The door was definitely locked. "Maybe it's safety precautions, for this lock in drill or something." Duncan suggested. Cody and Simon shook their heads. "It's never, ever been locked before. I don't know why they would start now." Simon said finally giving up trying to open it and leaned against the door. I exchanged glances with Duncan. "Never?" We said at the same time. Simon shook his head and then leaned it back against the door, with the rest of his body. "Never." He confirmed. Huh. Either that meant this wasn't a drill or Agent Lovell knew exactly what we were planning and had our door locked on purpose. The boys started arguing about something, while I bit my thumb deep in thought. We didn't hear Leela calling us until a pillow flew from behind us, hitting Cody in the face, muffling what he was saying. We all turned to Janessa and Leela. "What in the world was that for?" Simon asked simply.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but Ember, is that your backpack stuffed under your bed?" Janessa said. "What?" I asked crouching down in front of my bed. There, right there. My backpack was just sitting there. I pulled it out and felt everyone's eyes on me. I slowly unzipped it and looked inside and  sighed deeply. "It's empty." I said throwing it at the wall.  Cody bent over to pick it up and inspect it. I pulled my legs up to my chest and buried my face, trying to ignore the others. It wasn't working very well. But that didn't matter, when the door swung open sending Simon falling to the ground and the rest of us snapping our heads in that direction. Agent Lovell and two other people I didn't know stood in the doorway. Simon scrambled to his feet and backed further into the room. Cody and Duncan following his lead, coming to stand on either side of me.  "I see you found your backpack, September, Good. It seems we need to have a little talk about what was inside it." Agent Lovell said with her arm crossing across her chest, her eyes never leaving mine. I suddenly felt the tension in the room. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Fine, let's talk about it." I said. She gave me a wicked smirk and went to turn on her heel. "Follow me." She said in such a smug voice I wanted to slap that look right off of her face. Instead I clenched my fists together and as I was about to take a step foreword. Everyone of my friends did too. Agent Lovell froze in her tracks and turned around. "No, I only need Ember. Not all six of you." She said. Simon and Duncan stepped in front of me, Janessa, Leela and Cody surrounded me. "She's not going alone." Simon said sternly. Agent Lovell almost looked amused. "Very well," She walked back into the room, "Have a seat, children." Her friends stepped into the room and closed the door. 

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