Insanity (COMPLETED) #Wattys2...

By not_so_perf

875 67 8

Devynn has a normal teenage girl life. Snotty girls, cute boys, and a best friend. Garren, Devynns best frien... More

Second Guessing the Intro
Stage Set
Meeting Wyat
Drama and Surprises
There's Two


40 3 0
By not_so_perf

Devynn's POV

I woke in a dark room. I could feel sheets beneath me, but couldn't move. I turned my head to the side, and saw a figure sleeping next to me. I tried to get away, waking the figure in the process. Wyat's face loomed into view; I was tied to him. He leaned forward to try and attack my mouth.

I awoke, screaming. Nurses and doctors ran into the hospital room. I was crying again. The doctors and most of the nurses started to check the equipment attached to me. One of the nurses came to me and lowered me down slowly. She smiled at me. She then walked out the door. A couple minutes later, she came back in with Garren and my mom in tow.

The doctors and nurses took their leave, and my mom and Garren sat next to my bed. Mom stroked my hair while Garren held my hand. "Devynn, sweetie, it's okay. It wasn't real. It was just a bad dream." My mother whispered in my ear. I started to calm, and hiccuped. Garren smirked at me, getting a glare in return. We stayed like that for a while.

I was almost asleep again, and I registered the nice nurse come back in. She wasn't smiling. My mom and Garren turned to her. She sighed, "It isn't necessarily good news." We all glanced down at our own feet. She cleared her throat and continued, "We tested, and she was sexually abused by the kidnapper." My eyes watered. My mom's mouth fell open, and shed her own tears. Garren shook with anger.

Garren spoke next, "I-is she..." The nurse shook her head. "Her body was incapable of accepting the sperm, so she was unable to carry. It's a temporary illness, but rare." We sighed with relief. My mom thanked her, and she left again. They turned their attention back to me. Their looks said the same thing.

My throat scratched, "I wasn't awake." I thought about telling them more, and decided for it. "I didn't want to live anymore after that. I wasn't tied up, but locked in a room. I went into the en suite, and I tried to overdose." The shock from the nurse's news was nothing compared to this. Both of them started to cry, and my mom threw herself onto me.

"Oh! Don't leave me!" She wailed.

"Mom, I love you too, but you're crushing me." She apologized and stood back up. "I'll go get you a drink." She sniffled, then left the room. Garren scooted closer to me. "I'm sorry, Garren. I didn't think about you guys. I just wanted to be free, and-" He shushed me, "It's fine. I understand." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

"In about a week and a half, they are going to release you, and you're going to the station to help with a report. Are you okay with that? Your mom and I will be there with you." He leaned back. I slowly nodded. I would have to face it eventually. My mom came in, and I accepted the water, taking small sips of it. I had a sudden flashback of the night Jay saved me. I started shaking.

"Devynn? Dev?! DEV?!? NURSE!!" Someone yelled. The cup slipped out my hand. Wyat found me again.

Garren's POV

Devynn started shaking. I yelled for the nurse. Her cup slipped from her hand, and she started crying again. Nurses and doctors rushed into the room. They all talked quickly. A nurse was laying Devynn back down on her bed. "What's happening to her?" I pleaded. "She is suffering from Post-Traumatic Syndrome, like soldiers do. She had a similar situation to her time kidnapped, and it started a flashback. We're guessing it's a newer memory."

I stared at Devynn's trembling figure. A doctor came up to her with a needle and syringe. He stuck it in her arm, and she fell slack. I understood she was in a dreamless sleep. Mariann and I were escorted out of the room, and I had to go home.

I got home late to find my parents were still up waiting for me. They stood up as I shut the door, and we came together in a hug without speaking. I updated them on her recovery, sugar coating parts of it. At about one in the morning, I finally went up to bed. My dreams were filled with Devynn, happy, cured, without hauntings of her past.

Two weeks later.

Devynn's POV

The hospital was discharging me. I hadn't had a flashback since about a week after I came in. I wasn't sure I was ready to go through my kidnapping again. I wasn't really going through that experience, but just talking about it scared me. A nurse was going to be on site in case I had another flashback.

The nice nurse came in with a pile of clothes in her hand. I looked through them, and picked out a comfy, yet professional outfit. I walked into the bathroom, and changed into a pair of leggings, and a blouse. Tying my hair up into a top-knot, I walked out, met by my mom.

She lightly grasped my fore arm, and we walked out if the hospital. I got in the passenger seat, and we pulled away from the parking lot. I leaned my head on the window, and we rode in silence. The landscape flew by in a blur. It felt like only moments before we had arrived at the Police Station. Garren stood by his truck, and I remembered the nightmare I had of him. I shook myself.

My mom glanced at me, and I tried to play it off. Garren opened my door and helped me out. He put his arm around my waist, holding me tight to his side. I relaxed into his touch. As soon as we entered the station, a cop led us into an interrogation room. It was extremely similar to the room I was trapped in before the ransom video.

My panic attack started immediately. Garren pulled me from the room and sat me on a nearby chair. It took me a couple of minutes to calm down. "Do you want to go back in?" Garren asked me concerned. I shook my head. We were led to a different room, and I felt myself relaxed.

The sheriff came in, and I knew it was time. He sat down, and turned on the recording. I tried to stay calm as I told them every detail. I didn't tell them about how it was Garren in my nightmare, but I told them everything else. When I got to the part about Jay finding me, my mom was sobbing. I shook, and Garren just stared at the floor.

"Now, this is where I'm interested." The sheriff said in my pause. The door opened, and a mostly-healed Jay came in, followed by a cop. I smiled at him, and he returned it. The sheriff gave us a look, 'Explain.' I allowed Jay to tell the rest since he knew more about what happened. I curled up into Garren's side as we listened to his point of view. "... He was about to beat her more, but that was when I knocked him out. We heard you coming, and we made our way outside. You know the rest." He finished his story, and sat in a chair by the door.

We all sat for a while, the sheriff and detective finishing up notes. The sheriff stood, "Normally, we would have taken this case to court, but with this much evidence, we'll just show this to the judge and jury, and you don't have to hire an attorney, you don't have to show up at all." We thanked him, and they left. Jay stood up to leave, and I sprinted to him. He stared at me surprised. I quickly hugged him. He was taken aback, but responded in a hug of his own.

"Thank you!" I muttered. I looked up at him as he smiled at me. I stepped away, and my mom attacked him in a hug. They had a quick conversation, and he gave her the number to his new phone since Wyat broke his last one. Garren and I stood side by side, holding hands.

Jay waved at me, before leaving the station. The three of us followed after him, reaching the two cars. My mom got in her car, and Garren and I got in his. We all reached my house in an hour. My mom went into the kitchen. Garren and I sat on the couch. Turning on Netflix, I leaned on Garren, hiss arm over my shoulder.

My eyes grew heavy, and I laid my head on Garren's lap. He absent-mindedly brushed my hair with his fingers, staring at the TV. I smiled to myself, and fell asleep.

IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:*( Insanity is over!  It's been crazy writing this! I'm excited to focus on my other two stories, but I'm going to miss Devynn and Garren!!!!

Thanks to all of you who stayed with this story, and read to the end! Without your support, I would have gotten rid of this story!

On another note, I have entered this story into the Wattys, and it would mean so much to me if you guys all voted on my chapters and shared it with others! I don't care if I win, this is just for experience.

Thanks again for reading Insanity! Please check out my other two stories: The Devined, and Defeating Darkness!

Love you guys!


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